Book Read Free

Until Jax

Page 19

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  “We did,” I say quietly, looking toward the hall in case Hope comes back down.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m glad we know who he is and that there is now a chance of him getting caught,” I say then drop my voice. “But it doesn’t feel real anymore. It feels like something I made up in my mind, like it never really happened.”

  “I think that’s because you know you’re safe.”

  “Maybe, but I worry I’ve let my guard down too much, that this is all to easy.”

  “Maybe it’s your turn for easy,” she returns as I hear Hope’s feet on the hardwood floor and watch her run past the kitchen doorway. Then I hear the sound of her being followed by little paws a moment later, letting me know she let the puppies out of their pen in the living room.

  “You got a puppy?” Ashlyn asks, and I fight back my smile.

  “Your brother got Hope two puppies,” I mutter, holding up two fingers as Hope runs into the kitchen, followed by Chocolate Chip and Pancake.

  “Wook at my puppies, Aunty Ashwyn!” Hope cries excitedly, and I notice she put her tutu on over her pajama bottoms.

  “Oh, my God,” Ashlyn whispers, looking at me.

  “I know.” I shake my head, watching her bend down to pick them up. “Careful, we need to take them out again. Last night that one peed on Jax,” I say, pointing to Chocolate Chip, who barks at me.

  “No.” She laughs.

  “Yes.” I nod, going to the backdoor, opening it for her, and following her down to the grass, where we watch as both puppies run around and play until finally handling their business. When we get back inside, I tell Hope what we’re going to be doing today, while Ashlyn goes to her car, coming back a few minutes later with her hands full of bags and a promise to be back at three.

  Shutting the door behind her when she leaves, I turn to look at Hope and ask, “Are you ready to bake?”

  “Yes!” She yells making me smile.

  Looking down at the phone in my hand, I angrily type out the words: We are never having babies, to Jax before pressing send.

  I don’t care if I’m being irrational. Taking care of Hope and two puppies has put things into prospective for me today. I’m completely exhausted, the house is messier than before I cleaned it this morning, and Jax’s birthday cake—which is sitting on the counter in the kitchen—is burnt and completely lopsided. I want to cry and sleep for a week, but I still have to attempt to decorate then cook for and host his surprise birthday party.

  Feeling my phone vibrate in my hand, I look down and fight back the smile I feel creeping onto my face as I read his message: Babies are easier than puppies.

  Hell no, they aren’t, I text back, pressing send as I walk into the living room, where I find Hope asleep in the crate with both puppies curled around her. Snapping a picture, I send it to him, saying: Okay, this is definitely cute, before taking a seat on the couch, needing to rest for a minute.

  Blinking my eyes open when I hear Hope say, “She’s sleeping,” I come face-to-face with Ashlyn, July, and some guy I have never seen before.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, sitting up and looking around.

  “I used my key and found you all asleep,” Ashlyn says as the guy picks up Pancake from the floor when she jumps up on his leg.

  “Oh, what time is it?”

  “Just after three. If you want to sleep, we can handle everything,” she offers gently, studying me.

  “No, it’s okay,” I tell her, standing up from the couch and giving July a hug when she comes to my side.

  “That’s Doctor Hottie,” July mutters into my ear before letting me go. She’s not wrong; the guy is good-looking. He’s tall with dirty blond hair that’s tied back away from his face in a man-bun, with a strong jaw covered in stubble, and green eyes that stand out against his tan skin.

  “I’m Dillon,” he says, turning to look at me.

  “Uh…nice to meet you,” I reply, looking at Ashlyn and wondering how he ended up here.

  “Mom invited him,” she tells me, rolling her eyes.

  “Oh…well, that’s nice.”

  “Yeah…nice,” Ashlyn grumbles under her breath then looks around. “I’m going to start getting things set up.” Then she looks at Dillon, saying, “Why don’t you fill the balloons? You seem to have a thing for helium.”

  Watching him, his eyes change as he looks at her muttering, “Sure, babe,” before dropping his gaze to Hope and asking, “Do you want to help me fill the balloons?”

