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Then Came You

Page 27

by Jill Shalvis

  back into it. “What was that?”

  “A victory kiss,” he said.

  She wasn’t one to bank her future happiness on a man, ever, but damn. She’d hoped for more.

  But hoping was for dreamers, and she was a planner. To the bone. They’d outlined what their relationship was, she and Wyatt, way back in the beginning. Hell, she’d reiterated it to him many times, too many to count.

  Which meant that this wasn’t his fault at all.

  Nope, this was all on her.


  Wyatt jackknifed up from a dead sleep to the sound of Zoe’s scream. A spider, he thought, but it was worse than a spider.

  He fumbled for his glasses and went running. He found her in the basement fighting a burst pipe. Wading into the mess, he turned off the water to the house, but that wasn’t going to solve any problems. “This is bigger than me,” he said. “I’ll call a plumber from work.”

  “But in the meantime, we don’t have water.”

  He looked down. They were in two inches of it. “We have plenty.”

  “Not funny, Wyatt. I have a flight in a few hours.”

  “And I’ve got surgeries. I’ll call a plumber,” he repeated.


  “Zoe,” he said. “We both love this big ol’ piece of shit, but we can’t keep duct taping it together.”

  “Duct tape fixes everything,” she said.

  “Not this time. We need a major renovation, or we need to sell.”

  She gasped. “Mom put you up to this?”

  “No,” he said. “Look, I love the memories in this place as much as you. But—”

  “But you’re leaving us.”

  “You know I’m going to build a house,” he said gently. “You know I want my own place, where there’s no lingerie hanging in the bathroom—well, unless it belongs to the woman I’m sleeping with. I want to live where there’s no need to tiptoe around for a whole week every month because we ran out of Midol.”


  “I want to live somewhere without roommates, aka sisters who are pains in my ass who remember and enjoy bringing up how when I was ten I used to save my gum on the bedpost for the next day.”

  She smiled. “I’d forgotten about that.”

  “You would’ve remembered the next time Emily came over.”

  She laughed. “Yeah. Maybe.”

  He squeezed her hand. “And when I go, I want to know that you’re safe, and not drowning in the money pit.”

  “What if I promise to stop bossing you around?”

  “You’ll never stop bossing me around,” he said. “And that’s okay. I still love you. I just don’t want to live with you. Are we going to be okay?”

  “No.” She sighed. “Yes. And the truth is, I don’t want to live with you, either. Or Darcy— Oh, God,” she said, clutching at his shirt. “Don’t you fucking me leave me alone with Darcy!”

  He laughed, and she kicked water on him, and he put his hand over her face and shoved.

  Yeah, they were going to be okay.

  “Who’s going to tell Darcy?” Zoe asked, squeezing water out of her hair.

  “Tell me what?” Darcy had appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “Wyatt’s leaving us,” Zoe said.

  “Good,” Darcy said. “You finally told him we were tired of having him as a roommate then.”

  Wyatt slid Zoe a look.

  She winced.

  “You’re tired of living with me?” he asked in disbelief. “What do I do?”

  “Besides leaving the lid up, drinking out of the milk container, thinking that doing your dishes means getting them into the sink, and parking in the good spot every single night? You’re a fun sucker,” Darcy said.

  “Darcy,” Zoe said reproachfully.

  “Gently,” Darcy said, and smacked herself in the forehead. “You said to tell him gently that we don’t want to live with him anymore. Sorry.”

  Wyatt looked at Zoe in disbelief.

  “You’re cramping our love lives,” she said on a sigh.

  “I’m cramping your love life?” he asked. “You don’t have a love life.”

  “Because the last time I brought a date home, you told him he was an idiot.”

  “Because he used the wrong remote on the TV and unprogrammed everything,” Wyatt said. “It took me three days to undo the mess. And that was a year ago.”

  “They were trying to watch porn and you came home on them,” Darcy said. “The poor guy got nervous because you’re about a foot taller than him and he was one of those skinny dudes who disappears when he turns sideways. Jeez, you’re so oblivious.”

