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The Magic in her Gift

Page 8

by Missy Martine

  “Did I remember to tell you how good breakfast was this morning?” he asked.

  “No.” Sara giggled. “But I kind of took it for granted when you ate that fourth biscuit.”

  Mel cleared his throat as a red hue crawled up his neck. “Yeah, um, sorry about that.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “It’s been a really long time since I had a home cooked meal.”

  “Hey, don’t apologize to me. I’m always happy to see someone appreciate my cooking.” She shrugged. “I don’t get much of a chance to cook for anyone.”

  “What about your fiancé? Don’t you cook little intimate dinners for him?”

  Sara gave an unladylike snort. “Hardly! He’s more the four-star restaurant type.” She turned her gaze to the ocean. “Besides, he wouldn’t be caught dead eating anything as fattening as a biscuit.”

  He looked at her and frowned. “Is that why you barely ate anything this morning? You’re afraid of gaining weight?”

  “I’m not afraid.” Sara rubbed her neck and looked down at her shoes. “I just know I need to lose a few pounds so I watch what I eat.”

  Mel grabbed Sara’s arm and pulled her to a stop. His hand came up and clasped her chin. Gently, he brought her face around where she couldn’t avoid his gaze. He smiled, the warmth in his eyes warming her soul. “Trust me, Sara. You don’t need to lose a few pounds. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  Sara felt her cheeks getting warm and decided she needed to change the subject. “Didn’t you promise me a walking tour of the island today?”

  He studied her for a moment and then smiled. “You bet! I’ve got something special I want to show you.”

  Sara started when his hand reached for hers. Before she could think to pull away, he’d twined their fingers together and begun pulling her toward the path that led away from the house.

  They’d been walking for about twenty minutes when Sara heard a roaring sound. She stopped and looked around carefully, trying to find the source.

  Mel grinned and nodded toward the trail. “Come on, it’s not much farther.”

  Sara followed close on his heels, noticing the path curved to the right and seemed to drop up ahead. The roaring sound escalated and the air became saturated with water. The smell of sweet flowers and rich earth filled her nostrils.

  Mel stopped right before they reached the end of the path. “Close your eyes, Sara.”

  “What?” she asked, startled.

  He frowned and then sighed. “I want you to close your eyes. I’m going to lead you around the bend up ahead and then when I tell you, you’ll open your eyes and get the full effect.” He cocked his head to the side. “Do you trust me?”

  Sara blinked twice. I don’t know why, but I do trust you. She nodded and gave him a small smile. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and waited for him to take her hand.

  She followed him slowly, carefully feeling her way with her feet, until he stopped and stepped away.

  “Okay, Sara, open your eyes.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at the array of beauty laid out below her. A white, frothy cascade of water plunged from a height of at least fifty feet over rock outcroppings into a pool of tranquil, blue water. It was the most breathtaking thing she’d ever seen.

  A fine mist filled the air, helping to feed the lichen and moss growing on the slippery rocks. The trees, clinging to the cliffs overhanging the pool, housed loud, colorful birds. Their squawks echoed through the falling mist.

  Soft beds of dark green grass lined the nearest bank while pebbled rock combined with weeds, ferns and shiny leaves made up the opposite shoreline. Strange, exotic blossoms in vibrant shades of red and yellow peppered the area. Mossy boulders visible above the waterline had gentle waves lapping at their sides. The dense foliage allowed only a modicum of sunlight to glitter across the water. It was truly a paradise.

  “What do you think, Sara?” Mel asked in a quiet, almost reverent tone.

  Sara shook her head slowly. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Mel moved closer and gently clasped Sara’s hand. “I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Sara.” He leaned closer, his gaze fixed on her lips.

  Sara closed her eyes for a moment and then groaned. She pulled her hand free and pushed against his shoulders. “No, don’t, please.” She raised her gaze to his blue eyes. “I can’t do this. It’s not right. I’m engaged to be married.” She looked away from the disappointment she could see in his eyes and took a shaky breath. “I think it would be best if you left. Elias will be back in a couple of days and I’ll be fine until he returns.”

