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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 3

by S. L. Hadley

“Well?” she asked. Reaching down, she brushed the flat of her palm lightly against his erection. “You like?”

  Grinding against his torso, Kitty could actually hear the man swallow nervously. When he spoke, his voice came out in a hoarse, almost strangled whisper.


  Purring in the back of her throat, Kitty leaned in and planted a delicate, feather-light kiss on the man’s neck. His skin smelled of sweat and musk, but rather than repulsed, Kitty found herself more aroused than ever. It was nothing more than another reminder of the power she held over him.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” she murmured. Her lips brushed the man’s neck as she spoke and she felt him shudder, shying away as though ticklish.

  Without warning, Kitty bit down. The man yelped, trying to pull away as much as the shackles would allow. She held him fast, biting down hard and growling as she flung her arms around his thrashing shoulders. Then, just as quickly as she’d bitten, she released him. And yet, before his struggles had even ceased, Kitty thrust a hand down the front of his pants.

  She found his cock immediately—it would have been hard not to. His shaft was massive and throbbing and Kitty had to stifle the urge to squeal in delight as she wrapped her fingers tightly around the girthy base. Her ears grew hot as her fingers caressed the man’s shaft and he let out a deep, masculine groan.

  “Naughty boy,” she purred. “Who told you that you were allowed to get hard?”

  Giving a final tug and trailing her fingernails softly up the underside of his shaft, she withdrew her hand from the man’s trousers. He thrashed violently, just for a second, then let out a whimper through gritted teeth.

  “Fucking tease,” he growled.

  Kitty slapped him—not hard, just enough to sting—and danced away.

  “Language!” she chided him. Then, biting her lip with an endearing grin, she folded one arm across her breasts. The other traveled down her stomach to hide the visibly damp crotch of her panties. She squeezed herself, moaning softly at the thrill of pleasure that flared and spread outward from her clit.

  “How in the hell am I a tease?” she asked, rolling a nipple between her fingers.

  Eyes burning with the intensity of a predator, the man watched her. Any attempts at concealing his desperation had long since ceased. His breath came in ragged pants, nostrils flaring.

  “Why don’t you let me out of these?” he said, rattling his shackles for emphasis. “I’ll show you things you’ve never dreamed of.”

  Kitty snorted derisively, smile fading.

  “You have no idea what I’ve dreamed of,” she said. “What’s your name?”

  The man fell silent. The intensity in his eyes changed in an instant, desperation replaced by anger. Only the bulge in his trousers proved his desire remained.

  “Shame,” Kitty said, glancing around the hold in exaggerated boredom. “I thought you might have learned by now. I have plenty of other amusing toys. You need me far more than I need you.”

  She dropped her gaze below the man’s waist, just to drive the point home. Still, the man said nothing. Instead, he simply continued to glare, unsatisfied erection twitching. Kitty stared back at him, not speaking, then finally turned, scooped up her clothes, and left.


  Kitty lay on her bed, one hand covering her mouth to stifle her moans while the other furiously mashed at her clit. The air felt cold against her skin, the covers long since kicked down to the foot of the bed. They’d need washing anyway.

  She came hard, nearly choking on a cry she couldn’t quite stop. Her fingers continued to move, growing still only when the shudder-inducing pleasure had faded to a memory.

  As her head fell back onto one of the many firm, oversized pillows, she let out a deep sigh of contentment. Stars above, teasing her new plaything had been one of the most satisfying encounters she’d had in months. The neediness in his eyes had almost persuaded her. But just thinking about the defiant way he’d looked at her, especially at the end… it was only a combination of willpower and exhaustion that kept Kitty from sliding a hand between her thighs for another round of self-satisfaction.

  But, tired though she was, there was work to be done.

  Forcing herself not to dawdle, she rose and showered quickly. After toweling off and swapping her undies for a fresh pair, Kitty donned her uniform once again. She hailed the bridge before leaving her quarters, mostly to confirm Nita was still there, then cautious departed. Not for the secure hold, but to one of the many locked storage compartments that lined the Feronia’s halls.

