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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 7

by S. L. Hadley

  “Don’t see what difference it makes,” he muttered, jerking his head. “This Naga bastard might as well be sitting. He’s all one scaly ass anyway.”

  At once, Vhosa hissed and made as if to lunge for Ammon. The Naga’s hood flared angrily and his eyes narrowed until they were little more than black specks amid his sandy-brown scales. If not for Kitty’s presence, there was little doubt he would have struck.

  “Vhosa,” Kitty murmured. Even under her breath, the name alone was enough to recapture the male’s attention. As soon as she had it, she flashed a gentle, reassuring smile. It was enough to retract his hood, though the Naga’s eyes remained tight despite his outward calm.

  The same could not be said for Kitty’s expression as she turned to regard Ammon. The man glanced back and forth between her and his would-be adversary as if uncertain which presented the greater threat.

  It should have been an easy calculation.

  “I thought we’d arrived at an understanding,” Kitty said. She didn’t bother growling the words. Why bother, when further threats would get her nowhere? “I see I was wrong.”

  Kitty closed her eyes for a split-second, just long enough to concentrate, then opened them again. She did so just in time to see Ammon crumple to the ground, head lolling as he slipped into unconsciousness. The other males looked at him uncomfortably, saying nothing.

  “My apologies, boys,” Kitty said. “It seems I’ve got work to attend to. You’ll need to help yourselves to dinner. Are there any questions?”

  No one spoke. Sighing, Kitty pinched the bridge of her nose and spared one last look at the unresponsive man.

  And just when things had been going so well, too.

  “Lio, take that piece of trash to the brig,” she said. “His restraints should still be in the secure hold.”


  “What are you going to do to him?” Nita asked. She sat on the edge of Kitty’s bed, watching her dig through one of the many crates she’d dragged in from the storage compartments that lined the hall outside.

  “Excellent question,” Kitty muttered. “Any ideas?”

  She forced herself to work slowly, considering one item at a time before discarding it. If she worked up a sweat, Ammon might think he was getting under her skin. Which, truth be told, he was. But she couldn’t allow him to know that; flapless intimidation was half the battle.

  “The problem is his ego,” Nita mused aloud. “Right? He disrespects others because he feels superior to them. You can’t just punish him, because playing the defiant one will just go to his head.”

  Kitty straightened up in surprise, dropping the toy she’d held.

  “Very insightful,” she said. “How did you know that?”

  “I was an officer,” Nita reminded her. “A female officer. You have no idea how often I ran into that sort of macho bullshit.”

  Seating herself against the bulkhead, Kitty studied her pilot with newfound respect.

  “How did you deal with it then?” she asked.

  Nita shrugged.

  “Ignored it, mostly. When it got to be a problem, I would try to partner them. Find some specialist who looks like a duster but kicks their ass at something, you know? Leave them so humiliated that they either broke or trained out of spite and got their act together without even realizing it.”

  Kitty’s eyes went wide and she began to grin without even meaning to.

  “Humiliated?” she echoed. “I think I know just what to do.”


  Ammon’s eyes were open and staring like daggers from the second Kitty stepped through the door into the brig. She glared back, saying nothing until she’d had a chance to lean against the opposite bulkhead and study him for a moment.

  “I thought we had a deal, Ammon,” Kitty said.

  The man remained silent.

  “You said that you would submit to me,” she continued. “You agreed to my terms.”

  “Never said there’d be a bunch of damn scalies,” Ammon snapped.

  Kitty growled, stalking toward him. She made no attempt to disguise the fury on her face and took no small pleasure in the way Ammon struggled to maintain his stoic composure. Yet, rather than arouse her as it might have, his fear only left her more disgruntled.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she growled. “It’s not your place to decide. If I want to ignore you for two years, you’ll accept it. If I want to fuck you for two years, you’ll accept it. If I decide to have that damn scaly piss all over you… guess what? You’ll accept it! Is that clear?”

  After a long pause, Ammon muttered a reluctant, “Yes.”

  Kitty scoffed.

