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The Priestess and the Dragon_Book 1 in the Dragon Saga

Page 36

by Nicolette Andrews

  "It's too late. You are immortal now; it cannot be undone."

  Weak and trembling, Kazue reached for her staff. Suzume despaired for Kazue. She had gone to such lengths to become immortal. Now when it was too late she learned the cost. She had lost the man she loved, her child, and now she had unleashed darkness unto the world.

  "I may not be able to change what I have done, but I can stop you. I will seal you away. I will not unleash you on the world." She raised her staff and sang a song that was high pitched and desperate. Hisato looked about, his eyes wide, but the music rippled over him. He shrank down as he cried out. When Kazue's song ended, nothing remained but a black stone, which clanked as it fell to the ground. It fell into the center of the eight stones.

  "I need to seal him," Kazue said. Suzume did not know who she was talking to until she saw the guardian approach. "I have ripped my soul apart; it is the only way to stop this evil from being unleashed upon the world."

  She turned to the guardian, leaning heavily on her staff. "I leave you in charge of my protection. I am sorry, I promised to release you and your family, but this is for the greater good. She raised her staff and brought it down with a crash. The spheres rose up into the air and shot out in all directions in bright-colored streaks of light. All that remained was a round red stone. The guardian picked it up and looked to a cave nearby.

  The vision cleared and Suzume stood once more in the cave with the apparition of Kazue. "I broke my soul to seal away my mistake. But someone has broken that seal. And the darkness of my soul has been unleashed. I believe whoever put my piece of soul in you has done so with others. You must retrieve the others and bring back the pieces of my soul together, only then can the darkness be destroyed for good."

  Suzume trembled. It was almost too much to take in. "What am I supposed to do? I never wanted any of this. I'm not brave, I'm selfish, and honestly, I would rather be curled up in a ball when the fighting comes."

  Kazue smiled. "I know, but he will not leave you be. He wants your portion of my soul, and he will do whatever it takes to get you. He needs you to complete his transformation."

  "What transformation is that?" Suzume's mouth felt dry.

  "He is the evil that was in my soul and now he wants to become a god. He is searching for the eight Kami that I hid when I sealed him. Once he has them and all the fragments of my soul, he will be able to transcend. He will be unstoppable."

  Suzume chewed her lip. She did not want to be a hero. She kept trying to convince herself that she wanted the life she had before. But was that really the case after everything that had happened? She had fought Yokai, been under the spell of a spider, and lived more in a couple of weeks than she had in her entire life up until now. She had even passed up a chance to return to the palace when Daiki offered it. What do I really want? Hisato wants my piece of Kazue's soul, which means I will be in danger no matter what. It was something she had gotten used to. I knew deep down he was no good. What if I could be a hero for once?

  "Fine. I'll stop him. Where do I go from here?"

  "First you'll need to find the remaining pieces of my soul. Once you do that, you'll need the eight trapped gods."

  "Great. Nothing too hard, then," Suzume said sarcastically.

  "Well, they're all hidden. Even I do not know where they are."

  Suzume resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Apparently Kazue did not understand sarcasm. "And they're probably warded and guarded by horrible beasts, huh?"

  Kazue grinned. "Most definitely." Okay, maybe she does get sarcasm.

  Suzume sighed. "I suppose I should get to work."

  "I will help you as much as I can, but my power grows faint." Kazue's image flickered and disappeared. The stone was warm in Suzume's hand. The light continued to flicker as if Kazue watched her from inside. She turned to leave and continued the twisted trek out of the tunnels. At the top, the thick clouds blocked the entrance and everything was eerily quiet. She had expected the guardian and Kaito to be waiting for her, but there was no one there. I don't like the looks of this. The hairs on the back of Suzume's neck began to prickle.

  Something's wrong. Kazue's voice spoke in Suzume's head. She was so surprised she nearly dropped the stone. "I didn't know you could talk in my head," Suzume said aloud.

  I forgot to mention that. Well, I can. There is something dangerous nearby; proceed with caution.

  "How do I get out of here? The guardian said this place is full of traps."

