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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 9

by S. L. Hadley

  “I promise I’ll come back as soon as I can.”


  Kitty lay on her bed, hugging a tear-soaked pillow and staring at the wall-mounted display that blinked as Nita hailed her from the bridge. Finally, after the third, minute-long pattern, she reached up and weakly tapped the acknowledgment.

  “Yeah?” she croaked.

  Even without seeing her, she could sense Nita’s hesitation.

  “We’re, uh, orbiting Adrastos, Skipper. You want me to take us in?”

  Kitty shut her eyes, half-wishing she could simply fall asleep without responding. Admittedly, she could simply refuse to land. The Feronia had enough supplies to enable them to fly for close to a year without difficulty. Lio would be unable to leave.

  It was a foolish thought. Not only would it destroy her relationship with the Arsalian now, but he’d never forgive her. And when they were forced to land to take on food, he’d leave and she’d never be able to see him again. Ever. That was the only fate she could imagine worse than the one before her now.

  “No,” Kitty said. “Not just yet. I need to wrap a few things up first.”

  This time, it took Nita even longer to reply.

  “Roger. Just say the word. Bridge out.”

  Sighing, Kitty rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. As much as she wanted to simply lie there for days, she knew there was no putting things off forever. If she waited too long, she might very well miss out on the chance to say her proper goodbyes to Lio.

  A quick shower and a change of clothes left her feeling better. It was almost unnerving how much better. Sure, she was already tired of crying alone, but a part of her felt as though she ought to be less functional after such a tremendous revelation. Even so, she didn’t let the thought slow her down as she exited the cabin in search of Lio.

  She found him sitting in the hall, midway between her cabin and his own communal one. His legs were drawn up against his chest, a small bag of clothes and personal belongings sitting beside him. Apparently lost in thought, he didn’t look up until Kitty had almost reached him. The second he spotted her, a sad smile spread across his face.

  “Wasn’t sure you’d come to see me off,” he said.

  The sadness in his voice nearly broke Kitty’s heart anew and she had to avert her eyes to keep them dry. It took her a few seconds to regain her composure and piece together a smile of her own.

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” she said. Then, a bit more playfully, “You know how I am about seeing you get off.”

  Lio barked a sudden, unnatural laugh that made him bury his face against his knees. When he looked up again, his grin was still there.

  “Yeah,” he said, a certain raspiness to his voice. “I do know that.”

  Kitty started to speak but found the words stuck in her throat. For some reason, the knowledge that Lio was leaving after all had stolen her courage and left her almost shaking like an adolescent schoolgirl.

  “Did…” she finally managed. “Did you want to come to my cabin? For one last…?”

  Lio chuckled under his breath and gave a small shake of his head that stole Kitty’s breath away. At least, it did until he spoke.

  “It’s not the last time,” he insisted. “But, if you’re offering…”

  “I am.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”


  Inviting Lio in for sex proved a surreal experience, despite the many times Kitty had bid other consorts farewell in the same manner. Normally, she and Lio were so caught up in passion, excitement, and the heat of the moment that she recalled few hazy details apart from the furious kisses they exchanged. But now, an uncomfortable silence weighed heavily upon her.

  Apparently, Lio sensed it too.

  “It’s funny,” he said quietly, flopping backward onto the bed. “I spent so much time in here. Never thought I’d ever have to leave it behind.”

  “They’ll have beds wherever it is you’re going,” Kitty teased. The joke fell a bit flat and she frowned as a thought occurred to her. “They will, won’t they?”

  Lio laughed, expression a bit distant as he ran a hand through his mane.

  “Of course,” he said. “That’s not what made this special though.”

  His words, saccharine though they were, made Kitty’s chest go achingly tight. For a moment, she just stood there, unsure how to move forward. Eventually, she seated herself on the bed beside him and reached over to stroke behind his elongated ears. They twitched slightly at her touch.

  “You’re sweet,” she murmured. “Now, don’t move a muscle.”