  “Fine,” she said. “Are you ready for your punishment?”

  Ammon scowled in silence, tugging subtly at the chains that held him. For a time, he seemed content to look anywhere but at Kitty’s face. When he finally did so, his eyes were full of contempt.

  “Are you still here?” he said.

  Snarling, Kitty stalked toward him. Her heels clicked across the floor, echoing through the hold long after she’d halted in front of the bound man. She slapped him, hard, no longer holding back. Ammon’s grunt as he was struck did little to quell her anger and she followed the blow with another before roughly seizing him by the throat.

  “I’m still waiting for an answer,” she growled. Her fingers tightened, nails digging into flesh.

  “Do your worst, bitch,” Ammon spat.

  Kitty released him suddenly. Stone-faced, she slipped a hand past the man’s waistband and roughly yanked his trousers down. The sight of his member, far from impressive in its flaccid state, earned a not entirely forced laugh.

  “I plan to,” she murmured.

  Perhaps it was the way she said it, with a complete and utter lack of concern, but this was the statement that seemed to catch Ammon off guard. He inhaled sharply, swallowing and giving another involuntary tug at his restraints.

  “That’s it?” he said, a bit hastily. “No more wordplay? Not even going to try reasoning with me?”

  Ignoring him, Kitty circled the crate and headed toward the back. Without the proper tools, it took her a few minutes of wrangling to peel away the metal panels. By the time she was finished, however, her prisoner was exposed on both sides. He stared nervously at her, twisting a bit to provide a better view over his tattooed shoulder.

  Though she’d never taken the time to previously, in the better lighting it was hard not to stare at the man’s tattoos. Most were vulgar things, a mosaic of half or unclad women stretched out in a multitude of erotic poses. But a few others, earlier works judging by the way they’d faded and bled, told a different story. In particular, one stretching from his ribs to his tailbone consisted of a trio of robed, skeletal figures clutching an equal number of stringed instruments.

  Kitty ran her fingers along the picture, thoughtful.

  “Were you a musician?” she asked.

  Ammon stiffened, jerking his hips to pull away from her touch. He made a noise that sounded as though he was about to speak, then fell silent.


  “If I tell you,” Ammon said, hesitantly. “Will you let me out?”

  “No,” Kitty said, without even pausing to consider. “But I might consider going easy on you.”

  “Then I might have been one.”

  “Have it your way,” she said, dismissively smacking him on the ass as she did so. Pleasant as she might have found it, the way Ammon jumped and flinched in response proved the greater delight. Keeping her face hidden, she strolled leisurely for the door.

  Kitty made as if to pass through it, then paused.

  “Though, why wait?” she said aloud, turning to glance in Ammon’s direction.

  Rapping her knuckles on the sturdy door, she stepped aside as it slid open and Vhosa entered. Ammon’s eyes widened and his face went scarlet at the sight of the Naga. He looked as though he himself was unsure whether to be angry or scared, and so settled on speechless. Wrists fastened securely by the c
hains, his hands nevertheless curled into fists.

  “Isss ssso ssseriousss,” Vhosa hissed. He glided forward, serpentine head weaving back and forth as he approached the bound man. “Ssscared….”

  The last word pushed Ammon over the edge. He barked a growling laugh and leaned forward as far as his chains would permit.

  “Scared?” he hissed back, mockingly. “Of you? A great, scaly slug? If I wasn’t tied up—”

  “You’d what?” Kitty interrupted, stepping closer before Vhosa had a chance to lose his temper. She slipped between the two males, glancing back and forth between them. “You’d fight?”

  Brushing her fingers across the Naga’s chest as she walked, Kitty allowed her fingers to trail upward onto the frilled ridges of his hood. Vhosa squirmed, hissing softly at the obviously ticklish sensation.

  “You wouldn’t last ten seconds unarmed against Vhosa here,” she continued. “And do you know why? Because his kind has the most wonderful talent.”

