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Dawning, Dee - Naked Research (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 3

by Dee Dawning

  Through and after her surprise orgasm, Vince’s cock continued to slam her deep, womanly recess. The slick walls of Dede’s pussy, which had cried all night for friction, purred like a happy pussycat. While Vince stroked Dede’s pussy, Kevin sensually ran his hands all over her and teased her nipples. Payback came when, as promised, she took his now half-hard shaft into her mouth. Closing his eyes, he gasped, then placed one of his large hands upon her head to guide her mouth up and down on him. Fucking her mouth like that hardened his dick in no time.

  Meanwhile, Kevin’s other hand continued to fondle her nipples, while Vince anchored his hands on her hips and drove into her relentlessly. Every inch of him pounded her helpless, seemingly insatiable pussy.

  Vince blurted out, “Christ, sweetheart. Your cunt feels so fucking good, I don’t know how long I can hold out.”

  Out of breath and panting from lust, she took Kevin’s cock out of her mouth and responded between breaths, “Me too…I’m close to another one.”

  Then his cock pushed into her to the hilt for the last time and stayed there as he groaned and yelled. “Oh, yeah, baby. I’m coming.” He held himself in against her ass as tight as possible, while his middle finger brutally tweaked her smooth, silky pearl.

  “Oooh!” She felt a sharp pain and realized he’d bent over her and bitten her back. Suddenly, satisfaction in her grasp, she sucked in a deep breath and cried out loudly, “Damn, guys… I’m coming again already.”

  Seeing she was having yet another orgasm, Kevin pulled his cock out of her mouth. His hands grasped her boobs, his digits teasing, tweaking, and flicking her nipples, adding to the stupendous sensations that coursed through her body.

  Feeling her pussy muscles tightening around Vince’s lengthy shaft, she and Vince both moaned in delight. With tingly currents racing through her, her free hand reached out for something, anything, to grasp for purchase. Once again, her fingers wrapped tightly around Kevin’s dick.

  For his part, Vince continued to massage her clit, bringing forth a welcome mini-climax, after which she rolled onto her side, spent, and cuddled onto Kevin’s lap.

  Vince collapsed next to them quivering and shuddering for a minute while they recovered from their wonderful ordeal.

  When the last gyration subsided, Kevin rose to his knees, his cock stretching skyward. “That was great. I hope you’re ready, ’cause now it’s my turn.” She reminded him to wear a condom. After grabbing one from the same nightstand, he scrambled around until he stood on his knees between her legs. He showed her the condom. “Would you like to put it on?”

  She sat up and took the prophylactic from him. “I think I would.” After sheathing him, she reclined onto her elbows.

  What looked to be an approving smile formed on Kevin’s handsome face as he drank in her nakedness. “You are beautiful.”

  Her return smile was shortened when he probed her slippery slit with a finger. “Ooh.” She chirped at the unexpected intrusion. She held her breath as he inserted a second finger. Since she was well lubricated, his fingers glided in easily. Delightful sensations raced through her as his two fingers wiggled within and stroked her heated channel. Writhing, she eased herself into his plunging fingers.

  Vince remained at her side, kissing and fondling her. Kevin, still on his knees, placed his manhood near the opening of her crème-filled tunnel. After she guided his rocket partially home, he leaned over her and shoved. It slid all the way in. Then his hands grabbed and raised her ankles and spread her legs wide while he began to stoke her. Piston-like, he moved in and out of her, slowly at first, gradually picking up the tempo until his shaft stroked her in a driving rhythm, pushing her up and down on the bed.

  Reaching behind her, her fingers gripped the headboard as his powerful thrusts kept coming, relentlessly pounding her pussy. Her breathing became irregular and her blood simmered just below her skin. Tense fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as his hefty cock pummeled her harder and faster. Vince’s mouth, discovering her nipples, alternated between nibbling and suckling, while his finger ran pleasure circles around her other nipple.

