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Real Men Snarl_Real Men Shift

Page 8

by Celia Kyle

  “Excuse my French,” The old woman stuffed her hands onto her hips and glared at each of them in turn. “Could someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? Werewolves?”

  Ally trembled harder and buried her face in Kade’s neck, avoiding Tessa’s penetrating gaze. Enough was enough. Covering Ally’s exposed ear with one hand, he let out a shrill whistle that silenced everyone. Mason cocked an eyebrow but allowed him to have his say.

  “I think it's time we take this party inside and get some things straightened out,” he said, giving Ally a gentle squeeze as he spoke. “Austin, help Charlie gather up the cats.”

  Austin grinned, probably thrilled to no longer be Tessa’s escort. Mason moved to help the old woman up the porch steps, but she yanked her arm away and gave him an imperious glare.

  “Do you think I’m made of porcelain? I've been climbing stairs since before your daddy was potty trained!”

  Kade winced, but Mason laughed and apologized for being so presumptuous. Still, he was careful to follow behind the old woman as she mounted the steps slowly. Lucy shot Ally an appraising look before following along. Kade kept a protective arm around Ally while he guided her up the steps and into the Blackwood pack house.

  Once inside the massive great room, they all settled on several plush couches. When Ally moved to sit at his side, Kade pulled her onto his lap. After the emotional day she’d had—not to mention everything she’d been through in her past—he needed to show her that he was her protector now. She would always be safe in his arms. Even an inch of space between them was too much for him to bear. She stiffened against him for a moment, then settled into his hold, the last remnants of fear dissipating.

  Tessa flopped into a cozy armchair and kicked her feet up onto an old steamer trunk-turned coffee table. Her gaze bounced between Lucy and Ally for a moment, then cleared her throat.

  “Now, would one of you ladies please enlighten me? Is this some kind of kinky cosplay retreat? I saw a special on those people who dress up as horses.”

  “Grandma!” Lucy gasped, no doubt as shocked as everyone else in the room that such a sweet, Southern granny would know cosplay and kink.

  “What? I watch TV!”

  Lucy hid her face for a moment, then met her grandmother’s curious gaze. “Grandma, what I’m about to tell you is going to shock you and you won’t want to believe me, but I promise I’m telling you the truth. We all are. We’re—” she shot Ally a look, “—werewolves.”

  Tessa narrowed her gaze, then sucked on her teeth. “Go on.”

  Her nonplussed reaction confused Lucy. “Well, um…uh…”

  “Never say ‘um’, dear. It makes you appear dull-witted.”

  Lucy blinked several times and then launched into her story. Ally tensed as Lucy related Charlie’s accidental bite and the pain she suffered until Mason claimed her as his mate, which helped her transition. Throughout it all, Tessa sat expressionless as she listened, but at the last comment, she shook her head.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Mason jumped in. “Only fated mates can change humans into werewolves without a high risk of killing them. It was just sheer luck we were fated for each other and I found her in time, or else…”

  No one needed further explanation of what might have happened.

  Tessa quirked her wrinkled lips, then assessed Kade and Ally. “But it’s not just Lucy and Mason. You’re both werewolves too?”

  Kade smiled proudly while Ally nodded miserably. His heart ached because she hated being a werewolf, and he vowed to do everything in his power to change her mind.

  “Once Lucy’s transformation was complete,” Mason quickly added, “she was perfectly healthy. And happy. Right?”

  Lucy stretched up and kissed his cheek. “Deliriously.”

  Mason looked as if he might lay her back on the couch and take her in front of everyone, but he managed to control himself. Kade might have laughed at him in the past, but now that he had Ally—her lush ass in his lap—he understood the level of his brother’s strength. And the depth of his love for his mate.

  Clearing his throat as he pulled a pillow onto his lap, Mason turned back to Tessa. “I want you to know that even though you’re human, you are perfectly safe here with us. Probably safer than anywhere else on the planet.”

  Tessa snorted. “Of course, I am. My granddaughter would kick your ass if you so much as looked at me the wrong way.”

