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Heat Wave of Desire

Page 6

by Yahrah St. John

  And her hair was straight and silky. He suspected she’d chosen to wear it down for him and he liked it. Finally, there was her face. She didn’t need the makeup, but it did enhance her features. Kimberly Parker was a beautiful woman, no doubt about it. He’d told himself he would avoid romantic entanglements while he was at the Belleza, but Kimberly made him rethink that vow. Hell, he threw that idea out the window entirely! There was a simmering, smoldering heat inside that nice, neat package and it excited Jaxon. He wanted her in his bed, on the floor, standing up, anywhere he could get her. It was just a matter of when.

  He strolled over to where she stood with her friends. “Good evening, ladies.”

  “Mr. Scott.” Robyn offered her hand.

  “Call me Jack.” He shook the proffered hand.

  “Hello, Jack,” Gabrielle said, “I’m Gabrielle, but you can call me Gabby. Everybody does.”

  He grasped one of Gabrielle’s hands. “Pleasure to meet you.” He kissed her hand, but didn’t take his eyes off Kimberly.

  “Well, we’re going to go mingle.” Robyn smiled knowingly but Jaxon didn’t hear her. His eyes were on one woman.

  Robyn and Gabrielle departed, leaving him alone with Kimberly. “Hi.”

  He could tell she was nervous because she was shifting from foot to foot.

  “You look stunning tonight.”

  She smiled and touched the pendant necklace hanging from her neck. “Thank you.”

  “Your friends seem to know something,” he said. He leaned over to whisper in her ear and caught a tantalizing whiff of perfume that was a mix of berries and vanilla and a hint of something else he couldn’t name. “I thought we were keeping this date a secret.”

  She smiled. “We were, but I can’t keep anything from them. They figured me out.”

  “Good, because I was going to have a hard time not ogling you in that dress tonight.” He grasped her arm and led her over to the other diners: a senator, an A-list movie star, the head of a major financial corporation and Cole, the recording star. “Can I get you a drink?” He certainly needed something to cool him off. Because he would like to find the nearest utility closet, push Kimberly into it and lift that dress up and have his way with her.

  “I’d love one.”

  * * *

  Kimberly followed Jack over to the bar that had been set up in the private room. Jonah Grady was manning the bar tonight. Jonah was in his eighties, but that didn’t stop him from working a few days and special events like this. He’d been with the resort on and off since it was the Belleza Inn back in the 1950s. He’d been good friends with Kim’s grandfather Don, and Kim regarded him as part of the family. Even though he could long since have retired, Jonah loved tending bar and listening to folks’ stories.

  “Jack, I would like to introduce you to Jonah Grady.” Kimberly smiled across at her dear family friend, who was dressed in his usual tuxedo shirt with a bow tie and a plaid vest. She’d tried unsuccessfully to get him to dress like the other bartenders but it was a losing battle. He’d been doing it that way for years and wasn’t about to stop now. “He’s been a permanent fixture at the Belleza since its inception.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Jack offered Jonah his hand over the small bar and Jonah shook it with aplomb.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scott.”

  Jack’s brow furrowed. “How do you know my name?”

  Kimberly smiled. “Jonah knows everyone’s name at the tasting dinner. He makes a point of it every month.”

  Jonah shrugged. “It’s a habit. Makes folks feel at ease.”

  “It sure does,” Jack said. “So what’s your best drink, Jonah? I know you have a specialty and I would like one of them.”

  “Oh, I have something up my sleeve.” Jonah reached behind him for a glass. He tossed it in the air and caught it with his other hand. Then he began filling it with ice and then added several liquors and fruit juices. He shook them up in a shaker and then poured his creation into a frosted martini glass and handed it to Jack. “Care to try it?”

  “Ladies first.” Jack offered Kimberly the glass. At first she seemed hesitant to accept, but she took a sip and then licked her lips.

