Personal Experiences

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Personal Experiences Page 40

by Tracy Lee

  "Ok ya'll, one more thing. Bear has threatened that if I ever have contact with TJ again or try to divorce him, he will run off with ya'll, including Harlee and take you down to the swamps in Louisiana and hide you so I can't find you. So for now, we cannot talk about this meeting…ok? Not even to Harlee. I didn't think it was right to make ya'll suffer anymore. I know that he's been wanting to meet you for a bit now and I didn't want to lie to ya'll anymore."

  They agreed and we decided that we needed to go. I had to cook dinner and get Harlee from Rachel's. TJ and the twins exchanged cell numbers and if they ever needed him day or night; call. If they ever felt in danger call 911 then call him. He already had his lawyers working on some things. That must've been the phone call with Loren.

  TJ drove us back to my office. We all hugged goodbye and promised that we would do this again and soon. I told him that I would talk with him later. We got in the car and drove to Rachel's.

  That night seemed more energetic. The twins and I seemed to be on the same page whereas poor Harlee was looking at us as though we weren't her real family. I had forgotten that JoJo had a dentist appointment in the morning at 9, so I texted Loren that I would be in as soon as I dropped her back off at school and apologized profusely about today and needing tomorrow morning off as well. I promised that everything would be caught up by tomorrow night.

  Bear never came home that night which made the night so much better. The next morning I got the kids up for school and made breakfast. It was nice not having to worry about if Bear was going to walk downstairs and start in with us. I wrote a note for JoJo to take to the office saying to be up there at 8:45 and that I'd be picking her up. The kids caught the bus to school so that I could finish up all the dishes and get dressed.

  I went upstairs and began my normal routine. I turned on the water in the shower and went to make the bed real quick. That was when I felt my skull break into a million pieces; I gasped and then everything we dark.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Present Day


  I woke up in my hotel room immediately thinking of yesterday's meeting. I got to hold my children in my arms; yeah, they maybe seventeen and almost grown adults but to look at a different human being and see your face on him… on her even made me catch my breath now.

  I had some errands to run and was planning to stop by Richland Manufacturing to drop off some paperwork to the main foreman there. The construction crew was supposed to be there first thing Monday morning to begin demo on the old offices and make a new and much needed office building.

  I seemed to have had a bunch of pinned up energy, I felt I could run 20 miles and still not be winded. I laid out my suit and headed for the shower. I turned on the water, let it get hot and grabbed my toothbrush. Elle has a habit of brushing her teeth in the shower. I can't seem to bring myself to try it.

  Speaking of Elle, I couldn't stop thinking about her; everything that had happened lately seemed like a dream to me. Seventeen years I waited to come back to Richland, and I was coming back with a vengeance. That fucking dick Bear once took everything that meant something to me; now I was coming back to collect and take some extra as well. He was gonna have a shit fit when he found out that I own the company that he works for.

  So now, I planned on taking his wife; my soon to be wife, I was also taking his kids…all of them. I was planning on adopting Harlee as well. I was keeping this a secret from Elle though; I was making it a wedding gift. As a matter of fact, I scheduled a meeting this morning with Loren Stevens to discuss the matters at hand. I had him on behalf of Elle, file for divorce with her receiving full custody of the children, for a restraining order on her and all three of the kids and I've got the paperwork on hand to file a motion of adoption for Harlee and a name change for the other two.

