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Yes Sir

Page 63

by Cassandra Bloom

  Still, I tried my best to ignore him, knowing he would do nothing but use me if I decided to develop a personal relationship with him.

  I struggled with these conflicting thoughts all day, even as everyone filtered into the game room for their tournament. I was the only one still working, trying to finish my assignment. I had to work through their shouts of excitement.

  To be honest, I didn’t know why I was trying so hard to please Leonel, but for whatever reason, I didn’t want to let him down, even if he made me feel unappreciated.

  Soon, I was the only one left in the office. It was getting so late that even the lights went out, forcing me to turn on my desk lamp. I was so close to finishing the piece of software I was working on. All I needed was a little bit more time…

  By the time I was finished, it was almost ten o’clock. I sighed, gathered my stuff and finally headed home.

  Chapter 4 (Leo)

  After a long day at work, it was finally time to go home. I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on before I grabbed my briefcase. Using my ID card, I called up the elevator.


  Once inside, I pressed the button for the garage, knowing there would be no one left in the building at such a late hour.

  Stepping out, I was surprised to find another car in the lot beside my own. It was a small white Camry. The hood was popped, and there was someone bent over, looking at the engine. From the hourglass outline of their figure, it was obviously a woman.

  “Do you need some help?” I asked, approaching her.

  She stopped tinkering with the AC line and turned around.


  I smiled slightly in the gloom of the parking lot. “Everything okay over here?”

  She took a minute to answer as she bit her bottom lip like she was carefully choosing her every word. “My car won’t start… I don’t really know what’s wrong with it.”

  “Let me take a look.” I placed my hands on her hips, letting my fingers dig into her supple flesh before I pushed her away. “I know a thing or two about cars. Just, do me a favor.”

  She nodded.

  I handed her my phone. “Turn on the flashlight and hold it for me so I can see properly.”

  She did as she was told. She was always compliant. I liked that about her. In fact, I liked it a lot.

  As she turned on the light, I inspected the car, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be in order so I rolled up my sleeves and started to feel around. Maybe something was leaking.

  My arms quickly got covered in grime and grease, but I didn’t mind. Getting your hands dirty was never a bad thing.

  “Did you find the problem?” She asked, leaning against me. The feeling of her petite body against mine made me want to push her against the car and take her right then and there, but I curbed my sexual appetite – for now.

  “I’m not sure.” I straightened back up and rubbed my hands together to get rid of some of the grime.

  “Great… I have to call a tow truck, don’t I?” She was shivering in the unusually cold summer night.

  “Not necessarily.” I bent down and picked up my jacket, handing it to her. When she wouldn’t take it, I draped it around her shoulders to keep her warm. “Stay here. I’ll go get my car. Maybe all you need is a jumpstart.”

  I hesitated to leave her alone. The way she stood there, hugging herself, she almost looked vulnerable. I wanted to take her in my arms and protect her from the whole world. The feeling inside my chest was strong and powerful, like nothing I had ever felt before.

  I lingered on it, wondering why I was feeling this way as I got in my car and pulled up in front of hers.

  I popped the hood open and grabbed the jumper cables from the trunk, hooking them up. “Alright, try starting it up.”

  Her eyes widened when she realized I was talking to her. Quickly, she scrambled into her car and turned the key. The engine sputtered for a moment before it roared to life. I unhooked the cables.

  She got out of the car and stood by her door awkwardly, my jacket still draped across her shoulders. “T-Thank you…” She said in a soft whisper.

  “Don’t mention it.” I smiled, closing her hood for her.

  The sudden loud noise made her jump, causing her to almost trip on her high heels. I caught her before she could fall, pulling her closer to my body.

  Naturally, I pushed her against the side of the car until our hips were locked together. I could almost feel the wild beating of her heart as she looked up at me with great big eyes.

  I leaned in closer, watching as she closed her eyes and puckered her lips ever so slightly. I knew she was preparing herself for a kiss and damn, I wanted nothing more than to bend her over this car and kiss her until her lips turned blue, but as I held her a little closer, I knew it would be much more fun to tease her. To make her want me, so much so, that she would be on the verge of begging for it. I grinned at the thought, imagining her on her knees before me, her pink lips in a cute little O, just waiting for me to make the next move.

  With this thought, I let her go. “Well, I hope you have a safe ride home.”

  A look of disappointment painted her face. She frowned slightly before nodding. “Thank you.” She disappeared inside her car and drove away. I stood there a little longer, a smirk flashing across my face. I had no doubt in my mind that she wanted me. It was written all over her body, from the way she looked at me to the way she acted around me.

  Soon enough, she would be mine .

