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Gifted Connections [Book 2]

Page 16

by SM Olivier

  “Blake?” a small voice asked hesitantly.

  I grinned, close to tears at the relief I felt. “Yes! Do you remember me?”

  “Yeah,” he said in such an exasperated tone, I almost giggled. “I fell asleep with Ella on the couch watching a movie and I woke up at my dad’s. I thought you guys didn’t want me anymore,” he sounded sad.

  “No, buddy, I-” I quickly reassured him, before he interrupted me.

  “I know that now,” he piped up. “Are you here to get me?” he asked hopefully. “I have been trying to reach you, but you haven’t been answering me. I stopped trying to reach you. I thought maybe they got you, too.”

  “I couldn’t, I’m sorry,” I explained to him. “I had a block on me and now I have my gifts back. Are you alone? Is there anyone with you?”

  “There are three of us,” he explained. “And three guards left. They say they want to move me tonight. Horatio wants to meet me.”

  “Well we’re here now. What can those three people do?” I asked.

  “Ready?” he asked, and without waiting for my consent, I was sucked inside of his head. I was able to see that Alex was sitting on the couch with two other young teens. They were all sitting on the couch bound, watching some Disney Channel show.

  Two men were sitting at a table playing poker, smoking. The ashtray beside them filled with cigarette butts.

  “The fat guy keeps pushing me to find out my gift,” Alex explained. “He keeps trying to make me tell him the truth, but he’s not strong enough,” Alex scoffed. “He knows I’ve been lying to him. The bald guy is like Ella, but he only see’s minutes into—" He stopped as the bald guy suddenly stood up, his chair clattering to the floor.

  “They’re here!” he exclaimed, nervously looking around. Both men withdrew guns from the holsters at their hips.

  “Let’s go,” said another man who came into the room. He picked up the two teens like they weighed nothing.

  “Blake!” Alex called out in panic as the fat guy picked him up.

  I pulled myself away from him and looked over at Troy and Remy. “They know we’re here.”

  I started to run towards the house as the guys yelled my name. Remy caught up to me and hurled himself through the front door before I could warn him about the guns. I barely had time to set the forcefield around him to deflect the bullets. Troy came into the house. The man not holding Alex engulphed into flames. His terrified screams of pain pierced through the air. The guy who held Alex started to make a run for it, while the other man quickly dropped the teens and pushed him out of the way. I could see the fear in his eyes, and I knew he didn’t think the teens were worth the risk of his life.

  “Stop,” I compelled the man who held Alex. “Gently put him down,” I insisted.

  He put him down, as Jace, Jaxson, Noah, and Drake came running into the house. Alex quickly got up and launched his little body into my arms.

  “Blake!” he cried in relief as he squeezed me. “I was waiting for you!”

  “You promised to not get involved,” Noah gently admonished me.

  “Did anyone get the other guy?” I asked, ignoring him. I felt somewhat comforted that Alex looked fed and clean.

  “Pops, Gavin, and Collin are taking care of him,” Drake explained to me. It was the first time he had talked to me since the hospital.

  I turned back to the fat man, who was bawling. “I didn’t know! I didn’t know!”

  “Shut up,” I hissed. “Where are the restraints?” I asked the guys.

  Jaxson pulled some out of his pocket as he knelt next to the guy. He restrained the guy as Jace placed a comforting hand on the two young teens. I could see their fear abate as he placed his hands on them.

  “We’re the good guys,” he explained to them. “Will you go with us, so we can help you get back to your parents?”

  “I don’t have any parents,” the beautiful black girl of about 11 or 12 stated. “They took me from my granny, and she hasn’t been right in the head for a while. She keeps calling me Tanya. Tanya was my mom. I’m Jasmine.”

  “No worries,” Jace stated. “We have a wonderful place we can show you, and if you like it there, you can stay.”

  Jasmine slowly nodded. “I don’t think Granny’s gonna miss me, and I don’t want to go with CPS.”

  “I don’t want to go home,” the other young teen stated. “Mom and Dad are afraid of me,” he looked down at his feet. “Whenever I draw something, it happens in their dreams.” He looked at us levelly. “I don’t draw pleasant things.”

