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Daniel's Desire

Page 20

by Sherryl Woods

  “I have another present,” he said. “But it’s for Retta and you.”


  “I bought a dishwasher, so neither of you will spend half your lives up to your elbows in hot, sudsy water again.”

  Molly laughed. “Who said the man wasn’t a romantic?”

  Connor slapped him on the back. “Now, where was I?” he asked, lifting his glass again. “To Molly and Daniel, may there be years of happiness ahead of them.”

  Molly found her own half-filled glass on the bar and lifted it. “To the Devaneys,” she said, fighting tears. “I hope that you’ll continue the long journey back to each other. No matter the tears you’ve shed or the aches in your hearts, in the end you’re family. I hope you come to find pride and joy in that.”

  Daniel’s mother smiled at her. “Amen,” she said softly, then looked at each of her sons in turn.

  “Amen,” Ryan said.

  One by one the others chimed in, then looked to Connor.

  “To the Devaneys,” he said, his voice choked. “Together again.”


  The baby in Molly’s arms squalled loudly enough to shake the rafters of the old church. Next to her Daniel grinned.

  “If that’s the way Patrick and I were, it’s a wonder Mom and Dad didn’t leave us behind in Boston,” he said, gazing down at baby Connor, then letting his gaze drift to Molly’s rounded stomach. “Do you suppose our firstborn is going to be as noisy?”

  “Oh, I imagine we can count on that,” Molly told him, just as Alice came rushing into the church to claim her son.

  “Sorry,” she apologized. “Kathleen was fussing up a storm, too.”

  “Where is our goddaughter?” Molly asked, even as she handed over her godson.

  “With Patrick. He has a soothing effect on her,” Alice said.

  Daniel eyed the now peaceful baby warily. “I hope this twin thing is done for our generation.”

  “I don’t,” Molly said, her hand on her belly. “I think twins would be wonderful.”

  Her mother-in-law arrived just in time to hear her. “Twins are the greatest gift God can give you,” she said, smiling down on baby Connor. “As long as you can survive the first, oh, eighteen years.”

  Alice groaned. “I was hoping things would improve a whole lot sooner than that.”

  “Depends on whether they got more of your genes or their daddy’s,” Kathleen Devaney told her.

  Patrick arrived just then with a sleeping baby girl in his arms. “They’re Devaneys through and through,” he said. “Black hair, blue eyes, an appetite and a temper.”

  Molly gazed at Daniel. “At least they turn out okay once they’re fully grown,” she said. “Where is everyone, by the way? I thought this christening was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago?”

  “We’re waiting for Ryan and Maggie,” he told her. “He called from the road. He said it’s taken them longer because they’ve had to stop half a dozen times for Maggie to run to the rest room.”

  All three women exchanged a look. “She’s pregnant, isn’t she?” Molly asked, grinning.

  “Has to be,” Alice said.

  Kathleen’s expression turned nostalgic. “Never had a day of morning sickness, not with any of my boys.”

  Molly frowned at her mother-in-law. “You’ve just forgotten.”

  “No, I swear it. Not a day.”

  Alice scowled. “I could hate you.”

  “Me, too,” Molly said. “And we definitely don’t want to share that with Maggie.”

  “Share what with me?” Maggie asked, rushing into the church to take her place in front as baby Kathleen’s second godmother. She looked pale but extraordinarily happy.

  “Nothing,” Molly, Alice and Kathleen chorused.

  Ryan and the rest of the family came inside then, settling into pews as the priest joined them.

  “It is always a joyous occasion to welcome a new life into the church,” he said. “It is even more so when the family has been twice blessed.”

  Molly felt Daniel’s hands on her waist as he stood behind her and listened to the timeless ceremony. She held baby Connor cradled in her arms once more. He was sleeping now and smelled of talcum powder. She gazed at him and thought of another baby who hadn’t had a chance at life. Maybe God had known best, after all. Maybe she and Daniel had needed time to reach this moment, when their hearts were full and they were surrounded by family, so that a baby would be welcomed as it deserved.

  In a few months they would be back here again with their own baby, asking God’s blessing. Her heart filled to bursting as she envisioned it. She’d lost so much a few years ago, and she would never forget that. It made this moment—it made every moment she and Daniel shared—all the more precious.

  She twisted to gaze up at him and saw the love shining in his eyes, the sense of anticipation and the faint shadow of sadness, and knew he was feeling all of the same emotions she was feeling. It had taken time, but they were in the same place now.

  At the priest’s words, she held baby Connor out for his blessing, then grinned when the baby awoke and squalled loudly as the cross was made on his forehead. Maybe that’s what life was, in the end, a mix of blessings and protests, of struggles and joys.

  As Connor settled down again, Molly gazed around the church, saw the private smiles between Ryan and Maggie, Sean and Deanna, Michael and Kelly. Saw the wink Patrick gave to Alice and the misty smile Kathleen shared with Connor. And then she met Daniel’s gaze and saw the love brimming over in his eyes. There was her happily-ever-after ending, she thought, in his eyes.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I love you, too…but would you please, please try not to wake the babies?”

  Patrick grinned at both of them. “Amen to that.”

  As if on cue, baby Connor and baby Kathleen both began to bellow. Patrick groaned.

  “Never you mind,” his mother said. “Your father and I will take the babies.”

  Connor was already reaching for his grandson. Molly handed the screaming baby over to him and watched in awe as the baby immediately fell silent.

  “I’m booking you for baby-sitting for the next six years, minimum,” she told her father-in-law.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Alice said. “I have first dibs.”

  “I want him in Boston,” Maggie chimed in, to Connor’s obvious delight.

  He glanced at his wife. “I think we have our family back,” he told her.

  She nodded, tears in her eyes. “It’s been a long time coming,” she agreed. “But I think we do at last.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5324-1


  Copyright © 2003 by Sherryl Woods

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  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  ‡And Baby Makes T

  ‡And Baby Makes Three

  **The Bridal Path

  **The Bridal Path

  **The Bridal Path

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  ◊And Baby Makes Three: The Delacourts of Texas

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  §The Calamity Janes

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ‡‡The Devaneys

  ††And Baby Makes Three: The Next Generation

  §The Calamity Janes




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