  Oh yeah, the shit was gonna hit the fan. I finished brushing my teeth and looked at the clock; I still had plenty of time. I hopped in the shower and begin washing my body. I reached my stomach and hips; I pulled the soap down to my lower extremities. I could feel myself; I was rock hard. All this thinking of Elleny was not helping. I could still feel her on my skin, her hard nipples rubbing against my chest, her ass pushed up against me as I pressed her up against the wall. Plunging my finger up inside of her as she dripped all down my hand. She smelled and tasted so good on my tongue. I took myself in my fist and begin to stroke. I was so hard and needed to come so desperately, the head of my cock was almost purple. Slow at first just like she teased with her tongue. Jesus, her mouth felt so good around my cock. I started to speed up. Thinking about how hot and wet her mouth was, she loved me to fuck her mouth fast and hard, she would guide my hand up to the back of her head to push her head down to make me touch the back of her throat. Her grip on my hand would grow tight telling me to hold her there for a second. Her teeth barely nibbled on my head while she licked at the tip like it was an ice cream cone getting every glistening drop of my pre-cum. I began stroking faster. I could feel my orgasm building. I was going to squirt all over my hand imagining it was Elle's mouth. I felt the first jet of come shoot out against my hand, then relief as more and more sprayed with the water surrounding me. I took a breath in relief and finished washing up. I got out and quickly shaved my face and splashed on some cologne and went to get dressed.

  I ran my errands so, now I was sitting in Loren Steven's office looking around, hoping to see Elle, I hadn't heard from her last night or today but she said she'd call me. Listen to me, I sounded like a horny high school boy waiting around for a phone call. Stevens was going over all the paper work that had been filed and had set up court dates. I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it said JoJo's name. I answered immediately.


  Stevens turned around. He knew the whole story between Elle and I. It was quiet on the other end of the line.

  "Honey, you there?"

  "Ummm, daddy?" Ah, there went my heart.

  "Ummm, you told me to call you if I needed something or if something was wrong? Well, I can't get a hold of momma. She was supposed to be here at 8:45 for my dentist appointment and she's not here. Have you heard from her?"

  I looked at my watch 9:35; all the sudden I couldn't breathe. I felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. The first thing that went through my mind was not to panic for JoJo's sake. My eyes went straight to Stevens.

  "Uh, no honey, I haven't talked to your mom this morning, but I'm gonna find out where she is ok? She probably fell back asleep." I saw Steven's grab the phone and start dialing. I couldn't wait for him, I had to try and find her. I tried to think of where Bear might go. I decided I was gonna check the house first; see if maybe there are clothes scattered, maybe bags lying around; see if they possibly left for somewhere. I ran down the hall, through the fire escape I think I was jumping stair wells at a time because next thing I knew there were no more stairs. I ran to the parking lot while digging for my keys. I beeped the locks and started the car right away. I threw the car and drive and didn't stop between her office and her house. Too much time had passed; he could've already hurt her bad enough that she could be de-

  NO! I wasn't gonna think of that.

  I pulled up in her drive and got JoJo back on the phone "Hey Honey, can you tell me if there's a window or something unlocked so's I can get in your house?" She told me about that key under the rock and the code to the alarm. It worked. I open the door slowly, peeking in to see if anyone's right in the front area. It was all clear. It was silent in the house. I could see the dishes in the sink and there were even some plates still on the table like someone just got up and left them. I could hear soft grunting sounding like it's coming from upstairs.

  "I told you, Whore! You didn't listen to me, you's sure as shit gonna take me seriously now. I told you no contact with that motherfucker!" grunt, grunt. "Now let's see's he wants you anymore, now that you've been treated like the whore you are!"

  I heard the grunt again and realized what wa
s going on. I quietly took two, maybe three steps at a time until I was up on the second floor. I could hear him clearly now, he was in the master bedroom. I didn't have anything as a weapon other than my hands, but I got to get in there and at least hold him off until the police got here.

  I burst through the door and couldn't believe what was before my eyes. Elleny was tied to the headboard with barbed wire. Her wrists were bleeding freely and the barbs were burrowing into her skin, I could see the meat hanging around the wire. He had beat her so bad she couldn't even open her eyes. Her nose looked broke; it was leaning to the side and she was bleeding nonstop from her head. Blood was flowing all down her face onto her lap and the bed. You could barely even tell who she was. Bear was standing on the side of the bed finishing up what he had done to her as she laid there unconscious.

  "Mother fuck!" I screamed "What the fuck is wrong with you Bear! This is Elleny, you fuck! What the fuck are you doing! She's your wife!!"

