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Darkness Falls: Cirenthian Chronicles (Book 2)

Page 17

by D. R. Rosier

  It was the third week of travel that we found out the truth. The anti-magic field dropped completely for the mayor, and after some quick scrying he determined that one of the captains looked dead on his feet. The medallions may have housed the potential to cut off magic, but they had to be fueled by magic. The high ranking officers were mages, I had been wrong about thinking they’d be on the back lines.

  It was still a good tactic, one mage with the medallion and a battalion of soldiers could easily take a thousand enemy mages. It explained why there were two others there now as well, they were probably on some rotating schedule, but someone had screwed up and ran out of magic. Perhaps the amulet automatically pulled magic and he’d fallen asleep? I couldn’t see how else the man had failed to realize he was running low. Three mages would mean we needed to be even more careful when we got there.

  It would be the four of us against three mages and a lot of troops. I had no doubt once they realized the medallions were ineffective they would drop the effect and attack us. Of course, once they did that the mayor and his family would be able to help as well. We discussed a number of strategies from if they surrendered right away, attacked us until the bitter end, or used the commoners as shields.

  We were worried about that last one the most, these people were invaders who wished to push their way of life on everyone. I had no doubt they were ruthless enough and I couldn’t depend on them to be honorable enough to not take that course. Of course, we couldn’t let that stop us from doing what we had to. If we didn’t stop them here it would only get much worse.

  The plan was simple, we would meet up with the mayor tomorrow night and then we would start killing soldiers silently, in an attempt to take out as many as possible before we faced the mages. As long as the medallions were active the mages were at a disadvantage against Elven affinity magic because their senses were cut off too, unless they saw it with their eyes they wouldn’t know about it until it was too late.

  Of course, we could try for them first and never have to face their magic, but they were too well guarded for that to be a possibility. Although I could cast magic, I couldn’t see with my magical senses either since it didn’t cross realms. It would be extremely hard to sneak past all the troops to get eyes on them physically. No, it was better to take out the soldiers first; it would save commoner deaths as well, the more we could take out before they were aware.

  Once the city was taken, Alethea, Sienna, and I would stay and hold it while Ari went back and picked up a hundred troops to help. After that we’d be stuck here a week until the thousand troops Serina sent behind us arrived. It would be a nervous week as well, assuming we survived that is, while we tried to weed out any other traitors.

  We were all a little nervous, it was a lot to ask of a small group and we were all worried something would go wrong. We should be able to handle it though… Of course succeeding would bring its own demons as we slaughtered all those soldiers. It was important to keep in mind they were the invaders, we were merely defending our family, home, and kingdom.

  That night after dinner I loved them all one at a time, it was later than usual before we all settled down and fell asleep…

  The next day we were careful as we rode to avoid any of the work gangs gathering from the nearby farms. We didn’t think they would betray us, but why take the chance? We met up with the mayor in the late afternoon in a hidden cave in the hillside. With Serina’s reports we didn’t have any problems finding it.

  We walked in and the mayor introduced his family.

  “It’s good to see you here; those bastards have a lot to answer for. Forget any titles, just call me Brent.”

  Brent was in his forties, and despite the situation he had a relaxed and welcoming vibe to him.

  He pointed to an older woman who still had the markings of extraordinary beauty that somehow looked familiar, “This is my wife Stacey, and over there is my son Devon”

  He looked around, “My daughter…”

  A familiar voice interrupted, “Sally, so how are you Marcus?”

  I did a double take as Sally, from training, walked into the light. She was exactly as I remembered her, gorgeous beyond belief, but dangerous as well. She just screamed man eater and I had no idea how anyone could miss that. It also explained why the mayor’s wife had looked a little familiar.

  “Sally, a pleasure to see you again,” I said softly.

  Ari shot me an amused look. I guess my tone of voice had been comparable to someone trying to persuade a poisonous snake to not strike. I couldn’t help it, Sally just rubbed me wrong. It wasn’t really the beauty either, any of my mates gave her a run for her money in that department, but there was some quality there I had trouble quantifying that just made me want to run.

  I shook the mayor’s hand and at his questioning glance and I said, “It’s nice to meet you all. I met Sally briefly a little over a month ago at the mage training in Ciren. I’m sure you’ve heard there was some excitement back then and we were central to it.”

  I went on introducing the ladies, “This is my wife Sienna, mate Ari, and intended mate Alethea. I guess we need to wait for dark, have you seen anything new since your last report to Serina?”

  Brent shook his head, “Nothing has changed, as far as I can tell they haven’t found the secret tunnels, we should be able to come up underneath the barracks. The four of us will wait in the tunnels until the magic comes back and then we’ll join you.”

  I relaxed slightly as we talked, Brent had a sharp mind and he didn’t seem to have any problems with working with Elves. A short time later Sienna went off with Stacey to help prepare a meal. We waited a few more hours after dark and I set all the wards I usually do and added the light vision ward that allowed us to see so well at night.