  Kitty climbed slowly into Lio’s lap and straddled him. It came so naturally and felt so familiar that she had to squash a sudden surge of emotion. Lio, on the other hand, just stared up at her with the same intense look a devotion that he always wore.

  It was more than she could take.

  Gritting her teeth, Kitty peeled off the thin, flowing top she’d chosen mere minutes earlier. She’d neglected to bother with a bra and the moment her breasts were exposed she felt Lio squirm beneath her. He reached up and took one in his hand, squeezing gently as if savoring the experience.

  Kitty swatted his hand away, forgetting her conflicted feelings and breaking out in a grin at her partner’s exaggerated scowl.

  “None of that,” she chided.

  Pressing the shirt across his eyes in a makeshift blindfold, she leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his uncovered lips. Her nipples brushed against his chest as she did so, tickling her and earning another fit of eager writhing from the male.

  “I told you… not a muscle.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  Grateful the Arsalian couldn’t see her blush, Kitty slipped forward and pressed her exposed breasts firmly against his chest. At once, a faint spark of arousal flared within her. She clung to it, and Lio, desperate for anything that might offer a respite from thoughts of their upcoming separation.

  Kitty kissed him again, then allowed her lips to wander across his cheek, along his firm jawline, and finally onto his neck. Burying her face among the cartilaginous dreadlocks of his mane, she nibbled the spot where a human ear would have been. Lio’s twitched atop his head as he shied away from the obviously ticklish sensation.

  Breathing in his subtle, masculine scent, Kitty pressed down with her shirt until his squirming ceased.

  “Not a muscle,” she reminded him, yet again. “And, yes, I blame you for plenty of things.”

  Maneuvering her shirt around the crown of his head, Kitty carefully adjusted it to ensure his eyes were fully covered—and her hands free. Then she straightened, stretched, and leaned back until her face was nearer his feet than his head, with only the pressure of her knees on his sides keeping her steady. Slipping arm around her back, Kitty slid her fingers down the front of Lio’s trousers. His member was already firm, though the telltale ridges were not yet flared. She explored it for a second, tracing the shape of it with her fingertips for a moment, before moving lower to curl her fingers around the base. Thanks to its dimensions, even in its semi-erect state, she had difficulty encompassing the entire shaft with her fingers.

  “I blame you,” she murmured. “For keeping this perfect cock all to yourself.”

  She squeezed softly and Lio’s breath caught in his throat. A second later, his member throbbed in her grasp and Kitty let out a playful laugh. She clicked her tongue thoughtfully, tapping a finger against him in time with the sound.

  “Now, let’s see,” she said. “This might be out last time…”

  “—for a while.”

  “…for a while, yes. How should I make it special?”

  She waited, as if daring Lio to make a suggestion. He didn’t take the bait, however, and simply lay there, breathing hard and twitching at both ends. A faint, almost unnoticeable gleam of sweat was visible on his forehead above the blindfold. Apparently, the effort of remaining still was more taxing than she’d intended.

  “I know,” she said, at last. “W
hat about a chance to prove how… selfless you are?”

  Without waiting for an answer, Kitty released her grip on Lio’s member and stood. Her fingers shook with anticipation as she hastily stripped out of the rest of her clothing. The informal trousers she tossed aside, but the panties she held on to. At least, until dropped back to her previous spot just above his waist. From there, Kitty eased Lio’s own trousers down a bit, just enough to expose his cock. She wrapped the panties around it, using the elastic to ensure the pressure was tight enough that he couldn’t ignore it. By the time her handiwork was complete, Lio’s spines were flared and visible through the pink satin and a small bead of precum had welled up at the narrow, pointed tip—the only part of his erection she’d left uncovered.

  “Good boy,” Kitty whispered. “Now, for the fun part.”

  Grinding her hips tantalizingly against his abdomen—just enough for Lio to appreciate how very naked she was, Kitty slowly began to work her way up. She planted kisses as she went, deliberately biting and sucking at various spots to leave recognizable marks. Each time the Arsalian gasped, back arching and his extended hands curling into helpless fists.

