Loved by the Linebacker

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Loved by the Linebacker Page 13

by Lyssa Layne

  I scroll through my phone until I find the pictures I’ve stared at for the past two weeks. “I’m not so sure about that. Apparently, he’s already moved on.” I show them the pictures of Evan and some busty blonde. I expected him to fall back into his old habits, but not this. Not to start a relationship, to sleep with a woman more than once.

  The tears fall down my cheeks and my heart hurts. Mia squeezes my shoulders while Colie comments, “She looks like a bimbo! You have nothing to worry about, Camila, he’ll be back.”

  I wipe the tears from my face and shake my head. “I don’t know, maybe I just need to move on from the Purser brothers. Ugh!” I stand up, shaking my head. “I hate being such a sap over a man. This isn’t me, this—”

  “Means you’re in love,” Mia finishes for me.

  Colie and I both look at her like she’s got a third eye. Laughing, I brush off her comment. “It means I need to get my head back in the game and focus on my job.” Yes, my job kept the men away all these years and it’s time I jump back into it. Forget Evan and Blake Purser and focus on my career. Now, if only I can push Evan out of my mind…

  Chapter 23


  I tug at the tie around my neck, it feeling more like a noose than an accessory. I’m wearing a monkey suit because my new agent, Kip Deevers, insists it’s for a good cause. He’s right, the gala tonight is to raise money for cancer, but I hate being outside of my comfort zone which includes wearing a suit and tie and pretending to like everyone around me.

  A string quartet plays on the stage underneath the twinkling Christmas lights. Ungodly amounts of tulle and satin garnish the tables and I wouldn’t be surprised if a bride and groom walked in at any moment. It was a thousand bucks a pop for a seat at tonight’s dinner, imagine how much would actually go to charity if it wasn’t wasted on these elaborate decorations. The Christmas lights reflect in the attendance gift, a crystal cancer ribbon ornament. I roll my eyes, only imagining what that alone cost.

  Leaning back in my assigned seat, I loosen my tie and begin to people watch. The only guests seated are senior citizens and pregnant women. At the bar are the single men checking their phones, ready to get out of here, because the chances of picking up a single woman here is slim to none. I let my eyes drift and scan the rest of the room. My eyes stop in front of the stage when I see her.

  From my view, her long dark hair falls in waves down her back. Her tan skin contrasts against the burnt orange dress that is molded to her tight body. Even from almost a hundred feet away, I almost need to wear sunglasses to block the sparkle from the diamonds she adorns. Just the sight of her and my palms are sweaty and I’m more nervous than before a game.

  Camila and I have been apart almost as long as we were together. Part of me wants to say, fuck it, who cares she slept with Blake and lied about it. I miss her—her laugh, her confidence, her attitude. I just miss her. But then the other part of me reminds myself that she did just that, she lied to me. She slept with my brother. How do I know I’m not just a token in her scheme to get Blake back?

  I take a few minutes to observe her in her element. Standing beside the number one NFL draft pick, a rookie from Oklahoma, Camila commands the attention from every man standing in their circle. The group of men laugh as she tells a joke and I feel myself smiling along with them even across the room. Screw it, I’m not going to sit here and watch this all night.

  Rising out of my chair, I stride across the room, making my way to Camila. Once I reach her, I simply take her by the elbow and walk her out to the dance floor. I don’t take the time to apologize as I do this and Camila is too stunned to say anything either. Pulling her against me, I link our hands together and put my other on her waist. We sway to the tunes of the violin and other instruments, Camila’s face still in shock.

  “Wh-wh…Evan,” she says, finally closing her mouth.

  I grin that for once in her life she’s speechless. “Camila,” I say back curtly, getting a laugh out of her.

  She moves her hands around my neck, hugging me and we continue dancing in that position. “How’ve you been?”

  I shrug, staring into her chocolate eyes. “I’ve been better. You?”

  She looks away and glances around the room. “I’ve picked up a few new clients.”

  “Then I guess your loss on me wasn’t too bad,” I reply, the bitterness clearly evident in my tone.

