Loved by the Linebacker

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Loved by the Linebacker Page 14

by Lyssa Layne

  Her smile gets wider and she stands up, taking a step toward me. Her long fingernails walk up my chest and I shudder uncomfortably underneath her touch. “I never knew such a big man could be so heartbroken.”

  My stomach drops and I stare down at her. “What’s that mean?”

  She lifts her shoulders up and down. “Camila’s missing out on a great lover.” Blondie turns and picks up the leather dress that’s discarded on the floor. She takes her time pulling it on and zipping up the matching hooker boots.

  “What do you know about Camila?” I demand, both worried about what I said and defensive about Cami at the same time.

  She stands and makes her way to the door, looking over her shoulder before she opens it. “Not much other than she broke your heart and you called out her name all night. I should really thank her,” Blondie says and disappears out the door.

  I drop to the bed, leaning forward on my knees and shaking my head. Get it together, Evan. Before I lose everything, I need to pull it together and get my head on straight. Too bad I’ve already lost what’s most important.

  Chapter 25


  “He’s a fuckin’ liability, Camila! You handed me trouble with no warning,” Kip screams at me, his face red and his eyes bloodshot from having run interference all night.

  He throws the newspaper in my lap as I lay on the couch in his office. Lifting my head, I see two pictures of Evan. One in the lobby after he broke Gregg’s jaw and the other of him with a blonde who has her top down as they fall into the elevator. I swear the acid is eating away at my stomach and I reach for the bottle of Tums Kip leaves in the drawer by the couch.

  “I’m sorry, Kip. I had no idea any of this would happen.” I rub my forehead, chewing the chalky tablet, hoping I get relief fast.

  “Is Turner going to press charges?” Kip growls the question, both of us knowing if he does then it’ll be a full-time job to clean up Evan’s mess.

  “No, he’s doing me a favor and I owe him big time.” I fall back on the couch, closing my eyes.

  After Evan shut me out, I came back to the gala to find Mia had taken Gregg to the hospital. By the time I arrived, he was doped up on painkillers, droning on to Mia about how much Evan needed me and how good I am for him. He promised he wouldn’t press charges against Evan as long as I promised to try to win him back. As I agreed, I wondered why I was chasing after an asshole who called me a liar and not this gentleman whose face was swelling as we spoke.

  “Camila, I thought you handed him over to me because you wanted to date him. Is that the truth or were you just trying to shove a rookie off on me?”

  I sigh and shake my head. “No, Kip, I swear it’s not like that. More than anything I wanted, want to be with Evan but because I didn’t tell him the truth about one thing in my past, he’s done with me.”

  Kip shrugs, taking a seat beside me and patting my leg. “Tough luck, Cam. I wish I could help you out more, but it sounds like his mind is made up.”

  A fat tear rolls out of my eye and I quickly wipe it away. “I know, but it’s okay, I’ll move on.” I force a smile, trying to back the words coming out of my mouth.

  “There, that’s my girl,” Kip says, trying to encourage me. “Now, not to make the day worse, but you gave me your hell child so I’m passing one on to you.”

  Good, a challenge, something to take my mind off Evan. Perking up, I ask, “Oh, and who’s that?”

  Kip sneers before he answers. “Jace Richards.”

  I jump off the couch and flail my arms. “Jace Richards? He’s banned from baseball so what does he even want?” Jace Richards was a pitcher for the Washington Diplomats who preferred betting on his own team than actually playing for them. All charges against him were dropped in exchange for community service and a ban from the league.

  “You know the Boss Man loves that guy and he did bring in a lot of money for the firm. Jace is having a hard time adjusting to life outside of the MLB so he just needs a little guidance and help setting up his community service.” Kip doesn’t even try to hide the smirk on his face.

  I shake my head. “So, basically, this is a pity case because the boss wants it?”

  Kip nods. “Yep.”

  “Come on, Kip. You know I can’t work with Jace. Colie and Grant will kill me.” Jace is also Colie’s ex-boyfriend and Grant’s major rival, neither will be happy to learn about my new client.

