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Hardy Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “Get onto your back, open your thighs, and show me your pretty pussy.”

  Rose did as he asked, getting toward the edge of the bed. Hardy had grabbed a chair from the corner, and brought it to sit down. She lay before him, open, exposed, and waiting for him to make a move.

  “Your pussy is wet and swollen, Rose.”

  “I want you, Hardy. I need you inside me.”

  “And you’re going to get me in time.”

  She stared down at him, waiting for what he wanted. Hardy made sure to keep her waiting, and she started to lose her impatience with him when he finally spoke.

  “I want you to start touching yourself.”

  When Rose went to go straight to her pussy he ordered her to stop.

  “Start at your neck and slide down to your pretty nipples. Love your body, Rose, just like I’m going to love you with my cock.”

  Nodding, she rested both of her hands at her neck where his lips once touched. She loved it when Hardy had a day’s stubble and the coarse flesh touched her neck. It drove her insane, and she could be ready to fuck within seconds.

  “Are you thinking about me kissing you there? Sucking on your neck until I’ve driven you crazy?”


  “Be a good girl, and I’ll kiss you there very soon.”

  “It’s what I want. I need you, Hardy. I don’t know how much longer I can take.”

  “You’ll take as long as I tell you. You’ll do as I say or you’re not getting my cock. I’ve warned you about being greedy, Rose.”


  “Now, touch yourself, and let me watch you do it.”

  She nodded again, and started to work her body, touching, caressing, and stroking. Rose moved her hands down her chest to cup her breasts.

  “Pinch your nipples. Show me what you like, and what you’d like me to do to them when I get my mouth on you.”

  Rose pinched her nipples, tugging on the hardened peaks as Hardy kept on talking. His hard voice served to turn her on, and when she went to close her thighs, he ordered her to keep them open.

  “That pussy is all mine, Rose. I want to see how aroused you get, and if you don’t get wet enough for me, I’m not going to give you what you need.”

  She whimpered.

  “You know I’ll give it to you providing you meet my needs.”

  Using her nails, she pinched her nipples so that it was on the verge of too much pain before pulling away. Hardy moved on the chair, and she turned to watch him. He had gotten into a more comfortable position, and started to play with his cock. His pace was slow, taking his time, and clearly relishing each second of watching her.

  “This is what you do to me, baby. You make me want to come just by looking at you. You’re so beautiful.”

  When she couldn’t take it anymore, she slid down her stomach to land between her thighs. She teased through her slit, rubbing her fingers over her clit, and going to her cunt.

  “That’s it, baby. Push those fingers inside that pretty cunt.”

  She pushed two fingers inside her, crying out at the instant hit of pleasure it created.

  “Fuck, baby, add another finger.”

  Rose added a third finger while she teased her clit. She didn’t know how much more she could handle. Between Hardy’s words and her touch, it was driving her insane. She needed more, and yet it wasn’t enough. It was driving her crazy, heightening her need for more.

  The chair was shoved away, and suddenly Hardy was between her thighs. He shoved her hands out of the way, replacing them with his tongue and fingers.

  Rose cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth, and pushed two fingers inside her pussy. He pumped in and out of her constantly. The moment she was at the brink of orgasm, Rose thought he’d let her go, but he didn’t. He made her wait, taking his time, and she was screaming, begging for him to let her come.

  It didn’t matter what she did, he was the one who’d finally give in to her.

  Hardy bit down onto her clit, and she couldn’t hold off her orgasm even if she wanted to. The burst of pain along with his fingers stroking over her G-spot had her screaming out in climax.

  Like the night he made love to her, he wasn’t finished with her, not by any means. He kept licking, sucking, and biting onto her clit, which had her hurtling into a second orgasm. Hardy pulled away from her and sat back. She watched as he wiped her excess cream from his face. He grabbed the chair, sitting back on it.

  “Come here, baby.”

  He gripped his cock, and Rose climbed off the bed, walking toward him. She still wore the heels he wanted her to.

  Standing before him in nothing else, she felt the power that she was sure so many women experienced when facing their men.


  Rose was a fucking wet dream come true. Her hands rested on her hips as she stared down at him. The shoes she wore were a modest heel, and yet they made Hardy think of nothing else apart from fucking her. His dick was rock hard, and he wanted inside her badly.

  Her taste was still on his tongue, and he had to show restraint when it came to her. She drove him crazy, made him want her so damn badly.

  “Sit on my cock, beautiful.”

  She rested her hands on his shoulders and straddled his legs. Hardy held his cock ready for her warm, wet pussy. He found her entrance, and Rose took over, sliding over his cock, and seating herself onto his length.

  Their groans combined together, mingling, and echoing off the walls. This was perfect, so damn perfect. He gripped her hips, running his hands down to capture her ass, and tighten on the flesh.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  “Yes. You’re rock hard, Hardy.” She chuckled, resting her head against his.

  Stroking his hands up and down her back, Hardy basked in the feel of her over him. He couldn’t help but touch her, running his hands up and down her ass, then going back to grip her hips.

  “You don’t mind that I’ve put some weight on?” she asked.