  After all, some tasks required more than just bare hands.

  The man’s erection had faded by the time Kitty returned. He was still plenty alert, however, and his eyes widened as she entered the hold with a suitably ominous looking box in her arms. She set it down, then seated herself atop it and stared back at him.

  “Let’s play a game,” she said.

  The man said nothing, but there was no mistaking the apprehension in the way he grew still. Even his silent breathing barely moved his chest.

  Leaning forward, Kitty angled her chest to draw his eye. To his credit, the man’s gaze didn’t drop for an instant. In fact, he didn’t so much as blink.

  “What kind of game?” he asked, at last.

  Kitty straightened, idly curling a lock of hair around her finger.

  “How long has it been since you were with a woman?” she asked.

  The man stiffened—in more ways than one—but did not answer. Apparently, something she’d said or done had successfully made him wary.

  “Here’s what I propose,” Kitty said. “Call it a wager. I’ll try and get you off and you try to resist me.”

  Slowly, the man’s steely glare gave way to a reluctant smile. Though he concealed it well, it was clear that he was practically giddy on the inside.

  “Sounds like fun,” he admitted. “What are the stakes?”

  “If I can get you off, you have to tell me your name.”

  The man’s expression darkened, though he didn’t wall himself off as Kitty had expected. If anything, he actually seemed to be considering her words.

  “And if I win?” he asked.

  Kitty grinned.

  “If you hold out,” she said, “then you tell me your name.”

  Visibly outraged, the man opened his mouth to protest.

  “And,” she cut him off, “you can have your way with me. And I do mean your way. Want to fuck me in the ass? Make me gag and choke on your cock for an hour? Do it—I’ll be all yours.”

  She tried to keep a straight face as the man wrestled with his options. Not that Kitty had any doubt what his answer would be. It was just too good of an offer for him to pass up. She knew it, as did he.

  “How long do I have to last?” he asked, after a long silence.

  “One hour,” she said, standing.

  The man shook his head, more in dread than any real objection.

  “Half an hour,” he countered.

  “It’s not a negotiation,” she said. “One hour.”

  “Fine,” he sighed, grimacing. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Turning away to hide her eager smile, Kitty tapped a few instructions into a nearby wall-mounted display. At once, a countdown began. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then went to work.

  The first thing Kitty did was strip down. It was probably unnecessary in the long run, but she knew all too well how men worked. Besides, the thrill that shot through her as she teasingly slipped her panties down her thighs was well worth it. The man’s eyes were wild, utterly transfixed by the tiny patch of well-groomed hair that crowned her delicate pearl.

  Chewing her lip, Kitty trailed her hands down her hips, narrowly avoiding her most sensitive spots as her fingers moved inward to caress her thighs.

  “Sure you don’t want to tell me your name?” she teased. “I’ll let you watch. I’d even moan your name when I cum.”

  The man shook his head, eyes never leavin
g her body. The bulge inside his trousers had returned with a vengeance and his every breath made his thickly muscled chest flex.

  Clicking her tongue in disappointment, Kitty bent over and popped the lid of the crate she’d brought with her. A trickle of moisture leaked from her sex as she did, and she felt herself blush as it slid down the crease of her thigh. She hoped the man could see it.

  The first item she retrieved was certainly tempting, but impractical for the task at hand. Nevertheless, she couldn’t resist the urge to peek over her shoulder as she set it aside. The man’s expression quickly turned to horror as the sight of the massive strap-on and Kitty couldn’t resist chuckling.

  “Only if you don’t play nice,” she said.

  The next item was a little more up her alley.

  “You are filthy,” she declared. Walking slowly toward her plaything, she twirled the self-soaping sponge by its knotted grip. “And not just in a good way. How about we get you nice and… presentable.”