  I will guide you, just listen to my instructions.

  And so Kazue navigated Suzume through the maze in the clouds. As they neared the end of the maze, the sound of fighting met her ears. Suzume hurried her pace and grabbed for her staff, which was strapped to her back.

  When she broke through the cloud cover, she saw Kaito fighting off a dark humanoid creature without a face. The thing swung two blades in circles as it crept towards him. The guardian, Tsuki and Rin fought similar figures.

  This is the darkness' work. I can tell, Kazue said.

  Suzume only needed a signal to enter the fray.

  "Why, Suzume, how nice of you to join the party," Hisato said as he reached around Suzume and grabbed a hold of her waist.

  Chapter Forty-nine

  Follow my lead, Kazue whispered in Suzume's ear. Or at least that's how she imagined it since it was all in her head.

  Okay, Suzume replied, though she was not certain Kazue could hear her thoughts.

  Hisato is a part of me, so he can anticipate your moves before you make them. You have to think outside your normal patterns. I want you to go along with whatever he says.

  You make it sound so easy, Suzume said, trying to infuse sarcasm into her mind's voice, but she was not certain the point came across.

  "Did you get what you were searching for?" Hisato asked. He pulled her close, and she could feel all the planes of his muscles tensing as he tightened his grip. His breath, hot against her neck, sent ripples of goose bumps along her skin. He pressed his hand flat against her stomach. She tried to keep her muscles relaxed so as not to give away her discomfort.

  "I did," she replied. Her voice shook somewhat. "I see you haven't been idle." Suzume's gaze swept across the courtyard. In total there were a dozen of the faceless figures. Empty sockets and smooth skin replaced what should have been their faces.

  Rin had transformed into her fox form and she loomed above the creatures and swiped at them with a massive red paw. She knocked over three with one swipe and they burst apart into black clouds. Black sludge rained down and six more emerged from the pools of goop, this time with weapons in hand. They rushed Rin with spears. She bared her teeth at the creatures as they jabbed at her.

  Shards of ice rained down from the gray clouds overhead, impaling several of the creatures. Suzume looked up to see Kaito in dragon form, flying overhead. But the impaled creatures only split into thirds, creating three new creatures, these ones with swords.

  "No, I have not. Do you like my pets? I brought them for you," Hisato purred into Suzume's ear.

  Suzume closed her eyes, just thinking that she had almost made a deal with this creep made her want to punch him. Her hand itched to reach for her staff, but Kazue's warning still rang through her head. That's what Hisato was expecting, he knew she would try to fight him, and if she did--she would lose.

  Hisato spun Suzume around in his arms so they were standing face to face. He tilted her head back by grabbing her chin between his thumb and forefinger. She had wondered why when they touched he did not set off her defensive mechanisms, and now she knew it was because they came from the same source. At one point they had both been part of Kazue. Or at least the fragment of Kazue's soul attached to Suzume had.

  "You're very kind, but I did not need you to kill them. I am planning on returning to the palace now. I should be going, actually..." She tried to unlock herself from his embrace, but he jerked her head back. Suzume gasped and bit down on an expletive. There were a few choice words she wanted to say, but she
held them back.

  "I'm not ready to let you go, Suzume. I told you before we are meant for one another--destined as you and the Dragon never could be."

  A shiver of premonition rippled down her spine. "You knew the whole time. Why have me go into that cave if you knew..."

  He smiled. "As I said, everything must maintain its balance. I cannot tell you a story that is not mine to tell. Just as I cannot force you to choose me."

  "If you're not forcing me, then let me go." She wrenched her arm, but his grip only tightened. The fighting continued on around them, but it felt muted and distant, as all her attention was focused on Hisato.

  "I cannot force you, but I can persuade." He leaned in close enough that his lips hovered over hers, but they did not touch. Her stomach tightened and she yanked her head back. Just the idea of kissing him made her feel like she would be kissing a sibling--never an enticing prospect.

  "You're going to try to persuade me just like you tried to convince me to kill Kaito. Maybe the reason you cannot kill Kaito is because you are a part of Kazue and you love him too."