  Kip shrugs as he stands up. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I’m going to try to clean up the mess your boyfriend made last night.”

  It’s days like these that I wonder why I never ran back to Blake in the beginning.


  Blow after blow, it feels good to be back on the field and crushing my body against something. It helps to get out the frustration that’s been building up all summer long. I still haven’t talked to Camila since the incident a few weeks ago, but I know I should thank her since Gregg Turner decided not to press charges even though I broke his jaw. The incident also put my brother and I back on talking terms so that’s good… I guess.

  I pull my helmet off and jog to the water cooler, pouring a cup and immediately downing it. Going for a refill, I hear someone yell my name. When I turn around, I recognize the owner’s daughter, Molly Feiser. She’s only five feet flat with blonde hair and dark highlights. The shortie used to be on the Women’s Olympic Gymnastics team so her body is tight and curvy in all the right places. I’ve only met her in passing a few times so I’m shocked she even knows my name.

  “Hey, Evan,” she says, extending her hand. “I was wondering if you had a few minutes.”

  I shake her hand then glance over my shoulder and see my line is still on break. I shrug and follow her as she walks a few feet away from the other guys and looks around. I follow her gaze, wondering who or what we’re looking for. She seems satisfied in her findings as she turns her attention to me.

  “Look, I know we don’t really know each other, but hear me out.” She takes a deep breath. “You need to give Camila another chance.”

  I scoff and shake my head, turning to walk away. Now Camila has her friends working for her? This is ridiculous. Molly grabs my hand, yanking on it. “Evan, please, listen!” Her voice is urgent, indicating that she has something important to say.

  “Fine. Two minutes.” I cross my arms and wait.

  She looks around one more time then speaks in a hushed tone. “I know you’re worried about Camila and Blake, but trust me, they are long over. I know this because Blake and I have been dating off and on for the past three years.”

  My jaw drops at her admission. “But, I’ve never seen you around. Hell, I lived with him for a year and never even heard your name. I’m not buying it.”

  “Think about who my father is, Evan. Do you think it’d be a good idea for the two of us to be dating? That’s why Camila and Blake handle all the publicity so no one knows about us. Blake was pushing to get traded here, but my father was more interested in you. He thought you were the better gamble in the long run and he’s probably right. Blake doesn’t plan on playing forever.”

  Her explanation makes sense, but there’s something I have to know and I hope I’m not breaking the news to her. “So you know Cami and Blake dated? Slept together and everything?”

  She nods. “Yeah and I was pissed when I first found out, probably like you, but that’s not the kind of relationship they have now. They’re friends, best friends. Well, until Blake got drunk and spilled the beans to you. Camila hasn’t talked to him since.”

  “She hasn’t?” My stomach flips. Maybe I’m not a pawn in her game, maybe she does want me and not Blake.

  Molly shakes her head. “So, will you please give her a second chance?”

  Slowly, I let the words sink in and nod. “Yeah, but tell me one more thing.”

  She nods, her ponytail bobbing behind her.

  With a grin, I ask, “What the hell do you see in my brother?”



  First things first, I gotta talk to my brother. It’s been a week since Molly filled me in on their little secret. I’ve sat on it, not sure how to handle Camila or Blake, but tonight it’s a faceoff between the Lancers and the Seawolves so I’ll be seeing both of them. The taxi pulls up Blake’s long drive and I take a few seconds to stare at the house I once called home before I pay the cabbie and get out.

  I start to walk in the house like I’ve done so many times before, but I hesitate. I don’t live here anymore. This isn’t my place to just barge in. I rap my knuckles against the door and wait… and wait… and wait. Peeking in the garage, I see Blake’s car is home so he’s not at the stadium yet. I slowly push open the door and let myself in.


  No answer. Slowly, I make my way through the kitchen and living room then finally spot him drinking a beer on the pool deck out back.

  “Hey, man. It’s game day. What are you doing drinking?”