  “Delicious as always, Jonah.” She handed the glass back to Jack, who wasted no time taking a sip. When he licked his lips the same as she did, Kimberly felt a tingle deep in her belly.

  “I like it. Thank you, sir.” He shook Jonah’s hand. “You have a gift.”

  Jonah chuckled. “As do you.” He waggled his eyebrows at them. “Y’all have fun tonight.”

  * * *

  Jaxon was impressed with the dinner. As each course came out, Gabrielle announced each dish and talked about her inspiration. He couldn’t help but notice that they all contained ingredients that were known aphrodisiacs. Was that on purpose? Had Kimberly ensured they had a sexy meal? If so, she needn’t have worried because he was damn turned on just sitting next to her. He’d have no problem in that department if that was where the night led.

  Even though Kimberly was general manager and should have sat at the head of the table, Robyn had graciously done the honors, leaving Kimberly free to sit next to Jaxon.

  Conversation flowed from the senator’s current campaign to the movie the A-list actress had just filmed, to gossip about Cole, the R & B singer at the table.

  “Did you really date Tea Delgado?” the actress asked him. “It’s all over TMZ.”

  “I don’t like to kiss and tell,” Cole started to explain, but then he stopped when the waitress came to refill his water glass. “This doesn’t have enough ice cubes. I like really cold water.” He handed her the glass and brushed her off. “Can’t people get things right?”

  The actress laughed.

  Jaxon hated new money. Sometimes the newly wealthy had a tendency to look down on or treat others with no respect. It was the one thing his grandparents had always instilled in him. Money didn’t entitle him to be treated better than others.

  “Why don’t you finish the story?” Jaxon urged. He gave Kimberly a wink because he could see that she, too, had been uncomfortable at the exchange, especially since the young woman was her staff.

  Cole went on to regale them with a wild and crazy story of sex and drugs that Jaxon wouldn’t believe if he hadn’t heard it himself. When Cole’s story was over and the dessert course had arrived, Jaxon switched topics. He had a question for the CEO at the table.

  “Can you tell us how the IPO is going?” he inquired as he sank his spoon into the creamy mixture.

  He’d chosen the lemon-vanilla crème, while Kimberly had opted for the chocolate ganache. “Would you like a taste?”


  She never finished her sentence because Jaxon slid his spoon into her mouth. She grasped his hand and he gave her a look that made his intentions clear. He wanted her.

  She swallowed, but didn’t turn away from his gaze until the waitress asked Kimberly if she wanted coffee. “No, thank you.”

  Jaxon hadn’t meant to be so obvious with his desire for her. Perhaps it was the oyster appetizer dish or the pomegranate in the salad or the fig-inspired entrée, but he was very aware of Kimberly. He wanted to spend time alone with her without any interruption.

  “That about does it for me,” Jaxon said to the senator to his right. “I think I’ll go for a stroll on the grounds and walk off this meal.”

  Kimberly took the cue and rose to address the guests. “It’s truly been another great dinner. Let’s give one final toast to the executive chef, Gabrielle, before we conclude this month’s tasting dinner.”

  The diners all raised their wineglasses and toasted Gabrielle at the far side of the table. “To the chef.”

  Jaxon rose from his seat and pulled back Kimberly’s.

  The buxom blonde he’d seen earlier came barreli
ng through the door. “Kimberly, if I could have a word... There’s been an incident.”

  Gabrielle intervened. “Charlene, why don’t you come with me to the kitchen so we can talk?”

  He saw Kimberly mouth her thanks to her friend before they said their pleasantries to Robyn and the other guests. Eventually they were finally able to escape the ballroom.

  Jaxon opened the door so Kimberly could precede him out of the restaurant, allowing him a great view of her behind in the slinky dress she wore. It was a view he’d never tire of.

  * * *

  Kimberly strolled with Jack through the Plaza’s lush surroundings to the main lawn that overlooked a waterfall feature. The lights let off a soft glow and the moonlight set a very romantic scene. Are we supposed to hold hands? She planned to keep her hands at her sides, but Jack’s large hand reached out and grasped hers. It was a simple gesture, but one that made her uneasy.