  If Lio was going to leave her, she was going to make sure he remembered it!

  At last, when the tingling of her clit grew to be too much to bear, Kitty decided she’d had enough. She scooted forward impatiently, gathering up scattered handfuls of the Arsalian’s mane and holding them out of the way until she could straddle the male’s face without kneeling on them. The remaining ones tickled her thighs, sending a shiver up her spine. A second shudder followed immediately after the first, this time thanks to the feeling of Lio’s warm breath washing over her sex.

  Bracing herself above him, Kitty gave Lio’s ears another affectionate scratch.

  “Do your worst.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Kitty lost the ability to regret them. Not that she would have wanted to. Lio had always been masterful with his tongue and today was no exception. His lips closed around her, lapping enthusiastically at her increasingly slick folds and swirling around her clit in ways that left her biting back a squeal of delight.

  “Fuck, I’m going to miss this,” she groaned. Her fingers clutched at the sheets, trying to keep herself steady as her hips quivered.

  Between her thighs, Lio laughed quietly. The sound vibrated through her.

  A sudden blush heated her cheeks—more than the one already present—and Kitty grumbled with embarrassment at the spontaneous confession.

  “What are you laughing at?” she growled. The words lost much of their impact, however, when a flick of Lio’s tongue directly on her clit sent her voice off-pitch. Scowling, despite the fact that the blindfolded male couldn’t see it, Kitty pressed her hips down against his face.

  “If you’ve got time to laugh, you’ve got time to—hng!”

  Words failed her again as Lio’s tongue wormed its way inside her. Though the Arsalian’s tongue was mostly human, it was longer by perhaps an inch. And, in matters as delicate as this one, that inch made quite a difference.

  Groaning loudly, Kitty writhed atop him. Before she knew what she was doing, one hand was at her breast, kneading the sensitive flesh and tweaking her stiff nipple with practiced skill. The other, unable to seek out her clit as it might normally have done, instead seized the top of Lio’s head to guide him.

  A warm, irresistible heat was building inside her and Kitty knew all too well what that meant. Moaning, she squirmed in place and mentally willed the male to respond to her body’s increasingly desperate demands.

  “Don’t stop!” Kitty urged him in a frantic whisper. “More to—fuck, Lio! Just like that!”

  Between her insistence and the Arsalian’s natural talents, it wasn’t long until Kitty slipped over the edge. She cried out, shuddering as her climax broke and her insides clenched down on Lio’s tongue. It wasn’t the fiercest orgasm she’d ever had, but it was still more than satisfactory. And, as she groaned and shook astride him, the gentle, continuous caress of his tongue against her slit left an involuntary smile wide on her face.

  Panting as her climax subsided, Kitty weakly climbed off of him. Her legs were unsteady and continued to shake as she struggled to catch her breath in preparation for the entertainment still to come. As she did, she found herself more and more aware of the substantial wetness between her thighs. Stealing a quick glance to ensure Lio’s eyes were still covered by her blindfold Kitty surreptitiously wiped herself with a sheet.

  “Well?” Lio asked, making her jump. “Can I move now?”

  “Hell no,” she snapped. “You’re not going anywhere!”

  The second she’d spoken, Kitty instantly regretted her choice of words. The unintentional meaning loomed over them, dampening the light-hearted and erotically charged atmosphere that had been present before. Lio didn’t respond, which somehow made the whole situation feel that much worse.

  Furious at herself, Kitty shook her head to clear her thoughts. Forcing a smile, she scooted closer and pressed herself against Lio’s side. His skin was hot to the touch and felt good against her chest.

  “Not yet, anyway,” she murmured, adopting a coyness she didn’t particularly feel at the moment. She trailed a hand over Lio’s stomach, feeling his muscles tighten beneath her fingers as she moved toward his still-quivering erection. Gripping him through her panties, she gave his shaft a slow, purposeful stroke.

  “Can’t be walking around in just these,” she added.

  “Definitely,” Lio agreed, practically breathless.