  “Are you Aunty Ashwyn’s boyfwiend?” Hope asks, tilting her head to the side and studying him.

  “Hope,” I say, watching Dillon smile, showing off two dimples.

  “We’re just friends,” he tells Hope as Ashlyn snorts, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Um…I think we’re going to need to get another cake,” I throw in, trying to break the awkwardness that has seeped into the moment. “I burnt the one I made.”

  “I’ll go pick one up from the store,” July says, taking Ashlyn’s hand and pulling her out of the living room.

  “Thanks,” I call to her back, hearing her say something to Ashlyn about “Being nice.”

  “Are you weally not her boyfwiend?” Hope asks, and I can’t help it; I cover my face and laugh.


  “He’s here,” I say, turning off the light, which causes the roomful of people to instantly go silent. Walking to the front door, I meet Jax as soon as he comes inside then take his hand without saying anything and start to lead him, chuckling, down the hall behind me toward the living room, where everyone is gathered.

  “Did my mom come pick up Hope?” he asks, spinning me suddenly and pushing me up against the wall. Before I can answer him, his mouth comes down on mine, silencing anything I was going to say and making me forget we have a roomful of people waiting for us.

  “Surprise!” The loud roar sounds through the house, and he pulls away just enough to see my face.

  “Surprise,” I whisper, watching his face go soft then laugh when Hope runs to us, yelling, “Happy Birthday, Daddy Ax,” before throwing herself against us.

  Picking her up, he smiles then wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Thanks, sweetheart,” he tells her, kissing her forehead.

  “Happy Birthday, honey,” Lilly says, coming over and kissing his cheek.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Happy Birthday,” Cash says, patting his son’s back.

  “Thanks, Dad. Thank you all. This is definitely surprising.” He laughs, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my hairline, making all the stress of the day worth it.

  “I’m ready for my real gift now,” Jax says, coming into his room and closing the door halfway before taking off his shirt. The party was a hit and everyone had a good time. I even caught Dillon and Ashlyn laughing together a few times, which was unexpected, since there seemed to be some major tension between them. Jax even insisted on eating a piece of the cake Hope and I made him, which was sweet, considering he could have ended up in the hospital.

  “I already gave you your gift,” I say with a laugh as he pushes me back into the bed and pulls my shirt off over my head.

  “I love that gift, baby, but the one I really want is right here,” he says, shoving his hand down the front of my shorts, in between my legs, making me gasp.

  “You can have that one too,” I moan into his mouth before giving him exactly what he wants, though I’m pretty sure I was the one who got the best gift of all.

  Waking up, I roll over and see Jax is gone then lift my head and look at the clock. It’s after eight-thirty, and I don’t have to be at work until eleven today.

  Hearing giggling coming from down the hall, I slip out of bed and make my way quietly to Hope’s door, where I find her wearing her pajamas, and Jax shirtless, wearing sweats, sitting at the small table his mom had gotten for her. Leaning against the door, I watch Jax take a drink of his coffee, while Hope places a piece of toast on a small plastic plate in front of him.
  “Thank you, princess,” he tells her, picking up the piece of toast, taking a bite, and smiling when Hope giggles.

  Lifting her glass of orange juice, she takes a sip then looks at her doll that is pulled up next to the table in her stroller. “Would you like some milk?” She asks placing a plastic bottle in the dolls lap, making Jax laugh.

  Last night, after Jax made love to me, he told me he loved that Hope called him Daddy, and I know if my brother had a say in the kind of man Hope would consider her father, Jax would be that guy. Feeling tears burn the back of my eyes, I move quietly across the hall to the bathroom and get into the shower, letting the water wash away my happy tears.


  “Kim, are you okay?” I ask, knocking on the bathroom door, when I hear her getting sick.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” she calls back, and I hear the toilet flush and the water turn on. I know exactly what is going on, because I heard the same thing when Bonnie was pregnant with Hope. And everyday I have worked with Kim in the last week, she has gotten sick.

