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Hardy Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to get myself a drink.” Lash cupped the back of Angel’s head, deepening the kiss a little more.

  Angel sighed. “I tell you that man is getting more possessive with age,” she said.

  “You’re loving it,” Rose said.

  “I am.” Angel chuckled, clearly looking happy.

  Looking out onto the dance-floor Rose saw Anthony dancing with Daisy while Tabitha and Miles were together.

  “Is she missing Simon?” Rose asked.

  “I wish the Simon she was missing was Tate’s son, but yes, she is.” Angel looked around before turning to her. “Devil’s on his way with Lexie, and the kids.”

  Rose’s eyes, widened. “What?”

  “Don’t tell anyone. I asked Eva for Lexie’s number, and asked if she could make it tonight. I’ve set up the guest rooms in the clubhouse. Butch and Cheryl no longer live here, and their room is spare. The kids can stay in the children’s area.” Angel pressed a hand to her heart. “What if Tiny’s annoyed with me? He’s making friends with Devil, but it’s not the same. I really should have thought about this.”

  Taking hold of her hands, Rose forced Angel to look into her eyes. “You really need to calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen. You’re fine, and everything is going to be fine.”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t tell Lash, and I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

  “Is it only Devil and his family that is coming?”

  “Yes. No one else is coming along.”

  “You’ll be fine. I promise.” Rose gave the panicked woman a smile. “What’s done is done, and you’re going to be fine.”

  Angel nodded. “You’re right.” She breathed out a sigh of relief.

  Hardy came back first with two plastic cups filled with punch. “Here you go, baby.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s wrong with Angel?”

  “I’m sure you’re going to find out soon enough.” She took a drink, and as if Angel had thought them into existence, Devil, Lexie, Simon, and her other children entered the clubhouse. The family was greeted by Alex and Sunshine, then Tiny and Eva.

  Rose stayed back while Angel went and explained everything.

  “I get why she was panicking now.”

  “I think her heart was in the right place.”

  “I don’t doubt it. Tiny doesn’t look angry about it.”

  She watched as Simon walked onto the dance-floor. The little boy had an aura of confidence around him. He was dressed in the most adorable child tuxedo. Miles shook his hand and moved away going toward Rachel.

  “Isn’t that so adorable?” Rose asked, watching the young kids.

  “It would seem that distance for Simon makes the heart grow fonder.”

  “He’s going to be a heartbreaker when he’s older,” Rose said.

  “I think Tabitha’s going to be the same. No man is ever going to try to use her.”

  Rose couldn’t argue with him. Hardy wrapped his arms around her, pressing his hand to her stomach. “We’re going to have to be worrying about all of that.”

  “I know. I can’t wait. Can you imagine our son panicking about screwing up with a girl?”

  “Or our daughter if I get to the door before she does?”

  “You’ll be an amazing father.”

  “And you’re going to be a wonderful mother. The best, really.”

  They stood watching the kids on the dance-floor. It really was a cute-fest. Rose wondered what it was going to be like in ten to twelve years when the kids were going to their own prom. There was no predicting what was about to happen in their lives.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I’m so happy right now.”

  Resting her head against his shoulder, Rose realized she didn’t want this to end, ever.


  “You came,” Tabitha said, wrapping her arms around Simon.

  “I promised I would.”

  Simon looked over her shoulder to their parents. Angel was talking with his mom and dad. He was so happy right now. Every moment he was away from Tabitha was hard for him. He missed her all the time, and when he tried talking to his dad, Devil simply brushed off his fears.

  Dancing together, he turned her around, holding her close. He didn’t entirely understand everything that was going on, but he didn’t care. Tabitha was there, and for the moment he was happy.

  “Hardy wanted to make Rose happy,” Tabitha said.

  He listened to her talk, explaining to him everything that had happened, how Angel and her mother, Eva, had decorated the clubhouse.

  The pink was gross, and he’d never allow the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse to look like a girl’s playhouse.

  “How long you staying?” Tabitha asked.

  “Don’t know.”

  Anthony shoved him in the arm, and Simon turned to hug him as well. Daisy held onto Tabitha’s hand as they all stared at each other.


  “That’s the next generation of all of us,” Tiny said, looking at the group of kids. Rachel, Miles, and Tate’s Simon had joined them. In a few years Kelsey’s son would be joining them, along with his own baby, Rose’s kid. They were growing every year, and Tiny was so happy to see The Skulls working hard.

  “They look so damn happy,” Devil said, holding his son close to him. Elizabeth and Josh were holding Lexie’s hand.

  “How is everything going in Piston County?” Tiny asked.

  “Fine. Snake and Jesse are getting married in a couple of weeks. Dick’s took off to go somewhere, don’t know where exactly.”

  “He said there was someone he needed to see,” Lexie said.

  “Don’t know who. Everything is going great. Family is building, getting stronger.”

  “I’m glad.” Tiny wrapped his arm around Eva.

  He and his wife had talked long and hard about Tabitha and Simon. There wasn’t anything they could do about the bond the two had formed. Tiny only hoped when the two grew up, they grew apart. He’d never known two different clubs unite as one, and he didn’t want to lose his daughter. The last thing he wanted was for his little girl to ever be caught in a crossfire between their clubs.