  He was a teen a little on the thicker side, with peculiar features. His eyes, though, were stunning, and carried a haunted look. He was far too young to be carrying the weight he was carrying in them.

  “It’s okay,” Jace stated. “We can try to help you both with your gifts.”

  “It’s not a gift,” the boy scoffed. “More like a curse.”

  “You won’t feel that way for long,” Jaxson said confidently as he pulled the fat man up on his feet with the help of Remy.

  “Let’s go,” Jemmy stated as she came into the house. “The swipe teams on their way.”

  “Are we going to get Micah?” Alex asked expectantly.

  Since Baltimore wasn’t too far away from our location, we decided to head there by vehicle. Collin was using his blocking gifts on the prisoners we got, so he was accompanying Will back to Knightstown. Jemmy and Gavin were taking the two teens back with them. Will asked Rachel to return with them, so she can help interrogate the prisoners. That left me and the guys heading to Baltimore with Alex.

  “He’s really tired,” Alex said with concern next to me. “He’s been running for weeks. He thinks they have a tracker with them, because every time he thinks he lost them, they find him again.”

  “Can you tell him we’re on the way, and let him know when we get there, we’ll ask him to meet us somewhere?” I asked, barely stifling a yawn.

  I hadn’t used my gifts for long, but I was still exhausted. My body was still recovering and wasn’t too pleased I hadn’t eaten yet.

  “You need to eat,” Jaxson stated beside me. I looked at him with wide eyes, and he gave me a crooked smile. “I can hear your stomach.”

  “We have no time,” I stated resolutely.

  “We can stop at the McDonalds up here, next to the Bay Bridge,” Remy said from the front seat.

  “Can I get a Happy Meal!?” Alex asked excitedly.

  Jace chuckled. “Yes, we can get you a Happy Meal.”

  Soon we were going through the drive thru, and I ordered a Big Mac meal, large. I couldn’t finish my meal; I was so tired that I ended up passing out on Jaxson’s shoulder.

  I woke up when we got to the outskirts of Baltimore. I could tell Alex was slightly nervous as he bounced up and down in his seat.

  “He’s not alone,” he said worry lacing his words. “They finally found him.”

  “Where is he?” Remy asked urgently.

  “He’s says he’s at the Aquarium,” he stated after a few moments. “There’s a lot of families there today and he’s been trying to blend in.”

  “Tell him we’re almost there,” I bit my lip in consternation as I squeezed Alex’s hand.

  As we pulled up into the parking lot, Remy turned to Alex. “Can you tell him, we’re here? Can he meet us out—"

  He stopped in midsentence as a tall gangly teen with red curly hair and green eyes popped into the back seat. “Go!” he shouted as we saw five men running out of a side door of the aquarium.

  The Tahoe started to shake as the tires lifted off the ground.

  I felt a sudden pressure in my head, and I heard the guys yell out in pain. “They have an empath out there,” Jace said through clenched teeth.

  “And a telekinetic,” Remy hissed as he tried to force his door open.

  I acted on pure instinct as the pressure continued to build in my head. I unbuckled my seat belt and fell to my knees on the ground.

  The Tahoe came crashing down
and I bit my tongue and hit my head against the door. I yelled out in pain as I tasted the sharp metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I felt the Tahoe begin to rise once more and I took the opportunity to push open the door. I stumbled out of the SUV and fell to the asphalt, scraping my hands on the pavement.

  “Blake!” I heard Noah call out my name in panic.

  I could feel the iciness engulf me as the empath tried to push feelings of despair and loss onto me. I almost gave in to the feelings, but I felt Jace’s warmth begin to envelope me, battling the other empath.

  I watched as a man advanced towards us, hail-like objects flying from his hands. They were pelted into the vehicle. The sound of glass shattering filled my ears.

  Troy jumped out of the vehicle beside me and carefully took aim against the hail, melting it before it could make impact. Drake jumped out next, creating a force field around us, kneeling beside me as he tried to get me up. Remy was running at full speed as he tackled a man trying to pull our vehicle into the cyclone. He flew a good 20 feet before his head connected hard with the asphalt.

