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Colton's Salvation: A Demented Sons MC Novel

Page 26

by Kristine Allen

  I reached up to caress his cheek and pull him in for another kiss. The kiss ended with a breathless sigh and my hand fell back to the bed to rest on my splayed, tangled hair.

  “That was amazing,” I exhaled in a breathless whisper. “You are amazing. I love you.”

  “We have only just started. Are you ready for me? I need you, Stephanie. Now. Do you want me to use a condom? I’m clean. I had myself tested even though I always used a condom because I didn’t want you to ever worry. And I haven’t been with anyone but you since the birthday party.” His words were rushed and strained. He had moved to place both his legs between mine with his engorged shaft resting at my drenched opening. He rubbed the end of his cock through the slippery wetness and slowly pushed the tip in and out, waiting for my response.

  “Yes, please. Oh God, please, Colton. And no, no condom. I need to feel you. I had my doctor test me as well… just in case… and I obviously can’t get more pregnant than I already am.” I smiled and tried to laugh, but it came out as a breathless sob.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you think of all that again.” He rested his forehead to mine as he held his weight off me with his bent arms. The remorse on his face had no place there. This was a time for happiness and enjoyment. I wanted him. I needed him.

  I raised my hips, pressing his cock a little deeper inside me, urging him to enter further by wrapping my legs around his and pulling him toward me. My teeth grasped his shoulder and my nails dug into his firm ass. Moans escaped me as I felt my walls grasp at his cock, desperate to have him gliding against them.

  “Please, baby. I need you,” were the only words I could get out. My heart began to race in anticipation and our coupling became almost essential to my existence.

  He blew out the breath he was holding as he swiftly entered me, buried to the hilt. “Jesus fucking Christ, you are so fucking tight. Don’t move, baby. Just don’t fucking move yet.” His head dropped to my shoulder momentarily as he fought to catch his breath and gain control. My hands stroked his back slowly as his lips hovered over my skin. When his eyes met mine again, they were brimming with carnal desire.

  The first stroke sent my nerves zinging with waves of erotic desire, and I tightened my legs around him. His expression became one of determination as he began a timeless, natural rhythm of stroking in and out of me. We both became slick with sweat, and I bit and licked the salty sheen on his bicep. This set off a climatic chain of events. He groaned as he increased his speed, and triggered the escalation of the sensations centered deep within me. I could never get over how sensitive I was to this man. Dear God, the sex was incredible. He was incredible.

  When he placed his hands under my ass and lifted me so he could drive deeper, I came undone. My body exploded with sensation and flashes of ecstasy, and I felt my sheath clench him tightly. He roared as he threw back his head, and I felt the pulsing surge of his cock as he filled me.


  Coming in her tight, hot, wet pussy was the closest I would ever get to heaven. I felt like I branded her from the inside with my cum. My control was completely and totaling fucking gone in the moment I roared in completion. My cock felt like it would never quit pulsing out my seed into her as her walls continued to clamp tighter around my cock, milking every last drop from me. Slowly, I continued to glide in and out a few times, feeling our combined fluids run out each time I thrust in. Heaven knew I didn’t want to crush her, but I was fucking spent, so I turned over to my back, pulling her with me so she sprawled across my chest and her legs tangled with mine.

  She lay cradled in one arm with my hand resting on her ass and the other played with the silky strands of her hair. Her delicate breath drifted across my chest as she held her ear to my racing heart. One of her slender hands traced over the tats on my chest and side. I swore I could lay like this with her forever.

  “Would you take me to get a tattoo when I’m able?” Her words shocked me, and I raised my head from the pillow to look her in the eye. She raised her head slightly to look at me, and I noticed the pink tinge to her cheeks. Fucking gorgeous woman. Her smile was nervous as she said, “Will you?”