  Whizz looked in the back of his car at Sally. She was resting her head against the window pane, and looked so damn pale. Her only belongings were in a black plastic bag beside her, and his heart broke for the young girl. No girls should ever have to deal with that kind of rejection, and yet Sally had.

  “Do you think we should just go back to the house?” Lacey asked. “They’re having a prom at the clubhouse. It may be a little too busy for her.”

  “I don’t mind staying in the car if you want to go and have some fun.”

  “It’s not about us having some fun, honey. Hardy, one of the men, wanted to throw a prom for his wife. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. I promise,” Lacey said.

  Whizz saw it didn’t matter to Sally. She was out of her foster home, and that was all she was happy about. He wondered if she had some kind of bet on how long she was going to last in their lives.

  “We’ll stop by the club. It’s only right for all the brothers and their wives to meet our daughter,” Whizz said. Just like he predicted, Sally turned her gaze to him.

  “You don’t have to be nice to me.”

  “I’m not. I’m saying how it is. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you’re my daughter.” The more he said it out loud, the better he felt.

  Turning down a road, he started to make his way toward the clubhouse rather than toward his new home. There was a lot of decorating still to do, but the home was livable, and that was all that mattered.

  Lacey kept talking to Sally, asking her about school, and what she liked. Most of the time the answers Lacey got were one word answers. The social worker had told him that there was a detachment between teenage adoptions and babies. It can take time to build on that same attachment with their kids.

  Whizz wo
ndered if Sally was going to make it hard on them on purpose, or if she didn’t know how else to be.

  Parking in the clubhouse lot, he smiled when he watched Sally’s reaction. Her eyes grew wide, and he imagined it took her every ounce of control not to press her nose against the glass.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “This is the club you’re part of?”

  “Yes, The Skulls.” He climbed out of the car, and moved to her door. “Come on. It’s time to go and meet people.”

  “You want me to go inside there?”

  “Yes. You’re not going to have a problem meeting people, are you?”

  She shook her head. “Erm, I didn’t expect this.”

  “Look, honey, you’re going to need to forget about everything you’ve ever known. We’re not like the assholes you’ve been with before,” Whizz said. “We’re going to blow your whole world.”

  Lacey stood beside Sally and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want to meet them?”


  On the way toward the main entrance, Whizz froze as Gash came out. The brother looked like he was on a mission, and Whizz was surprised to still see him waiting around.

  “You’re still here.”

  “I’m still here,” Gash said.

  “Sally, this is Gash. He’s one of the brothers. Gash, I’d like you meet mine and Whizz’s daughter, Sally.”

  Sally froze in place, and Gash gave her a smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I was waiting for your appearance before I headed out tonight. The Skulls will protect you. You’re not alone anymore.”

  Whizz nodded for Lacey to take her inside, and he stayed back to talk to Gash. “You’re still here.”

  “I’m still here. I know. I’m not for much longer. I’m heading out.”

  “Be careful, not just with yourself, but also with Charlotte.”

  “She doesn’t need a white knight to help her out,” Gash said.

  “Maybe not, but you don’t know everything. Don’t act out quickly.”

  “Look, Whizz, I like you, and before shit happened, I could even see us getting along, but we’re both different. Back off, and let me do what I need to do.”

  Holding his hand up, Whizz backed away. This wasn’t his battle. This was nothing to do with him. Watching Gash, Whizz wished he’d not been able to find Charlotte. For both Gash and Charlotte’s sakes, he hoped they told each other the truth before they screwed each other over.

  Chapter Eleven

  Later that night, Rose entered Hardy’s room, and smiled at the change. It was bare because he’d taken the time to move in with her over the past couple of days. He wasn’t in her room, and he still took the spare room, but she missed him. She’d made him cave to sleep next to her. They hadn’t had sex apart from the one time when he’d made love to her. Rose didn’t mind waiting, but she did have a problem with begging him.

  Hardy closed the door, flicking the lock into place. It was midnight, and the children had been sent to bed hours ago. The prom party had died down, and now there were only a few of the club remaining downstairs.

  “Did you enjoy tonight?”

  “I loved it.”

  “Now, part of the tradition of prom is having sex. We can have sex, or we can hold each other. I don’t mind doing whatever you want to do.”

  Rose turned her back toward him. “Will you undo me?”

  His fingers touched the zipper at her neck. She closed her eyes at the smallest of touches. She needed his hands on her body, loving her, touching her, giving her exactly what she needed in the tips of his fingers alone. All night she’d been desperate for him, and dancing close together had only heightened her need for him. He dragged the zipper down her body, and he slid his hand against her waist. She moaned, leaning back against him. Slowly, he drew his hand up toward her breasts. His other hand slid inside her dress and moved up until he cupped both of her breasts. Hardy tugged the cups of her dress down, exposing her tits, pinching the nipples. Rose moaned, resting her head against his shoulder.

  “Your tits are so responsive.”

  “It’s because of you. I’m responsive to you, and to your touch. I need you, Hardy.”