  She became overwhelmed from the intense concentration of pleasure. Thrilling spasms rippled through her core as another impending climax built layer upon layer. Kevin rested her feet on his shoulders, then anchored his hands on her hips. He rose up and drove into her hard, wiggling sideways, trapping her clit against his pelvic area in a wicked embrace. Every nerve in her body felt charged. He came and she followed. Sensation pulled from her extremities, building as the bolt of euphoria burst through her center. A scream of ecstasy burst forth, and waves of pleasure lapped against her mind like an unstoppable tide. Screaming her release, brightness flashed behind her eyes as her sixth orgasm raced through her.

  After they’d recovered, they continued their threesome. Kevin and Vince tongued and fucked her until they all ran out of gas. By the time that happened, she’d experienced ecstasy eleven glorious times. Poor Kevin and Vince only had two and three apiece.

  She thought what a great success her research and birthday had been. She smiled before falling asleep exhausted at twelve-thirty, after a four hour marathon.

  At six o’clock, she woke. Laying between them, she managed to slip out of bed without waking them. Quietly, she picked up her clothes and slipped into the bathroom where, after closing the door and turning on a light, she got dressed. Five minutes later, she exited the bedroom and went to the opposite side of the loft. She sat at what was probably Vince’s desk and dialed Yellow Cab. “Yes, I’d like a cab sent to—” She realized she didn’t know the address. She spotted a card holder on his desk. “Just a minute, please.” She plucked a card and read the address off to the dispatcher. “Sixteen-twenty-seven east Spenser, spelled S-P-E-N-S-E-R, Road.”

  She dropped the card in her clutch. “Thank you. I’ll be waiting outside.”

  Twenty minutes she had to wait. She began to walk around and study some of the photographs, plaques, and renderings that decorated the walls or rested on desks. All of it was wonderful and it was most likely Vince’s work. The more she saw, the more impressed she became. Vince was more than a beautiful face and a fantastic lay. He was a talented architect, community leader and a man of substance. She suspected since Kevin, his roommate, though she met him in a bar, was an all around good guy as well.

  She was sad to leave her lovers, but memories of her broken heart three years ago stiffened her resolve to leave them. She wrote a thank you note and slipped out the door.

  Chapter Four

  Day Two - Dede

  Arriving home a little after six-fifty, she undressed and got in bed. Waking two hours later, she slipped her gown off and segued into the shower. The steam, the hot spray of water massaging her skin, combined with every touch of her fingers, served to bring poignant recollections of yesterday’s erotic adventure flooding back. Scrubbing her erogenous zones, her touch became their touch and without thinking about it, she masturbated herself to release. Now, truly refreshed, after dressing, she waltzed into the office portion of her home. She wanted to write while the memories of her very naughty birthday played across her mind like a pornographic film.

  Sitting at her desk, she clicked the on button of her laptop and started recording the recollections of her fabulous night.

  Zoe came in and hung up her wrap. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she replied, continuing to type and not looking up.

  She strutted over to Becca’s desk. Glancing at her, she could tell from Zoe’s eyes that she was in a mood, and when Zoe raised both eyebrows, Becca prepared for a sarcastic comment. “Well, since you’re here and not dismembered in some back alley garbage bin, I guess you survived your hot research night.” She added snidely, “Did you chicken out?”

  Zoe could be such a nag sometimes. She’d already fired her three times, and the last time Zoe didn’t even bother to leave because she’d hired her back each time. Standing only five-two and bespectacled, she really was worth
her ninety-eight pounds in gold.

  Nevertheless, she refused to reply to her ridiculous speculation. Instead, her Mona Lisa style smile said, Fuck you, Zoe.

  Standing in front of Becca, Zoe widened her stance and rested fists, akimbo style, on her hips. “Well. Did you?”

  Zoe’s alpha woman pose looked so preposterous, Becca bit her bottom lip to keep from breaking out in laughter. Instead, feigning aloofness, she answered her, “No! I did not…chicken out!”

