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Love Can Kill You Baby

Page 9

by Gabor Kiraly

  "Thank you Hajnalka. For me it says that probably it was Robert's wife, first just recalling the number from the recent caller's list to try and find out who was Robert talking to, for I was sure that she overheard the lovers conversation, with a certain date, when both will be at the same spot, in her bed.

  Of course, with Frank's great help -who, if no one would know is the local chief of police- the cellphone company provided us with the necessary information, which proved, that there in fact were calls made to Hajnalka's number from his phone. Now why would he call her three different times at night, just to not say a word?

  When Marika learned the date of their meeting in Parry Sound, she worked out a seemingly perfect plan, which was very close being fail-proof. Knowing the date she started calling airlines to secure a return flight for that time period. This time from Hungary to Canada, and back to Hungary. Yes Marika, before you object I remember when you said that you did not even have money to pay for one trip, let alone two, and you, and your husband had to ask Mr. Ferber here for financial help. I remember, and I'm a good catholic, so I believe everything, after I checked it out.

  So, again with Frank's ever valuable help, we asked your bank, to check your family's purchases which were done by credit card. We were looking for a purchase, large enough to cover a return airfare to Europe. We were lucky again, they found it, and it shows that it was made by Robert Mezei's credit card, and the ticket was bought thru CAA, we even found the ticket agent Carrie McNaught Carlton, a nice lady, very helpful.

  "Do you folks mind if I have a two minutes break, I need a drink of cold water?"

  "Joe?" asked Ms. Borsi

  "Yes, dear?"

  "Are we going to finish this conversation before eleven? I need to catch my bus to North Bay!"

  "Oh, never worry about that! You can take a cab home, or stay in a hotel, or whatever you like, it's my treat?"

  "Oh?OK. Thanks"

  Finally he could sit down, have a sip of water, a little coffee, a half a cigarette? people in the other room was buzzing with excitement, and Frank quietly put a pair of handcuff on Marika's wrists. She was silent, like she was somewhere else, motionless, her eyes sad, her face expressionless.

  "Listen up folks, I don't want to keep you all night, let's continue! Mrs. Mezei had an airplane ticket paid, another ordered, and a plan. I am sure that Robert and Hajnalka's fate was decided, when she learned about their relationship. They were both marked to die. Yes, you were supposed to die on that Friday evening. Your sense of ethics, which couldn't let you have sex in a married couple's bed, saved your life. Anyway, Marika in order to carry out her plan, needed several things, and a bombproof way to get in and out of the country twice but noticed only once by the authorities. First she needed a gun, most probably with a silencer, and she needed cash to pay for the second airfare. Cash, for she tried not to leave a paper trail.

  And here come Mr. Ferber into the picture, he landed cash for her, and it's him also, who thru his Hamilton crime-connections was able to provide a handgun. He landed the money on a promise that he will be paid back, when Marika gets the payment from the insurance. I will come back to the insurance issue later?

  Frank I believe you can put a cuff on him too, although he did not pull the trigger, he took part in this murder from the beginning as much as he could. Plus later I will give you at least one more reason to keep him locked down for longer?

  Now let me come back to Marika Mezei. Here comes the part where a coincidence met with a stroke of a genius. Marika Mezei a new Canadian. She was granted citizenship in the spring before her trip to Hungary. She applied for and received a Canadian passport in the summer of the same year. The name in the passport was Maria Mezei, a Canadian citizen. At the same time she had still her Hungarian passport, with her maiden name, Marsi Maria, Hungarian citizen.

  On the day when she decided to kill the lovers, she mailed her Canadian passport to Hungary, for she did not want to chance it that any authorities at any border patrol would accidently find it.

