Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by McKinlay Thomson

  Blake was happy to be called Sir and often went for the more docile subs. He was a good Dom and knew how to top his sub well, but often didn’t hunt the challenge that went with topping the brattier ones.

  As he looked over toward Sarah, he wondered if she would even know what any of it meant. Would she be a bratty sub or would her shyness prevent it? Would she call him Master or Sir? James knew that Sarah would thrive in the freedom she would gain as Blake and their sub. If she let them, she would be able to let all her worries fall on their shoulders and just feel the pleasure that only they could bring her.

  Sarah shifted to her side and curled into a little ball on the rock. James thought she must be asleep, for this was the first time she had moved since he had arrived. She hadn’t acknowledged his presence, so he assumed it meant she was unaware of his arrival. She wasn’t injured at all. That much he could tell. She was lying there so peacefully.

  His heart turned over as he looked at her. He was already starting to fall for her and even though it was too early to say love, he already cared for her deeply. He knew his brother felt the same. Blake wouldn’t have made a move sexually toward her if he didn’t. Yes, Blake had had sex with women since his divorce, but they knew the score. Sarah didn’t. Which meant that Blake definitely cared for her.

  It wasn’t long before Blake arrived in one of the jeeps they used to move through the ranch when they couldn’t use horses. He must have brought it so Sarah could get comfortably back to the house. Blake parked the jeep and walked over to stand at his side.

  “Thank god, you found her,” Blake said as they looked over at Sarah asleep on the rock.

  “You certainly made it here quick, brother.”

  “Didn’t want to miss out on any of the fun.” Blake grinned at James as they silently made their way toward their little sleeping woman. She was in for a rude awakening, for the worry she caused them, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sarah woke with a start when droplets of water splashed in her face. James and Blake leaned over her, their large forms menacingly close. Sarah sat up and scooted back on the rock to place some distance between them. The sun was sinking in the sky, casting a pink glow across the horizon. The darkness caused a shadow over the men’s faces, but she didn’t need to see them to know they were both wearing dark scowls.

  “Don’t you dare move away from us, little girl.” Blake snapped at her. “Do you know the worry you have caused us with this little stunt?”

  “You could have been hurt or killed, out all on your own, and we wouldn’t have known where to find you,” James added.

  “I’m fine, nothing bad happened. I just needed to take a walk and think things over. I didn’t mean to worry anybody, but I wasn’t ready to face anyone after the way I acted.” Sarah was scared at how angry Blake and James were. Deep down she knew they would never hurt her, but it didn’t help any. She couldn’t meet their eyes, and she kept her head down.

  “The way you acted how, little darling?” James asked her as he placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up to theirs.

  “The um…The way I acted when I was on the horse with Blake. The way I err…let him, and the things I said.”

  “Look at us when you talk, little girl,” Blake snapped. “There was nothing wrong with the way you acted. You let me take control, and as a result you had a mind-blowing orgasm. There is nothing to be ashamed about. It makes me proud to know that you trusted me enough to let go of your inhibitions and lose control. As a result we shared a deep connection. Don’t sully that with regret.”

  Sarah was shocked at Blake’s words. She had felt a connection to him, one that she had never shared with any of her other sexual partners. Blake was right, she shouldn’t turn what was an amazing experience into something bad because she had let go and enjoyed herself. Blake wasn’t upset about the things she had done, so why should she feel embarrassed.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry, Blake. It was amazing and wonderful. It’s just that I’ve never been so needy before and I was scared by the strength of my arousal,” she said.

  “It’s okay, baby. We understand. It’s our job to take you to new heights and push your boundaries. We are also here for when you come down from those heights. To chase away any worries and concerns you might experience,” Blake said.

  “But we can’t do that, little darling, if you take off and don’t communicate,” James added. “For that you need to be punished. You prevented us from doing our jobs as your Doms and your lovers.”

  “What do you mean by punished?” Sarah started to wring her hand in worry. She had read the books. She knew what punishment meant. What she didn’t know was what punishment meant to them. She didn’t really know what kind of Doms they were, so she couldn’t predict what they would do to her.

  “How much do you know about D/s relationships, little darling?” James asked her. He moved to sit on the rock next to her whilst Blake plopped himself on the ground at her feet.

  “Not much. I’ve read a few books. So I know the basics. I also know that every Dom is different and expects different things from his sub.”

  “Then you also know that the real power lies with the sub, and if things get to much all she has to do is use her safe word and it all stops,” Blake said, as he ran his hand up and down her calf in a soothing manner.

  “Yes, but I’ve never had any experience in a real D/s relationship, and I don’t know what sort of Doms you are. I don’t know what to expect for you, and I don’t want to disappoint you either.”

  “You could never disappoint us, sweetheart. All you have to do is trust us and we will teach you what we want and like, and at the same time you’ll teach us.” James put his arm around her shoulder and tucked her under his arm. Sarah rested her head against his shoulder before placing her hand on his thigh.

  “As for punishment, it depends on the infraction. The worse the infraction the worse the punishment, obviously,” Blake told her.

  “Obviously,” she muttered back.

