Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by McKinlay Thomson

  Sarah’s breathing picked up, but she didn’t say anything about his caress.

  “Place your hands behind my neck, baby. Link your fingers together and no matter what, don’t let go.” He waited to see if she would follow his direction. She stiffened as he spoke, and after a short pause did as he asked.

  He kept up his caress, but this time on his way down he pulled her shirt from her jeans. On the way back up he slid his hand under her shirt to touch her bare skin. Her skin was as soft as silk. Her slightly rounded belly sucked in from stretching her arms above her head.

  Blake moved his hand higher and cupped her breast in his hand. Her lacy bra was rough against his palm, and he moved it down until her breast popped out over the top. Sarah’s breathing increased again as he used his fingers to circle her areola, before pinching her nipple between his thumb and finger.

  When Sarah moaned, he squeezed harder, just bordering on pain, and was delighted to hear her moan again. He played with her nipple a little longer before moving his hand down her stomach toward her belt. Using one hand he undid the belt and the button in her jeans, then painstakingly slowly lowered the zipper.

  Blake slid his hand under the band on her panties and touched her pussy lips for the first time. He noted that she had a little strip of hair covering her mound. He would take care of that later. Blake liked his pussy naked and so did his brother. Nothing wrong with natural, but he liked zilch keeping him from his pleasures.

  When he removed his hand, his fingers came away wet with her juices and Blake took the time to lick his fingers clean before moving his hand back down.

  “You taste delicious, baby. I can’t wait to eat that cream straight from your body.”

  “Oh Blake, I…”

  Whatever Sarah was about to say was cut off as he placed one long finger inside her cunt and slowly moved it back and forth, grinding his palm on her clit as he did. Sarah wriggled on his lap, her ass grinding on his cock most painfully. He needed to come bad, but not before Sarah. A man looked after his woman first.

  “Oh god, oh Blake. Please I need to…I need to…” Sarah went on and on as Blake’s fingers moved in and out of her pussy.

  “Feel my fingers in your pussy, baby. You’re so hot and wet.”

  She was so tight, his cock would have a hard time getting inside. He wanted in so bad he almost pulled the horse to a stop. But this was about her and she wasn’t ready for that yet. From what he could tell, this was her first sexual experience and he didn’t want to push her too far.

  Blake stilled his fingers in her pussy and kicked the horse into a canter. The rocking of the horse forced his fingers to move in and out of her channel. The rhythm of the horse set an even pace sure to drive her wild with need.

  * * * *

  As Blake made the horse go faster, Sarah could feel Blake’s fingers move with the horse’s gait. She had never felt anything as wonderful as Blake’s fingers inside her. His palm pushing against her clit was driving her wild, and she couldn’t hold herself still in his lap.

  She wanted to let go of his neck and grab his arm. She wasn’t sure whether it was to still his movements or make sure he didn’t stop. She just knew something was coming and it was going to blow her world apart.

  Sarah had never had an orgasm that she hadn’t given herself, and she was scared and excited at the same time. It was so close to the surface, but she couldn’t go over. It was as frustrating as hell.

  “Oh, Blake. Blake, please. Please, I need to…Please.”

  Sarah knew she was babbling and begging, but she couldn’t make herself stop. The rhythm Blake had set with the horse was driving her wild. His big fingers rocked inside her, hitting a spots she didn’t know she had. They went so deep, deeper than she thought possible.

  “Don’t come, young lady. Not until I give you permission,” Blake whispered into her ear, nipping her earlobe before sucking it into his mouth. Sarah grabbed onto his hair in frustration and pulled. She wanted to come so badly. Blake let go of her earlobe to chuckle, before urging the horse faster again.

  They were now flying across the ranch, his fingers hammering in and out of her pussy relentlessly. Sarah was no longer begging. She was almost screaming, she was moaning so loudly and bucking against Blake’s fingers, so close to release.

  She didn’t know if she could hold it much longer. She was so close, her body shaking. She clenched her fists tighter and pulled harder on Blake’s hair.

  “Please, Blake. I’m going to…” She turned her head to look over her shoulder at Blake.

  “Not until you ask properly, little girl. You need to say the words,” he told her. Words, what words? Sarah didn’t know what he wanted to hear, but at that moment she would’ve said anything so she could come and not disappoint him in the process.

  “Please, Blake. Please, I need to come. Can I come, please, Blake?”

  “Yes, baby. Now, come now.”

  Sarah wasn’t sure what she had said, but apparently it was enough. With one final scream, she felt her world explode as her orgasm shot through her pussy and out through her body, leaving her shaken and drained.

  Sarah lay slumped on Blake’s lap as she panted and tried to regain her breath. She groaned again when he removed his hand from her pants and then used his necktie to clean off her juices.

  “Swing your legs around, baby, so you are facing me,” Blake said in her ear. She was too drained to argue and did what he asked. Blake pulled her close, and she was once again settled in his lap.

  She buried her face in his neck and closed her eyes. Sarah was a little overwhelmed by the intensity of her orgasm and wasn’t ready to face Blake just yet. She knew they would talk about it at some stage, but right now she just wanted to be held.

