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The Dragon Warrior's Baby_A Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Jasmine Wylder

  But it was real. And when Volcant swept into the room and wrapped his arms around her, she knew it was real. Her hands pressed against his chest, his heart beating under her fingertips while the heat from his body melted all the fears she’d had. Without a word, his mouth sought out hers and he kissed her hard.

  It was a kiss that demanded everything, and she was more than willing to give it to him. Her hands roved over his body, gently running over the still-healing scars, lingering over old ones. What a life he must have had, all those centuries of battles and love.

  Volcant leaned his forehead against hers as he broke the kiss. A smile crossed his face as he touched her lips with one finger. “Is Cara hurt?”

  “No. She’s fine. And so am I. Thanks to you.”

  His hands moved to her neck and then down her back, over the borrowed gown she wore. It was a fine linen dress, dyed bright as a peacock’s feather with small gems sewn into the waist. Volcant’s gaze became steadfast as he explored her body, brushing down her hips as far as he could reach and then returning to her ribs and arms, probing lightly.

  Misty couldn't help but laugh, the relief at seeing him alive and well making her giddy. “I’m fine.”

  “I’m not going to be satisfied until I see that for myself.” His hands brushed against her breasts again and Misty arched her back, pressing them against him more firmly.

  She licked her lips. “And here I thought that you just wanted to touch me.”

  Volcant arched a brow, then grinned at her. His hands cupped both her breasts as he advanced on her, slowly backing her against the wall. The predatory smirk on his face had her stomach tightening. Misty grinned, but it faded quickly as she put her hands on his shoulders.

  “Wait, you’ve been unconscious for days. Don’t you need to eat or drink or—”

  “I’m a dragon,” he rumbled and the vibrations through his chest made her insides squirm. “After battle and healing are over, there is only one thing I want. And yes, I am going to eat… you.”

  All the air left her lungs. Her core tightened as Volcant took her hands in his and pressed them against the wall. His gaze, eyes dark, lip curled back to reveal a single sharp tooth, never left her face as he ground his hips to hers. She felt him between their layers of clothing and a heat started to simmer under her skin.

  “Is this gown a favorite of yours?” he growled, kissing and nipping at her neck now.

  “No, it’s—”

  Without a word, he seized the front of it and tore it in half. Misty cried out in shock even as the cold air against her skin made the heat in her core all the hotter. She gaped at Volcant as he tore down the front of the dress until it was in two halves hanging from her body.

  “I’m borrowing it from Anna,” Misty protested weakly, her knees bending.

  Volcant smirked as he ran his hands over her naked body. “I’ll replace it. Now… Tell me what you want.”

  Misty’s mouth was awfully dry. Her mind darted through all the sexual positions she knew of. Heat began to color her cheeks as she tried to look away. Volcant caught her by the chin and didn’t let her, though.

  “Just you,” she mumbled

  He slid a hand under her thigh and lifted it over his hip, his gaze still locked on her. The smirk widened, revealing more of his teeth. “What do you want?”

  “I just—”

  He slid a finger over her clit, making it throb. She jerked slightly, eyes widening. How the hell was she so turned on already? Volcant kept her pinned to the wall, their bodies pressed together as he stroked her, sliding his fingers in and out of her while his thumb moved in slow circles. Her core tightened until she was whimpering with need. Hips rocked back and forth as her fingers dug into his shoulders. He kissed her neck, nibbled on her ear.

  When she was trembling and ready to fold, he stopped. Misty thrust her hips forward desperately. He laughed, kissed her and asked again, “What do you want?”


  He turned her, pressing her against the cool rock wall and ground into her from behind. There were more tearing noises and the cold air brushed down her spine, replaced quickly by his hot body. He pulled the ruined remnants of gown off and tossed them to the floor. Now completely exposed to him, Misty’s body seemed even more alight with desire. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought herself a dragon, as well.