  Mason chuckled and grinned. “You’re right about that.”

  Lucy moved from the couch and kneeled at her grandmother’s feet, covering the woman’s frail hand with both of hers. “I’m sorry to spring it on you like this, Grandma. We don’t mean to shock you, but I didn’t want a day to pass without telling you the truth. Do you have any questions?”

  “There is one thing,” Tessa said, stroking Lucy’s cheek with an expression of deep love in her eyes.

  “What? You can ask me anything.”

  Everyone held their breath, waiting for Tessa to ask one of them to shift as proof. Kade worried that seeing such a display might send the woman into cardiac arrest and struggled to think of the easiest way to prove themselves. But the question she asked shocked him more than her supposed affair with JFK.

  “Do werewolves roll in their own shit like dogs?”

  The room fell silent for a beat, then everyone—even Ally—broke into gales of laughter. Tears streamed down their faces while Tessa smiled serenely. Then, before Kade even knew what was happening, Lucy pulled Ally from him and into a ferocious hug.

  The moment she left his lap, a part of him went with her, but he wasn’t about to yank her away from her best friend. She’d been so worried about Lucy’s reaction, and she needed the reassurance that nothing could break their bond.

  “Man, I needed that,” Lucy said when they finally broke apart. “I missed you.”

  Tears streaked Ally’s cheeks and Kade’s wolf growled. It didn’t like their mate’s tears.

  “I missed you too.”

  The women plopped down on the couch next to him, and Kade managed to refrain from dragging his mate back into his lap. He’d promised to give her space, as tough as that was.

  “So now it’s my turn to get some answers,” Lucy said, her voice full of excitement. “How in the world did you keep this secret from me for so long? Or has it not been ‘so long’?”

  She shot Kade a curious glance, but Ally shook her head. “He had nothing to do with it.”

  Ally’s scent grew increasingly agitated, and he knew she didn’t want to discuss her past. Not yet. He reached over and clasped her hand. She squeezed back, warming his heart. If Lucy noticed her friend’s discomfort, it certainly didn’t stop her.

  “So, are you natural born like Mason and his brothers?”



  “How long have you been a wolf?”



  “Does Pepper have a pack I don’t know about?”


  “I don’t…” Ally shook her head. “No.”

  “Then where’s your pack? You have one, don’t you?”

  Pause, and this time her grip tightened.

  “No.” The word came out as a low rasp.

  Kade leaned toward Ally and murmured, “You do now.”

  Lucy grew frustrated with Ally’s short answers. “Come on, Ally. You’ve kept me in the dark this long—”

  “So, a little longer won’t hurt,” Kade interrupted, pulling Ally upright as he stood. As much as he wanted the same answers as Lucy, it was obvious Ally wasn’t up to revealing anything more. Not that night. “It’s been a long day and I think we all need a good night’s sleep.”

  Ally graced him with the loveliest smile of gratitude and his heart nearly burst. He would do anything for her, even cross the Alpha Mate, if it helped ease her nerves.

  “Fine,” Lucy grumped and stood. “We have guest rooms ready for both of you. Grandma, you’ll be in a room
just down the hall. Ally, you’ll be upstairs—”

  “Actually,” Kade cut in, drawing Ally back against his chest. “Ally wants to stay with me.”

  Mason, Tessa, and Lucy all looked skeptical, but he didn't care. After everything she'd been through, he didn't want Ally to be alone in a strange house without anyone to protect her. Only Ally mattered now. No one else.

  Ally turned her intense gaze up to meet his, her voice so soft he nearly missed what she said. “I do?”

  “You do.” Kade gave her a brisk nod, meeting her gaze with the same intensity. Ally still seemed unsure, the scent of her anxiety slowly drifting toward him, and he stepped into her space. He cupped her cheek, meeting her uneasy stare for a moment before leaning down and pressing his forehead to hers. “Come home with me, Ally. Let me be the one who stands between you and everything you fear.”

  She hesitated a moment and Kade held his breath, waiting for her decision. If she wanted to stay in the pack house, he’d let her. He’d also shift and patrol the area around the house.