  Her jaw stiffens, but she doesn’t respond to my comment. We dance quietly and her tantalizing scent drives me wild. Her head rests on my shoulder and I let one hand caress her bare back. My mind’s made up, I’m going to forgive her. Beg for her to come back to me, but then again, I already knew that when I got out of my seat.

  “Camila—” I begin and then stop. Walking toward us in a burnt orange tie that matches her dress, is the old geezer Gregg Turner. I lean back, looking down at Camila and shaking my head. “Are you fucking kidding me? You ran back to him?”

  Camila glances over her shoulder, not moving her hands away from my neck. “Gregg and I are friends, Evan. I haven’t slept with him since Colorado.”

  “Well then, I guess tonight should be good for both of you.” I pluck her hands off my neck and turn away from her with a disgusted sigh.

  She doesn’t let me get far. Her hand grasps mine and she tugs at it, forcing me to look back at her. “Evan, please, can we talk?”

  “That’s nothing to talk about, Camila. We had some good times, you’re a good lay. Now, let’s move on and forget about each other.”

  Her hand drops mine and her face goes blank. My heart sinks and I turn before she can see the pain in my eyes. She’s hurt me one too many times, now it’s time to turn the tables. Walking up to the bar, I wave the bartender over. “Whiskey on the rocks and make it a double.”


  “Everything alright?” Gregg asks, his hands on either side of my waist as he stands behind me, watching Evan walk away.

  Turning quickly, I look up at him and nod. “Of course.” I spot Mia across the room and turn to Gregg. “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room and I’ll be right back.”

  He nods, kissing my cheek. “Camila, don’t let him go if that’s what you want.”

  I look up at Gregg, tears in my eyes and he brushes his lips across my forehead. I make my way to Mia, dragging her by the hand to the ladies’ room. Once the door closes, I drop to the couch and let the tears fall, sobbing to my friend about the incident that just occurred. Mia moves beside me, her arm draped over my shoulders as she tries to console me.

  “Why am I like this?” I question, wiping at the tears and forcing myself to stop crying.

  “Oh Camila, because you really like him,” Mia says and gives my shoulders a squeeze. “You need to talk to him, away from everyone. I’m sure he’ll forgive you and you two can be together. Men don’t always see the big picture, just ask my husband.” Mia smiles as she finishes her sentence because for the longest time Tate thought Mia was still married to her ex-husband.

  Standing up, I move to the sink and begin to fix my make-up. “You’re right. I just need a few minutes to explain and beg him for a second chance.” I sigh. There’s nothing to explain. Plain and simple, I slept with Blake. More than that I had a relationship with him and I blatantly denied it. Now, I’m going to have to grovel if I want to get Evan back.

  Mia hands me my lipstick. “He’s a fool if he doesn’t take you back.”

  I pause, looking at my friend and giving her an earnest hug. For the longest time, I only had Blake in my life as both my best friend and lover. Meeting Colie and Mia has been a blessing because there’s only so much farting and football a girl can handle.

  Gregg greets us at the door, waiting for our return. He’s filling in as both mine and Mia’s date tonight since I’m hopelessly single and not talking to Blake and Tate’s on the road, unable to attend with Mia. He takes each of our hands, giving them a kiss on the knuckles.

  “The two most beautiful women and I’m lucky e
nough to call them my dates,” he says with his charming tone.

  Mia laughs and thanks him but I’m too busy looking around the room for Evan, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Gregg takes my hand, giving it a light squeeze and he raises his eyebrow.

  Forcing a smile, I shrug and he leads us to the dance floor. The three of us begin dancing to the DJ that’s replaced the string quartet. We all laugh at how bad our dance skills are and Evan is pushed out of my mind. A few songs go by and Mia excuses herself to get a drink. The DJ announces he’s taking a break and the string quartet begins again. The music is slowed down when they play a familiar Elton John tune. Gregg slides his hands to my waist, pulling me close to him and we sway with the music.

  “Thanks for coming tonight,” I tell him as I slip my arms around his neck.

  He nods. “Anything for you, Camila, you know that.”

  I smile and rest my head on his chest. “You’re a great friend, Gregg.”