  Chapter Ten

  Sarah walked away from the house and headed toward the lake that she saw when she and Blake had gone riding. She knew that she should have told one of the men where she had gone, but she was feeling confused after the amazing orgasm that Blake had given her, and she wasn’t ready to face them.

  She knew she was safe on the ranch anyway. Nobody would have been able to find her that quickly. She just needed a few moments to herself to process her feelings toward the brothers.

  Sarah was shocked at how she had reacted to Blake. From the moment he had touched her she was putty in his hands. When he had ordered her to keep her arms behind his head, her arousal had increased. Then he had kept her on edge, before driving her so wild with need, she had literally begged his permission to orgasm.

  What upset Sarah the most was that she had loved every minute of his dominant behavior. Did that mean that Blake was a Dom? Sarah knew a little about BDSM. She had read plenty of the books that had exploded on the Internet lately. Whilst it turned her on to read about it, she wasn’t sure if she wanted that kind of relationship.

  Then there were the books that James had slid into her pile at the bookstore. They were BDSM-themed. Sarah had thought nothing of it, assuming he was just trying to be nice adding some books she might like. But now after Blake, she was starting to wonder if he was trying to tell her something.

  She knew they wanted to share her, and that was shocking enough. The thought of losing her heart to two men, not just one, was scary, and it would devastate her when they decided that they had had enough playing around with the fat chick.

  But now add in the whole Dom thing and Sarah wasn’t sure that she could handle them in the first place. She was sure to disappoint them when they realized she had no idea what she was doing.

  Not to mention the whole naked thing. Didn’t Doms like their subs to walk around naked all the time? Sarah didn’t get naked for anyone. She showered with her back to the mirror that hung in her bathroom, so she didn’t have to look at herself naked.

  James and Blake had such perfectly sculpted bodies. They were both big and hard and full of muscle. It baffled Sarah as to why they would even contemplate seeing her naked. As much as she wanted to see them naked, she didn�
�t want to be naked next to them. To see the disappointment in their eyes would break her heart, and she didn’t think she was strong enough to handle that on top of everything else.

  Sarah finally made it to the pond and sat down on a large rock that boarded the water. It was more of a little dam than a pond. It was in the middle of one of their cow pastures and didn’t have much around it but some rocks and grass.

  It was peaceful all the way out here. Sarah hadn’t spent much time in the country. She grew up in the outer city limits and had spent most of her life in the same suburb. It was difficult to be away from home, especially when that home was all she really knew.

  The hardest part was leaving behind her family. They must be so worried. Sarah knew that Alex had told her family what had happened and that she had to go into protective custody. But for their safety, they weren’t told where or for how long. Heck, she didn’t know for how long. Sarah wasn’t even sure of how the case was going back home.

  Alex said that he would only contact her when it was safe to do so. Which meant if she didn’t hear anything, Angelo was still on the loose. Was this ever going to end? Sarah could be living in hiding here for years, and there was nothing she could do about it. If she went home she was dead.

  Maybe she should take James and Blake up on their offer of a relationship. She could be here for a very long time. She should try to have some sort of life. She couldn’t stay in limbo forever. And if things didn’t work out between them, then yes she would be brokenhearted, but at least she had given it a try.

  She could get a job in town, as it would keep her busy. Give her something to do other than feel sorry for herself. She could get an apartment, too. A place of her own would give her some distance from the brothers and help her decide if a relationship could work between them.

  Sarah lay flat down on the rock as she contemplated her options. The sexy brothers were her most pressing matter, and even though her situation back home was like a rock dragging her down constantly on her mind, there was nothing she could do about it from another country.

  Merricks was a beautiful place, and she would be proud to call it home, even if it was only for a while. They had everything she could need. The people that she had met were lovely, and even if they did have somewhat unconventional marriages, she didn’t mind. She was thinking of having her own strange relationship.

  Sarah felt her eyes drift shut as she lay there and thought about how her life would pan out. It wasn’t long before she was asleep, the warm sun heating her despite the cold conditions.

  * * * *

  James paced around the kitchen as he wondered what was keeping Sarah. He had called up to her that dinner was ready fifteen minutes before, and she still was yet to show. Blake had told him what occurred on their horse ride and how Sarah had reacted. James thought that was a good sign of the things to come, that she was open to not only a relationship with both of them, but to a Dom/sub one as well.

  Blake had ensured him that Sarah had loved every minute of their encounter, and he had provided the right amount of aftercare that she needed when coming down from such an explosive high.

  So, where the hell was she? She had been hiding in her room since she and Blake had gotten back. He had left her alone thinking she just needed time to sort everything out in her mind. But now he was worried that they had given her too much space and she had talked herself into a panic.

  “Are you sure you didn’t push her too far, brother?” James asked as he continued to pace. He ran a hand through his hair and turned to face his brother. Blake was sitting at the table, and though he wasn’t pacing like James, his worry still showed.

  “She was fine when we got back. Just wrung out and wanted to have a lay down. I promise. She was purring like a contented kitten when I left her. Maybe she’s just sleeping.” Even though Blake said the words, James could see that he was still worried.