  “Kim,” I whisper when she walks out of the bathroom, holding a paper towel to her mouth. Handing her a bottle of water, I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s not what you think,” she says, shaking her head and turning to face me with tears in her eyes.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she says, pulling me into the bathroom and shutting the door behind us, and then she lowers her gaze to the floor, shaking her head.

  “What’s going on?” I ask gently after a long moment.

  “Two years ago, I started to get sick, and I found out my kidneys were in the beginning stages of shutting down.”

  “Kim,” I whisper, grabbing onto her hand.

  “That was also when I found out I was adopted and that I have a twin sister. My sister is obviously a match, but every time things get tough, she takes off.”

  “Oh, my God,” I whisper, covering my mouth, not understanding how her twin could possibly leave Kim to face this alone, not when she needs her.

  “I’m trying to get her to come back here. This is where my doctors are, but if she refuses, I may have to leave and follow her again.”

  “I’m going to talk to Jax,” I tell her, knowing Jax will help track her sister down.

  “No, I know Sage works with him, and I don’t want him to know what’s going on. I don’t want anyone to know. My parents were approached by my sister a few weeks back, and she told them if they gave her the money she’s asking for, she would come back and help me.”

  “She wants money?” I hiss.

  “She had a hard life. Her mom—my biological mom—is a mess” she defends.

  “I had a hard life, Kim, but family is family. You don’t do that to family.”

  “I need her,” she whispers in pain.

  “I know she’s your sister, but seriously, she’s a bitch.”

  “When I get better, it won’t matter anymore,” she says, and I hope she’s right. I hope her sister steps up before it’s too late.

  “I’m here for you, whatever you need, even a kidney,” I tell her honestly, watching her give me a sad smile.

  “Just don’t tell anyone. I’m working this out on my own.”

  “You don’t have to be alone,” I tell her softly, pulling off a piece of paper towel and handing it to her when tears start falling from her eyes.

  “I have my parents,” she whispers before opening the door and leaving me in the bathroom trying to think of a way to tell Jax without actually telling him, but come up with nothing.

  Chapter 11


  Watching Ellie as she moans and her head presses back into the pillow I lick, and circle her clit again.

  “You’re so goddamn sweet, Ellie. I swear I want to eat you for every meal,” I growl against her core, feeling her tighten around my fingers.

  “I…I don’t think that’s very nutritious. Not for every meal, anyways,” she mumbles, and I can tell by her tone she’s serious.

  “Baby.” I chuckle, resting my forehead on her lower stomach then look up the length of her body at her beautiful face.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asks, and I know she’s still drunk, judging by the glazed look of her eyes.

  Climbing up the bed, I roll to my side and place my hand over her pussy, slipping my fingers into her.

  “You’re cute when you’re drunk,” I tell her, nuzzling her ear.

  “I’m not drunk,” she lies, circling her hips and forcing my fingers deeper. I know she’s drunk, ’cause I watched her and July both taking tequila shots, trying to outdrink Harlen who compared to them is a giant.

  I have no idea why July thought it would be a good idea for her and Ellie to try and team up against the man, but she did, and the rules were for every drink they took, he took two. Both the girls were wasted before the bottle was empty, while Harlen got up and walked off, muttering, “Amateurs.”

  “You know what tonight is?” she asks, looking up at me and biting her bottom lip.

  “What’s that, baby?” I ask, tilting my head down and pulling her nipple into my mouth, making her back arch and my fingers slide deeper inside her.

  “No more condoms,” she breathes, and my body stills.

  “You went to the doctor?”

  “Yeah, it’s right here,” she says, showing me the inside of her arm, where there’s a lump and a small bruise. “It lasts three years,” she adds, licking over her lips.

  “So I have to wait three years to put my kid in you?” I frown studying her arm.

  “We have two puppies and an almost four-year-old to keep you occupied.”

  “I’m not waiting three years, Ellie.”

  “Can we not talk about that right now?” She pouts, placing her hand over mine and pressing my fingers back inside her, which makes me smile.