  Wyatt rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes but he still couldn’t undo the image of Zoe and that scrawny dude watching porn together. “You’ve done it,” he finally said to Darcy. “You’ve driven me to drink. I need a beer. No, I need whiskey and it’s five thirty in the morning.”

  “And I realize I don’t have a love life right now,” Darcy went on as if he hadn’t spoken. “But someday I might. Because, unlike you, I’m ready to take a risk.”

  “You’re a walking risk,” Zoe told her.

  “I risk,” Wyatt said.

  “Name one,” Darcy said.

  “Yesterday. In surgery. I—”

  “Not at work,” Darcy said. “With your heart.”

  He stared at her. At the both of them. Not liking where this was going.

  Darcy softened. “You never have, Wyatt,” she said. “You hide behind your let-it-happen attitude, because it’s safe. If you don’t ask someone to be yours and they don’t pick you, well then nothing lost, right?”

  “Wrong,” he said. He’d risked with Caitlin, and she’d left. Excuse the fuck out of him for not jumping into it again with Emily.

  Except . . . he had. Maybe he hadn’t put it to words, but he’d let her in. Inside him.

  A tactical error on his part, one he was hoping he didn’t pay for.

  His phone buzzed, and he looked down at the screen. Dell was back and needed him at work a few minutes early. Saved by the bell. “Gotta go.”

  “Wyatt,” Zoe said softly when he started up the basement steps. “Darcy didn’t mean to hurt your feelings—”

  “Yes, I did,” Darcy said. “Take a damn risk,” she told him. “Try it, you might like it.”

  He risked plenty. Hell, he risked daily. And her name was Emily.

  Risk personified.

  Twenty minutes later, he strode into Belle Haven and headed to Dell’s office.

  “I’m finally catching up on the business side of things after all the running around,” Dell said. “I don’t see a reason not to make the intern switch if Emily’s on board with it and wants it. You?”

  Wyatt felt his gut drop. “What?”

  “They’re both on board. Emily e-mailed me about it days ago.”


  “Right before I left.”

  Before her and Sara’s Nancy Drew exploits. Before they’d made love all night long.

  And she’d not said a word.

  Dell’s gaze remained even, steady. “I was surprised,” he admitted. “I thought there for a while that you and she—”

  “No.” Apparently not. “No,” Wyatt said again, trying to believe it, all while reeling.

  Dell nodded. “I was going to go make the west ranching rounds. Three stops, Brady’s flying. You want to switch and take it?”

  Wyatt nodded, appreciating the out today, but he couldn’t stop thinking days ago. Emily had e-mailed Dell days ago . . .

  And not said one word to him.

  * * *

  Emily shadowed Dell for the day. He’d told her the switch had been approved and there were no hard feelings but it needed to happen ASAP for continuity sake.

  He didn’t say one word about Wyatt.

  And neither did she.

  Halfway through the day she received an e-mail from Lilah stating that Sara had won Wyatt in the charity auction.
Sara was now the proud owner of a day of shadowing one sexy Dr. Wyatt Stone.

  Emily couldn’t believe her little cheat bid using someone else’s name had worked. If she was a good person, she’d gift the shadow day with Wyatt to one of the other women who’d wanted him, but she totally wasn’t that good of a person because she was keeping him.

  At least on paper.

  The day didn’t end at the usual six o’clock because that night was Belle Haven’s monthly immunization clinic. Emily had volunteered to work it, and then found herself surprised when the entire staff showed up to do the same, including significant others—minus Brady and Wyatt, who weren’t back yet.

  The atmosphere was more like a party than a work night. Lilah brought animals who needed adopting, and held an impromptu adoption clinic. Jade was giving out free pet visit coupons, and Adam was there teaching one of his dog training courses—which Darcy took—borrowing Woodrow to do so, who learned all sorts of things, including how to sit on command.

  There was food, too, everyone had brought something, and the fun and laughter was plentiful. Anyone, even a perfect stranger, could’ve felt the love the place exuded. But it wasn’t the place. It was the people. And their longtime connections to each other. Sunshine was like that, one of those places where history collided with the present, and it worked in a way Emily had never imagined it would.