  He still wore his pants as he gripped her hips with one hand and ground against her, the other moving between her thighs again. He started up where he had left off and Misty moaned in protest, the pleasure coursing through her already too much to bear and yet not enough.

  Goosebumps rose up her neck and arms as his breath wafted across her neck. “What,” he slid a finger into her, “do,” he slid a second in, “you,” he flicked her clit with his thumb, “want?”

  Misty’s fingers dug into the wall. Her whole body moved back and forth, trying to increase contact while escaping it at the same time. Volcant pinned her there with his bulk, grunting as he continued to grind against her.

  “I want you to take me like an animal,” Misty breathed out. Her head lolled backward as a cry escaped her lips.

  “Like an animal it will be.”

  He spun her around again and carried her to the bed. Misty yelped as he flung her among the furs, but a pleased grin spread across her face. Her stomach clenched, and her core ached as Volcant lifted her to her hands and knees. There was another tearing noise and he flung his pants away before he eased inside of her.

  There was no patience this time. No gentleness, just pure animal passion. He gripped her hips in both hands and drove into her, again and again. Misty’s arms stretched out, supporting herself as her body shook with the force of his thrusts. Her breasts bounced. Pleasure washed through her like nothing she’d known before. Volcant grunted above her, his hands tight on her hips.

  He dropped over her, caging her with his big body. His teeth grazed the back of her neck as he continued to move like a man possessed. Everything was too tight inside of her, mini fireworks setting off all through her skin. A rush of thunder washed over her, and she collapsed, screaming his name.

  Volcant continued until she was spent, then gave her a minute’s rest before he started again, this time rolling her to her side. His hand moved between her legs, building her up just as quickly as the first time.

  He’d brought her over the edge four times before he finally released with a roar. She could feel him inside of her, fire shooting deep and she pressed herself tighter against him, fearing that if she lost contact now, she’d be lost forever.

  When her lover had finished, he lightly kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. “Animal enough for you?”

  His voice was hoarse and exhausted.

  Misty nodded, every inch of her aching with the force of the pleasure he’d given her. “How… how were you able to do that?”

  “I told you, my fires burn hot.”

  “You didn’t tell me that meant you were a god in bed.”

  Volcant chuckled as he slowly eased himself out of her. “It’s very true, our two previous times were rather disappointing.”

  “Disappointing,” Misty repeated.

  “It must have been due to the lack of magic in your world. My fires were going out and so I wasn’t able to give you what you deserved. Just wait until I’m fully recovered. I’ll keep you in an orgasmic haze for days.”

  Misty let out a soft groan. “I think that’d kill me. But what a way to go!”

  Volcant laughed softly.

  She wanted to stay here like this forever, to never have to move or think about anything else again. But as the aftershocks slowly faded into a pleasant ache in her body, a troubled frown crossed her face. The last time they had spoken, things had been decidedly different.

  Did she dare ruin this moment by bringing it up?

  Did she dare waste time not telling him how she felt, when she didn’t know what might happen next?

  He needed to

  Misty turned in his arms, her stomach clenching less pleasantly this time when he smiled at her. She remembered the look on his face when he said they’d have to get married. It was not a look that indicated any sort of desire for it. What if she said her piece and he laughed in her face? Or worse, what if he decided to marry her—but didn’t love her?

  “Volcant, there is something I want to say...”

  He nodded.

  “When I told you that Cara was your daughter and you said you’d marry me… the reason I said I didn’t want to marry you was because I don’t want to be that girl. I don’t want to get married just because I got pregnant.”

  Volcant’s expression grew serious. He took her hands in his and kissed her palms before he looked up at her again. “Then marry me because I love you.”

  Misty’s breath caught. She was going to start needing an oxygen tank if this kept up. She stared into his eyes, seeing such warmth in them that she wasn’t certain what to make of it. Was he being genuine? Did he really…

  Her lips started to tremble and so to stop them, she kissed him. Long, deep and slow. Her arms wrapped around her dragon and she pulled him possessively against her, as though afraid the world might yank him away. He chuckled into her mouth, teasing open her lips.