  Mel stared down at his hands and then raised his eyes to stare at her face. He opened his mouth as if to say something and then pursed his lips together. His shoulders slumped as he took a step back. “If you’re sure it’s what you want.”

  Sara hesitated and then nodded. “I’m sure. It’s for the best.”

  He gave her a weak smile and reached for her hand. “You’re a lovely woman, Sara. I hope you find your happiness before it’s too late.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Elias knows how to reach me if you need anything.” He nodded toward the path. “Just follow that trail when you’re ready to leave and it’ll take you right back to the beach.” He released her hand, turned and disappeared into the trees.

  Sara stood for a moment, watching the spot where Mel vanished. Her fists clenched at her sides as she fought the desire to run after him. Why does everything have to be so hard?

  Trust in your heart, Sarafina. Don’t be afraid to go after your dreams.

  Sara whirled around and raked her eyes over the landscape, searching for the source of the disembodied voice echoing in her mind. “Grandmother, is that you?” The only sounds she heard were the harsh cawing of the birds and the water drops pattering against the rocks. “What do you want from me?” she cried.

  Reach for your dreams with your gift. The magic is in your gift.

  “I don’t have any gifts of magic,” she screamed. “Why are you doing this to me?” Sara dropped to her knees in the plush grass and sobbed. “Grandmother, I need you. Please come back to me,” she begged. Her tears flowed in a torrent as she thought about never seeing Mel again. I need to leave this place. I’m engaged to be married and I can’t stop thinking about a dream lover and a man I’ve known only a couple of days. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and lay down in the grass to watch the branches swaying seductively in the breeze. Sometimes, I could almost believe they’re one in the same.

  A feeling of helplessness lay heavy on her shoulders as her sobs quieted to gentle hiccups. Overcome with exhaustion, she let herself be lulled to sleep by the comforting sounds of the rushing water.

  Sara’s eyelids popped open when she felt lean hands frame her face. She wasn’t surprised when she looked up into Meloir’s mesmerizing blue eyes. He slowly bent toward her parting lips and touched her mouth almost hesitantly. His hard lips brushed hers once, twice and then settled, moving gently until her passion flared. She parted her lips, allowing him to slip inside and explore her mouth. Meloir sucked on her tongue and threaded his fingers through the long hair at the back of her neck.

  “I’m so glad you came,” she breathed raggedly into his open mouth.

  Deepening the kiss, Meloir ran his other hand down her side to her bottom and hauled her closer to him. Her hands tentatively settled on his shoulders and then moved down to his abdomen. She let her fingers slide under the hem of his shirt and then guided them over the bunched muscles that criss crossed his back. Groaning, she let her nails drag across his warm skin.

  Meloir glanced down at her cleavage pressed against his chest and licked his lips. She knew he could see the outline of her taut nipples through the thin cotton. His big, warm, gentle hands eased up the length of her ribcage and hovered at the base of her breasts.

  “Touch me,” she whispered, letting her breath mingle with his.

  Meloir rea
ched down and grabbed the hem of her top. With one quick jerk, he’d whipped it over her head and tossed it into the grass. Her bra and pants soon followed. His clothes quickly disappeared until they stood side by side beside the pool, the breeze caressing their bare skin. He raised his hands and cupped her generous breasts, letting his thumbs slide over the rigid nipples. Leaning close, he took her breast in his mouth, capturing her nipple in the moist, warm suction of his lips. He used his teeth, abrading the soft flesh, nipping and then laving the small bites with the caress of his tongue.

  Sara groaned and then moved closer and pressed her lips to his chest.

  Meloir’s head fell back, exposing his throat as he cried out her name harshly. “Sarafina!”

  She placed small, nipping love bites along the bulging muscles of his upper chest and then sucked his small, brown nub between her teeth. She brought her hand to his cock, placing her palm against the veined shaft.