  Satisfied with myself, I got in my car and headed home. Taking the highway, I stayed in the fast lane, going well above the speed limit before I pulled off into my exit. It wasn’t long before I reached the affluent part of town. Mansions loomed on either side, decorating the street as far as the eye could see.

  I turned into a small side street. Here, the mansions were even bigger.

  And then there was mine, the biggest of them all.

  I pressed a button on my steering wheel and the automated gates swung open. Slowly, I drove up the driveway, admiring my home as it came into full view.

  Just a few years ago, I would have never imagined myself living in such a place.

  It was funny how fast fortunes could change.

  Chapter 5 (Elaine)

  I went to work the following Monday, wondering what the week would bring. I walked up to the screens at the back of the lobby and pressed my hand against the palm reader, getting used to the sign-in process.


  Warren, Elaine.

  Have a fantastic Monday!

  I barely noticed the generated log-in messages because I was already on my way to the elevator, joined by a few other people.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Leonel in his dark-colored suit and I was instantly reminded that his jacket was still in my car. On the ride up, I replayed the events of that evening in my head.

  It had been surprising to see the CEO doing his best to help me out. I didn’t expect such a man to want to get his hands dirty, but he did fix my car with relative ease, almost as if he had done such a thing thousands of times before. Maybe he had. Maybe there was more to Leonel than met the eye. Maybe I had been too quick to judge.

  As I kept thinking about it, the moment he had pushed me against the side of my car flashed before my eyes. I was so surprised in that moment that I had no idea what to do. It was like I was frozen in place, my heart beating so fast I thought it would explode.

  I was sure he was going to kiss me, but he never did. The way his body pressed against mine, his fingers digging into my hips, and his face leaning closer, all seemed like signs he was into me. But, then again, it was foolish of me to believe that a successful CEO would ever go for his summer intern. It just didn’t make sense. And yet, I couldn’t get rid of the tiny spark of hope that flared inside of me.

  For the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Right before lunch, Freddie appeared in my cubicle, a slight grin on his face that I had never
seen before. “Hey, Elaine.” He said in his usual manner, but there was definitely something odd about him today.

  “Hey, ” I said, glancing at the time, but it was still too early to grab lunch. “What’s up?”

  “Mr. Jacobsen wants to see you.” He paused. “In his office.”

  I tilted my head in confusion. Usually, when Leonel needed me, he would just come down and talk to me himself. Aside from that first day he called me into his office, I haven’t even set foot on his floor. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I just got back from there myself and he told me to give you the message. He seemed pretty pissed about something.” He frowned. “I hope everything is okay.” Even though he sounded sincere, there was a part of me that thought he was acting strangely .

  “Okay.” I finally said, trying to keep my thoughts calm. Already, I was conjuring up the worst possible scenarios. I had probably screwed up one of my assignments in my rush to finish them. Or maybe he was going to frame me for stealing his jacket and make me pay for it. Or, worst case, he was going to fire me.

  The last one made me cringe. I needed this job. It was the only way I was paying my bills. Besides, with the money I was making, I even had enough to put some in the bank. Maybe, I’d be able to buy my own place soon. I was sick and tired of living in an apartment building, especially with noisy neighbors such as mine.

  Taking a deep breath, I knocked on his door.

  I heard footsteps and a second later, he was standing in front of me, a stern expression on his face. “Elaine.” His voice was ice-cold, making me shiver.

  I gulped. This was it. He was about to fire me. I could almost feel it.

  “Please, take a seat.” He said, pushing me toward the leather chair. His hand was on the small of my back. Most of the time, his hand was much lower. Had I just imagined him flirting with me?

  I sat down, fidgeting slightly under the heat of his gaze.

  “Someone has just told me that you’re not happy with me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I… I don’t know what you mean…?”

  “Fredrick White was up here and he told me that you had a conversation in the breakroom. Apparently, you think I’m an egomaniac that only uses women for his own gains.” He leaned in, getting closer to me. His nostrils flared slightly, almost as if he was a charging bull. “Now, is that true?”

  I didn’t know how to respond. It was like my tongue had swollen in my mouth, making it impossible for me to utter a word.

  “Answer me!” He bellowed in a harsh and dominating tone.

  My eyes widened and I jumped out of my seat. “I…I…”

  He grabbed me by the chin, his fingers pressing a little harder than they needed to until I turned and faced him. His hot breath escaped his lips and onto my own. I was terrified, but at the same time, this rougher side of him… excited me.

  “If you don’t answer me this instant, I’ll make sure that you never get a job in the software industry ever again.” He snarled. “I do not tolerate slander, so I suggest you tell me the truth or you will regret it.”