  When the kiss broke, he stroked her hair from her face. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “You’d better, because it is. But not because you love me.” Misty grinned at the confusion that seeped into his eyes. “I’m marrying you because I love you.”

  Volcant laughed. “Even better.”

  He rolled over her, spreading her legs to either side of his hips as he kissed her again.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It took two weeks for Volcant to fully heal from his injuries and for them to come up with a plan to stop Vilma. It was uncertain exactly what she needed to achieve her goals and who else might be working with her. To that end, they would take as many prisoners as they could, to have a hope to gain more information about how to prevent such future attacks.

  In the meantime, Misty and Cara would stay in the palace, protected by Anna’s personal guard. There had indeed been many changes since Volcant had last been here, but one thing that hadn’t changed was Indulf’s love for Anna. She had the best warriors protecting her and the little prince. Volcant knew that Misty would be safe with them.

  It didn’t stop his stomach from tying into knots at the thought of leaving her and their daughter again. He held her close, taking strength from the warmth of her arms, as the rest of the warriors prepared to leave. Indulf stood by, his expression impassive. It had taken quite a bit of arguing to convince him to stay behind. But this was an attack against the dragons as a whole and quite possibly connected to the assassination all those centuries ago. They could not risk their king.

  “Come back to us,” Misty whispered to Volcant when he released her.

  He gave a small smile and brushed his lips against her forehead. “I will.”

  It was a promise he intended to keep, no matter what. Nearby, Hendric called for the warriors to stand together. Volcant joined them, standing next to Thonis, and gave Misty one last grin before the portal opened and the warriors charged through.

  When his feet touched the ground, Volcant took a moment to be grateful that nothing went wrong before he caught Hendric’s eye. This was going to be the most difficult part. Vilma, no doubt, had some sort of eye on portals, perhaps even advanced warning about their opening. If she had spies on the ground already, then they couldn’t waste a single moment.

  Volcant pivoted on his heel and slammed his fist into Thonis’ face. The other dragon fell back with a cry as blood blossomed from his nose. Several of the others lunged for him, but Volcant slipped from their grasps and took off. He darted down an alley and then scaled a ladder to the top of a building.

  He heard the calls beneath him and his heart hammered. If this didn’t work…

  Half an hour of flying later, a flare rose into the air. Volcant angled toward it, his heart in his throat. This was the riskiest part of this whole operation. He’d just barely managed to escape Vilma last time. If she decided that it was too much of a risk...

  Vilma waited with a dozen armed men around her when he touched down. At once, half of them swarmed forward and pushed him to his knees. They cuffed his hands behind his back and pressed a gun to his head.

  “What are you doing back here, Volcant?” Vilma simpered. Her eyes glittered dangerously.

  Volcant lifted his chin. “I’m here to bargain with you. I don’t know the extent of your reach, but you lived in the palace for years. I don’t trust that you can’t reach there again.”

  Vilma narrowed her eyes. “If you’re here to bargain for Indulf’s life—”

  “No. As much as it pains me,” and it did pain him, even if he was simply spinning a line, “I recognize that there are some things beyond bargaining. I’m here to bargain for Misty’s life and the life of my daughter.”

  Vilma considered him for a long moment. “In order for our plans to be manifested, we must have the blood of a child born of both worlds. Why is this woman so important to you? Do you love her?”

  Volcant held his breath for a moment. If he said yes, would that put her in more danger? But then, he wanted Vilma stopped. If this plan worked, she would be and there would be no danger to Misty in the end. If it didn’t… well, then he would have to trust that the palace would be enough to protect her.

  “Yes,” he whispered. “I love her more than I have ever loved a woman before. I will gladly give up my dragon if it means that she’s safe. And I will do more to keep my daughter safe.”

  A brief look of pain flashed over Vilma’s face, but she schooled her expression quickly. “And what would you do?”