  “Fuck yeah, I will. But are you sure you want to do that? I’m not trying to treat you like a child, but you do know that shit is permanent, right? I don’t want you to do anything you may regret later, baby.” I couldn’t lie, the thought of her inked up was sexy as fuck. I would love to see my name in a property tat too, but I didn’t know how she would feel about that. I would have to talk to her about it, because I wanted to mark her so every motherfucker out there knew she was mine. Forever.

  Mine. I fucking loved the sound of that.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I want to cover my scars with something beautiful so I don’t see a reminder of that horrendous experience every time I look at myself. I want to build new positive images in my mind and on my body. I also don’t want you to have to look at the scars on my body and be repulsed.” She said the last in an almost inaudible tone.

  I hugged her body tight to mine, kissing her head as I stroked her back from shoulder to her ass cheek.

  “Baby, you could never repulse me. Don’t ever fucking say that shit again, yeah? You’re the most fucking beautiful woman I have ever seen. Inside and out. I can’t be within 100 feet of you without busting out in a raging goddamn hard-on for fuck’s sake. But it’s more than that. You do something to me, baby. You turn me inside out. I have never felt like this about any other woman. Ever. I love you, Stephanie. I love you exactly the way you are. I’ll help get the tats done for you, but you don’t need to do it for me.” I kissed her again, and she turned her head to kiss my chest right over my traitorous heart. That fucking organ was hers too. It beat for her and my babies and only for them. I couldn’t live without her now. I knew it as sure as I fucking breathed her scent in right at that moment.

  Tears dropped to my chest, and I reached up to make her look at me again. What the fuck? I hated my baby crying. She smiled through her tears and stretched up to kiss my lips in a sweet chaste kiss.

  “I love you so much, Colton. Thank you for being as crazy about me as I am about you. Thank you for being an awesome dad to Remi. Thank you for accepting this baby without guarantee it was even yours. Thank you for saving me. You are an amazing man and my hero, Colton Alcott.” She grinned and kissed me again.

  “Woman, I am no fucking hero, I can tell you that. What I am is fucking insane for you, and I would do anything to make you happy and keep you safe. One thing I’m not compromising on though is we are getting married AS-fucking-AP. I’m not waiting for you to be mine any longer than I absolutely have to. Fuck no. ASAP. I mean it. So get with your mom and your friends and get shit together. I’ll be happy with a trip to the courthouse or a flight to Vegas, but I want it to be what you want. Just soon. You got it?” I tried to look stern with her, but she just smiled and laughed at me before nipping my chest with her pretty, white teeth.

  “Vegas actually sounds amazing to me. Will you be able to get time away from the MC for it?” she asked uncertainly.

  “Fuck, an excuse to party it up in Vegas? The guys will all want to be there. I’ll just talk to Snow to see when the soonest we can arrange it.” I laughed and squeezed her tight again before swatting her ass playfully. Hell yeah, this woman was going to officially be my wife soon. I was one happy, lucky motherfucker. At one time, I couldn’t see myself even living. Now, I had this gorgeous ray of sunshine, a beautiful little princess, and another precious gift on the way. And they fucking completed me. My angel had saved me more times than I could count, and now she would be mine forever.

  Life was sometimes complicated, and sometimes it seemed like you would never make it through. But life was also beautiful, and perhaps we had to go through some shit to be able to appreciate how amazing it really was. This little family of mine? They were my salvation.

  THE WEDDING CEREMONY WAS held in Vegas on a bright sunny, day in early October. Colton and Stephanie were marr
ied by a preacher-man who looked like Elvis with the groom in black jeans, a white button-up shirt, and his MC cut while the bride was radiant in a strapless, antique white, lace-covered gown that was fitted to under her breasts and then softly flowed to a handkerchief hem that hit mid-calf. They both had said they wanted to remember the day with laughter and smiles, and that was their reason for choosing the little chapel with “Elvis” presiding over the ceremony. Their flower girl had laughing blue eyes, dimples that knocked you off your feet, and ebony ringlets that bounced with each step up the aisle. Hollywood stood as Colton’s best man, and Becca was Stephanie’s maid of honor. No one commented on the tension that was palpable between the best man and the maid of honor, but everyone noticed with a subtle curiosity. The MC all had their bikes lined up, forming a gauntlet of Harley’s for them to rush through after the ceremony, laughing and holding hands as they were showered with rice and the rev of Harley engines.