  He threw his head back as he laughed. "No, I have no love for the Dragon. His power will help me grow, but I have no desire for male flesh. Yours, however..." He trailed a hand up her side and brushed against the side of her breast. It was the last straw. The power came with little effort; it was burning hot and fast. She imagined it in her hands, focusing on the palms. She placed her hands on Hisato's chest and forced the power into him.

  He yelped and dropped Suzume. Two scorch marks in the shape of Suzume's hands were burned onto his chest. Suzume's chest burned as well. She touched her robe and the skin beneath was inflamed.

  Hisato grinned. "Haven't you figured it out yet? We are of one flesh, Suzume. Anything that harms me will harm you."

  Would it have killed you to mention that detail? Suzume thought to Kazue.

  I told you to play along with him, Kazue replied. I didn't think you would try to attack him.

  "But you attacked me back at the shrine, why weren't you hurt then?"

  Hisato smiled in a disjointed way. "I never said it didn't hurt me."

  "Just because we cannot harm one another does not mean I'm going to play along," Suzume said to Hisato.

  "Would you change fate, Suzume? Would you give up your life for the Dragon's?"

  "What are you talking about now?" Suzume said. She reached for the staff, she may not be able to attack, but it gave her some comfort.

  Just wait a moment longer, Kazue said.

  I hope you have an idea because I'm running short of patience.

  Kazue did not answer.

  Nearby Kaito growled as he was pulled to the ground by the strange black creatures. There were hundreds of them now. They pinned Kaito to the ground and one straddled his back and pulled on his whiskers. Rin lay still on the ground, her tails flopped over. The guardian and Tsuki fought back to back as more and more of the creatures circled around them.

  "You see," Hisato said, "there is no use fighting. Join me, Suzume, and together we will rule. Apart we will fall. Our birth created an imbalance in the world, one that the Dragon will seek to correct. It is not you he wants but Kazue. If it means killing you to save her soul, he will not hesitate to do it. "

  She knew he expected her to consider his offer, at least, but it was difficult to even pretend. A part of her wanted to agree with what he was saying. She knew Kaito loved Kazue, and once he learned she was not really Kazue but a fragment of her soul was attached to hers, his feelings would change. Would he kill me, really? She had been deceived by Hisato before. The others needed her help. Whatever their faults, they had fought alongside her and come to her aid when she needed it. I betrayed them once; I won't do it again. I have to save them.

  Before Suzume could be proud of her own growth, Hisato yanked on her arm and brought her over to Kaito. The black creatures had chained him to the ground. Whatever had bound him was searing his flesh, and the air smelled of burning skin and hair. Hisato forced Suzume onto her knees in front of Kaito.

  "The time has come, Suzume. Prove to me how much you want to be free of him. Seal him away and use the power to return your life to the way it was."

  She looked down at Kaito. Still in dragon form, he looked up at her with large blue eyes covered by bushy brows. He looked sad, damaged, betrayed. She could not look away. He had looked the same way when Kazue sealed him away, and it broke something inside her. I can't do this. How much longer can I pretend?

  A few feet away the guardian roared for his son. Everything moved too fast. The creatures became a black undulating mass around her. Hisato faded away; all her attention focused on Kaito. Suzume reached for the staff, drew it, and pointed it at Kaito. She could feel Hisato's triumphant smile. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then a song came to her from somewhere deep and primal. Perhaps it was Kazue that provided the words, Suzume could not be certain, but the power coursed through her veins, the dams broke and were shattered. She was living, breathing power. Energy rippled over her skin and lifted her hair off of her head.

  She swung the staff in a circle, singing all the while. The sound of her voice echoed off the walls and surrounded them, wrapping together and making it sound as if there were a hundred of her singing the same song all at once. Kaito closed his eyes, prepared to have Suzume unleash the power upon him. Hisato laughed, gloating in his triumph, and then at the last moment Suzume turned towards Hisato. He stopped laughing and looked at Suzume, his expression confused at first, then reality dawned on him.