  The man said nothing, but let slip a soft grunt as Kitty hooked two fingers in the waistband of his trousers and pulled herself against him. She could feel his erection pressing against her stomach and writhed against it for a moment. Then, with all the sensuous eroticism she could muster, she unlatched the front of his pants. His cock popped free without hesitation. Continuing to grind herself against him, Kitty shivered in anticipation at the deliciously smooth texture of the head just below her navel.

  “Don’t make this easy,” she warned him. “I want to enjoy myself.”

  Easing his trousers as far down as his spread and shackled legs would allow, Kitty permitted herself a moment to admire her new toy’s equipment. He was badly in need of some manscaping but, otherwise, may have had the finest manhood she’d ever seen. His shaft was every bit as thick and tantalizing as she’d hoped. Even his balls—not normally an attractive feature—were unexpectedly arousing. They hung low and smooth, large with the promise of a long-overdue release.

  Licking her lips, Kitty went to work. She grasped his cock gently in one hand, angling him this way and that as she carefully began to wash him. The man groaned, hissing through clenched teeth as his member throbbed in her grasp.

  Damn, it really had been ages for him. She was barely touching him and he felt as though he might explode at any second.

  Only once she’d cleaned every other inch of him did Kitty pause and adjust her grip. The man tensed, obviously preparing for the stimulation to grow more intense. That alone was enough to make her reconsider. It was far better to catch him unaware, if only to keep him off balance.

  Purring under her breath, Kitty slid the sponge lower, traveling slowly from the base of his member, down the side of his heavy sac, then carefully between his forcibly spread legs. At once, the man began to thrash, twisting about to try and deny her access.

  “Wait!” he protested, flexing involuntarily.

  Kitty growled. The hand still clutching his cock squeezed down, almost painfully hard. Her eyes met his.

  “Play nice,” she warned him, glancing significantly toward the discarded strap-on.

  The man swallowed hard. Then, after a few seconds of indecision, he forced himself to relax. Kitty smiled and continued washing him.

  The man’s face grew red as she guided the sponge back and forth between his legs. It was obvious that he found the entire thing utterly humiliating. Which, perhaps unbeknownst to him, was precisely the point.

  Straightening, Kitty chuckled softly.

  “Almost done,” she murmured. “Just a couple more spots to get.”

  The man sighed in relief as she released his cock. His relief was short-lived, however, as Kitty flashed him a flirtatious smile and began to wash herself. In mere seconds, she’d worked up a thick lather between her own legs and nodded in satisfaction.

  “That’ll do,” she said.

  Pressing herself against the man, Kitty moaned softly as she guided his erection between her thighs. Her clit throbbed with need and it took all of her willpower to keep from sinking down and allowing the marvelously thick rod to slide inside her. But, no, that would come later. It was no fun to win too easily.

  Wrapping her arms around the man’s back, Kitty moaned into his chest as she began to squirm. The man’s erection pulsed and quivered between her thighs, teasing her entrance as they both grew slick with the lathered soap. In her embrace, the rest of the man’s body trembled as he growled with the effort of resisting her charms.

  Reaching down, Kitty cupped the man’s rear. She savored the feeling of the tight, powerful muscles for a moment, then spread his cheeks and began to clean there as well. He flexed involuntarily, body fighting her to protect his vulnerable rear.

  “You bitch,” he groaned weakly. “Why…?”

  Kitty spanked his ass, hard, then clenched down around his manhood with her slickened thighs. It was growing difficult to tell what part was caused by the soap and what part by her own wetness.

  “Language,” she chided him. Then, giggling, added a playful, “And you’ll see why soon enough.”

  Tossing the sponge aside, Kitty slowly dismounted. Her body protested the loss as she did so, but from the look of things, her plaything was more dismayed by the lack of stimulation than she herself was.

  The wall-mounted display was no doubt a part of his dismay. Despite all the teasing she’d put him through, scarcely ten minutes had passed since she’d begun. And sooner or later, he’d slip up. After all, she hadn’t even started.