  He pushed himself off of her and stuck his dick back in his pants, as he finished, he laid his hand next to Elle's head and picked up a gun and started waving it around. "Well, well; if it aint Mr. Big-Shit!" He began laughing hysterically. "What a great fuckin day for a reunion…isn't it! It's really great to see ya again, brutha!" He stood beside Elle for a moment looking down at her. "Did you enjoy fucking my wife…BRUTHA!! She's pretty good it'n she? Now…" He dropped his empty hand down and slid his dirty, bloody fingers down her legs. "I know it's been awhile for the two of ya, but I've done taught'er a cupla things here an there." He put his hand up on the side of his mouth as though he was gonna whisper something; he lowered his voice almost to a harsh whisper so I would still be able to hear him. "She likes it rough now." He turned his eyes towards her and threw his hand out; "This…this to her is just foreplay." I could feel my breakfast trying its hardest to come back up and I was trying my hardest to keep it down. He starts screaming at the top of his lungs. I took a step toward Elleny; he took a large step closer to me stepping in front of the large dresser.

  "She's never been my wife!" He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as to calm him-self down. "She's been yours! You…you piece of shit! I couldn't do anything right to make her love me! I thought I could make her love me; I tried and tried but she never would; at least not as much as I loved her! She's never loved me! It's always been you!" He stepped back over to her and grabbed her by the back of the head and forced her head back looking in her face. Quietly he spoke. "Do you know how hard it is to come home every day; look at'er lyin next to you in bed and feel your heart almost burst from the love you have for ‘er but ya can see it in'er eyes that she don't feel shit for ya… do ya? No, I don't ‘spose ya do." He let go of her head and let it fall back forward. He walked beside the bed and headed for the window looking out into the yard. He was sobbing and was covered in blood and sweat. All the sudden he exploded, "I gave her all of me and she stepped on it, shit on it and threw it back in my face!!" Spittle and red sweat were flying all around him. He laughed maniacally; "I was spost to be the hero. The one who cleaned up your fuckin mess now wasn't I; brutha'… because of you; she has dun fucked up my life… for seventeen years. I've missed out on everything… EVERYTHING!!! cuz of her!"

  He was screaming so loud his body was shaking. He went to the dresser beside the closet door, pulled the top drawer open and took out a long hunting knife. He put the gun in his back pocket and began running his finger down the edge of the blade. "Her daddy never did care for me; always thought his daughter was way too good for the likes ‘a me. She started thinkin that too. Thought that she had a pussy made ‘a gold. That daddy' a hers was puttin' shit in ‘er head so I had to shut'em'da fuck up! We wantin plannin' on that bitch'a his bein home. It show' wantin' as easy as it looked on those crime shows; that knife show did get a workout!" He chuckled.

  He got to the end and put his index finger to the point and poked himself drawing blood; he hissed. I closed my eyes and prayed that Elleny was unconscious for that little confession. He squeezed it a minute and then stuck it in his mouth. "Ya don't know what I had to deal with; her bitchin…her fuckin naggin for years! It's so fuckin annoyin;" In a nasal mocking voice he continued "Give me your paycheck, Bear, there's bills to pay, Bear. I need you to stop and get diapers for the baby, Bear; it's all bullshit!" He stopped at the foot of the bed on her side. I didn't need him getting any closer to her with that knife, he was so unstable at this point; I thought it was best to keep him talking. So I asked the question that was on my mind so I can keep him busy and at least see if she's breathing.

  "Why did you stay Bear, no one would'a thought less of ya if you'da left?"

  He laughed an evil laugh. He wasn't the Bear I knew in school, the one I played football with; this man was pure evil. He had so much jealousy towards me and resentment for what, I had no clue, this was my brother; I never would do anything to hurt him and knowing Elleny she never would'a either. "You think I'm gonna let her go without giving me some type of compensation for my losses? I told her if she'da gave me her momma's money, I'd go…she'd say something about it being for ‘dem bastard kids of hers, so now it looks like I'll get that…and her life insurance; well, Hot Dayum! This days gettin' betta and betta!"

