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Loving a Little Heart

Page 11

by Breanna Hayse

  "I don't want to address anything, Jake. Oh, and watch your language," she said, throwing his words back in his face. "I'm tired and am going to go to bed."

  "What I see is someone who is running away from accountability, and I am not going to permit it. I know you are tired. I see it in your face. I know there are things that we can't do directly to help you, but we do as much as you will allow us to. You are thinner now than when you first got pregnant, and you can barely keep your eyes open when you're eating. You are nursing and are not giving your body what it needs, and with that, you're putting yourself and our daughters at risk. I've let this attitude go on and have tried to be patient, but it will stop now and there will not be any more excuses."

  "The babies—"

  "Have been sleeping through the night for two weeks now. If they wake up, we have bottles to feed them, and we are quite capable of changing them. Next?"

  "Are you saying that they don't need me?" Baylor said.

  "Oh, dear Lord." The man rolled his eyes. "Will you please listen to yourself? I swear, girl, if I didn't know better, I would think that you were pushing for a good paddling. Don't think for a moment that you won't get one, either. You are cleared medically, so you'd better get this into your pretty little head. One more attitude issue and you will be going over my knee, and I don't care if the noise wakes the kids. I will repeat myself this one time: this behavior will stop and it will stop now, got it? I will not be married to a spoiled brat."

  Baylor glared at him, caught between anger and shame. He was right, of course, but she did not want to be confronted. Wisely, she said nothing. Jake had reached the end of his tether, and she knew better than to push him too much further. When she did not respond, he sighed.

  "You are back to your regular routine and accountability from this moment on. Things are as they were before you got pregnant, including all the rules and all the discipline. Now you are to march your little bottom back downstairs, apologize to Hayden, and finish your dinner. You are also to eat every bite on that plate, you hear me?"

  Just then, the forbidden words slipped from her mouth—the ones that had earned her countless spankings in the past because they threatened her health.

  "I'm not hungry."

  Jake stared at her in disbelief. "Would you care to repeat that? I am giving you one last chance."

  "I'm not hungry. You can't make me eat if I don't feel like it."

  "What are the consequences for you using that phrase, and why?"

  "Leave me alone," she muttered.

  "Unbelievable. Where is your hairbrush?"

  She had crossed the line of no return, and the situation suddenly became very real to her. "Please—"

  "Go get it, and hand it to me. We are not going to have any more of this nonsense, young lady."

  "No! You can't make me eat if I don't want to!" Baylor shouted. "It's not fair!"

  "Lower your voice. I will not have you yelling at me. How many times have we been through this exact same conversation? You are hypoglycemic, and are also nursing twins. You cannot live on chocolate, either. The doctor, and Terry, were both very clear about this subject. I'm not playing games with you, little girl. This is out of control and I will not have it. You know the drill."

  "Jake, I'm sorry! It's the hormones, and lack of sleep, and—"


  "Please, don't!"

  "Two," he said quietly, reaching for his belt. With a sob, Baylor retrieved the oval oak hairbrush from the dresser drawer where it was kept—and used—for this one purpose.

  "Over my knee. This spanking has been a long time coming." He held out his hand for the brush, crooked a finger, and patted his lap.

  "Jake, honey, I'm sorry. I really am," she whimpered, unwillingly moving to stand in front of him. Her anger and defiance had instantly dissolved in the face of being disciplined, and had now turned into fearful avoidance. "I'll watch my temper, and I'll eat everything you guys put in front of me. I promise! Please don't spank me. Please!"

  He did not answer; instead he simply waited for her to obey. With an unhappy whine, she draped herself over his solid, long-legged lap.

  "I wish we didn't have to find ourselves here, but being what it is…" he began.

  Baylor stiffened with shock as the first stroke of the brush splatted against her pale, right cheek. Before she had a chance to cry out, the other side received identical attention. The third swipe set her legs kicking and flailing with lusty abandon. The cracking sound of wood against flesh was soon joined by scream, howls and incomprehensible babbling—all of which were promptly ignored.

  "I'm so sorry. Daddy, please, I'm sorry," she choked out, gripping the material of his pants. "Sorry. I'm sorry…"

  Jake inhaled deeply and then exhaled, and laid the brush on the bed near her head. He placed her hand on her blazing flesh and let it rest there for a moment. The spanking had not been very long, but had definitely been effective in gaining her attention. "Do you need some time in the corner to consider what just happened here?"

  "No, sir," she wept.

  He squeezed both her cheeks, making her squeal. "Even though you're thinner, the pregnancy has somehow made your bottom rounder, so spanking it will be even more enjoyable than before. I would hope you'd prefer your future spankings to be ones for pleasure, and not discipline. In any case, you will be spanked—and quite frequently—so it would behoove you to get your attitude back on the right path, wouldn't it?"

  "Yes, sir," she whimpered.

  "Good girl. Come give Daddy a hug," he said softly, lifting her up to sit on his lap. "I love you. I know things have changed, but I want my old Baylor back. We both do."

  "I'm just afraid to leave the girls."

  "So are we, but we trust Terry and Matt. We allowed T to deliver the babies, remember? We put all three of you in his hands. That was a lot more dangerous than sitting at home and watching TV."