  “You’ve been a very special woman to me for a long time. No matter what changes between us, you know I’d do anything for you.” His voice is soft and sincere and I hug him closer. Why can’t all relationships be this easy?

  We dance in silence and I reflect on the course our relationship has taken since our first meeting. The song ends, but Gregg holds me close. I take a deep breath, inhaling his musky cologne. When I look into his eyes, we both smile as he leans down but then he stops when someone taps him on the shoulder. I lean to the left to see who is requesting his attention when BAM! A giant fist makes contact with Gregg’s jaw, sending him back a few steps.

  “Evan! What the hell are you doing?” I demand, stepping between the two of them. Gregg rubs his mouth while Evan balls his fist, poised for Gregg’s retaliation. Evan doesn’t get a chance to answer as security approaches and it takes three guys to push Evan toward the door. My body shakes as I watch him leave and I turn back to Gregg, who is still too dazed to look up. Mia stands by his side.

  “Gregg, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Guilt takes over as I reach out for him, unsure where to touch.

  He nods. “I’ll be fine, Cam. Go.”

  I narrow my eyes, confused. “Go?”

  He points toward the lobby. “Go after him, Camila! If you want him, fight back.”

  I glance back at the door then to Gregg. “Are you sure?”

  Mia already has a bag of ice pressed to his cheek as he nods. Feeling flustered because I’m not sure whether to go after Evan or stay with Gregg, Mia lifts her eyebrows. “What are you waiting for?” she asks.

  I kiss her cheek then do the same to Gregg who grimaces. Apologizing quickly, I run off after Evan, hoping I can do something to reel him back in.

  Chapter 24


  Five security guards surround Evan in the lobby outside the gala. I glance around but don’t see Kip anywhere in sight. I push my way through the guards, all of them at least double my size, one at least triple, about the size of Evan.

  “I’m sorry, gentlemen. My client got a little upset in there, but no worries, he’s headed to his room so there won’t be any more trouble tonight.” I put on my confident attitude, taking Evan by the hand and walking us toward the elevator. Sometimes the best line of defense is distraction. The guards all speak at once, but I quickly push the button on the elevator, closing the doors in their face. With no one watching us, Evan drops my hand and moves to the corner, pouting like a little baby.

  The doors open on the twenty-fifth floor and Evan steps out, not saying a word. I follow behind him and when he opens his room door, he doesn’t hold it for me to come in. Shocked, I almost get locked out, but catch the door before it latches shut. Evan throws his jacket on the chair, shedding his tie, and unbuttoning his shirt, not even acknowledging my presence. I clear my throat and he finally turns around to look in my direction.

  “Answer my question. What the hell was that?” My hands are firmly on my waist and my eyebrows are arched high, waiting for his answer.

  He shrugs and glances down at his hand, shaking it from the ache of contact. “What’s it matter? You’ll get laid tonight whether I did that or not.”

  I sigh and shake my head. “Why are you so insecure?”

  A vein throbs in his forehead and he yanks open his shirt, popping the last few buttons off. In just three steps, he’s standing in front of me, my back against the door as he looms over me.

  “I’m not insecure. You just sleep around, not my problem.”

  I scoff. “Bullshit! So I slept with Blake, big deal. It was years ago, Evan, years! There’s no reason for you to be so upset that you’d sacrifice us unless one of two things. One—your ego’s too big to handle it. Or, two—you’re afraid. Afraid that I’ll compare the two of you, afraid that I’m going to break your heart, afraid that this might be more than the one-night stands you’re used to. Afraid that I might actually love you the way you love me.”

  Evan’s eyes flicker from anger to an emotion I’m not familiar with. Is he letting his guard down? Is he embarrassed that I called him out? I hold my breath, waiting for his response until his mouth crushes mine. It’s the sweet kiss I’ve been wanting, been waiting for until I taste the alcohol on his breath. With almost no room to move, I put my hands on his chest and shove as hard as I can. It takes a few seconds to register until he finally ends the kiss.

  “What the hell, Evan? Have you been drinking?” My chest heaves as I jab my finger into his chest accusingly. “I thought you said you didn’t want to ruin us and you gave up drinking.”