  Jack made her nervous. He was a risk because he was unlike any of the other men she’d dated. Most of them she’d only liked, but Kimberly suspected that Jack would and could make her feel more deeply than that. Right now, he had her feeling hot and lusty. Or was it the humid night air?

  “I’m glad we’re out of there,” he said once they were alone.

  “Didn’t you enjoy dinner?” Kimberly asked, glancing up at him.

  “Very much so,” he replied as he looked down at her, “but I would have much preferred dinner alone with you.”

  Kimberly chose to ignore his comment and make small talk instead. “Then you would have missed out on Gabby’s spectacular menu.”

  “Ah, that brings me to the other interesting part of the evening. Her choice of ingredients.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Oysters, figs, pomegranate, vanilla crème?” He raised a brow. “Those are known aphrodisiacs and heighten the senses. They make you aware of everything and everyone.”

  He stopped walking and turned to her. “And I’m very well aware of you, Kimberly Parker. I’ve been aware of you and wanting to kiss you for some time now, so I think it’s about time I did something about it.”

  Before Kimberly could protest or deny the very real attraction between them, Jack bent his head and his mouth feasted on hers. The shock of having his lips on hers and feeling his hard, compelling body against her was like a jolt of electricity. She couldn’t help but respond by winding her arms around his neck. He took that as an invitation and took more.

  His tongue dived inside her mouth and skillfully merged with hers. Stroking her over and over again. His teeth incited wild thrills inside her as he nipped and teased at her mouth. Kimberly responded to his fervent ardor by grasping his head in her hands and allowing him to devour her mouth, because that was the only word she could use to describe the way he ravished her. He took his time drawing out each sensation and she delighted in his warm exploration because it matched her need.

  When he finally lifted his head and their lips parted, he said, “That was just as good as I imagined it would be.”

  How could he talk? Kimberly couldn’t speak or put together a coherent thought because she was still trying to catch her breath. Wasn’t he just as affected as she was? She turned away and dragged in a deep breath as she touched her swollen lips. She’d felt passion before, but never like this. He must think she was a wanton woman. She spun around on her heel. “If you think you’re going to bed with me tonight, then I gave you the wrong impression.”

  “Did I ask you to bed?”

  Kimberly stared back at him in bewilderment. “C’mon, Jack, I know it’s what you want.”

  “You’re right,” he replied. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t want you, Kimberly. I want you in my bed so I can kiss you and touch you all night long. I want to be inside you, make you come and watch you when you do. But I can wait until you’re ready for me, until we’re both ready to take that next step. Because trust me, after my last relationship didn’t end so well, I’m a little gun-shy myself.”

  Kimberly was at a loss for words. She’d never been spoken to that way before. Jack had just made it very clear how much he wanted her. It was a turn-on, but it also had her running scared.

  “You are?” She was surprised by his honesty. Should she be relieved or disappointed that he wasn’t about to make a play for her bed?

  “Does that surprise you? Not every man is in rush to get a woman into bed. And I certainly wouldn’t pressure you.”

  “That’s good to know.” Because she certainly wasn’t about to jump into bed with a man on the first date.

  “But make no mistake about it, it will happen.” Jack peered down at her. The look in his eyes told her he meant it.

  “Why don’t I walk you back to your room?” He offered his arm.

  “That would be nice.”

  They walked in a comfortable silence until they made it to her condo. At the door, he pressed her back against the wall and touched his lips to hers again, tasting and deepening the kiss until they were both breathless. His hands skimmed down her sides and gripped her hips before he finally eased back. “Until next time.”

  He smiled at her and then turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her breathing heavily and staring after his retreating figure.

  Kimberly couldn’t wait to get into her own space and replay everything that had happened tonight and how things had changed between her and Jack. She opened her door and without a glance locked the door behind her.