  “Stroke me,” he whispered, guiding her hand up and down his rod.

  He buried his face into the crook of her neck as she fisted his erection in her hand. Needing his taste, she bent over Meloir’s groin, guiding his cock to her mouth. Her tongue delicately brushed the slit, lapping up the tiny drop of pre-cum. Tingles ran up her spine at the sound of his harsh, guttural groan. When she took more and more of him into her mouth and sucked harder and harder, he grasped her head in both hands and moved her away.

  “No, not this way. I want to be inside you when I come.”

  Meloir ran his hands down her back to rest them on her butt. He pulled her close and ground his aroused shaft against her belly. He caressed the rounded curve of her ass as he dropped a brief kiss on her mouth before turning her around to face away from him. Meloir moved in behind her and began to squeeze her ass cheeks with one hand while he explored her crack with the other.

  Sara stiffened in his arms. “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Shhh, relax, little one. I’m only going to get you accustomed to my touch today.” He bent closer and licked the rim of her ear. “But some day I’m going to take you here and give you pleasure like you’ve never known.” Sara’s entire body shivered when his thumb traced the lower crease of her ass.

  Her legs trembled and her muscles went weak as she shuddered with desire when his finger ran down the cleft of her buttocks. No one had ever touched her there and it both excited and frightened her at the same time. His lips caressed her shoulder while his hands separated the cheeks of her ass. One hand held her open while the other slipped into the crevice between the rounded globes.

  Meloir pressed an exploratory finger against her anus and she tensed. “Relax your bottom,” he whispered.

  Sara took a calming breath and tried to relax her muscles. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Thoughts fluttered through her mind and the anticipation of what he might do took her breath away. He ran a finger around the tight, puckered opening and then brushed lightly over the delicate sphincter, causing her to gasp and clench the muscles in her pussy. Her knees buckled and she began to sink to the ground when he pressed lightly against the one place no one had ever entered.

  Moving quickly, Meloir lifted her off her feet, lowered her to the damp, soft ground and then lay down beside her. He placed his hands on her bare thighs and pulled them apart to move closer to her heat. His fingers brushed the skin near her center and she felt her pussy flood with cream.

  “I can smell your desire, Sarafina. You’re so wet for me,” Meloir growled.

  His tongue dipped briefly into her navel right before she felt his hot breath against her pussy. She opened her legs wider as she felt him comb his fingers through the damp, curly pelt of dark curls covering her sex. His finger traced up and down her slit before slipping inside and searching for the bundle of nerves responsible for her pleasure. He gently pulled back its protective hood right before he lowered his mouth to her mound.

  A whimper of pleasure escaped her when he plunged his tongue inside her sheath, his fingers pumping in and out of her channel. She could feel her cream sliding down toward her ass. Meloir explored her silky folds with his tongue and fingers, teasing and pinching her sensitive clit. He extended his tongue and lapped slowly, drilling it as deep inside as he could get to feast on her juices.

  Without warning, her orgasm flowed over her body, muting out the sounds of the forest around them. Before she could catch her breath, he rose up and poised his shaft at the opening of her body. Leaning in, he took her mouth in a carnal kiss. Her nails bit into his shoulders as she clung to him, her breasts flattened against his hair-roughened chest. Her heart thundered against his own, the rapid beating of both mixing and mingling until she wasn’t sure which was hers and which was his.

  “I love you, my Heart Mate.” Meloir pushed the head of his cock past the mouth of her opening.

  She flexed her hips and pressed up as she brought her legs up to grip around his waist. Lifting up slightly, she pressed the rounded head inside her farther, rotating her hips in an effort to fit their bodies together. She locked her ankles behind his back, digging in her heels, and lifted her arms, looping them around his shoulders and spearing her fingers through his hair.

  Meloir’s cock ground against her clit as he pumped steadily in and out. He groaned deep in his chest when she caught his hips urging him to move faster, to delve deeper. She clamped her inner walls around his shaft as he pounded into her.