  “You say that you need a child born of both worlds. I will bring you the prince.” Vilma’s eyes widened and Volcant hurried to continue, letting his fires burn hot and smoke escape his mouth. “But only if you swear that Cara will not be harmed.”

  Vilma stepped forward. “All these years of loyalty and you’d betray your king so easily?” She turned to the others and gestured at him with a disgusted expression. “Behold the noble dragon. Is it any wonder why he couldn’t stop us the first time?”

  The first time? A shiver ran down his spine and a sick ball of knowledge dropped to his stomach. “You… were the original assassins. You killed the queen and stole Wildref.”

  “I killed the queen myself.” Vilma smiled back at him. “And now, with your help, I will kill the prince. For your daughter’s life. For your lady love’s life, though, something more… demanding.” Her grin grew into a wicked smirk. “The king’s life. Bring me his head and I will—”

  “Dragons!” one of the assassins yelled.

  Vilma whipped around, but it was too late for her. The guard dropped in from the sky. Hendric landed next to Volcant, striking through the cuffs with one claw before shifting to human form. Gunfire erupted in the area, spraying over the dragons, but they were still half-shifted, and the bullets didn’t penetrate deep through their scales.

  “NO!” Vilma screamed.

  Volcant leapt at her, fires burning hot, smoke billowing from his mouth. She turned and fled. The other assassins closed ranks around her, still firing at the dragons. Hendric sprang into the air, wings bursting from his back and beating twice to give him enough lift to drop down behind the ringed assassins. The others charged in head-first.

  One of the assassins dropped his empty gun and drew a knife before charging at Volcant. The dragon grabbed him by the wrist and yanked hard. The assassin punched Volcant in the kidneys even as his wrist snapped, and the knife fell. Volcant elbowed him in the back of the head, sending him sprawling in the dust. Another assassin jumped at him and he kneed the man in the stomach before driving a fist into his ribs. Bone snapped and Volcant let him drop.

  Vilma had a gun by this time and fired it again and again
as the dragons made their way closer. Hendric swiped at her, but she jumped back and pumped the trigger, sending bullets into his stomach. With a cry, he crumpled.

  Smoke leaked from Volcant’s mouth still, but he could feel the difficulty of holding onto the partial shift. He growled as he seized two men and struck their heads together. Then he went for Vilma.

  The mage met his gaze. Fear, then grief and then acceptance moved over her face in the span of a heartbeat. Volcant drew in a deep breath, fanning his fires as she lifted the gun. The first flames left his mouth, but then died when she turned it not on him, but herself. A roar echoed from his mouth as she pulled the trigger, spraying blood into the air. She crumpled on the spot, eyes unseeing.

  Cries of dismay echoed around them and then one by one the assassins began to turn their guns on themselves. Volcant lunged at the one nearest to him. He knocked the gun aside and kicked the assassin’s legs out from under him.

  “Oh, no, don’t,” he hissed. “We still want answers.”

  The assassin spat at him and struggled, but Volcant held him firmly, so he couldn’t break free. Within minutes, the battle was over. The dragon guard bound their prisoners while Volcant checked Vilma; she was dead, as he had known. But there was no trick. He shook his head sadly and closed her eyes before turning his attention to Hendric.

  “I’m okay,” the other dragon panted, clutching his stomach. “It’s not bad.”

  “You were shot in the gut, it’s bad.” Volcant pressed his hands to the wounds. “Lie still. It’s over, you don’t have to worry about your mission being a failure. Not bad for a dragon who was content being a low-level guard until I disappeared.” He winked. “So what, did I inspire you?”

  Hendric snorted, but a smile weaseled its way over his face. “You wish.”

  One of the assassins fought against the dragons tying him. “You think you’ve won? You haven’t! Dragons are known throughout this world now. Sooner or later, you will have to face the consequences. You are all dead lizards. When the humans of this world realize what you are, they will bomb the ever-loving shit out of you! Byrelmore will fall and humans will reign!”


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