  She also wanted to make sure, that the envelope with her passport won't disappear somewhere in a post office, she mailed it as Registered mail, which again was a mistake. Frank again, with the help of the Canada Post folks, found the documentation necessary for registering mail. And there was no more obstacles, she was good to go on a holiday, which she did. You guys all travel in and out of Canada. You experienced how and what they do with your passport. When you leave, they don't really care, it is usually the country of destination who cares more about the arriving people's passports. She left as Marsi Maria Hungarian citizen, it doesn't stir up to much water on the Pearson airport?she arrived to Hungary, visited her old father, looked up some old friends, partying, good life. When time came, she obtained her Canadian passport, told her father that she will be at friends' for several days, and told her friends that she will spend some time with her father. Instead doing any of this, she left Hungary as Maria Mezei using a Canadian passport. With no luggage a young Canadian citizen not a rare sight, nobody take any notice anywhere.

  She rented a car back in Hungary form Hertz in Toronto thru the Internet, using Robert's credit card as joint account holder she could do it. After he arrived she met up with Ferber at Pearson, who gave him a plastic bag, it's clearly visible on the Hertz surveillance footage, which I only tried to get today, and with luck and the magic of the Internet I succeeded and it's available to watch on my Blackberry. I assume the plastic bag contained the gun. It was late night on Thursday, and Ferber for alibi quickly got back to Hamilton, and was arrested for provoking and committing violence in public. Then she probably rented a motel room somewhere, to spend the night and the following day out of sight. Late afternoon drove home to Parry Sound, made sure that Alexa, her daughter's bedroom lights off, which meant to her, it's time for action. She parked the car, simply walked up to the apartment, opened the door with her own key, -that's why there was no sign of break and enter, - and shot her husband. She looked for the other woman, though soon realized that she was not there.

  The neighbors downstairs did not notice anything, for the noises she made, the way she stepped on the old squeaky stairs and even the keys jingling was not out of ordinary! Did not raise suspicion!

  She then tried to find the insurance policy everywhere, -that's why the police noticed that the suspect was looking for something, - but luckily Robert left the papers at work, when he changed the beneficiary in case he dies. He named his daughter. Marika was not aware of these changes? By the way even if she would have find the documents, the change was done deal, with naturally a copy at the broker's office at least. Not everything happened the way she planned, and she had to leave.

  For a while we did not know why the suspect walked first towards the Wellington's, so I re-enacted the scene, as I seen on the surveillance footage, walking as far as she did , and couldn't find any obvious reasons why would she do it until I found the different colored patch of asphalt on the ground. Following that lead we found the murder weapon, and Frank just notified me before I started this 'session' that two sets of fingerprints were identified on the gun: Mr. Ferber's, over-shadowed by Mrs. Mezei's at many places, which also proves that she was the one who last used it, to kill her own husband, whom she, I believed , loved.

  After all this was done, she took back the rental to Hertz, and got on her flight back to Hungary, where the first thing was to get rid of her Canadian passport. It was worthless from then on, for she reported it lost or stolen? Then she just had to wait to be notified by authorities. We already know the rest of the story.

  This is what happened, and we found answers for 4 of our main questions. What, when, where and who, we know, though I will never understand why. Why someone would kill, destroy the one she loves. I won't. Thanks for your attention."

  He finished finally and seemed very tired. Suddenly a strong female voice filled the air:

  "Yes, I killed him, and would do it again. You bitch you got lucky I
wanted to kill you from the second I heard about you! Nobody!"

  She was screaming already!

  "Understand? Understand? Nobody will take my husband from me! You can take anything from me but my man! And he had to pay for this shame too! He is my man or nobody's man! Nobody will take my husband?or my child?"she said much quieter, realizing what is really happening.

  Then she cried, hysterically, desperately cried, when they took her away.

  Chapter 28.

  "Joe?" asked Katlin. They left Joes car at the Herzog's, and walked home. It was a clean crispy night.

  "Katlin?I would like to ask you to leave me to myself. Just for tonight. I need to clean my soul, or I will be depressed or go mad. Let us just walk home in silence, let me listen to some quiet, calm, clean classical music. Be with me please, but let me be?just tonight. Please."