  “I’m going up there. If she is asleep, I’ll leave her alone.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Blake told him as they headed for the stairs to the bedrooms. “She might need us both.”

  “Why? You said she was fine,” James said.

  “Just shut up and get up there,” Blake replied.

  James took the stairs two at a time, Blake right on his heels. When they reached the door to Sarah’s room they both stopped. James slowly turned the knob and opened the door a crack to peek in. The bed was still made and hadn’t been slept in, and Sarah couldn’t be seen. He pushed the door open fully and they both entered the room.

  Sarah wasn’t anywhere in the bedroom. Blake even went as far as to look under the bed. They both bolted toward the bathroom, but the door stood open and was completely empty.

  “Where the fuck is she?” Blake asked as they frantically searched the house. They checked every room, but she was nowhere.

  “I’ll go check the barn. If she’s not there I’ll saddle a horse and go look over the ranch,” James said.

  “Okay, I’ll go ask if any of the hands have seen her. If she’s on foot she couldn’t have gone too far. I’ll jump in the truck and head toward town. Call me if you find her and I’ll do the same.” Blake grabbed his keys and headed toward the bunkhouse where the hands stayed.

  James swore to himself and headed for the barn. Where are you, little darling? I’m going to tan your hide good when I find you. He picked up his pace until he was practically running.

  Blake must have pushed her too hard and she’d taken off. There was no way anyone could have found her already. Sarah wouldn’t realize the dangers for a woman alone in the country. There were all sorts of wild animals in the woods surrounding their property, and some tended to wander onto the pastures from time to time. If she was caught alone with no way to protect herself, she could get seriously injured or worse.

  James roared her name as he entered the barn, scaring some of the horses in the process. They nickered loudly in retaliation, but calmed once they realized there was no threat. Sarah wasn’t to be found in any of the empty stalls, and she wasn’t in the loft either.

  He quickly saddled his big brown stallion, Rocket, and took off toward the open pastures. James didn’t know which way she would head. He tried to guess whether she would head in the direction she went riding, as she knew the way, or would she head in a new direction to explore things she hadn’t seen before. That was if she hadn’t decided to head toward town. Anyone could have picked her up if she did and they might never find her.

  James decided that she would go in a direction that she was familiar with. Sarah was a woman who liked the comfort of routine and doing what she knew. She was too shy to go exploring in places she didn’t know. That much he knew. If he hadn’t given her a full tour of the house, he was worried she would have stayed in her room and not come out.

  James pushed his stallion harder. It was starting to get dark and he didn’t want her wandering around in the dark, especially if she was hurt. Why would she leave without telling one of them where she was going? Had Blake scared her that much that she had run? If he had pushed her too far then she should have come to him and told him what was wrong. That was how this kind of relationship worked.

  Communication was key in a ménage relationship, even more important in a D/s one. They had to be open and honest at all times. Blake and James had to keep in constant contact to ensure her welfare and happiness. If something was bothering her, then she needed to tell one or both of the men so they could fix it.

  But she didn’t know that. Yet. He would let her know, though, just as soon as he found her. Sarah may not sit comfortably for a while but she wouldn’t make the same mistake again. When she had let Blake bring her to orgasm, she had accepted their proposal of a relationship. That meant that she was now their woman to look after and protect. James took that role very seriously, and he wouldn’t let even Sarah get in the way of doing his duty.

  James slowed his horse as he reached one of the dams that watered his livestock. It was a good half an hour
walk from the house through one of the larger pastures. It was not very deep, and it was dotted with large rocks that had been placed there generations ago. Sarah was easy to spot, lying on top of one of the larger boulders. She appeared to be asleep, but he couldn’t really tell from this distance.

  James got off his horse and tied the reins off on a tree. The horse didn’t normally wander off, but he had every intention of punishing Sarah right here in the open and didn’t want her screams to spook him. Keeping his distance, he sent a text message to Blake to let him know that he had found her and where they were. He added that he better hurry if he didn’t want to miss seeing her get her ass spanked. He would wait for Blake to get here, but he liked to tease his brother every chance he got.

  James had always been the easier-going of the two brothers, but when it came to BDSM he was the more dominant of the two. It didn’t really make much sense. It was just the way they were wired. Blake had seen a lot more bad shit as a cop, and that was the reason he was so uptight, but why that didn’t translate through to his dominant side in the bedroom, James had no idea.

  Although they had taken a sub together before, it hadn’t been very often. James had always taken the lead and been the harder Dom. Blake always let James set the pace and very rarely went against what James wanted in the scene.

  When he took a sub on his own he always made sure she was into the harder stuff. He wasn’t a sadist, not by any means, but he was hard and let them get away with nothing. He often went for the brattier subs. They loved to be punished and often pushed for it. They didn’t stay bratty for long, and watch out if any of them tried to top from the bottom. He loved to paddle and flog their ass until they were bright red, and then he wouldn’t let them orgasm for hours. He also demanded that they call him Master when doing a scene and when at the club.


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