  Still displaying her annoying “I told you so” posture, Zoe continued, “What then? Couldn’t find anybody?”

  It was time to put Zoe in her place. “What makes you think I didn’t succeed?”

  She shrugged. “Did you?”

  Mustering as much sarcasm as she could, she answered, “Yes! I’ll have you know I not only succeeded, I got laid every way possible but upside down. I was coddled and fondled and caressed and fucked for—”she exaggerated—“six straight hours. In summary, I had a night to remember for as long as I live. Now, if you don’t mind, I want to get this down while the memories are fresh and crisp.”

  Zoe exchanged her cocky countenance for one of surprise. After digesting what Becca’d said, she dragged a chair from the nearby conference table and placed it in front of her desk but faced it away. Then she swung a leg over the seat and crossed her arms over the chair back. Somewhat subdued, she declared, “I’m listening.”

  Becca stopped typing, placed her elbow on the desk, then rested her chin in the palm of her hand and gazed at her high priced PITA—pain-in-the-ass. “Zoe, I don’t know where to start.”

  Zoe prompted her. “Start at the beginning. Where did you go?”

  She pursed her lips and shrugged, but started to explain, “It was too early to go to a nightclub like Zombies, so I went to Trends Cocktail Lounge. It was happy hour and there was a good crowd of mostly business-type men.” She paused to correct a misspelled word.

  “Go on,” Zoe urged.

  It seemed like reciting her wonderful night was sort of like reliving it, so she continued, “After receiving the vodka martini I ordered, I barely took my first sip when a handsome devil makes a beeline for me. I threw him a curveball when I said, ‘Hi, I’m Dede Wilson. Did you come to keep little ol’ me company?’”

  Even through her eyeglasses, Becca could see Zoe’s brows dip. “Who’s Dede Wilson?”

  “It’s the nom de plume I’m going to use for my ménage books.”

  “But why? You have a large reader base who won’t even know you’ve written these books.”

  “I know, but I don’t feel comfortable writing ménages under Rebecca Roth. Do you want to hear about last night or don’t you?”

  “No…yes, go ahead. Sorry.”

  “Anyway, his name is Kevin MacCloud, and he made a remarkable recovery when he leaned over and kissed my hand.”

  “Oh, how romantic.”

  “Yes, it was. He’s very smooth. I hope it won’t come back to bite me, but he’s a literary agent.”

  Once again, Zoe opened her mouth in apparent surprise. “He’s a literary agent? My God, what if he starts gossiping about you?”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “He doesn’t know who I am and even he did, I’m a pretty good judge of character, so I don’t think he’d gossip. Then again, if he knew who I was and gossiped, my sudden notoriety, though it might be embarrassing, it would push Three For All to the top of the best seller charts.”

  Zoe’s brows rose again. “Yeah, it would. What about the other guy?”

  “I met Vince later at Kevin’s loft.”

  “Kevin, Vince, cool names. Tell me about them.”

  “Picture Johnny Depp. That’s very close to Kevin. Vince is a little harder, because he’s multiracial. Maybe a cross between Jamie Foxx and Brad Pitt.”

  “Oh, my God, these men sound wonderful. Are you going to see them again?”

  “Believe me, I’m so wired after last night, I’d love to move in with them and make love with them every night for the rest of my life, but it’s not in the cards. I picked strangers just so there would be no entanglements. It was a tryst, a delicious bite of life—a one night stand for all of us. They have lives to live, and I have a book to write. So if you have no more questions, I’ll be getting back to work.”

  “Just tell me what having two delicious men making love to you all night is like.”

  A maudlin mood descended on Becca. “That is the question. I know what I felt, but can it be described? Are mere words enough to describe the overpowering sensations that twice as many hands, fingers, tongues and cocks pampered my body with? Describing the fullness and completeness of my seduction in my book…that will be my challenge. And when I do, dear Zoe, you’ll be the first to read it.”

  Zoe shook her head. “Well, if it was that wonderful, why did you leave them?”