  To my surprise, we didn’t leave the cave at all, Brent took us deeper underground, and we made our way toward the city. I could tell we were there because my senses started to shrink, and I knew we were nearing the presence of the anti-magic bubble. Brent led us down the right tunnel, and we came up through a secret trapdoor in the basement.

  I drew my sword, and we released our sound muffling magic so our tread would be silent. The only way we were going to set off an alarm was if someone saw us first. We carefully went up the stairs and I used magic to take out the two guards close by. There were no cries of alarm as the man was sliced by air and his mouth opened in a silent scream, because I had added muffling to my spells as well, simply by intending them to die quietly.

  The enemy had already expanded the barracks greatly, and there were many that were sleeping. I held no mercy in my heart as we struck them down. Since air really was the only element that could muffle sound, it fell to Ari and I to complete this grim work, while Alethea and Sienna watched our backs for anyone we might miss.

  I wasn’t proud of it; I’d lost count in short order of how many I had killed standing at their post, or simply sleeping. We made it to the last barracks when I heard screaming come from the first. I frowned, it was night, but there were still about forty soldiers out on the walls, and a few hundred camped outside the city. Still, I thought as I killed another row of sleeping soldiers, we had taken out most of them.

  We were charged as we stepped out, I guess Alethea had been feeling left out, because the whole group of twelve soldiers turned into pillars of flame. A second later I felt my senses come back. One of the mages was outside the walls in the camp, the other two were in the mansion. I also felt the Mayor and his family coming up into the mansion from below, apparently intent on taking their home back.

  We headed that way. I heard orders of retreat and felt the soldiers on the walls getting down and running out of the gates to join those that were in the camp. Some may have said that was cowardice, but regrouping and assessing was the smart thing to do. These Imperials weren’t stupid, they just had a glaring weakness that we had taken advantage of.

  It really was no wonder they hated the Elves.

  I started attacki
ng one of the two mages in the mansion as we kicked the door in, I couldn’t see him, but I could feel him, and that was enough for my elemental to target him.

  I heard a cry of surrender and stopped attacking as the four of us joined the mayor’s family. The two mages were cornered at the end of a hallway.

  The mayor frowned and said, “You will leave Cirenthia and take the rest of your troops with you?”

  He said he would, and I felt the truth of his words.

  I said diffidently, “If I may Brent, they should also remove any spies and sleeper agents, to be proven on his word before we let him go. I can’t imagine he doesn’t know who they are. I’d also like one of those medallions; I bet Maggie would love to study one. Speaking of magic, do you have cuffs available, in case he changes his mind?”

  I turned to them, “You did surrender right, are you still agreeable to those terms?”

  The man scowled at me, but answered in the affirmative. I stared at the second one until he also agreed out loud. Nodding wasn’t going to cut it; I couldn’t feel the truth of a nod. It wasn’t as though they had much choice being outnumbered four to one. Well they did, they could have chosen death.

  The next few hours were tense as we collected twenty three commoners who all swore their innocence until they saw the defeated mages. Perhaps it was a little bloodthirsty of me, but I didn’t enjoy seeing three mages and close to five hundred troops escaping, I was sure they would be back eventually. I gave the medallion to Ari and kissed her senseless.

  “Could you give that to Maggie before bringing the troops back?”

  Ari nodded and said softly, “We’ll finish what you started when I get back.”

  I pulled her into a quick hug before letting her go. I didn’t have to tell her how relieved I was we were all still alive; she could see it in my eyes. She bit her lip and disappeared.

  It was early AM. I put up a ward along the walls, just the come wake me one that took almost no power. It would be best if I could recover my magic while asleep. We made it back to the mansion and got the servants to make us breakfast. They were all excited and relieved; it was good to know they preferred their mages over an enemy’s.

  As breakfast winded down I said, “I don’t want to sound overly paranoid, but there is a chance that mage didn’t know about all the agents, so I’d advise you and your family to be… careful.”

  Brent nodded soberly, “Thanks again for coming to help us, I’ll be happier when your mate gets back with some troops, the walls look way to empty.”

  I nodded, “We aren’t going anywhere until the full garrison gets here to take over the watch.”

  After the meal, Sienna, Alethea, and I took a bath. We cuddled up in bed, all too tired for any games right now. It still took me some time to fall asleep, I think this is the first time I’d slept without Ari in my bed in longer than I could remember. It just felt… odd. Like a piece of me was missing.

  I woke up to a very familiar and pleasant sensation. I realized Ari was back as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I pushed my body up between her silken lips. My moan must have woken Alethea and Sienna because they joined in and made it an incredible morning…

  The next week went quickly as the four of us spent a lot of our time in the woods practicing magic and sword work. I still had a ways to go magic wise, the only reason I was keeping up at all is my defenses were somewhat automated, I was wicked fast, and had a sword. I strove to improve. I also dug out the books and got back to learning the language of magic, there was a whole dimension of magic I was missing out on, just one more thing I needed to get better with.