  “We can’t fight them off for long,” Noah bit out as he shielded Alex with his body. “They’re strong. Horatio sent his best.”

  “They really want us,” Alex cried out. “They’re not nice. They do mean things,” he was crying.

  I watched as Micah showed up behind the telekinetic man and swung a tire iron at his head. The man crumbled to the ground. Micah showed up behind another man who seemed to flash with speed before my eyes. I knew I had to snap out of it. I had to help get us out of here.

  I focused all my energy into feeling all their gifts and commanded them to stop. The guys on the other side paused in mid motion. “Leave,” I commanded them. “You never saw us. You don’t know why you came here,” I added.

  We all sighed with relief as they began to move away. Micah had knocked the one guy out cold, so he had to be dragged away, along with the guy Remy had hit.

  The guys came walking back, and Remy cursed as he looked at the Tahoe. The front tires were now laying at a weird angel. “The front axel’s shot.”

  “Let’s go,” Jaxson muttered. “We drew a crowd.”

  “I’m calling the swipe team,” Jace stated as he pulled out his cell phone.

  Noah hopped out of the truck and took Alex’s hand. “Where are we going?”

  Jaxson was busy casting illusions of a movie set. Everyone that had saw what just happened would think they were watching a movie being made. It was a bit disconcerting to see me kneeling where I had been kneeling moments before. He cast the illusion like we were still standing there. By the time the bystanders realized it was an illusion, we would be long gone.

  “We need to erase any camera footage,” Drake said with worry. “We haven’t been out in open like this before. Not to this degree.”

  Micah disappeared in front of me and reappeared moments later. “Done,” he said with a satisfied smile.

  “That’s a pretty neat trick,” Jaxson said with a smile.

  “Oh yeah,” Micah smiled with a cocky grin. “Watch this,” he said as he grabbed my hand.

  My first experience with teleporting was highly alarming.

  It wasn’t long before we were on another private jet heading back home. It was a long day of using my powers, and I was hungry, tired, and straining worse than I ever had. I longed for a sexual release but didn’t know how to approach any of the guys with my needs. It was getting dark out and Noah was busy entertaining Alex; my heart warmed at how good he was with him. Jace was busy tapping away on his lap top. Drake was having a quiet, but intense conversation on the phone. Jaxson, Micah, and Remy were passed out in their recliners.

  Micah was beyond exhausted from running so long. This was the first time he was safe in weeks.

  I knew Troy was sitting up in the cock pit with the pilot. I was too wired to sleep, no matter how tired I was, and I decided to make my way up to the cock pit. I was thinking I would be able to talk to him, get to know him again. After all, we needed to make this connection.

  I lightly tapped on the door and was told to come in. I walked in and took a seat behind the pilot. “I couldn’t sleep,” I said quietly.

  Troy looked at me with assessing eyes. “I know how you feel,” he said quietly. “Hey Joe, want to stretch your legs a bit, get some coffee, something to eat, see how Kendra’s doing” he said to the pilot.

  Kendra was the flight attendant that had given us refreshments and snacks, but it hadn’t been enough to fill me.

  Joe gave him a grateful smile, “Yeah?” I could tell he must have a thing for the pretty flight attendant and was eager to spend some time with her.

  “Yeah,” Troy nodded. “This thing practically flies itself, and I’m sure Blake would like to sit co-pilot for a little bit.”

  Joe didn’t need a second invitation, he was out the door quickly.

  I nodded with a smile. “That would be cool. You once flew me on the helicopter, this will be another unique experience.”

  Troy’s eyes clouded for a moment before he nodded. “I remember that,” he said slowly.

  I slid into the seat next to him. He looked at me and smiled. He reached out to grab my hand. In my heightened state I didn’t realize I had brought my sexual tension out in my touch or that I was pushing my emotions to him.

  “Blake,” he hissed, his voice heavy with desire.

  “Sorry,” I blushed, taking my hand away and staring at my hands. “I forgot how…the strain felt. I didn’t mean to push my…desire onto you.”