  The next few months were not always picture perfect as they learned to live as a family, but it was still a beautiful life because they were a family. They made a promise on their wedding night to never go to bed mad, regardless of the situation. They kissed each other before falling asleep each night, and if they had been arguing, well, the make-up sex was explosive and cathartic. Some days Colton felt like PTSD was a creeping shadow waiting to suck him under. Other days, his family kept him grounded and sane. It was a work in progress, and he knew he would never be free of it, but prayed that there would be more days he stayed grounded than lost. Remi was so happy and excited to be a big sister, and she spoke to her little brother or sister every day while her momma and daddy listened on with happy smiles.

  The Oasis Pub became a popular hangout, not just for the MC and the citizens of the town, but for people passing through and tourists staying at the lakes. Colton was constantly working on fixing up the house, and it was a few-and-far-between weekend that everyone from the MC wasn’t there for a barbeque. The MC worked to become self-sufficient with legit business, but it was an ongoing process.

  Colton was a basket case the day Stephanie went into labor and ran around like a lunatic trying to get everything gathered up and ready until Stephanie gently placed her hand on his arm and granted him the smile that always calmed his heart, telling him everything was in the car, they just needed to call her parents to meet them at the hospital for Remi and actually get their butts there.

  Colton held her hand through the labor and swore they would never have sex again because he wasn’t going to have her go through this again. The nurses all tried to prevent him from seeing their smiles and rolling eyes because they had heard that one before. Stephanie laughed between contractions and assured him she was fine and they would indeed be having sex again or she would die of neglect, to which Colton glared at her as he held the cool rag to her head.

  When the doctor announced Colton and Stephanie were the proud parents of an 8 lb. 2 oz. baby boy, he smiled so big he felt his face would crack. He had a son. He had family. As he kissed his son’s inky, fluffy head of hair while Stephanie held him to her breast, he felt he would burst from the pride and love he felt for his family. Yes, life was indeed beautiful.

  The End

  Enjoy a preview of Mason and Becca’s story…

  I stood at the door of my best friend’s home and tried to work up the courage to knock.

  Shit, how was I going to explain why I was there with all my meager belongings packed in my car? A frustrated breath expelled from between my lips.

  I just didn’t know where else to go. I really didn’t know if it was the best place to go, considering I knew he, who ridiculously preoccupied my thoughts, was there in the same town, but Steph was my best, and it felt like only, friend at that point in my life. Telling myself I would just have to ignore him if I saw him seemed easier said than done.


  Sighing I reached up and knocked on the door.

  Seven Months Earlier

  I had always wanted to go to Vegas. So when Stephanie called me and told me she was getting married and she wanted me to be her maid of honor, heck yeah baby, I was there. I had been a wild child in college, but being an elementary school teacher kind of put a damper on being a party girl unless I went waaaay out of town. I don’t care who you are, everyone likes to let their hair down every so often.

  So there I was in Sin City, ready to party it up for Steph’s bachelorette party. Of course, Reaper and the guys would be in the background the whole time since he didn’t want her out of his sight after she had been attacked and tortured by her ex-boyfriend. Yeah, that really happened. I cannot make this shit up. And who could blame him? What a nightmare that was. God, I was angry she hadn’t called me after it happened and I chewed her ass out for it. She had said she was embarrassed by the situation and didn’t want to burden me with it, but dammit, we were supposed to be best friends. It was our job as best friends to be there for each other.

  Anyway, I was dressed to kill for the party that night because if I could, I was getting fucking shit faced and laid. My relationship with Trevor had been a dismal failure and had been the most miserable, boring, shitty year and a half of my life. I had tried to live a “respectable life”—yes, air quotes and all—and keep the image of a proper school teacher, but it wasn’t me. Now let me clarify. I’m not saying I wanted to run around and be a slut or a drunk, but I wanted to be able to go out and have a good time, occasionally.