  Her breathing quickened as she felt her release build deep inside her pussy. Faster and faster, he moved until her body stiffened and bright colors swirled behind her closed eyelids. “Meloir,” she cried out with her peak.

  Meloir clenched his hand in her hair, holding her still, as he released his seed into the depths of her body.

  She could feel the jerk of his cock as he found his own release.

  For several minutes they lay together in silence, their bodies still joined from their passion. Then Meloir slowly raised his head. His eyes held a sadness she didn’t understand.

  “We’re running out of time, Sarafina.” His head lowered and his lips brushed softly against her own. “I need you for my life to be complete, my Heart Mate. Please, before it’s too late, you must call for me with your magic.”

  Sara closed her eyes in pain. “I don’t know how to call for you, Meloir. I don’t have any magic,” she sobbed. She could feel the tears leaking from her closed eyes.

  Meloir slowly untangled their bodies and got to his feet. “The magic is there, my Heart Mate. You will find it in your gift.”

  “What does that –” Her words cut off when Meloir’s form began to fade. “Wait, don’t go, please,” she sobbed, coming to her feet. “Don’t leave me alone,” she begged.

  “Wait, don’t go,” Sara cried out as she woke. She sat up and looked around in confusion. Her clothes and skin were wet from the mist coming off the falls. Her breasts felt full and her nipples ached against the damp fabric of her bra. Throwing her hands up, she pressed a fist against her mouth to stifle a cry and collapsed back down on the soaked grass. “Another stupid dream,” she whispered. Taking a deep breath, she got unsteadily to her feet and started down the path that would lead her back to the beach.

  Sara sat in the rocker on the porch and stared out at the ocean. Elias was due back any time and she’d no idea what she was going to say to him. She’d arrived back at the house after her trip to the waterfall full of angst. She’d been terrified that Mel wouldn’t accept her decision and terrified that he would. She hadn’t left the house the past two days in hopes that he’d come walking down the path.

  Her feelings of guilt had increased when she listened to the phone message that awaited her when she returned. Bart had called and said he found a potential buyer for the island. His idea to simplify things was to bring the buyer to the island. She could show them around and sign the papers at the same time. He’d not returned any of her calls since then and now it was too late to stop him. They would be here in just twenty-four short hours.r />
  “Hello, Miss Sara.”

  Sara looked up and saw Elias coming down the path. “Elias, it’s good to see you. Did you have a good trip? Got your business all taken care of?” It was good to see a friendly face.

  “The trip was okay.” He walked up the steps and sat down in the rocker next to her. “I didn’t accomplish what I set out to do though.” He raked his gaze from her head down to her toes and back. “Are you doing okay?”

  “Sure, I’m fine.”

  He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy spending time with Mel.”

  Sara glanced over, but couldn’t read anything from his expression. She wondered if Mel had told him what happened. “No, it wasn’t that.” Liar Liar. “I just needed some time alone to think some things through.” She hoped he didn’t realize she’d enjoyed her time with Mel a little too much.

  Elias grimaced and looked away. “Yeah, I can understand that.”

  Sara frowned and studied him closer. “What’s wrong, Elias?”

  He sighed heavily. “Your fiancé had that attorney Aames fellow contact me a few days ago.” He cut his eyes over to Sara. “I’ve been instructed to pick up Mr. Everett and two other people tomorrow at the Henderson Airport and bring them here.” He peered at her through narrowed eyes. “Did you know he was coming back?”

  Sara sighed. “Yes, he left a message on the machine day before yesterday to let me know.” She barked out a mirthless laugh. “He planned his visit carefully, Elias. They won’t let you bring them here until after five o’clock.”

  “What are you talking about, Sara?” he asked, his voice puzzled.

  “Five o’clock tomorrow evening, the island officially becomes mine. I will have fulfilled the terms of Grandmother’s will.”


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