  “Ally?” Lucy spoke up once more and his mate pulled away. His wolf whined, not liking this new distance, but when her answer came, the beast calmed.

  “I want to stay with Kade.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Ally expected to be nervous about going home with Kade. Wary of him and his expectations, but she was simply… calm. Her wolf almost purred in her mind, the animal at peace knowing he was near. And would be near as she slept.

  Kade held the front door open for her as he hustled her onto the porch. She gave Lucy a small wave and nod when her best friend said they’d see each other in the morning.

  Mason stepped forward then, one of the largest werewolves she’d ever met, to speak to his brother, and she scuttled back a step. And then another. She lingered right at the edge of the first porch step. That still wasn’t enough space for her unsettled inner wolf, her animal pacing and whimpering with Alpha’s nearness.

  She decided waiting by the SUV was a better idea. She silently traveled down the porch steps until her shoes sank into the moist grass. She even made it across the yard and all the way to Kade’s car before she was stopped.

  A large, strong hand landed on her shoulder—the grip firm but gentle—and spun her around. Even at that slight touch, a new surge of tingles rolled down her spine. She peered up at Kade with wide eyes and hoped the night hid the renewed blush on her cheeks.

  “No need to take the SUV,” Kade murmured and then waved his hand toward the right side of the pack house, “My place is here along the path.”

  Ally peered into the darkness, the shadows so deep she saw nothing beyond the midnight edges, and a bolt of fear pierced her heart. “It’s so dark.”

  He smiled and pulled her into a gentle hug, those strong arms enveloping her. She sighed and turned her head, resting her cheek on his chest. She took comfort in his strength and the steady beat of his heart. Kade wasn’t worried about a late night walk, so she shouldn’t worry either. “I’ll be right here. Always.”

  Ally drew in a deep breath with the hope that his musky scent would bring her comfort. Instead, all it did was make her tingle more. Those delicious sensations slid through her, nipples hardened and core aching to be touched.

  Kade released her to snare her over-stuffed duffel, and her wolf howled at the absence of his touch. If the beast had its way, she would have told him to leave the bag. That would let them slip under the sheets that much sooner.

  Which hadn’t sounded like a good idea until she’d heard Kade’s whispered words and promises to protect her from her nightmares. Now, though… Her human half wasn’t putting up much of a fight over sharing a bed with the big, bad, wolf.

  “Ready?” Kade’s deep voice broke through her thoughts.

  Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he grabbed Ally’s hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She allowed her fingers to curve around his calloused palm as they rounded the pack house and stepped onto the small path beyond. The night sky was inky black, and fluffy clouds covered the nearly full moon.

  “The path is a little bumpy, so watch your step.” He looked down at her, eyes reflecting the little light around them. “It might be easier to shift and take advantage of our wolves’ vision.”

  “Uh, no.” She shook her head, long ponytail brushing the base of her neck.

  The last thing she wanted to do was set her wolf free. It had naughty fantasies of racing through the forest with Kade’s beast. Of playing a game of chase and letting herself get caught by the tempting male. And once her wolf had its fill of the tempting shifter, it’d allow her to shift back, leaving her utterly naked. Kade would be nude as well and that… was just too much temptation for a gal to handle.

  So, she let her decision stand. For now, there would be no shifting or naked playtimes featuring Ally and Kade. None.

  A few minutes later, Kade strode up a walkway to the door of a smaller cabin. He nudged the door open and she followed him into the pure blackness. Details were lost to the lack of light, but she sensed this home was smaller than the pack house but still a nice, comfortable size. Any other clues about her home for the night would have to wait until the sun rose.

  “It’s not much, but it’s home.” A slight jitter underlaid those words, revealing his nervousness.

  Kade flipped on the lights, illuminating a rustic bachelor pad. Just like the pack house, the place was decorated with hand-built log furniture, but unlike the immaculate pack house, Kade’s looked as if a tornado had touched down in the middle of the living room.