  “Baby, I don’t care about your weight. I used to hate it when you watched what you ate. There was nothing more depressing than you removing all of the good shit from your food, or picking a salad even when we were at a burger bar.” He’d never taken her to a restaurant until the other day. Hardy had been so surprised by how much fun he actually had with her.

  She chuckled. “We’ve lost so much time, and all we needed to do was talk to each other.”

  “I’m going to be talking to you the whole time. You’re going to be begging me to shut the fuck up, just so you can a rest.”

  They laughed together.

  “I’m not. I’ve missed this.”

  He pushed some of her hair out of the way, and tugged her down so that he could kiss her lips. “You taste so good.”

  She slid her tongue along his bottom lip, tasting herself. Rose always turned him on by her need to fuck as dirty as he did.

  “I’m the luckiest fucking man in the world.”

  “I know you are, and you’re going to have to remember how damn lucky you are.”

  “I will. I’m not going to think I’m anything other than damn lucky.”

  Rose smiled. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and he landed his hands on her hips, guiding her to perfection over his cock. He lifted up until only the tip remained, and she slammed down onto his shaft, taking him as deep as she could, without causing her too much pain. Her tits bounced with the force of their fucking.

  When she sat on his cock, Hardy used all of his strength to keep her in that position. He stood up, and took her to the bed, remaining inside her the whole time. They moved together until they lay in the center of the bed, and Hardy locked their fingers together, placing them above her head.

  “You really do like this position a lot,” she said.

  “I do, and I love it even more when I’m inside you. It’s a dream come true for me.”

  “A dream come true. What does that even mean?”

p; Hardy pressed a kiss to her lips before staring down into her eyes. “It means, to me, that I almost lost you. I nearly did lose you, and never being with you again, haunts me. I love you, Rose. I love you so damn much I don’t know what I’d ever do if I lost you.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too. I didn’t want to leave, but I needed to hurt you, and I was wrong to have done it. We both made mistakes, and I want us to get over them, and move on with our lives. I think it’s important for us.”

  “I know, baby.” He wasn’t pissed at her. They were past that stage, and had moved on to something far deeper. Pulling out of her tight pussy, he stared into her eyes, and slammed all the way home. They both cried out, and Rose screamed for him to go a little harder, a little deeper.

  Hardy alternated between making love to her and fucking her. He loved the sounds she made and couldn’t get enough of them. All he ever wanted to hear coming from her lips were the sounds of love, arousal, and orgasm.

  “I need you, Hardy. Please.”

  “I’m giving it to you, baby.”

  “Make it dirty. I don’t want you to hold back. Fuck me like you’re not afraid of me leaving. Give me what you used to give me.”

  “I don’t want to lose you,” he said.

  “You’re not going to lose me. I want it. I’m begging for it. Please, give it to me.”

  Hardy took her at her word. He pulled out of her body, flipped her over so that she was on her knees, and slammed into her from behind. “Is this what you want, baby?”


  He ran his hands all over the curves of her ass, and loved the sight of her spread out before him. It only served to turn him on more. Slapping each cheek with a light tap, he growled, pumping his cock deeper inside her. When that wasn’t enough he made her lay down on her stomach, drawing her hips up, pushing a pillow beneath her. He found her entrance, and pressed inside. Rose cried out, thrusting onto his cock as he filled her once again.

  “Have you had enough yet?” he asked.


  Slipping his hand between her thighs, he teased her clit, and started to slow down his thrusts. He brought her to the brink of release only to hold off, making her wait for the pleasure.

  Within minutes of torturing her, Rose was sobbing, begging for him to show some mercy. Hardy kept her on the height of pleasure, working her body like only he knew how to.

  “I want to hear you beg.”

  Only when her begging turned to screams did he let her find orgasm, but he held his off.

  The moment her release ebbed away, he flipped her back over, slid inside her, and made love to her, kissing her throughout it all. He didn’t stop, and Hardy brought her to another orgasm until he finally found his own peak.

  Afterward, he held her close.

  “That was beautiful,” she said.

  “I guess I’ve still got it.”

  “Old age is going to be a problem for you. I remember when you could go longer,” she said, giggling.

  “You’re a tease.”


  He stared into her eyes, and for a few minutes there were no need for words, or to speak. Stroking her soft skin, Hardy basked in having her in his arms.

  “I hate to break the moment, but I wanted to tell you my first doctor’s appointment is in three weeks,” she said.

  “Good. I’ll be there for you.”

  “I don’t know if we’ll get to see the sex of the baby. It may be too soon.”

  “I don’t care if we get to find out the sex or not. I said I’ll be there for you, and I meant every word I said.”


  “We’ve got to start decorating one of the spare bedrooms for a nursery.”

  “Could we wait until after I’ve gotten to the second or the third trimester?” she asked.


  “I may lose the baby or there may be complications.”

  “If you want to wait until you’re sure, then I’m happy to wait.”

  “I want to wait. I want to be sure,” she said.

  “Then consider it done.” He pressed another kiss to the tip of her nose.

  “I can’t believe you set up a prom for me.”

