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Adrian's Vengeance: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 15

by Isabella Starling

  She glares at me and walks right past me into the gardens.

  I catch up in two quick steps, tugging on her arm. "Don't walk away from me, Marzia. You're making me real fucking angry."

  "You don't tell me what to do," she snaps back. "Who do you think you are? My fiancé?"

  The words cut deep, and she knows it.

  But all Marzia does is smirk and keeps walking.

  "And here I was, doing something nice for you."

  She looks at me over her shoulder, but I'm done hurrying along to catch up with her. She slows her walk. "What do you mean?"

  "There will be a surprise in your room when you get back."

  "What kind of surprise?"

  "One you'll like," I reply. "Now, are you going to start behaving?"

  She doesn't answer me.

  I stride behind her confidently. I hope for Marzia's sake, she doesn't try something ridiculous like running. There's no way I'm ever letting her slip through my fingers again.

  We come to a stop in the rose garden.

  I remember being here with Nicoletta only an hour ago.

  "What were you doing with her?" Marzia asks.

  Her question surprises me. "What do you mean?"

  "You brought that girl here," she snaps. "I want to know what you were talking about."

  "What a vicious little side of you." I smirk. "Who knew my bambina was so jealous."

  "Tell me." She's trying a new tactic now, running up to me and grabbing the front of my shirt. "I can't stand seeing her with you, it drives me insane. I don't want you to end up with her."

  "You're acting crazy, Marzia."

  "You're making me crazy!" She slams her little fists against my chest.

  This just makes my cock strain against the fabric of the pants I'm wearing. "I don't care. Learn to control yourself, or I'll be forced to show you your place." I wrap my palm around her ponytail, tugging. "Do you need a reminder?"

  "N-No." She pulls out of my reach, stubbornly crossing her arms. "Fine! I'll behave."

  "Good girl." Her body relaxes from its arch then, giving me control over her. I smirk, pulling her against me. "You're so much sexier when you're like this. So keep being a good girl for me and I'll keep rewarding you."

  She nods.

  I let her go. We walk through the gardens wordlessly after I tell her we can't risk anyone seeing us or overhearing. Finally, we come to a stop in a hedge garden behind the Mansion.

  "No one can see us here," Marzia tells me. "Now tell me everything. Why did you leave me again?"

  "What makes you think you can ask questions?" I demand. "You get as much as you are given. And you should be grateful for it, too."

  "Adrian, I can't stand seeing her around you," Marzia repeats. "It makes me crazy. It makes my head spin."

  "So you're a little jealous." I stare at her. "How is that my problem?"

  "You have to help me." She looks so pretty, all desperate for me.

  "I have to go," I say. "Eleanora will come get you when the room is ready. Don't try running again."

  "But Adrian, please, can't we talk about us?"

  "Us?" I look right into her eyes, feeling like the worst person in the world. "There can't be an us, Marzia. My father wants me to marry Nicoletta."

  "But do you want to marry her?" Marzia demands.

  I ponder her question, even though I knew the answer the moment those words left her lips. "Doesn't matter," I finally reply. "It's not my choice to make."

  Leaving her there, I walk back to the house to make sure my surprise is ready.

  I can't allow myself to get attached to Marzia. Not when Father plans to kill her. All I can do now is make the time she has left here better, or figure out a way to help her escape. If I don't, she doesn't have long left.



  Eleanora falls into step behind me. The whole time we are in the gardens, I feel a guard's watchful gaze on us. There's no way Adrian is letting me get away again. There will be no second chance for an escape.

  I stroll through the gardens trying to sort through my thoughts until Eleanora finally tugs on my sleeve, signaling it's time for me to head back inside. I don't hurry. I don't want to be locked up in my room again. Sketching and painting has brought me some joy, but it still doesn't account for the lack of freedom I have in this house.

  When I reach the door of my room, I sense something different, and when I open it, my hands fly up to cover my mouth.