  “Shit!” He yanked a pair of boxer briefs off the back of the couch and held them behind his back, giving her a pleading look. “Pretend you don’t see any of this. Give me one second.”

  The poor guy scuttled around the living room, grabbing dirty plates, grease-stained pizza boxes, and various articles of clothing off every surface. It barely made a dent in the mess, but at least he tried. He tossed all the clothes behind a chair tucked in a corner, dumped the dirty dishes into an already overflowing sink, and stuffed the pizza boxes into the oven.

  Apparently the “if I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist” rule was in full effect.

  She never would have believed such a self-assured guy like Kade could be nervous. It was actually pretty cute. Yes, his confidence was hot and drew her in, but this other side of him made Kade seem real. Made him a normal person and not some powerful, all-knowing, deadly werewolf.

  “I, uh… I can give you a tour? As you can see, I wasn’t expecting company when I went to collect Tessa. My place is normally… cleaner.”

  Ally didn’t even have to draw in his scent to know he was lying about his cleaning habits. Maybe it wasn’t ever this bad, but she had a feeling he was a bit of a slob. Yet she didn’t care. She’d never felt so safe and protected in her life so if she had to deal with errant laundry and the Leaning Tower of Pizza-stained dishes, she would.

  “It’s beautiful, Kade.” Sure, the lingering mess was like a layer of dust on furniture, but she could still sense its beauty.

  She wandered from the living room to the kitchen. The counters were bare, not a single appliance, save a microwave. A slew of take-out menus were stuck to the fridge door with magnets.

  “You don’t have to lie.” Kade scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “I know it’s a little… homespun. My parents were dedicated to living with the land, so all the houses were built with as many locally sourced materials as possible.”

  That stopped her, and she furrowed her brow. “You built this house?”

  “We all did. The pack comes together to help each other when the time comes. Sort of like a barn raising.”

  “Seriously?” She looked around the home again, looking for those handmade touches. For the bits and pieces that announced the home had been built with love by the pack. “I couldn’t make a birdhouse and the pack…”

  “Sure, you could,” Kade insisted. “I’ll teach you.” When she tried
to cover a yawn, he smiled. “But it might have to wait because right now, I think it’s time for bed.”

  Until he said the words, she’d refused to acknowledge her exhaustion. She ignored the way sleep called to her and the pull of tiredness on her slumped shoulders. He led her down a short hallway and paused to identify the three closed doors. Starting on the right, he moved counter-clockwise, “Bathroom.” Then the second door. “Guestroom. If you want it.”

  Ally stared up at him, utterly speechless. Of course, she wanted it…didn’t she? Standing so close to him, feeling heat roil off his body like waves off a desert highway, smelling—it all made her head spin and her heart thunder.

  Tension built between them, a sense of anticipation tempered with the lightest touch of anxiety teasing her nerves. He finally lifted a hand and jerked a thumb to the door behind him. “My room.”

  His soft gaze searched her face, somehow turning her on and breaking her heart at the same time. “Ally, I know you don’t want to hear this, but the thought of being separated from you… When I’m not near you, it feels as if a limb is missing. As if part of me has disappeared. Can you honestly tell me you don’t feel the same?”

  She opened her mouth to deny the charges, then snapped it closed again. For all he’d done for her—all he’d promised to do—she couldn’t lie to him. Of course, she felt it. She never would have imagined it possible, but it was true no matter how many denials she voiced. The wolf’s desire for him always turned her into a liar.

  And that was the problem. The connection between the werewolf halves of them was nearly overpowering, but her wolf was only half of who she was. Her human side remained as confused as ever.

  For years after her experience in Brian’s pack, she’d assumed they all worked the same way. It was why she never sought out another and why she suppressed her animal’s natural instincts. After her escape, she’d vowed to never subject herself to that kind of pain again. In reality, she’d simply traded one kind of pain for another—loneliness.

  Now Kade stood before her, offering her so much. Not only a mate who really spun her cookies, but also a pack that didn’t treat its members like servants—or worse. Safety. Love. Being surrounded by good people who would accept her as one of their own.


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