  He takes a step away from me, running his hand over his bald scalp. “Ruin us?” He snickers and shakes his head. “I’m not the one who lied about sleeping with my brother. It has nothing to do with my ego or my insecurity, Camila. We aren’t together because you lied. You’re a liar and I won’t be with anyone that is. How can I ever believe a word that comes out of your mouth?”

  Tears brim my eyes, but I don’t move toward him. He’s right. I lied and there’s no way for me to change it. Slowly, I walk to him, cupping his cheek in one hand and I softly kiss him. “If you’d give me a second chance, I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’ll never lie to you again.”

  Evan closes his eyes, leaning his forehead against mine. “It’s too late, Cami. The damage is done.”


  The overpowering scent of pineapples hits my nose, making me want to wretch. Blinking my eyes open to find out where the smell is coming from, I’m still surrounded by darkness. In a panic, I rub my eyes, finding my tie from last night is covering them. I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I slowly pull the makeshift blindfold off.

  Lying stark naked in bed beside me is a platinum blonde. I take in her body as I try to recall what happened last night but her double D tits and over inflated lips aren’t ringing any bells. Too bad because I would’ve liked to have seen those lips in action. Quietly, I slip out of bed and get in the shower. Maybe I can wash away the incident and she’ll be gone when I get out.

  The water on the hottest setting, I close my eyes, trying to recall the previous evening. I scoff when the first image that comes to mind is Camila looking more gorgeous than ever in that orange evening gown. Dancing with her had been the highlight of the evening, holding her that close. I wanted nothing more than to forgive her and pick up where we left off but then he appeared. Gregg’s not quite as bad as Blake but still, shock hit me as I realized how disposable I really am to Camila. If things didn’t work out between us, she is out nothing because she has Gregg and Blake to run back to.

  Spitting water out of my mouth, I shake my head, pissed that I turned to the bottle last night. I know better, I’ve seen the effects alcohol has taken on my entire family, but I was just trying to come to terms with letting Camila go forever. Then when I saw Gregg about to kiss her, fury took over my body. If I can’t have her, I don’t want anyone else to either. Thinking of the punch, my hand begins to throb and I look down at my swollen knuckles. Shit, I would
n’t be surprised if the cops weren’t waiting outside my door.

  I turn off the water and step into the steamy bathroom. Drying off with a towel, I wipe away the condensation on the mirror. Fuck! Bright red scratches cover my chest, probably from the busty blonde in my bed right now. What the hell did I do last night? One things for sure, I definitely won’t be falling off the wagon any time soon.

  With a towel slung low around my waist, I decide to face the music and walk back into the bedroom. I stare at this stranger, wondering what satisfaction she gave me last night. Sure, she might’ve gotten me off, too bad I can’t remember, but it meant nothing. The only woman I’ve had sex with that I’ve connected with, wanted to make love to, wanted to hold her more than have sex with has been Camila. But that ship has sailed so does that mean I’m destined for meaningless sex the rest of my life?

  Deciding it’s probably best I have clothes on before she wakes up, I pull on some jeans and an undershirt. Taking a deep breath, I tug on the sheet, trying to casually wake her up, but she doesn’t budge, only lets out a loud snore. Fuck my life…

  Screw it, I don’t have anywhere to be until my flight at noon. I order room service and when it arrives thirty minutes later, I flip on the T.V. When I see a news clip of me and security, I turn the television off and Blondie finally wakes up.

  “Mmm, breakfast in bed. You’re a doll,” she says, climbing off the mattress and walking across the room.

  I chew the bacon in my mouth, watching her curves and wondering how I was attracted to her. She’s beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but she’s nothing like Camila and that’s the only person I want. Ignoring Blondie, I go back to my food while she makes a plate herself, sitting across from me still in the buff. When I finish my breakfast, I stand up and look at her.

  “You need to leave.”

  She leers at me, her eyebrows high. “What? You’re not in the mood for some fun this morning?”

  “I don’t remember shit from last night, sweetheart, and based on the marks you left behind, I’d venture to say I’m good.”


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