  Someone's replaced everything in these quarters with my things from back home.

  There are framed photos of my parents and me as a baby. There are fabrics, furniture I recognize. Gratefully, I touch every inch of the things someone has put in here. I feel safe in the embrace of the surroundings I've known my entire life. It's a different prison yet the same one in many ways.

  Eleanora taps me on the shoulder and hands me a note in a cream-colored envelope. I rush to open it.

  I thought it would make you feel better to have some things from home here. Don't expect me today. We can't look suspicious in front of Nicoletta. -A

  I swallow down a groan. I love his gesture, but hate the fact that he refuses to spend time with me. Instead, he's choosing her again. That stupid blonde. Dio, I hate her.

  Nevertheless, I decide to busy myself by asking permission to visit Bruno in his office again. Minutes later, Eleanora leads me down the hallway and into the patriarch's office.

  Bruno sits behind his desk, looking even more frail and sick than usual.

  I start to realize something's got to be up with his health. He looks very pale and tired.

  When he sees me, he sits up straighter, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You wanted to see me?"

  I bow with respect before taking the seat opposite him. "You haven't called for me today."

  "I didn't know you wanted to keep working."

  "I do." I nod. "It helps me feel better."

  "Then get started." Bruno's kindness is gone, and so is his attention. He points to a filing cabinet. "All the papers from the distillery are in there. I want you to start working on a business plan."

  "A business plan?"

  "How to get your business back on track. No illegal dealings," Bruno grunts.

  "But... why nothing illegal?" I can't help but ask. "Your business doesn't abide by those rules."

  Bruno laughs out loud. "Do you remember your nonna, Marzia?"

  I instantly stiffen. "Of course, I remember her."

  "I knew her too." He nods. "She was a strong woman worthy of respect. Do you think she would like what your father has done to the company?"

  "No," I admit. "She hated anything illegal. She only believed in hard work, not crime, or violence."

  "So get to work," he tells me firmly. "Make your nonna proud."

  Wordlessly, I shift my attention to the filing cabinet. We work in silence for hours. I'm shocked to see just how much Bruno takes on himself, without delegating to his employees or family. He's a hard working man, and I can't help but admire that quality in him, despite all the shit he's put me through.

  I knew the Bernardi business was doing well, but watching Bruno, I’m starting to understand why. It's no wonder our distillery is falling apart, though. Father wasn't nearly as meticulous as Bruno, plus he took on risks, made poor investments. Now, Da Costa grappa is paying the price, while the Bernardi family reaps the benefits of Bruno's hardworking actions.

  "Your stomach is rumbling," Bruno mutters later. "Are you hungry?"

  "Kind of." I shrug. "Let me just finish this stack." I didn't even notice, I was so absorbed in my work, sorting through those files.

  "What's your favorite food?" Bruno asks.

  "Lasagna," I reply. "Nonna made the best one."

  He nods and mutters something into the phone.

  I keep working while I wait for the food to arrive. Two maids set up a table for me to eat.

  "Aren't you going to eat?" I ask Bruno.

  "No," he grumbles
in reply. He pours himself a glass of my family's grappa.

  I would recognize that bottle anywhere.

  The maid brings in a plate covered with a silver cloche and pulls the cover off. I grin when I see it's lasagna, glancing at Bruno. But he pays me no mind, so I decide not to mention his kindness. Still, I'm grateful for the food, eating my fill and calming down my stomach. At least being a captive here isn't that terrible.

  Bruno doesn't eat anything, just sips at his glass of grappa.

  "You should eat something," I tell him. "It will make you feel better. Less weak."

  "I don't feel weak," he replies before a coughing fit takes over. I give him a knowing look which he completely ignores. He stares at the amber liquid in his glass, thoughtfully swirling it. "You know," Bruno speaks up again. "I didn't want things to unfold the way they did, but I had a good reason for everything that happened."