  Not Trevor. Trevor was stable, responsible, reliable, had a great job on the Air Force Base in Omaha, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah… and he was boring. God, he was soooooo boring. His idea of a night out was to go to the movies and home again. Eating out would be a waste of money when we had a pantry full of food at home. Popcorn with your movie? Forget that shit. That was “over-priced and wasteful.” So? Movies and popcorn go together like peanut butter and chocolate. It should be illegal to have one without the other. Sorry, I digress. He sucked in bed. Like really sucked monkey balls bad. He insisted on the lights being out and only ever being in the missionary position. Really? Ugh. And an orgasm? What the fuck was that? I hadn’t achieved one without the help of my hand or BOB since the day Trevor and I moved in together. He hated me getting dressed up, doing my hair, wearing makeup – all things he considered ‘pretentious.’ What he wanted was some librarian-type or better yet, an Amish woman. Yeah, that’s what he should have found, an Amish chick. So breaking things off with him before I came to Vegas was the plan. The reality was he begged me to work on things when I got back. He wanted me to “go have a good time with the girls,” and then we would discuss things when I returned. He said… wait for it… he could try to change. Sheeeit. Okay. Sure.

  Yeah, discuss things? No. I was so done, but I didn’t want to keep arguing with him, so I decided to let it lie until I got back.

  So there I was in my tight, short red dress with my boobs flashing ample cleavage, and matte black, six-inch heels. My dark auburn hair was tamed with a shit ton of hair product, but the curls were still on the riotous side and fit my mood. I topped the look with some “fuck-me” deep red lipstick and looked at my reflection in the hotel mirror with satisfaction. I had gotten a light tan and was fit from hours spent at the gym in an effort to be away from Trevor. Man, I was so stupid for thinking I could make my parents happy and conform to society’s expectations of the good little school teacher by hooking up with a dud. My parents never thought I would curb my wild ways and settle down so I tried my damnedest to show them they were wrong.

  Unfortunately, maybe they had been right after all. I was a free spirit. I loved life and believed it should be lived to the fullest, every second of every day. It was amazing, but short, and we should enjoy it while it was ours.

  We all met up in the lobby. It was me, Steph, Kristina, her nurse from the hospital who she had ended up keeping in touch with and becoming great friends with—yeah, I was a little jealous—Pam, her married friend from Des Moines who also used to babysit Remi for he
r, and her high school friend, Letty. We giggled and shouted as we headed out to the first stop—a male revue at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Steph had laughed and said she didn’t need a male revue because she had her own personal male revue at home, to which I gagged in mock disgust and, truth be told, more than just a little bit of jealousy, because let’s be honest, Reaper was freaking hot and she was a damn lucky girl. My foot went down on this one though, and the rest of the girls backed me up. This was her bachelorette party, and much to Reaper’s displeasure, we were going to drool over some sexy ass abs and butts. Whooooo-Hooooooo! Hey, not all of us were getting married, and even for the ones who were, they were married, not dead, sheesh.

  We were preparing to load up in the limo that would be followed by Steph’s new SUV with the guys in it. That was when I saw him. Fucking hello hotness. Steph told me his name was Mason, but they called him Hollywood. Naturally, I had to know. So I had asked, in an oh-so-nonchalant way, who all the guys were. He was tall, had a freaking kick-ass toned body, dark blond just-been-fucked messy hair, and light hazel eyes. Yum. Oh, and did I mention he was hot? Oh yeah, totally hot. I’m talking lick-every-muscle-on-that-gorgeous-body-head-to-toe hot. Of course, he was chatting up Kristina, which only fueled that little shit-stirring green-eyed monster and made me a little more jealous of her, which really sucked because she was a sweetheart. I felt like such a bitch. A really jealous bitch.


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