  Blake glances up. “What are you, the police? Gonna report me?”

  I hold my hands up. “Chill, dude. I’ve just never seen you drink on game day before.”

  He shrugs and takes a long pull from his bottle. “Trying something new.”

  Frowning, I take a seat on the lounge chair beside him wondering if I should push the issue. Deciding it’s probably best to let it go, I stare at the pristine pool water, not sure where to begin.

  “So you and Molly Feiser, huh?”

  He sneers and downs the rest of his beer. “What about her? She’s a tease, worse than Camila Lemos.”

  Fire burns in my belly when he speaks of Camila that way. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Blake stands up, walking to the mini fridge behind the bar and grabs another beer. “It means, they’re both women who will do whatever it takes to get what they want.”

  “So you’re saying that you and Molly never dated?”

  Blake pops the top off his bottle. “She say we did?”

  I shrug. “Did you?”

  Half his bottle is emptied into his mouth before he answers. “Doesn’t matter, Ev. I think you have the right idea with the one-night stands. Maybe we can go out after the game.”

  I stand up, taking the bottle away from him and throwing it in the trash. “Yeah, whatever, Blake.” Thank god I told the cabbie to wait. As always my brother isn’t worried about anyone but himself. Let us get through the game tonight and then I need to get him help. Help that I never offered my mother.


  The trees breeze past as I speed to Blake’s. Kickoff is only an hour away and he hasn’t reported to the stadium. The boy won’t answer his phone and I’m already a nervous wreck knowing that I’m going to have to face both Purser brothers. I hit the garage door opener to Blake’s house and see both his cars inside. Something’s not right and my stomach is flipping just wondering what I’m about to walk in to.

  My heels click on the tile as I walk through the foyer, calling out his name. I don’t have to look far before I see him passed out on the couch. Relieved, I walk around the furniture and crouch beside it. Blake is face down, beer bottles all around. I rub his back softly, lighting kissing his cheek.

  “Blake, come on, it’s time to wake up,” I whisper.

  It takes a few minutes before he starts to rouse, mumbling incoherently. His eyes adjusts and he looks at me surprised. “Cam, what are you doing here?”

  I bite my tongue, wanting to scream at him. “Kickoff is in less than an hour, everyone’s worried.” Blake sits up, moving his feet to the floor and I move between his knees. “You need to get to the stadium. You aren’t going to play but it’ll avoid a higher fine.” I rub his legs, trying to help him wake up. All the animosity toward him is gone. In this moment, he isn’t Blake that ruined my relationship with Evan. He’s Blake, my best friend that needs me.

  “She left me,” Blake says so quietly that I barely hear him.

  “I’m sure you two will get back together, you always do.” Molly and Blake are constantly breaking up and making up. It’s hard enough to watch their relationship, I can’t even imagine being in it. Still, Blake’s never reacted this way before so I’m slightly concerned.

  “No, Cami, she’s gone. She told me she couldn’t keep doing this. She’s serious this time.” Blake leans against my shoulder, crying softly.

  I pat his back and slowly stand up, making him do the same. “Come on, Blake. We have to get to the stadium. Tell me on the way there.”

  Other than the alcohol on his breath, he’s at least dressed and I can push him out the door. I hand him a few breath mints and listen to his story as I drive. When we reach the stadium, I park in the players’ lot and turn to him.

  Taking his face in both my hands, I assure him, “Blake, I’ll talk to her. I’ll fix it. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

  Blake nods, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. “Thank you, Camila. God, what would I do without you? Evan’s a lucky guy.”

  I shake my head as I open my door, walking around to his side of the vehicle. “Don’t start with me on Evan.”

  Blake kisses my forehead. “I fucked that up, didn’t I?”

  I shrug. “It’s fine.”

  “I’ll take care of it, Cam. I’m sorry.”

  I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my face in his chest, not wanting to let the tears escape. This is what Blake and I do. We take care of each other for better or worse and I’m not sure Evan will ever understand that.