  I don't know how to reply, so I just stay quiet, stabbing at what's left of the lasagna and pondering his words. Finally, I decide to ask a question. I deserve to know, "What's going to happen to my family's estate?" I demand. "And the distillery? What's going to happen to them? Are you just going to let my nonna's hard work die off?"

  "Of course not," Bruno mutters. "I respected your grandmother. I would never let that happen. But that's why I need your help."

  "What do you mean?" I can't help but be suspicious. I shouldn't trust Bruno, not after everything he's done to my family and the people I love. He may claim to have known nonna, but he sure as hell didn't show her son any mercy when he shot and killed him.

  "I need your help to make your grappa business great again," he says. "You have the passion to make it happen, and I'm giving you the opportunity to do it, so don't disappoint me."

  "Am I interrupting?"

  We both look to the door and my heartbeat picks up when I see Adrian standing there.

  "What is it?" Bruno demands.

  "What's she doing here?" Adrian narrows his eyes, motioning to me.

  "She's working for me," Bruno explains carelessly. "Working off some captivity time."

  "I didn't agree to that," Adrian hisses.

  "You don't need to. As far as I know, I run this house, not you," Bruno replies.

  Adrian looks pissed off as he glances between the two of us. "This won't work. She shouldn't be working for us, Father."

  "I believe I can be the judge of that," Bruno replies.

  "She's not to be trusted," Adrian mutters, glaring at me.

  This makes me even angrier. How dare he talk about me that way?

  "I thought you knew better, Father. Has she already got you wrapped around her little finger so soon?"

  "She's perfectly suitable for the job I gave her," Bruno replies. "And she's been a great help."

  "It helps me too," I mutter. "It helps to know my family's estate won't be shattered. I don't want my heritage ruined, I want it to flourish."

  "You shouldn't be here, anyway," Bruno tells his son. "You should be helping Nicoletta prepare for your wedding, not wasting time on some captive."

  His words hurt, but I'm eager to see Adrian's reaction, so I keep sneaking glances at him.

  Adrian doesn't say another word. He just approaches his father's desk, finally. "Father, we need to speak in private."

  "No, we don't," Bruno says clearly. "I've already told you everything you need to know. Now, go help Nicoletta. She was asking about you earlier."

  Adrian grits his teeth.

  I watch innocently from my seat, dabbing my lips with a napkin.

  "Then I want to see Marzia later in the evening to discuss something," Adrian hisses.

  "Oh, you do, don’t you!" Bruno laughs. "What makes you think I'm going to allow that, with your fiancée only a door down?"

  "Then let Marzia spend the night with me," Adrian says.

  My heart leaps with expectation. I glance at Bruno.

  He is watching me, as if trying to see how I'll react. "It's a terrible idea," Bruno mutters.

  "Father, you can't just—"

  "I didn't say no," Bruno cuts him off. "Don't make me change my mind. I'll just pretend I don't know about this."

  "Thank you, Father," Adrian replies stiffly, shooting me one last look before leaving Bruno's office.

  I sit there, my cheeks reddened as I push the empty plate away.

  "Don't pretend you aren't as smug as the cat that got the cream," Bruno reminds me.

  "I'm not."

  "I can see you gloating from here. This doesn't mean anything."

  "Of course." I nod innocently. "Adrian will still marry Nicoletta. You're still very healthy. And there's certainly no ulterior motive or plan at play here."

  He stares at me before erupting in laughter.

  Even I can't help the smile tugging on the corners of my lips.

  "You're sharper than you let on," Bruno compliments me. "Did your father know what a little gem he had on his hands?"

  "It didn't matter to him either way," I find myself confessing. "As long as I looked pretty and kept my mouth shut, I was a good girl in his eyes."

  "Peculiar," Bruno mutters.

  "How so?"

  "Well, you'd think your father would be proud to have such a smart daughter," Bruno goes on.