  Continuing on her way until she was no longer standing between the two, Kitty gave the slightest gesture of her fingers. In an instant, Vhosa lunged fast as lightning. She blinked, and by the time her eyes reopened, the Naga’s elongated body had coiled around Ammon’s legs, waist, and chest. Only his head and shoulders remained free, though the latter trembled.


  Hissing, Vhosa bit down on the exposed flesh of Ammon’s neck. The man cried out, thrashing futilely against both his chains and the alien serpent. It served little purpose. Fast as he’d encircled the man, Vhosa released him and returned to Kitty’s side.

  “W-what did you do?” Ammon stammered. He shook his head, craning his neck in a pointless attempt to examine the spot where he’d been bitten. He gulped air as if hoping it might help somehow. “Antidote! Is there—what do I—?”

  “Relax,” Kitty said. She leaned back again Vhosa as the Naga’s tail gently, almost tenderly curled about her ankles. “It’s not that sort of venom. Won’t even make you sick.”

  Ammon stilled a bit, still breathing hard.

  “Then why?” he muttered. “What does it do?”

  “Relax,” Kitty said, chuckling at the irony. “That’s all. You might call it a mild paralytic.”

  Ammon swallowed hard, turning to stare at one of his hands. He curled and uncurled his fingers as if testing them. From the look on his face, Kitty suspected he was already beginning to feel the effects.

  “So what now?” he asked, visibly mollified.

  Kitty chuckled again, staring into Ammon’s eyes. Continuing to lean back against Vhosa, she reached up and guided the Naga’s head forward. She kissed him deeply, using her one available eye to maintain eye contact with Ammon as the long, forked tongue flicked forward into her mouth. As the kiss ended, Kitty gave a lopsided grin and playfully patted the top of the Naga’s head, squarely between his large, celadon eyes.

  “What now?” she echoed. “If I recall correctly, you failed to see the difference between yourself and Vhosa here. We’re going to fix that gap in your education.”

  Ammon lunged against his chains. Or, rather, tried to. The Naga’s venom was beginning to take effect and despite the man’s efforts he managed nothing more than a weak flop forward. A bit of color filled his cheeks as he put on a brave face.

  “Is that it?”

  Kitty’s grin widened.

  “Oh no,” she purred. “You’re not getting off that easily. You thought I’d give you a nice little peep show and that’d be the end of it?”

  She whistled loudly and turned to gaze toward the hold’s door. Ammon followed her example, head lolling a bit.

  Nita stepped through the door, face expressionless. She’d no doubt intended it to look stern and intimidating, but Kitty could tell it had more to do with the girl trying not to blush. She wore the same uniform as before, but now sported a large, opalescent strap-on around her waist.

  As soon as Ammon laid eyes on it, the man let out a muttered curse and thrashed weakly.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Kitty laughed, intertwining her fingers around Vhosa’s and his hand up to her breast. Though she could barely feel the Naga squeeze through the firm leather of her corset, she let out a breathy moan anyway.

  “I’m not kidding you,” Kitty sighed. “But fucking you? Yeah, there’ll be some of that.”

  Pulling free of Vhosa’s embrace, Kitty stepped forward and took Ammon’s chin in her grasp. The man tried to struggle free and continue to watch Nita, but in his current, envenomed state he stood no chance. Kitty leaned forward, not speaking until her lips were mere inches from the man’s own.

  “I want you to remember this,” she whispered. “Every second of it. I want you to remember what it’s like to be powerless. The next time you feel like mouthing off… remember how easily I can make you my bitch.”

  Unable to fight as he no doubt would have liked, Ammon settled for pursing his lips in a sour expression. At last, his defiant eyes fell. When he finally spoke, there was no missing the fact that every word was like vinegar to him.

  “I’ll remember,” he mumbled.

  Kitty kissed him. It wasn’t a long or particularly passionate kiss, but it was unmistakably deliberate. By the time it ended, Nita had vanished to the rear and Vhosa was hissing impatiently. Kitty grinned, lingering cheek-to-cheek with the man.

  “Good,” she whispered. “I’m counting on it.