  “You’ve never had one. It’s time I make everything up to you.”

  She released a sigh, snuggling up to him. “Did you see Sally?”

  “My dick is inside you. I really don’t want to be talking about a fifteen year old girl,” Hardy said, finding no arousal in the topic.

  “I know. It’s just, it’s a big deal to have adopted a teenager. I wanted to talk about it.”

  Hardy let out a sigh. “Okay, fine. Lacey and Whizz seemed really happy.”

  “Sally looked nervous. There is so much sadness in her eyes. It’s so scary to look at,” Rose said. “She’s been through a lot.”

  “So have Lacey and Whizz. If anyone can help her, it’s those two.”

  “I hope so. I hate the thought of her hurting. I know I’ve only met her for like two minutes, but a young teenage girl shouldn’t have to worry about that kind of darkness.”

  “I know, baby. I do know that. The club is here, and they’ll help her out. I promise.”

  “Good. I don’t like the thought of her being alone for some reason,” Rose said.

  Pushing a strand of hair off her face, Hardy smiled. “You’re a good person. A good woman, and you’re going to be a mommy soon. It’s good of you to care.”

  “It’s nice to care again.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I don’t ever want this to stop, Hardy. I want the world to keep going round, and us to be together.”

  “It will, baby. I can’t promise you much other than the fact you’re stuck with me for a fucking long time.”


  Whizz watched as Sally hesitated outside his new home.

  “It’s not a lot, but it’s home.”

  “You’ve got a beautiful home,” Sally said.

  “It’s a beautiful home we got for a bargain price, only now we’ve got to put it all right,” Lacey said, taking hold of Sally’s home. “Come on, we’ll walk inside together.”

  He watched his woman and Sally enter his home. Whizz knew he was doing the right thing, providing this young girl with a home. Lacey adored her, and the club had seen the tortured soul that Sally possessed. She needed someone to love, to be with who she trusted. From the way she behaved, he doubted she even knew what the hell was going on at times.

  They entered their new home, and Whizz closed the door. He carried Sally’s belongings with him.

  “What do you think?” Lacey asked.

  “You’ve got a beautiful home.”

  “This is your home now. We’re not going to give you back. So, rules. You’re a teenager, and we’re heading to the high school and enrolling you. Two, I don’t give a shit what your excuse is, curfew is nine, not a minute after. Boys, you keep away from them. I own a gun, and I will kill any little shit who thinks they can take what you shouldn’t be willing to give.”

  “This is crazy. You’re sounding like a complete crazy person. You’re getting that, right?” Sally asked.

  “Actually, as far as I’m concerned, I’m sounding like a father,” Whizz said. “Those are my rules. Break them, and there will be punishment.”

  “Punishment? Like a belt or something?” Sally asked, going pale.

  “Fuck no. There will be chores. I’ll punish you by making your life miserable.”

  “Yeah, how?”

  “Let’s see. I can take your phone away.”

  “I don’t have a phone,” Sally said.

  Lacey smiled and moved to a box. He and Lacey had been out shopping, trying to get everything they’d need for a teenage daughter. “What about this one?”

  “You bought me a cell phone?”

  “Yep. It’s registered, and it’s limited, so don’t even think of running up the phone bill,” Lacey said.

  “Thank you.”

  “So, we can take your pho
ne, your laptop, your tablet, and then there are the horrible chores.” After each of the items he listed, Lacey pulled them out of the gift box. Tears were glistening in Sally’s eyes with each second that passed. “Raking the yard, weeding, cooking, washing the dishes, laundry, cleaning the shit from the toilets. Do I need to make myself clear?”

  “No, we’re clear. We’re crystal clear,” Sally said.

  Whizz moved to Lacey, gripping his woman around the neck. He tilted her head back, and kissed her. “Show her.”

  “We bought you a welcome package. The kind of stuff all young women should have.” Lacey handed over the remainder of the box. Sally placed her phone down, and looked inside. “Also, the old ladies are going shopping with us tomorrow.”


  “Yeah, you’re not staying in clothes like that. You’re getting something new.”

  “Thank you.”

  Whizz let Lacey show Sally to her room, and he heard her squeal at the sight of her own room. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he smiled. This was what he wanted to do, and to give to another woman.

  Ten minutes later Lacey came back down.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “What do you think?”

  “I adore her. She needs us, Whizz.”

  “I agree.”

  He opened his arms, and like always, Lacey walked right into his arms without hesitating.

  Chapter Twelve

  The weeks went on, and Hardy went from the spare bedroom to the main bedroom. Rose didn’t like sleeping alone, and so she begged for him to stay with her. She kept expecting him to fuck up, and change. He didn’t. Hardy was a constant presence in her life. He still went and did the work for The Skulls. Angel told her it was supervising the builders for the new gym. Fort Wills was excited about the gym, and the potential for work. Baker was also looking at possibly opening up a bakery, but he was struggling with the demons of his past.

  Rose felt for him because he’d not gotten further with Millie. The summer weeks had turned to fall, and she’d soon be entering her second trimester. She had a lovely little bump that Rose believed only made her look fat rather than pregnant.


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