  “We’ll talk about it when you’re sober.”

  “Less talk, more action,” she whimpers, riding my hand. Watching her, mesmerized as she gets herself off on my fingers, I wait until she’s finished coming then kick off my boxers, move myself between her legs, and pull them up around my hips.

  “Jesus,” I groan, sliding inside her, feeling the wet heat of her walls clamp down on me. No fucking way will I be able to hold off, feeling all of her for the first time, while she looks at me with wonder in her eyes.

  “I love feeling you inside me,” she moans, and I feel my toes curl.

  “Fuck, baby,” I growl then flip her to her stomach and pull her hips up high. I slam in deep, so deep I feel the wall of her cervix against the tip of my cock, then do it over and over again, listening to her cry out as her walls clamp down around me. Wrapping my hand around her waist and one beneath her chest, I pick her up, impaling her on me as my fingers roll over her clit.


  “I’m here, baby. Give it to me,” I tell her, taking her mouth with mine and planting myself deep inside her, feeling her walls contract around me as she comes again. Waiting until her orgasm passes, I clench my teeth then push her face into the bed and hold her in place by the back of her neck, sliding in and out of her slowly at first, feeling my cock drag along her walls, then fuck her so hard the bed shakes under us, and her scream fills the room as I plant myself deep inside of her, coming on a groan.

  Resting my forehead against her back, I listen to her breath come out in harsh pants that match mine before pulling out slowly and rolling to my side, bringing her with me, roaming my hands over her stomach and breasts.

  “What time are we picking Hope up in the morning?” she asks when we catch our breath, and I can hear the sleep in her voice.

  “We’ll go in the afternoon. Mom wants to take her and the puppies to some class they have at the pet store.”

  “I still think your mom’s crazy for wanting to take Hope and the puppies.”

  “She loves having Hope, and Hope wouldn’t agree to sleep over unless the puppies went along for
the night,” I tell her, running my hand over her hair.

  “Do you ever think about your real mom?” she whispers, catching me off guard, while her fingers draw absently on the skin of my arm, and I wonder if this is the alcohol talking, or if this is something she has been thinking about.

  “Sometimes,” I say, letting out a deep sigh. “Sometimes I wonder how she could have cast me aside the way she did,” I confide honestly, feeling a pain hit my chest that is always present when I think about Jules.

  “I know that feeling. You’re lucky to have your dad and Lilly. I wish I had a parent I could share things with. I wish my dad was still alive,” she chokes out as wetness hits my bicep. Turning her in my arms I hold her closer against me.

  “You have a family, baby,” I whisper, tucking her head under my chin.

  “You know the sad part?” She sniffles.

  “What’s that?”

  “I would forgive her. If she came to me and apologized, I would forgive her, because I want to have that relationship with her. I’m so twisted that I would accept her back into my life if she apologized to me,” she whimpers, and I feel my heart break for her, because I know exactly what she’s feeling.

  “You’re not twisted, Ellie. It’s ingrained in us from the time we’re little to love our family, to want to be close to them. It’s human nature, baby.”

  “I hate her.”

  “Shhh…” I soothe then tell her how much I love her, how much Hope loves her, and reassure her over and over what she means to me, while listening to her heartbreaking sobs until she finally cries herself to sleep. Getting out of bed, I go to the bathroom and wash myself off then take a wet towel to the bed and clean Ellie up before tucking her under the covers.

  Grabbing my laptop from the top of the dresser, I walk across the room and take a seat in the chair next to the window. I’ve been keeping track of Jules since she was released from prison a few years ago, and I know she lives a couple hours away, near her mom and brother. Listening to Ellie tonight made me realize it’s time for me to face my demons, and finally get some much needed closure.

  Pulling up her address online, I send myself a text from my computer with her information then shut down the laptop and set it on the chair. Going back to bed, I climb in behind Ellie and pull her body flush against mine, hearing her mumble, “I love you,” making me smile before I drift off to sleep.


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