  I could already feel the droplets of sweat running down my neck. My fingers twitched, toying with the hem of my skirt in nervousness. “I…” Again, I stammered, silently cursing myself for my inability to speak. Taking a deep breath, I counted to ten in my head, trying to calm down. “Y-yes…” I finally admitted.

  His eyes narrowed.

  There goes my job…

  Nothing happened for a minute. It was like the whole world had come to a screeching halt. Even my heart had stopped its wild hammering. I held my breath, just waiting for him to dismiss me.

  Finally, he straightened his posture, fixing his cufflinks. “Usually, your contract would be terminated immediately. However, I’m willing to give you a second chance, as long as you do something for me.”

  There was something in his voice that made me weary. What would he make me do?

  He finished adjusting his cuffs and it was only then that I noticed his tuxedo. He even wore a black bowtie. I was so worried that I hadn’t realized.

  “W-What do you want me to do?” I asked, trying to keep a level head. “I-I can’t lose this job.” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

  Great, now I sounded desperate.

  A grin flashed across his face. “Oh, if you’re a good girl for me, I’ll make sure you don’t.” His grin deepened.

  “Good girl?” I repeated, getting the impression that he didn’t mean that in the professional sense.

  “Oh, yes.” He stepped forward, his hand on the top of my head, gently petting my hair in a soothing manner. “You’ll do that for me, won’t you?” He asked in a coaxing voice.

  I found myself saying yes even before I could think it over. It was as if his voice had the ability to wrap around me and pull me into a spell. I leaned in closer to him as if my body needed his.

  “Good.” He praised, his bright blue eyes shining with mischief. “Because I need a date.”

  “Huh?” I blurted in utter disbelief. Why would a man like Leonel be asking me on a date? He could probably get any girl in the world, why me of all people?

  “I have a military ball to go to and I need someone to accompany me.” He said, his tone stoic as if everything he was saying was completely obvious.

  “B-But… why me?”

  “Because you’re no longer in a position where you can refuse.” He chuckled. “Oh, and one more thing…” He trailed off as he walked behind his desk, bending over to pick something up. “You’ll be wearing this.”

  He stood up, holding a box in his hands.

  When he placed it on my lap, it felt heavy. “Wait… how did you know to get this? Better yet, how did you know my size?” I started to rant, hoping for answers, but he just looked at me with this mysterious smile on his face. “Um… do you want me to get dressed now?”

  “Yes. The ball starts at four and it’s quite a drive away.”

  I nodded. “O-Okay… I’ll be right back.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked in a curt tone.

  “To get changed in the bathroom?” I tilted my head, wondering what he meant.

  “There’s no need for that. Do it here.”

  I froze, my cheeks turning red. “H-Here?” I stuttered, my heart kick-starting in my chest.

  “Is that a problem or should I find someone else?” He pulled out a stack of papers from his desk drawer and plopped them down. “That’s all the people who want your position. I’m sure I could find someone to take your place.”

  My eyes widened. “No! No… I’ll do it.” I said quickly.

  “Good. Get on with it then. We don’t have all day.” He leaned against his desk, his arms folded over his chest as his piercing gaze fell upon me like a hawk stalking a mouse.

  With my heart working overtime and my fingers shaking, I started to undo the buttons on my blouse. I felt so naughty doing this in front of my boss. What if someone walked in on us? What if someone in the building across the street saw us? All these questions flooded my mind, making the process of undressing excruciatingly slow.

  “If you keep up that pace, I might need to take matters into my own hands.” He said, his voice a husky whisper. “Or, maybe that’s exactly what you want. You’re teasing your boss on purpose, aren’t you?” He closed the distance between us.

  I stepped back until I was pressed against the wall, his body dominating my own. Even though the rational part of my brain was telling me this was wrong – so very wrong – the kinkier side was loving every second of it. In fact, I was already picturing him ravishing me, his hands all over my body, making me scream for more.

  “You’ve been teasing me since the first day I saw you. Skimpy little outfits. The way you bat your eyelashes. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You want me.” His lips were so close to my neck that I could feel his hot breath caress my skin. I shivered in pleasure as his hand ran down the side of my body, from my chest to my hips. His
hands rested on my ass, squeezing it so hard that I was forced onto my tippy toes.

  A small moan escaped my lips as my body took control. I was done trying to suppress my instincts. If this man wanted me, then he could have me. Every inch of me.

  Slowly, he unzipped the side of my skirt, pulling it over my wide hips. He then ripped open my blouse, exposing my large chest. “Mmm, even better than I could’ve imagined.” He leaned down, kissing my cleavage before he reached back, unclipping my bra with a skilled hand.


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