  To my surprise Sally seemed to settle down and we started a tentative friendship by the end of the week. Once she realized I didn’t entertain playing games with my love life, and that my mates were the gatekeepers of my bed, she stopped trying to ooze sex appeal in my direction. She really wasn’t as bad a person as I had believed. Just promiscuous and a bit careless with young men’s hearts as she explored her sexuality and her power over men, but she was still young after all. By the time we left I had hopes she would grow out of it, if her mother was any example I was sure she would.

  In the end Sally returned to the capitol with us to finish taking her training. She had left after the Stella debacle and Erin was murdered. Now that things were more or less safe again at the capitol Brent and Stacy were happy to see her return.

  Serina was extremely happy we were back, and welcomed all of us into her bed each night. I hadn’t asked her to marry me yet, she still seemed to have reservations and worries, and I was waiting for her to work through it, but it was getting better. My mates were doing wonders for her in that area.

  I had asked Alethea to mate with me, and she had happily said yes, except she wanted to do it in Arinith, at the temple with her family around her. I figured that would be interesting, her father and brother losing her to the human. Regardless that wouldn’t change my decision or affect it in any way. She truly was a joy to be around; it was hard to be down around her.

  I wasn’t sure how long it would be before this fragile peace was broken, and the Empire was prepared to attack again. But for now, things seemed to be going well. I had made a few initial business contacts in the city, and spent a few afternoons in the training library. I’d also made time to speak with Maggie a few times about the affinity magics I only had concepts for, but had no real idea what my elemental did to make them happen. We tried to figure it out together.

  I was in our room and going over a complex spell that apparently would heal wounds. I still had a way to go before I could cast it. I felt someone come in and looked up, it was Sienna and she had a bright smile on her face, I hadn’t seen her look that joyously happy since our wedding.

  I couldn’t help but return her smile as I put down the book and asked, “What is it love?”

  I didn’t see how it was possible, but her smile grew bigger as she sat down on my lap and kissed me with a soft passion, her hands lightly touching my chest.

  She broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, “I’m with child.”

  I kissed her as I was speechless for a second, and then asked, “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, “My flow is late, so I asked Nialla to take a look.”

  She giggled when I looked at her with awe, as if she’d performed a miracle.

  I kissed her again and whispered, “That’s wonderful news.”

  She nodded and winked mischievously, “That’s two of us now, I hope you like kids my love.”

  I hadn’t considered that at all and felt a bit faint at the idea. Four mates… world without condoms. I’d be in a lot of trouble in a few years.

  Surprisingly though, the thought of being surrounded by mates and children was a pleasant one. I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world. I kissed her again, this time it was lingering, passionate, and loving.

  She whispered lightly in my year, her body soft and yielding in my arms, “Take me to bed my love.”

  I picked her up and carried her over to the bed and lay beside her. She must have already told the others, because we spent hours worshipping each other’s bodies and loving each other without interruption…


  I hope you enjoyed book 2 of the Cirenthian Chronicles. Book three, Born of Darkness, will conclude this first arc in the series.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at I started out posting short stories online and at readers’ requests started to publish them. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Cirenthian Chronicles – Book one is Out of Darkness. Marcus, an ancient vampire, finds himself moved to another world where suddenly he is alive again, and magic is a known and powerful danger. No longer a vampire and dealing with emotions he hasn’t felt in over a millennium, will he be able to start a new life? This series is still b
eing written.

  Necromancer Chronicles – Book one is The Necromancer.

  Vincent is a necromancer and has an even darker secret. Feared by the rest of the supernatural community he lives on his own, often struggling with his powers, and how to use them. But change is coming, and he will soon find himself dragged into the middle of a suspicious and untrusting community.

  Anise is a sorceress, but she has secrets of her own. She is an ancient being, who has walked the earth for time immemorial. She lives in a never ending cycle of life, forever watching those she dares to care about age and die. But she is about to find something new that will offer her hope, if she can live long enough to find it.

  Cytherean Chronicles – Book one is Flame of Cytherea. This two book series follows the chosen champion of a goddess, brought to her world and healed after he was mortally wounded on Earth. At first Justin is a little lost, not knowing anything about the world he finds himself in or even why he is there.

  Ashley’s Tale – This two book series follows the tale of a woman with unique parentage in a world greatly different from our own Earth. It is twenty five years in the future, and the supernatural races have long since been exposed. Ashley must struggle with her conflicting nature to find a balance, and her hidden power, as she is taken unwillingly into an extraordinary destiny.

  More books can be found on my author’s page at

  Non-erotic Fantasy title:

  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This stand alone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.


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