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed about,” Troy said hoarsely. “Why do you think I came up here? I didn’t trust myself to be near you. I want you. Now.”

  “Really?” I asked tentatively. I felt my desire rise more. I always thought I was an asexual being, until I met my guys. Reticence warred with the desire within. Part of me felt like I needed to take the time to get to know Troy again. The other part of me wanted to rip off his clothes and see what it would be like to be with him.

  He turned and messed with some buttons on the dashboard of the plane. He stood up and I could see the hunger in his eyes mirroring my own. He pulled me out of my seat and lifted me up. Almost stumbling in his haste to taste my lips.

  I eagerly opened my mouth to him, sucking on his tongue as he moaned deep in his throat. His hands cradled the back of my head, allowing him deeper access. Kissing him had always been erotic. In the past, that’s all we did, and for the life of me, I don’t know why we never did anything more.

  I felt his hands on my zipper, located on the back of my suit. He raised his eyebrows in question. I knew he wanted my permission. I eagerly nodded. I heard his breath leave his lungs like he had been holding it.

  He looked down at me, making me squirm uncomfortably. A man like him was experienced. He had admitted as much. I was still new to all this. I wanted to snatch my suit back up, feeling horribly self-conscious.

  “So beautiful,” his voice was barely a whisper.

  He went back to kissing me passionately. I could feel his hands exploring my back, pushing the material off my arms and around my waist. His warm hands explored my body from the waist up, his hands finally finding my breast. He lifted the weight of them into his palms and rubbed my nipples with his thumbs, through my bra.

  I whimpered as I felt the warmth spread in my stomach and down to my core. I was highly aroused by his knowing touch.

  “You have too many clothes on,” I muttered in frustration as I went to dig my nails into his back. Rubbing my body against him, wanting… Needing to get closer to him.

  He stepped back, keeping our lips connected, his breathing ragged as he released the zips on his suit, revealing his beautiful olive complexion. His pectoral muscles jumped under my touch, he hissed as I ran my hands down his six-pack abs. I couldn’t help myself as I took the material in my hands, pushing it down as I got down on my knees, following it as the material bunched down at his feet.

  I pulled his
boxer briefs down, releasing his hard member. I couldn’t resist wanting to taste him. To know what his male essence would taste like. I wrapped my lips around him and heard him hiss out my name as I licked and sucked on him. He tasted good. I wanted more.

  “Blake,” he groaned. “I want to feel all of you, I want all of you.”

  He pulled me up and sat down on the chair. “Ride me, please,” he breathed.

  I didn’t need to be told twice as I slid my body down onto his hard member. It was my turn to moan as I felt him fill me.

  “Ahh,” he groaned. “You feel better than I imagined.”

  Part of me wanted to enjoy this moment, but the other part of me wanted to see how fast we could find our release. He was impatient. He grabbed my hips and started to work me up and down. I thrust my hips forward matching my movements with his. He leaned forward to push my bra up, taking my nipple into his mouth to suck on it greedily as he drove up into me.

  It didn’t take long for me to feel the pressure building up within. I could feel the tenseness in his shoulders as I clutched onto him.

  “Come for me,” he muttered as he nipped my shoulder. It brought both pleasure and pain, and I was helpless to disobey him as I felt myself falling apart. I closed my eyes, stifling my scream into his chest. I felt his legs stiffen beneath me and heard his guttural groan as he followed me. The stars were bright behind my closed eyelids.

  I felt the energy coarse through me and saw a flash of light, behind my eyelids as I tried to catch my breath. I didn’t know what caused the flash of light because the darkness wanted to engulf me once more.

  I came to in utter chaos. I could see I was hastily dressed once more and being carried out to the back of the jet. I could see Troy in the co-pilot’s seat of the plane as Joe frantically messed with his controls.

  “Where did this storm come from,” he said in bewilderment. “We were supposed to have clear skies tonight.”

  Troy turned and looked at me with a crooked, satisfied grin, before turning back around. Another flash of lightening lit up the cabin.


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