  “You’re going to get me, but I’m going to take my time. Every woman should have a night to remember for their prom. I’m going to give you more.”

  Rose wasn’t going to argue with him. She wanted this so much. He removed her dress, and it fell to the floor at her feet. Next he worked on her bra, removing it from her body until she stood before him in the modest heels.

  “I want you to keep those shoes on.”

  “Have you been having some dirty thoughts about me in these shoes?” she asked.


  She spun around and worked the buttons on his jacket open, running her hands up his chest, and sliding the jacket off. It fell to the floor, and she bit her lip as she started working on his shirt, revealing every inch of his tanned flesh. The ink stood out beneath the white shirt, and her arousal heightened even beyond her control.

  “I love that color in your cheeks,” he said, cupping her face. He ran his thumb across each of her cheeks before sliding down to her neck, touching her pulse with the tips of his fingers. In the next second he slid his hands into her hair, gripping the length. She closed her eyes, basking in his touch once again before she went back to work in getting him naked. “I can’t do anything to you unless I’m naked just like you.”

  Opening her eyes, she bit her lip in the same way that she knew drove him crazy.

  He leaned down, taking her bottom lip between his teeth, and sucked it inside. She moaned, gripping the sides of his body, and holding onto him tightly.

  She plunged her tongue into his mouth, whimpering as he held her in place, ravishing her mouth. Hardy was the man in control, not her. Rose was merely his slave in that moment.

  “Get these clothes off me, Rose.”

  Tugging on his clothes, she had the shirt off his body, and he kicked away his shoes at the same time she went to her knees before him, opening up the zipper. She pulled out his cock, working over the length, and Hardy pushed the trousers down his body. Leaning forward when he stood up, she flicked her tongue over his length, moaning as his cock seemed to bob at her touch. Hardy hissed out, and Rose didn’t stop there. She started to work on his cock, licking and sucking, loving his rock hard dick as she went.

  “Fuck, baby, your mouth is fucking heaven. So beautiful.” Hardy wrapped her hair around his fist as she worked her tongue over his cock.

  His moans echoed around the room, and she cupped his balls, playing with them in the palm of her hands. Hardy tightened his hands in her hair, and she simply made love to his cock, taking her time and prolonging his pleasure.

  “I can’t take much more.”

  Hardy pulled her up, using his grip in her hair. Rose didn’t mind that little bite of pain. It was one of the things she loved about Hardy. He always knew how far to take her without taking her too far to the edge.

  He pushed her toward the bed, and with a press of his hand, she fell on the silk sheets. They were her guilty pleasure, the soft, silk sheets.

  “You look so beautiful splayed out for my pleasure. Open your legs,” he said.

  Hardy stood before her like a god commanding his servant. Rose opened her thighs unable to look away as he gripped his cock, running his hand up and down the shaft, going from root to tip, then down again. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and Rose licked her lips, wanting to taste him once again on her tongue. She needed him in ways that shocked and scared her.

  “You want my dick in your mouth?” he asked.


  “Do you want my dick in your pussy?”


  “And your ass?”


  They’d been adventurous during their marriage, and Rose couldn’t believe how long it had been since they’d been like this. This was the man she saved just for her.

�I want to see your ass. Get on your knees, and show me what belongs to me.”

  Scrambling to her knees, Rose started to pant as his coarse language affected her. When she was on her knees, she waited for him to say or do whatever he was going to. Biting her lip once again, she waited. All she heard was the sound of her breathing.

  “Your ass is fucking perfection, Rose.”

  He touched her, and she cried out from the simple contact. Hardy always knew how to heighten her arousal to take her to the next level of pleasure.

  “I see you’re just as responsive as you always were.”

  She didn’t say anything. There was no need to say anything. Her pussy was dripping wet, soaking in fact. She wouldn’t be surprised if her cream wasn’t soaking down the insides of her thighs.

  His fingers ran over each cheek of her ass, stroking her flesh. Hardy gripped her ass, and spread her cheeks wide.

  “Look at that pretty, juicy pussy. You’re soaking wet, Rose. You’re thinking very naughty thoughts, aren’t you?”


  He cupped her pussy, sliding a finger within her slit and teasing her clit. She moaned, shaking from the slightest touch.

  “You’re desperate for cock tonight, aren’t you?”


  Hardy aligned the tip of his cock to her entrance, and Rose gripped the sheet beneath her as he slammed the entire length of his shaft within her pussy. She came apart, the aftershocks of him invading her pussy sending her pleasure centers into overdrive.

  He pumped once, twice, and on the third time, he pulled out completely.

  Rose moaned, missing him before he’d even gotten started.

  “Tonight, we’re going to have a little fun, and play a little. If you’re not up to that, tell me now, and I’ll go.”

  “No!” She shouted the word at him. The last thing she needed or wanted was for him to leave. “I want to play. Don’t go.”

  “Can I do anything to this body?”

  “Yes. It’s yours. I’ve always been yours.”

  “That’s exactly what I like to hear.”

  He pulled away from her, and she whimpered, unable to help her response. Rose stayed where he’d put her, waiting for his instructions. She’d known Hardy a long time to know exactly what he liked. Obedience was what he expected within reason.


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