  It's taking all that is within me not to break this motherfucker's neck right now. He's nothing but a piece of shit; a crazy one at that! He started walking back over by the dresser that sat next to where Elleny was. He set the knife on top of it and took the gun out of the back pocket; I instantly did the first thing that came into my head.

  "Ya want money Bear, I'll give ya money; how much ya want?" The smile left and he contorted his face; he was looking at me strangely; like he was trying to read me. The smile came back; he took the muzzle upside his head as though he was thinkin. I prayed that somehow it would accidently go off. I looked back over at Elleny, I could hear her softly moan…she was alive; thank god.

  "Put your fuckin eyes back on me, Shithead!" He roared at me. I had to do something quickly. I couldn't just stand here like a statue anymore; he was getting worse as the minutes went by. I kept thinking I'd hear sirens or something. Stevens was dialing when I was back at his office, there's no way in hell it should've taken this long; it was a small fuckin town.

  "Here" I dug in my back pocket and grabbed my checkbook. "Take it, it's yours. Take it all, I'll sign whatever you want." I threw the book down on the ground not far from my feet. He stood there looking at it. He brought his eyes back up at me. He wasn't a smart redneck but he was not a fuckin idiot either. He looked back down "What's the catch…you lemme take that; you get to take her?" This is what I'm talking about; plus he just put the muzzle of a handgun up to his head, obviously, that proved my point. I nod. I don't say a word because I can see him slowly walking towards me. He watched me closely; he was waiting for me to attack him with my hands.

  He slowly began to bend at the knees to go down; his eyes still on me; up high; watching my arms and eyes. His arm slowly reached forward to grasp the book and as soon as he got it in his hand. It seemed like slow motion; I reared my foot back and kicked it forward with all my might. He went flying and so did the gun. I heard a loud bang; the gun went off. I wasn't thinking about where the bullet had traveled; I wanted to make sure he was unconscious so I could get to Elle and make sure she was alive. As fast as I could, I ran to his body that was completely still. I wasn't sure if he was dead or alive; to be honest I didn't really give a fuck at that point in time. I retrieved the gun from the floor and stuck it in my front pocket. Just as quick as I could I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

  I turned around to check on him, he was still lying on the ground, completely still. I gave the dispatcher the information and told her to send an ambulance as well. She informed me that both police and medical were on the way. I threw the phone down and ran over to the bed to check on Elle. My God! There was so much blood; I don't know how she was still alive; her breathing was so shallow I could bare
ly see her chest moving up and down. I looked at her wrists, I wasn't going to be able to untangle the wire; it was almost completely through her wrists. I looked at her head; there was a large gash at the crown. He bashed her over the head with something.

  "Oh Jesus, God, Baby" my voice was trembling with fear; not fear from him but that I was goin to lose her. I felt like I'm gonna lose my mind here because I can't help her. "I'm gonna get you out of here ok, just hold on, oh shit, honey… stay with me, baby." I went to the bathroom to grab a rag; thinking maybe I could at least hold something against her head because it was bleeding profusely. I got it wet with cool water as quickly as I could. I shut the water off and ran back out into the bedroom.

  There stood Bear next to her. He had her head pulled back by her hair with a knife at her throat.

  "Betta say your goodbyes now, motherfucker." I looked at him and growled "No Bear…don't fucking do this!" I could see him putting pressure on the knife that he held right below her left ear. He slowly started dragging it across her skin. His eyes never left mine. "Tell'er now, motherfucker! Confess your love to her; let it be the last thing she hears before she bleeds out!" It looked like he was drawing a thin black line on her neck with a black pen, but as soon as he would pull the blade past that area, red spilled over the line he just made; the black ink was gone. He was slowly killing her because he knows it was torture to me. On an impulse I remembered the gun in my pocket. I dropped the rag and reached in my pocket and grabbed the gun. I raised it without saying a word; aimed and pulled the trigger. His head flung back just a bit like he'd been jolted; he'd been jolted all right. He stood there for a moment; His eyes still on mi ne but now there was a small black hole between them. The knife that he was holding fell to the floor and he followed crumbling down to the floor beside the bed; right beside Elle.


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