  Returning to her box of supplies, Kitty plucked out a small item and concealed it carefully in one hand. Just to be safe, she kept it tucked behind her back as she strolled back toward the man. He barely looked at her as she approached, however. His eyes were unfocused and breathing labored as he struggled to get control of himself. It was only at the last minute, when Kitty stepped across his outstretched leg that he seemed to realize her destination and twisted around to track her progress.

  “Relax,” she murmured. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Rather than listen to her words, the man’s struggling only seemed to grow more intense. At least, until Kitty pressed herself up against his back and slipped an arm around his waist. She grasped his member, stroking it casually.

  “If anything, you’re going to love this.”

  Carefully, Kitty reached down with her opposite hand and began to cover the small, egg-shaped vibrator with the lather that remained between the man’s legs. Once it was appropriately slick, she glided it forward and back, teasing the man’s puckered rear. It caught slightly with each passing, allowing her to press it deeper in preparation.

  “Believe it or not, this little baby cost me almost as much as you. Mostly because it’s special. Want to know how?”

  The man said nothing.

  Scowling, Kitty pressed harder. Despite the man’s flexing, the vibrator slid deeper and earning a yelp.

  “I said, do you want to know how?” she growled.

  The man whimpered softly then hung his head in resignation.

  “How?” he muttered.

  “Edging,” Kitty said. “No matter how hard you try, you’ll never manage to cum from just this. If I wanted to, I could leave it in for a whole day. Or a week. Or a month. And believe me, it’ll keep you close. But it’ll never give you enough to finish. Understood?”


  Once again, Kitty bore down with the vibrator. The man groaned, shuddering in his chains as his backdoor slowly stretched to admit the well-lubricated device. Kitty knelt then waited, keeping it from slipping in all the way and savoring the way the man’s ass fought and squeezed around the vibrator’s girthiest point. Then, with a hint of remorse, she gave one final nudge and watched as the man’s puckered hole slowly swallowed up the bright pink egg. He moaned weakly, cock twitching and jumping.

  Seizing upon a sudden instinct, Kitty leaned forward and pressed her lips between the man’s cheeks. He gasped, thrashing as she slowly swirled her tongue around the qui
vering orifice. Thankfully, the only odor or taste was that of soap.

  Reaching up between his legs, Kitty cradled the man’s balls in her hand. She teased them gently, judging their impressive weight against her palm. Then, ever-so-carefully, she encircled the top of his sac, just below his still-twitching shaft. Squeezing softly, she drew them downward, forcing his defenseless orbs to stretch the very bottom of their fleshy home.

  “What’s your name?” she asked again.

  “Fu—screw you,” he growled back.

  Certain that he couldn’t see her reaction, Kitty grinned openly. The man’s determination and willpower already had her soaking wet. If she didn’t do something about it, she might end up losing on purpose.

  “Have it your way then,” she said.

  Standing up, she made her way back to the box and retrieved the vibrator’s control. It was colored much the same way as the device itself. She spun it between her fingers as she seated herself luxuriously atop the crate. Then, with a wicked grin, she powered it on.

  Judging from the man’s reaction, he might as well have been electrocuted. He arched his spine, eyes bulging and face reddening as he thrashed furiously in his cuffs. In a matter of seconds, his cock went from erect to utterly rigid and throbbing. An enormous bead of precum welled up at the tip, then dribbled down the underside.

  Then, as quickly as it had begun, the man’s struggles ceased. He sagged in his restraints, exhaling a tremendous lungful of air in the form of a great gasp. Beaded sweat on his forehead trickled down his face and neck.

  “What the fuck was that?” he demanded, chest heaving.

  Grinning, Kitty propped up a leg to give the man a better view of her pussy. One hand toyed with her clit, just enough to keep her close.

  “Packs a punch doesn’t it?” she said. “What’s your name?”

  “G-go to hell!”

  “Wrong answer.”

  Once again, the man stiffened as the vibrator resumed its purpose. This time, he moaned openly, hips thrusting violently in mid-air. As soon as his face tightened into a familiar, pre-orgasmic scowl, however, the almost imperceptible buzzing ceased and he sagged, quivering against his restraints.


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