  “Hey, there’s the brat I’ve been waiting to see. I knew she was in there somewhere.” James squeezed her shoulder playfully, and his banter brought a smile to her face. Sarah was a bit of a smart-ass, but only with people she felt really comfortable around. Her family copped it a lot. Jenny did, too. But it would take a while, if ever, to warm up to the brothers enough for them to see the full extent of her sarcasm.

  “Now, as for your punishment for today’s little disappearing act, a good spanking should appease us,” James said as Blake stood up and moved to her other side. Sarah wasn’t sure she had heard him right. Did he just say he was going to spank her?

  She knew she should have expected spanking to be one of their punishments. All the Doms spanked in all the books she had read, but this was real and it was her bottom they wanted to roast. The thought of being spanked embarrassed Sarah to no end, especially if Blake intended to watch. Then why did her pussy clench and gush at the same time?

  “It’s time, little girl. Remove your jeans and panties and lay yourself across James’s lap.” Blake tugged on her hand until she had no choice but to stand up. She knew she was staring at them dumbfounded, her mouth flapping open and closed like a fish. They were really going to do this. She was going to have her ass spanked like a five-year-old. She was back to feeling conflicted, the way she felt around them most of the time. She wanted to drop her jeans and do as Blake asked, but at the same time she wanted to go running for the hills.

  “Don’t even think about it, little girl. You wouldn’t make it three feet before I caught you,” Blake said.

  How the hell did he know what she was thinking?

  “It’s our jobs as Doms to know what our sub is thinking,” James added. “Now get to it. It’s getting dark and I want to see what I’m doing.”

  Sarah knew she was at an impasse. She could either do what James and Blake wanted and see where it went, or she could tell them no. In which case it w
ould be over. They were Doms and they wanted a D/s relationship. Now was the time to be brave and take a chance. All she had to do was trust her men to take care of her and not push her too hard. It was easier said than done. As her hands hovered over the button to her jeans, she chewed her lips and contemplated her next move.

  She looked over at Blake. He stood next her with his hands on his hips. He didn’t say anything, just stood there patiently watching, waiting. Sarah swung her eyes to James, who was still perched on the rock. He patted his lap with both palms, giving her the hurry up. His smile let her know he was being playful, and though he still planned to spank her, he was also trying to soothe her fears.

  “Come on, baby. Put your trust in us. We’ll take care of you,” Blake whispered in her ear. He ran his hands along her arms to her hands where they rested at the waist of her pants. Sarah shivered as he placed kisses along her neck and slowly undid the button on her jeans. She stood still as a statue as he undid the zipper and slid them along with her panties down her legs to her knees. When she shivered this time, it was more from the cold than anything else. The cool breeze brushed over her exposed ass and damp pussy lips.

  “Cold, baby. You’ll be warm in a minute.” Blake pulled her earlobe between his teeth and bit down. Her pussy gushed again, and she moaned low in her throat. If Blake was trying to distract her from the things to come, he was doing a good job.

  With a gentle push to her back, Sarah shuffled toward where James sat on the rock. It was awkward with her jeans and panties around her knees, but she made it over to him with no incidents. Blake helped her to lie across James’s lap. James then pulled up her shirt until her ass was bare to their eyes and sticking up in the air. The rock James sat on was too high for her small height. It left her legs dangling on one side of James and her head and arms on the other. She grabbed onto James’s leg, his denim jeans rough under her fingers.

  James slowly rubbed her exposed cheeks and lower back, soothing her as he did so. She started to wonder if he had changed his mind, when he smacked his hand down hard on her right cheek. It hurt, and she gasped with the shock of it. But then something changed. The pain faded into heat, and the heat spread through her body straight to her pussy, which gushed with pleasure. James let another smack fly, this time to her left cheek, and after the initial sting, it too morphed into pleasure.

  It wasn’t long before James was raining smacks down on her bare ass, one after the other. Her butt soon became unbearably sore and she started to cry. Tears ran down her face, and she slumped tiredly against James’s legs.

  “I’m sorry, James,” she wailed as he continued to smack her sore butt. Sarah was hurting and confused at the emotions she was feeling. Her ass was on fire, and her pussy and clit throbbed. How could she hate something so much, but be so turned on and horny at the same time?

  James stopped blistering her butt and ran his hand over the abused area. She sucked in a breath and heard James chuckle in response. He flipped her over on his lap, her sore ass now resting against the rough material of his jeans. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a spot that wasn’t hurting.

  “Sit still,” James demanded. His tone had her freezing. It was what she was learning was his Dom voice. James hugged her hard into his side and started to murmur nonsense at her, gently rocking her back and forth. Sarah wrapped one arm around James’s neck and rested her cheek against one of his large pecs.

  Blake appeared at her side with a soft blanket he pulled from the car. They wrapped her up in it, and Sarah just lay there and let them look after her. This must be the aftercare that they talked about in all books she had read. She had to admit that she liked it. Yes, her ass was sore, and yes, she was as horny as hell and would be masturbating the minute she was left alone, but it felt good to be held.

  This was also somewhat confusing. She should be mad at James for spanking her, shouldn’t she? It hurt. But all she felt was relief and calm. She felt loved and cared for. She felt horny, too, goddamn it. But mostly she felt right, like it was meant to be.