  "This exactly what I wanted to ask from you. Let me hold your hand. Thank you."

  Chapter 29.

  Monday morning found them sitting on the sofa hand in hand, both still asleep. Katlin's week kitten-snore was mixed in harmony with the music, quietly floating around like a light breeze. Joe opened his eyes first, Katlin a second later, instinctly feeling the change. They were watching each other for long seconds.

  "You are beautiful." Joe said, and saw forming Katlin's warm smile that came from her eyes, more than from her lips. She lifted Joe's hand and kissed it. Joe felt her tears on his hand. Then she got up, and said:" I need to take a shower! I don't care what you do, as long as there is a coffee on the table when I get back here!"

  Joe turned the brewer on and went on his way. The last of the coffee was dripping into the pot when they emerged again looking fresh, clean and energetic. Sipping the coffee, they were still quiet.

  "Do you think we have matters we should talk about?" Kat asked him.

  "Yes, I do?"

  "Is there a nice place, a park or alike in town? I would love to walk!"

  "There is. The Fitness trail, starts at the Town Dock, and goes on alongside the water. Beautiful in the fall."

  They drove down to the dock, for they didn't want their special mood taken away by the noisy downtown. They started walking and it felt natural holding each other's hand.

  "Joe we are not kids or teenagers anymore. We both know what's going on here, and it could be a major turning point in both of our lives."

  "Yes. I agree."

  "You said that when my Dad died, you know I was in the hospital. You know why?"


  "Then you must also know that I can't ever have a baby. I already accepted it, but where does it leave you?"

  "It leaves me with a wonderful woman; I never imagined she would exist! And that is more than I ever hoped for."

  "Remember when I was talking about my future, that I already know the important part of it? You are the important part of it. There might will never be more between us, and then there is right now. Maybe I will not be ever good enough for you. I do not know. But I know exactly what I want and I won't take another man. I will not find a better one and anything less is not good enough anymore. You are my man and that is how it is with, or without you! It is that simple. Your turn."

  "There is very little left to say. You are magic, and I can't see myself without you. Done! And you know what else, you don't really need another kid. We already have one: her name is Alexa Mezei! I already took steps, in case our relationship will end up here. The child protection already assured that they can't see why we couldn't adopt her. It is only a matter of several signatures and a big stamp. Your turn."

  "Joe? Joe, I don't even know what to say, how can I ever thank you all this. There is only a little fault in your plan; her name will be Alexa Bryan. I know my Dad would not mind it if she loses the 'Mezei'. Plus, you know it would be strange if the kid in the family had different last name than the other family members. Joe I'm truly happy. How can I ever thank you for all your gentleness??"

  "Well, I remember that you said something about maintenance? That you know how to make the old engine run better than the new? Remember?"

  "Oh, yes! Pervert!"

  "What? Why? It was just an idea?"

  "By the way! Who is your 'dear'? Hm?"

  "I don't get it ?"

  "No? It went like: "Oh Joe?" she was mimicking Hajnalka's voice on an un-naturally high octave "Yes dear" It was said with a deep voice mimicking Joe. "I need to catch my bus, trallala-trallala?"

  "Be fair?!" Said Joe.

  "Fair, here is something fair: you see this humble girl in a perfect body? She is your dear. Who is your dear? Me! "

  "Yes dear!" Katlin couldn't keep her happiness under control?

  "Good answer!" then: "Are you rich?"


  "How rich?"


  "Like filthy?"

  "Yes, dear"

  "Good answer for now, but we definitely need to talk about it later"

  And she was going on, and on and on, happy like a kid, tweeting like a little bird, running for this side from the road to the other, kicking away dried leaf piles and done all the mischiefs she could think of. Joe was watching her, realizing, that even in this small town, how close to each other could exist the angels and the scum of this world.

  He knew he would be always strong enough to keep his precious little family out of harm's way.

  Gabor Kiraly, December 20. 2013.

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