  Wyatt and Brady got back and when they walked through the door, Wyatt’s gaze immediately zeroed in on her. Her chest got tight, like there wasn’t enough room for her heart behind her ribcage. A montage of memories played in her head like a movie: running into Wyatt again at the hind quarters of a sheep in labor, climbing into his lap in his truck and fogging up the windows, saving that horse and getting a bruised butt in the process . . .

  She would miss it here in Sunshine, she really would. She’d miss everyone so much, but Wyatt most of all, more than she’d ever missed anything or anyone.

  You don’t have to go, a voice whispered in her head. Except if she stayed for a man who’d never given her a single inkling that he wanted more than to be boinked, she’d never forgive herself.

  Why hadn’t he given her an inkling, dammit? It was time, past time, to ask. She actually started toward him to do just that, and a woman walked in the door.

  She was a petite, auburn-haired beauty, with a sweet smile and deep green eyes that unerringly landed on Wyatt. She approached him with enough familiarity that Emily knew instantly who she was, even before she leapt into Wyatt’s arms and kissed him full on the mouth.

  Everything came to a skidding halt inside Emily, including her heart. No, wait. There it was, kicking hard against her ribs as she moved.


  She couldn’t say what she was feeling exactly, but when she blinked again, she was out the back door, heading toward the horse pens. Reno and Kiki nickered a welcome. Blue was quiet but she did stick her head over the fence, looking for goodies.

  Emily patted her. The view was nothing but inky blackness right now, the only light coming from a blanket of an infinity of stars.

  It was a gorgeous night.

  She climbed up on the fence and sat, and took her first breath since she’d seen Caitlin’s mouth on Wyatt’s. “Damn,” she said, and scrubbed at her wet cheeks. Suddenly she could put a name to her emotions.

  Red hot jealousy.




  And perhaps the worst of all, loneliness.

  Her phone buzzed an incoming text. Before she could reach for it, another text came in. And then another. And another.

  First up was Lilah. Honey, come back.

  Next was Jade. Girl, you left too early.

  She didn’t know what that meant, but read the next text, from Holly. You okay?

  Kate texted, too. Get your cute ass back in here, you missed the good stuff.

  Emily stared down at her phone as one last text came in from . . . Oh, God. Wyatt.

  She squinted as she accessed it, because everyone knew that squinting while reading something potentially devastating made it easier.

  Where are you?

  She swiped her nose on her sleeve and typed: Gone.

  It was silly and childish, but she figured she was past due.

  Liar, came his next text. Your car’s still here.

  She hit Reply. I’m busy with a patient.

  His own reply was so immediate she had no idea how he managed to thumb the words in so fast. Another lie. You’re not going to be able to walk back inside with that nose, Pinocchio.

  She choked out a soggy laugh and stared at the phone, having no idea what to reply. I just need to be alone for a few.

  “No, you don’t.”

  She jerked around, dropping her phone, staring at the tall, dark shadow coming around the barn. “Oh my God. You scared me.”

  He picked up her phone and held it out, and when she hopped down from the fence and tried to take it from him, his other hand shot out and grabbed hers, pulling her in. “Ditto,” he said.

  “Give me my phone back.”

  “Why did you run off?”

  “I didn’t. I told you, I had a patient.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, making a show of looking around. “Who?”

  From behind her, Blue stuck her head over the fence and gave her a shove in the back that pushed her into Wyatt’s chest.

  Wyatt held on, but she stepped back and pointed to the damn nosy horse. “Blue. She’s . . . not feeling good.”

  As she said this, Blue took advantage of how accessible she was and began to search her pockets for goodies, snorting her displeasure to find her goodie-less. She couldn’t concentrate on that because there was an odd tension coming from Wyatt, which she didn’t understand.

  She was the injured party here.

  Wasn’t she?

  He was hands on hips, staring at her. “So you expect me to believe that you came out here because Blue needed you, and not because Caitlin showed up.”

  Hearing the name of the woman he’d once loved, maybe still loved, fall so easily from his lips was like a sharp knife in the gut. “Caitlin showed up?” she asked with false casualness.

  He narrowed his gaze on her and didn’t answer.


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