  Murring, Kitty gave his cock several firm pumps. She could feel the ridges near his tip standing erect and each time her encircled fingers slid past them, Lio’s hips gave a subtle jerk. Another drop of precum welled up and Kitty eyed it. She continued to stroke him, cautiously angling his cock as she did to prevent it from leaking down in any particular direction.

  At last, when she could delay it no longer, Kitty leaned in, closed her eyes, and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. She heard Lio gasp but his outburst gave way to a moan as she delicately licked him clean with the tip of her tongue. As with any male, the bitter, salty flavor made her want to grimace. She endured it patiently, however, focusing instead on the way the male throbbed and trembled in her mouth as she continued to gently stroke him through the panties.

  Humming in the back of her throat, Kitty continued her work. She peeled back the underwear as she went, exposing more and more of Lio’s shaft and taking more and more of him into her mouth. As soon as the last of his spines were revealed, though, she stopped and lifted her lips from him.

  “More,” Lio groaned, writhing. “Kitty, please!”

  Kitty ignored him. As much time as they’d spent together, she knew the Arsalian’s body as intimately as he did. Maybe more so.

  One hand wrapped around the impossibly thick, panty-wrapped base of his shaft, the other carefully cradling his sack, Kitty chuckled wickedly before leaning back in. She didn’t take him into her mouth. Instead, she kissed the neck of his shaft, an inch or so below the head. One by one, she kissed the stiff ridges that lined him there, savoring his impatient moans. Only when he begin to growl and writhe beneath her ministrations did she allow the fun to end.

  Without warning, Kitty plunged him deep inside her mouth. She could just barely feel the edge of her panties against her lips and—ignoring the unsavory implications of that fact—she began to wriggle her tongue against his spines.

  Lio might have been a capable lover, but he was still a male. And as such, he lasted barely ten seconds under such conditions.

  Kitty’s first warning was not from Lio’s words, but from the tensing of his body in her hands. A wordless groan poured from his lips as he throbbed powerfully against her tongue. Then, a moment later, his cum began to pour as well. Kitty swallowed it urgently, absolutely refusing to allow any of it to spill onto her panties. The taste wasn’t pleasant, of course, but it was amazing what a girl could do when she had t
he right motivation.

  By the time the flow ended and Kitty was satisfied that her underwear was safe, Lio had propped himself up on his elbows and was staring at her through the blindfold. Though the garment hung across his mouth, Kitty had no difficulty spotting his grin through the fabric.

  “That was…” Lio said, before trailing off. His smile grew wider. “You know, this shirt wasn’t nearly this transparent when you wore it.”

  Pulling her mouth free of his cock with a wet, popping sound, Kitty stared at Lio, scandalized.

  “You could see?” she demanded.

  Lio laughed, a deep booming sound that shook the bed and struck Kitty’s heart like a knife. He sat up, gave a helpless shrug, and then crawled forward to kiss her affectionately on the brow.

  “I hope you won’t blame me,” he said. “I didn’t want to miss a thing.”


  When Kitty awoke, she was groggy, sore, and content all at once. She’d lost count of how many times she’d climaxed the night before and the memory left her smirking before she’d even opened her eyes. Sighing sleepily, she arched her back and stretched beneath the covers.

  A second later, a few more memories returned and Kitty’s eyes snapped open. She lunged upright.

  The bed was empty aside from her and the cabin still and dark. Lio’s clothes had vanished from the spot they’d fallen, discarded on the floor after one of their many, many lovemaking sessions. There was no sign of the Arsalian himself, either.

  And, to make matters worse, a slight, almost imperceptible change in the Feronia’s gravity revealed they were no longer in orbit.

  Kitty scrambled from the bed and raced for the door. She caught herself, a second before her hand reached the access panel, and glanced down at her nakedness. Cursing violently, she turned back and scooped up her clothes from the ground. Dressing as fast as humanly possible, she snatched up her sidearm and all but flung herself out the door the instant it had opened wide enough.


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