  "Terry doesn't even turn on the television when he plays with them." Baylor sniffed.

  "See?" Jake squeezed her warmly. "Don't allow fear to take over your life again. It paralyzed you in the past, and I love you too much to allow that to happen to you again."

  "If you really loved me, you would rub lotion on my ass."

  "Because I really love you, I will decline. That sore bottom needs to be a reminder to you about how I expect you to behave, and it needs to stay tender for a while. I'll check on the girls while you go apologize to Hayden and finish your dinner."

  "Do I have to?" she asked, her voice tiny and submissive.

  "Yes, baby, you have to. Give me a kiss."

  "Oh, all right," she said, happily obeying that particular command. "Daddy?"

  "What, love?"

  "I want chocolate."

  "For dessert. Ah, no arguments. You don't want a repeat, do you?"

  "No, sir." She pouted, wriggling uncomfortably on his lap.

  "That's my good girl. How about you finish your dinner, and then Daddy will take you out for some ice-cream? Just you and me."

  "Really and truly?"

  "You have my word, little lady. One more kiss and then get your bottom downstairs."


  The present….

  "Baylor? Hey Ladybug, the water is getting cold." Hayden shook her awake.

  "Wow, I had the strangest dream. It was like a flashback from the time we found out I was pregnant to the first real spanking I got after they were born. It was so detailed."

  He helped her out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her body, then kissed her warmly on the mouth.

  "Ow, don't press so hard. You're hurting my boobs," she whispered, gently pushing him away. Before he had a chance to try again, the sound of a screaming baby pierced the air.

  "Haylee is hugging Jaycee again." Baylor sighed.

  "We can handle them. Get dressed and take your time," Hayden said. "Maybe, if you're up to it, we can have some play time once the girls are asleep."

  The ongoing crying and screams fr
om below told her that her strong, muscular, manly men were no match for a pair of one-year-olds. Amused, and knowing quite well that both the boys would be too exhausted to play, she slowly dressed in flannel shorts and a t-shirt, and then slipped a pair of socks on her feet. She put her hair into two high ponytails and popped a wad of gum in her mouth.

  It was time.

  She waited until it had grown quiet before creeping into the TV room. Hayden and Jake were slouched on the couch, each with a sleeping baby girl on his chest.

  "Whatcha doing?" she asked, snapping a bubble.

  "Spit out the gum, Bay," Jake ordered.

  "I don't wanna. It helps me relax."

  "Really? Well, paddling your backside helps me to relax. If I wasn't occupied, that would be what would happen next," Jake threatened.

  "I can't understand how a pair of such tiny little girls can wear out such big, strong manly men. How many kids did you say you wanted, Jake?" she asked, grinning.

  "They didn't wear us out. We're just sitting like this so we don't wake them," he said, kissing the head of the sleeping baby.

  "Which one of you said that things were always better in pairs?"

  "It's true," Hayden said with a tired smile. "We can handle a dozen sets of twins, play ping-pong, and make love to you until you scream."

  "Really? Well, I'm glad you said that, because I have something very special to share with you," Baylor said.


  "I decided that we need to repaint the guest room."

  "You did? Why is that?" Jake asked, suppressing a yawn.

  "Yes, I did. I think a nice shade of blue would look good in there."

  "Why blue?" Hayden asked.

  "Because, my big, strong, manly men are about to become the daddies of a set of twin boys." She grinned at the looks on their exhausted faces. "Ping-pong, anyone?"

  The End

  Breanna Hayse

  "I write what I know. With few exceptions, my scenarios are pulled from either personal experience or observation. I've served overseas as an Intell Specialist in the USMC, work as a nurse, and have degrees in Biology (pre-med) and a masters in Psych. Specialty? Deviant behavior and alternative lifestyles, of course. I put all of this together and try to bring about a fun, unique and, hopefully, thought-provoking reading experience."

  Visit her site here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Breanna Hayse and Blushing Books!

  The General’s Daughter Series:

  The Siren,

  Up A Notch

  Caught in the Net



  New Understandings

  The Game Plan Series:

  The Game Plan

  Time Out

  Meeting Her Master

  Playing A Little

  Dare to Defy

  Painful Consequences


  The Reformer

  Two By Day, Three By Night

  Guardian Domination

  Cowboys Know Best

  Serendipity Ranch

  Lost and Found

  Captured and Conquered

  Naked and Defiant

  Piper’s Journey: Into Submission, Book One

  Over the Barrel

  Two Guardians for Little May

  Liars & Tigers (Are Bared… Oh My!)

  King Dom Comes

  Little Lady Jane: The Adventures of Lady Jane, Book 1

  Strictland Academy: The Darkness Series, Book One

  Emma’s Corner: The Darkness Series, Book Two

  His Little Courtesan: The Adventures of Lady Jane, Book 2

  The Whip Master: Fifty Maids of Graye, Book One

  Moving a Little Heart

  A Little Wish Upon a Star

  Switched in Time

  Mastering Annie

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  About Breanna Hayse

  Ebook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  About Blushing Books




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