  “Well, how did it go?” Robyn and Gabrielle were in her condo in their pajamas waiting for her on the sofa with a tub of Häagen-Dazs ice cream between them.

  Chapter 7

  Startled, Kimberly jumped back. “What are you guys doing here?” Her heart was hammering loudly in her chest at the intrusion. She’d wanted a few more minutes to savor Jack’s kiss.

  “We couldn’t wait until tomorrow to hear a sexy breakfast story, so we decided to hear it now,” Robyn replied.

  “How did you know I would come in alone?”

  “How long have we known each other?” Robyn inquired. “You would never bring a man back to your room on your first date. It’s just not you.”

  “You’re right on that point,” Kimberly said. She bent down and unlatched one sandal and then the other and padded in her bare feet over to the couch where they sat. “Is there a spoon for me?”

  “Of course!” Gabrielle produced a large spoon from her side and handed it to her.

  “Thanks,” she said as they made room for her to sit between them on the couch.

  “So, spill the beans.” Robyn licked her spoon with glee. “We’re dying to hear.”

  Kimberly shrugged. “There’s not much to tell. We took a walk.”

  “Which lasted two hours,” Gabrielle said, glancing down at her watch.

  “Did it really?” Kimberly looked down at her watch in alarm. She hadn’t realized she and Jack had been walking that long.

  “Yeah, so what took so long?” Gabrielle’s eyes were big with excitement.

  “Yeah, inquiring minds would like to know,” Robyn added.

  “We kissed.”

  “And?” both women simultaneously asked.

  “It was the most amazing kiss I’ve ever had in my life,” Kimberly stated unabashedly.

  Silent, Gabrielle reached for the ice-cream bucket and took a generous spoonful and put it into her mouth.

  It was rare for Gabrielle to be silent, but she hadn’t made it a secret that she thought pursuing Jack was a bad idea. And Kimberly understood. Jack had caught her off guard in every way. She hadn’t been looking for romance and apparently neither was he, but here they were.

  “No one has ever made me feel that way,” she said quietly.

  “But you let him go to his room alone?” Gabrielle asked.
  “Gabby!” Robyn admonished.

  “I’m just joking,” she responded. “I’m the first one to talk about jumping into bed with someone. I invented the phrase taking it slow, but you’re entering dangerous territory here, Kimberly.”

  Robyn nodded. “Gabby’s right. Does that mean you’re going to put a moratorium on the no-dating-guests policy?”

  “No, I think it’s a necessary practice,” Kimberly said. “But I do feel like a hypocrite when all I want to do is rip his clothes off.”

  “You’re in quite the pickle,” Gabrielle said. “What are you going to do?”

  Kimberly wished she knew. On the one hand, she knew she should stay away from him and be the example to her staff, but on the other hand, she’d never felt such an instant and strong attraction to a man before. An attraction, she admitted, that she could barely resist.

  When Jack had kissed her tonight, if he hadn’t pulled away, would she have?

  * * *

  “This is bad,” Kimberly said three days later at the staff meeting with all her department heads. The Belleza publicist had just advised her of the fourth bad review of the resort. Over the past two days they’d been posted to major travel sites. It was as though the reviewer purposely went to every travel website to bad-mouth the resort.

  “Who do you think could have written them?” Robyn asked.

  “I don’t know,” Kimberly said. “I’ve gone through all the reservations over the last couple of months and outside of some minor everyday incidents, there have been no complaints of this nature that I wouldn’t have been able to address before the guest left the Belleza.” She turned to her assistant manager, Antoine. “Can you think of anything?”

  Antoine shook his head. “We’ve had nothing but the highest exit reviews. But the complaints aren’t primarily about the hotel.” He glanced in Gabrielle’s direction.

  Gabrielle caught his look and fired back, “You’re right, Antoine. They’re mainly about The Pearl, or indirectly me. Apparently they’re saying that my food made them sick.”


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