  "All he cared about was my brother," I explain. "He is the heir, after all. I don't stand to inherit anything. My only role in this scenario is getting married to the highest bidder to make our family name stronger." I can't help the hint of bitterness that sneaks into my voice. It's hard not to harbor ill feelings toward my parents since they've been gone, but I can't help it. They wanted me to be a pretty little fool and I always strived for so much more than just being the perfect obedient doll they raised me to be.

  But something tells me Bruno likes that. He seems to appreciate my character, even encourages me to work on my skills which Father would've deemed unseemly for a young woman like me.

  "Your father didn't know you very well at all, did he?" he asks thoughtfully.

  I shrug. "He never really made an effort to change that."

  "I'm sorry I took that from you."

  I raise my eyes to his. "What do you mean?"

  "Your relationship with your father. It's over because I killed him."

  It hurts to hear him speak of it with such blatant honesty. But once the words settle in and the sting dies down, they stop hurting. They make me appreciate the moments I had with my father. They make me wonder whether things would have only gotten worse and worse if he was still around. I suppose I'll never know.

  "You should get ready," Bruno mutters later on. "I'll arrange for a light dinner in your room. Then Eleanora will take you to Adrian's quarters."

  "Thank you," I manage, quickly slipping out of his office.

  I eat a salad for dinner and spend ages in the bathroom getting ready. I try to prolong the moment I have to leave, not because I want to keep Adrian waiting, but because I'm getting more and more nervous about facing him again.

  Finally, Eleanora's had enough. She rushes me through doing my hair then makeup and shows me the outfit Adrian picked especially for me.

  As I eye the glittery, skin-tight dress and sky-high heels he picked for me, it's hard to imagine Adrian wanted anything other than to fuck me tonight.

  But even that thought excites me...



  She is led into my room by her maid.

  The moment Marzia appears in my door frame, I let go of my phone, my eyes locking with hers.

  Eleanora leaves her there, silently padding down the hallway back to her room.

  So now, it's just my bambina and me, and the shivering tension between us.

  "Come in," I tell her.

  She follows my voice, carefully closing the door behind her.

  "Do you like the clothes I picked for you?"

  She locks eyes with me again and a silent understanding passes between us. Tonight, she won't be Marzia Da Costa. She's here to be mi
ne, and I'll do anything in my power to make her forget about everything else, if only for a night.

  "They're beautiful," she whispers as she comes to stand closer.

  I stop her midway through the room, and she stands still, the sequins on her skintight dress blinding.

  "Show off for me," I tell her in a raspy tone. "Spin. Show me the dress properly. I want to see how grateful you are for how well I take care of you."

  She only hesitates for a split second before twirling in front of me.

  Her tight little ass looks irresistible in that dress and her tits are all pressed up for my enjoyment. I feel my cock hardening. She has my attention, but then again, she always does when she enters a room. It's impossible to keep my eyes off Marzia.

  "Do you like it?" she purrs, running her hands down her hips. "Isn't it too tight, Adrian?"

  "We'll just have to make sure no one else sees you like this," I hiss. "No one else should look at my property."

  "I'm not property," Marzia retorts, but we both know she loves it when I call her that.

  "Come sit here," I say, tapping my knee. "I want to look at you."

  She doesn't wait. She saunters right over, straddling my thigh, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

  I close my eyes and take a deep, calming breath. Resisting her is proving to be fucking impossible, but I need to do my best to focus on something else. Otherwise, she's going to be the death of me.

  I know she's not wearing any panties, because I can feel her sweet, wet snatch pressing against me through the slit in her dress. I bet she positioned herself strategically so I'd know she's shaved bare underneath...

  Pushing the thought away, I focus on Marzia again. "You smell good. What perfume is that?"

  "I'm not wearing any," she purrs, making my cock even harder. "Are you going to explain why we have to stick to this Nicoletta charade now?"

  Firmly placing my hands on her lips, I force Marzia to look at me. "You know my father wants me to marry her."

  "So? Just go up against him."

  "It's not that easy. And besides…" I smirk. "Who said I want you that much?"


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