  Chapter 27


  The scoreboard shows we’re up by one touchdown. It’s a great feeling sticking it to my former team, letting them know who’s boss. The worst decision they ever made was getting rid of me and I’m showing it to them over and over today, sack after sack. Our defense is on the field so I’m pacing the sideline, waiting for our turn to try and score again.

  Glancing up in the stands, I notice Camila has finally arrived and is sitting in the section reserved for the Seawolves’ family. She sits nervously, chewing her fingernails. Across the field, Blake’s familiar number trots to the bench. Something’s going on and it’s not something good. Blake’s never late for a game, he doesn’t drink on game days, and Camila is always at the center of every group, not in the shadows like today.

  “Purser! Get on the field!” the offensive coach barks at me and I stride across the turf. As I take my position, I look up and see Blake across from me. The scent of peppermint retreats from under his helmet and now I know why Blake was late and Camila is so worried. Those two beers turned into a lot more after I left. Fuck, he’s just like our mom.

  The center snaps the ball and I keep my eyes on Blake who immediately tackles me, not even going for the quarterback. I easily shove him away, blocking another defender long enough for our team to get the throw off and gain ten yards. Turning around, I hold out my hand and help Blake up.

  Chest to chest with my brother, I crush his hand in mine. “Get off the field, Blake, before you get hurt.”

  “Fuck you, Evan. You might have got the girl but don’t think you can boss me around.” Blake tries to jerk his hand back but I don’t let up on my grasp.

  “This has nothing to do with the girl. It has to do with someone getting hurt.” I let go of his hand, but he takes his position, not listening to my advice.

  I shake my head as I squat down, waiting for the QB to call out the next play. Blake jumps the line and the tackle to my left drills him from the side. My brother falls to the ground screaming and clutching his knee. Forgetting about the game, I drop beside him and pull off his helmet.

  “Talk to me, bro. What hurts?”

  The team trainers are already on the field whispering about a torn ACL and I cringe at the thought. Blake’s already had that repaired twice so the chances of bouncing back from a third surgery are slim to none. I grasp his hand, letting him squeeze the pain onto mine.

  “I fucked up, little brother.” Tears stream down his face, he can
’t stop them. “I love Molly and every time she breaks my heart, I take it out on someone else. That night I came to your apartment and told you about Camila and me, I was scared. You two were happy and I was alone. I’m so scared I’m going to end up like mom, Evan.”

  I nod, understanding his fear completely. “It’s fine, Blake. I needed to know the truth. Molly seems like a great girl. Don’t be an idiot and you won’t be alone.”

  He laughs. “Good point.” The medics have him on a stretcher and lift it up. “Take your own advice, Evan,” Blake says and the stretcher carries him off the field.

  I glance at the stands and Camila’s already gone. Fuck, I’m torn without a clue what to do. Taking a second, the answer is obvious. With a pat to the quarterback’s ass, I jog off the field. My coach screams at me to get back out there, but I turn around and tell him, “Family first, Coach.” Blake and Camila, they’re the only family I have left.


  I hate hospitals. The antiseptic smell makes my stomach queasy and every alarm makes me think of death. Pacing back and forth in the hallway outside the waiting room helps me to take my mind off of Blake’s injury. It’s probably a career-ending injury and I blame myself. I shouldn’t have brought him to the stadium, just let him incur a fine, but instead, I dropped him off claiming he wasn’t feeling well. But then Mr. Macho went and told his coach he could play.

  Pivoting as I get to one end of the hallway, I turn around and run into a wall of muscle. Without looking up, I know exactly who it is. My hands are touching the chest that I’d memorized from the first time I felt it. Clutching his shirt in my hand, I lean forward and cry into Evan’s body. He doesn’t push me away or make me feel unwanted. No, he wraps his arms around me and holds me until I get control of myself. I take a deep breath and step back, looking up at him and wiping my eyes.

  “Any word from the doc?”

  I point down the hallway. “ACL and meniscus tears, depends on scar tissue if he’ll be able to fully recover.”


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