  Hands settled on her hips, drawing her gently at first then more insistently, back into Vhosa’s grasp. The Naga hissed quietly in her ear, tail slowly tangling around her ankles. Biting her lip, Kitty began to undress before she became too ensnared. Despite his present circumstances, Ammon’s eyes roamed eagerly across her increasingly naked body.

  Giggling as the tip of the Naga’s tail slithered up between her thighs and began to teasingly flit back and forth against the outskirts of her sex, Kitty peeled off her bra and modestly shielded her breasts behind her hands. There proved to be little need, however, as Vhosa’s hands supplanted hers a second later. The Naga’s fingers were slender and lacked nails, though the tips narrowed so much they were practically claws. Even so, his touch was almost tender as he caressed her, teasing and tweaking her nipples with delicate precision. Under such care, it wasn’t long before the wetness between her legs began to make itself known, leaving the Naga’s tail equally slick.

  A few feet in front of her, Ammon’s body was undergoing a few predictable changes of its own. Though the venom kept his erection from rising to its normal state, it was certainly well on its way. And, as Vhosa’s scaly belly slid against her bare skin, Kitty became aware that he wasn’t the only one.

  The Naga’s cloaca bulged against her rear and Kitty ground herself against it. Not only did doing so add to the stimulation provided by the male’s still fluttering tail, but she could feel the scales of his underside retract with each swing of her hips. It grew more pronounced with each passing second. Before long, she could feel the unmistakable pressure of Vhosa’s large, crimson hemipenis sliding against her ass.

  Flashing a grin, Kitty reached back and gently took hold of him. She tugged softly, urging him to the side and into view.

  “You see this?” she purred, glancing at Ammon. “This is another difference between you two.”

  Kitty grasped Vhosa’s members, one in each hand. They weren’t particularly long—with her fingers curled around the base she could cover nearly two-thirds of their total length—but they were thick and slick with natural lubrication.

  And, you know, there were two of them.

  Kitty squeezed and stroked the twin shafts gently, relishing the way the Naga shuddered as her palms caressed his tips. A tiny amount of precum leaked from the topmost member, dribbling down over her fingers.

  “It takes some getting used to,” she said. “I’ll grant you that. The first one is always easier.”

  With the slightest touch, Kitty guided Vhosa into place. She even hiked her leg a bit,
leaning against her lover for balance, to give Ammon a better view of the action. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt the tip slide between her folds. A soft, involuntary moan escaped her lips as the Naga’s coils tightened around her and the shaft eased its way inside her pussy. The other remained outside, twitching against her tailbone.

  “See?” Kitty teased, her words coming out a bit strained. “Easier.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kitty took hold of the other cock and lined it up against her tightly clenched ass. As always, stretched as she was already, it seemed inconceivable that she could take another one inside her. And yet, experience had proven her wrong time and time again.

  “The second one is tricky. You know the secret? You’ve got to relax. Once the tip is in, the rest goes easy.”

  As if to prove the point, Kitty closed her eyes and sank down. The pressure on her ass grew and grew, but the Naga’s natural lubrication did its job. The puckered hole gave way, stretching gradually to accommodate the male. Nevertheless, it still caught her by surprise, earning a gasp, when the smooth head of his member slipped wholly inside.

  Vhosa hissed suddenly, his forked tongue tickling her ear. He tensed around her, thrusting himself deep inside both of Kitty’s holes with unexpected ferocity. She gasped then whimpered, legs trembling and nearly toppling over from the rapid penetration.

  “There we go,” she half-moaned. “Now it’s your turn.”

  Ammon yelped, thrashing loudly. Apparently, thanks to the activity in front of him, the man had all but forgotten about Nita and her strap-on. Though Kitty had provided the girl with a substantial amount of lube, she doubted it would make much of difference in the man’s response.

  “Wait! Wait wait wait!” Ammon shouted. He twisted about in his restraints, though his struggles were somewhat lackluster.

  “Wait,” Kitty whispered to Vhosa, brushing a hand against his flared hood. The Naga grew still immediately, the sole motion of his body coming from the isolated throbbing of his members within her. She watched with a smile, fighting the urge to laugh.


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