  Now! Kazue shouted inside Suzume's head. And the power burst from her in a torrent. She was emptied down to the last drop and she fell to her knees. Then standing in front of her was Kazue in the flesh. She looked powerful and beautiful. She took the staff from Suzume's fumbling hands.

  Hisato looked amused, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his lips. Then Kazue attacked Hisato. To Suzume's and Hisato's surprise, the attacks did not affect Suzume. Though he was shocked at first, Hisato fought back once he realized the blows did not impact Suzume. He had a blade that was black as pitch and he swung it at Kazue as she thrust and dodged with the staff in hand.

  Suzume watched it all in a haze as the glowing Kazue harried Hisato around the courtyard. The black creatures attacked her as well, but one swing of the staff sliced them in half and they disappeared into puffs of smoke.

  When none were left but Hisato and Kazue, he put up his hands and said with a smile, "Well played, Mother. I shall cede the day to you, but I will return for my bride soon." With a wave of his hand, he opened a portal behind him and stepped through it. The rip in space closed, leaving behind gray sky as if he had never been there at all.

  Kazue stood very still, staff lowered. Kaito rose to his feet. He walked at first and then ran to Kazue, who stood at the edge of the courtyard. While she had been fighting Hisato, she had been glowing and powerful, but even now she had begun to fade. Kaito grabbed onto her translucent shoulder and Kazue turned around to face him. He cupped her cheek and Suzume could see his fingers through Kazue's skin.

  "You returned to me," Kaito said.

  She turned her face into his hand. "I am sorry, my love. This was never how I intended this to happen."

  "Shh. Don't speak like that."

  She shook her head. She was nearly gone now, just a wisp of smoke. "This was all I had left, but I am glad I had this last chance to see your face." She reached up and kissed Kaito. Her lips brushed against his before she burst into sparkling red lights that faded and dimmed. It was the last thing Suzume saw before darkness crept over her and she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Fifty

  Suzume hurt all over. She felt like an old rag that had been wrung out one too many times. Her eyes dragged open and she stared at the roof of an unfamiliar room. She tried to turn her head to look around, but it seemed to take too much energy. She closed her eyes again when she heard voices.

  "What is wrong with her?" Kaito said. T
here was an edge to his voice that if she hadn't been so delusional with exhaustion, she would have thought it sounded like he was concerned for her.

  Akira answered, "She unleashed Kazue's full power and it emptied her completely. It's going to take time for her to recover. I promise I will call you the moment she wakes."

  He huffed. "Fine, I'm going out to look for Hisato again; I'll be back."

  Suzume slipped under once more. She dreamed of the ocean. She had never seen it before, but it was clear in her mind. It was dark blue and green. It moved, rolling and rocking. Suzume floated along the surface, and her hair fanned out around her like seaweed drifting on the tide. The sky overhead was bright blue, and puffy white clouds floated lazily over her. I could stay here forever, never worry, just float along.

  The waves pushed her along and she landed at the shore of an island. It was not much more than black rock. There was a small stone pathway that led upward and twisted around a jagged stone pyre. Before Suzume could take a few steps towards it, she woke in a dark room.

  She was not sure how long she had been asleep, but judging from the white candles with wax burned down and pooling on the floor in puddles, it must be the middle of the night. She had just enough energy to roll her head to the side. She was surprised to see Rin kneeling down next to her cot. Suzume blinked a few times.

  "What are you doing here?" Suzume's voice came out scratchy and thick. Her tongue felt too big for her mouth and her throat was dry.

  Rin picked up a cup and offered it to Suzume. Suzume shook her head, though the liquid sounded divine, she did not even have the energy to hold a cup. Whatever Kazue had done, it had torn Suzume apart. I wonder if I will ever be able to move again. Kazue? Silence met her question. It would seem Kazue was gone.

  "You need to drink," Rin said.

  "I can't--" Suzume rasped.

  Rin caught onto her meaning and dribbled the water into Suzume's mouth. It was the most refreshing thing she'd ever tasted. Suzume licked her cracked and dried lips. She closed her eyes, and the exhaustion attempted to pull her under into sweet oblivion once more.


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