  Sarah sighed and snuggled further into James’s chest. She would sort all her feelings out later. For now she would enjoy the attention the men were showing her with.

  “Let’s get you home, little darling.” James stood up and carried her toward the jeep. Blake opened the passenger door and James placed her on the seat. He tucked the blanket around her body and strapped the seat belt over the top.

  “You did really well, baby girl. Everything we could have hoped for. I’ll see you back at the house.” He placed a small kiss on her forehead before shutting the door. It was then she realized that her jeans and panties were still around her ankles and she was cocooned in the blanket and seat belt. She was too mellow to care and sat there peacefully until Blake jumped into the driver’s seat next to her.

  “Ready to go, baby?” he asked as he revved the engine and took off. It was a bumpy ride her ass didn’t appreciate, but it wasn’t long before they had pulled up in front of the house and Blake was helping her out of the jeep.

  * * * *

  Blake carried Sarah, still bundled in the blanket, into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. He bypassed all three of their rooms and headed into the master bedroom. He didn’t need to wait for James to know that this was the right thing to do. The way Sarah had taken her spanking told him all he needed to know. James had spanked her hard, and she didn’t scream the place down or call them bastards. No, she had sweetly apologized and let them take care of her after her punishment. Best of all, she was turned on. Blake could see her juices glistening on her exposed lips. She was wet and he would bet that her little clit was throbbing for attention. Attention she would soon receive.

  James had looked at her with such affection and love shining in his eyes as he provided her aftercare. Bringing her into the master bedroom was their way of showing her their commitment.

  They were going to keep Sarah. She was their woman. All they had to do now was convince her to stay. Time was on their side and Blake knew that with the both of them showing her what life would be like as their woman, she didn’t stand a chance. They would dominate her in the bedroom and pamper her out of it. Their woman would want for nothing. It was their responsibility to keep her safe and happy. They would give her what she needed, maybe not always what she wanted, but that was the way it would be. Blake couldn’t wait to start their life together. Now if James would hurry up they could start the loving part of the evening.

  Blake placed Sarah on the edge of the king bed and unwrapped her from the blanket. He slipped her boots off her feet and pulled her jeans and panties all the way off. He then headed into the large bathroom and turned on the shower. When he walked back out Sarah was still sitting where he had left her. Her little head was down and she was wringing her hands together.

  Blake had expected this. The spanking she got was hard, meant to teach her a lesson, but she had enjoyed it, too. As this was her first experience with BDSM, she would be feeling confused about the conflicting emotions she would be feeling. She needed Blake and James now. It was vital in a D/s relationship to communicate, even if she was uncomfortable sharing her feelings.

  “Time for a shower, baby girl.” Blake slipped her shirt over her head and removed her bra. Taking her hands in his, he pulled her to her feet and took a step back. God, she was magnificent. Her full tits sat high on her chest, more than a handful. They made his mouth water just looking at them. She had a soft tummy and full curvy hips. She was all soft and womanly. Sarah had a hot body.

  What man would want a stick figure of a woman when he could have one like Sarah? She had something to hold onto. There was enough of her that when you rolled around in bed with her, you knew you weren’t going to hurt her. He was a big man, tall and full of muscle. He didn’t want a tiny thing under him, he wanted a woman with substance, and Sarah had that.

  His cock got hard in his jeans as he stared at her. She started to hide her body from his gaze and he grabbed her hands t
o halt her attempts.

  “Don’t hide from me, little girl. You have a beautiful body and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Get used to being naked. You’ll find yourself that way a lot.” Blake smiled at her, attempting to lighten the mood. She was such a serious little thing. He knew she had reason to be that way, but Blake still didn’t like it. He wanted to see her smile and laugh. He wanted her to be comfortable enough to tease them. The way they would tease her.

  Blake leant forward and brushed her mouth with his. He tried to put all the passion and emotion he was feeling for the gorgeous woman into his kiss. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her flush against his body and ground his cock against her belly. It was aching to get out of the confines of his pants, but he had to be patient just a little longer. Sarah’s needs came first. Once he was finished taking care of her, then they could move forward and take care of him.

  Blake broke the kiss and ushered her into the bathroom and under the spray. He quickly divested himself of clothes and joined her under the water. As he started to soap up her body, he noticed that Sarah had hardly said a word since leaving the dam.

  “You okay, baby girl?” Blake turned her round so he could check out her bottom. It was a nice red color. James had done a good job. It would hurt to sit on for a few days, but she wouldn’t make the same mistake again. She would make other ones, of that he was sure.

  “I’m fine. I was just thinking.”

  Blake started to shampoo her hair and massage it into her scalp. She let out a small moan, so he applied more pressure.

  “Anything I can help you with? If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. I will always answer them.”

  “Thanks, Blake. I was just trying to sort a few things out in my head.”

  “Like?” Blake didn’t want to press her, but it was like trying to draw blood from a stone. He had never met a woman that didn’t want to talk his ear off and ply him with a thousand questions. He knew Sarah was shy, but she was still a quiet woman. Except when she was begging him to come. She had certainly been vocal on the horse.


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