  “I know, the more I think about last night the more I wonder that myself. There was no future with them. They were both single and dashing. Did you know I am seven years older than Kevin? I suspect Vince is even younger. What would they want with me? I was probably a tempting diversion from their girlfriends. After all, women have to be clamoring to sleep with them.

  “Zoe, I wish I had a picture of them. They were succulent. I had my time with them, loved it and got the research I needed. Now it’s time to finish my story.”

  “Did you do anal?”

  She sensed her brow dip. “What?”

  “In most of the ménage books I’ve read lately, the heroine is screwed in both openings at once.”

  Becca’s jaw must have fallen three inches. She was stunned. “Double penetration?”

  Zoe nodded. “I have a book in my purse. I’m on a chapter right now where that’s happening. Let me get it. You can read it.”

  She handed the book to her. It was dog-eared on the proper page. She began reading.

  “Have either of you ever had anal sex?”

  “Yes,” They uttered together.

  Chris added, “It’s not that easy. Why do you want to know?”

  “Because, I’d like to try it. If we could do it, you could both fuck me at the same time and wouldn’t have to take turns.”

  Raymond sat up. “If we did it, it would hurt.”

  Jamie frowned, “It wouldn’t hurt all the time, would it?”

  Chris rose up on an elbow. “No, once you got used to it, it would feel good, but you would really feel full.”

  “That’s for sure. With both of us in you, you’d feel stuffed, plus there’re only so many positions that work for double penetration.”

  “Look guys, I’m offering you my ass. Do you want it or not?”

  Raymond didn’t hesitate. “I want it.”

  “Me, too.” Chris chimed in.

  “Okay, what do we do?”

  She skipped ahead a page.

  Raymond slowly pushed his pulsating hardness into her expanded anus. When waves of searing heat shot through her, she arched her back. It hurt, but she’d done it. Despite the pain, she still felt the two men’s cocks in her at the same time. Two days ago, she never would have believed it. She tried to move her bottom with their thrusts, but it threw their timing off, so she remained static and enjoyed the relentless thrusting cocks.

  Little by little, pleasure replaced the pain. Like a recurring three-car collision, Chris’s sweet, vanilla shaft pounded her from the front and Raymond’s chocolate pride and joy rammed her from the rear. Each collision sent Elysian sensations of joy through her mind and body. It excited her and felt fantastic.

  When groans emitted from deep in her chest, she reflected how sex obsessed she’d become, having two cocks in her at once. Isn’t it amazing what attraction and love can do?

  Love? Maybe.

  How full she felt. She snickered. They’d warned her. She felt numb from the barrage of carnal sensations coursing through her. She seemed on the threshold, near release, moaning and waiting for the big explosion that seemed so near. “Oh, God! You guys feel so
fucking good I wish I could record this and play it back.”

  Raymond laughed between groans. “You can, baby. Just tell us and we’ll play this back anytime you want.”

  On the cusp of an orgasmic adventure, she intuitively knew her first climax with two cocks would be spectacular, and it didn’t disappoint.

  She laid the book down. A small ember of passion ignited in her pussy at the thought of having Kevin’s girth stroking her vagina while Vince’s length reamed her colon.

  Zoe laid a hand across her wrist.

  She looked up.

  “What do you think?”

  She shook her head. “I screwed up. I should have done this.”

  “Can’t you go back?”

  “No, my book will have to do without.”

  Zoe reached for her book.

  Becca jerked the book back from her grasp. “Can I finish reading this and give it back to you?”

  Chapter Five

  Day Two – Kevin & Vince

  Vince glanced at the clock—6:25. The sound of the front door closing had woken him, but Kevin was…was in his bed? What was Kevin doing in his bed?

  Last night’s erotic dream eased back into his mind. It was so sexy. This lovely, sensuous woman made love to both of them. It was naughty, but he loved it. It seemed so natural, like her sexuality was so compelling it took the both of them to satisfy her libido, but never did it bother him that he shared her pussy with Kevin.


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