Love Unspoken

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Love Unspoken Page 13

by Delilah Hunt

  “I hope so.” Cole reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He flipped through several pictures until he came across one of Noelle that he had taken with her astride Firebrand.

  Reddish blond eyebrows shot upward. Cole ignored it. There wasn’t a racist bone in his father’s body, but he understood the man’s surprise that Noelle was black.

  His father whistled low and straightened. “She’s a beautiful girl. Does her family know about you?”

  Hands at his sides, Cole nodded. He didn’t want to rehash the details of her father’s disapproval.

  A thin arm rested on his shoulder for a second. “Just focus on yourself and your young lady. I’m sure whatever happened between the two of you can be worked out. This is life, Cole. Gotta grab it by its horns. Don’t allow what you want to slip away. You’ll end up alone, tired and bitter.”

  Cole lowered his head. His father made it seem too easy. Nothing was ever that simple, not when came to convincing a woman who had nothing to gain by being with him. “I can’t go back to her unless I have a future to offer. Something better than what she’s seen so far. I just can’t. I love her too much.”

  The man gazed at him with skepticism yet Cole was thankful he remained quiet. He didn’t need a lecture, definitely not tonight when he was starting to realize time was not on his side. He looked up at the moon and the stars overhead. Have to keep working. He hadn’t seen Noelle in a month and each and every day was spent worrying if she had found someone else to move on with. If she hadn’t, it would only be a matter of time. The temptation to go to her was overwhelming, but he had to stay steadfast and stick to his plans for the ranch. With the ache in his muscles forgotten, Cole rubbed his hands together against the chill in the night air as he headed toward the barn.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Noelle pushed her apartment keys into her handbag. Three weeks of living in the new place and it felt as much a home as the tack room she’d gone into a couple of times on Mr. Somerset’s ranch.

  It hurt to think of that place, so much that for a week after her argument with Cole she’d returned to Snake River each day waiting, hoping to see him appear from behind one of the big maple trees. In her fantasy, he would kiss and hold her so damn tight to let her know he wasn’t disgusted. That he wasn’t ashamed of her.

  Hurt and angered, she’d decided to give it one final attempt before giving up on him. It was Mr. Somerset who had seen her on the way to ranch housing and stopped her. Puzzled, he’d asked if she had forgotten that Cole moved back to his home earlier than planned.

  It was three months later and she still felt the jolt of electricity that ran through her heart when Mr. Somerset related those words. At no time, had Cole mentioned to her that he wouldn’t be staying on at the Somerset Ranch. Apparently, she hadn’t been the only one keeping secrets and Cole hadn’t felt their relationship was important enough to let her know they’d soon be separated.

  Noelle hated to count the days, but today marked yet another day that drifted by without a message from him. And now, guilt ridden, she couldn’t believe she was returning home from a date. For an hour she’d sat across from another man, talking and feigning bouts of feminine laughter to pretend her heart hadn’t been ripped asunder.

  But she had to do it. She needed to prove to herself and to her mother and sister, who encouraged her to keep her heart open. Noelle sighed as she turned the key into the doorknob.

  One good thing came to fruition out of this debacle of her love life; she was closer to her mother than she had been in years. The two of them had even decorated her apartment together. To Noelle’s bittersweet delight, once Aleah found out about her broken heart she had reached out and for the first time in years, Noelle had someone beside Cole to confide in. Grateful as she was, it did nothing to dull the ache of missing him. She would have been satisfied if he had been her only confidant for the rest of eternity.

  Her date was the coworker her sister had months earlier suggested Noelle to go out with. The attorney was a quiet man in his thirties, African American, which left her wondering if deep down her family was rooting for their date to go well because of that minor detail. While the conversation was pleasant and she found herself grudgingly admiring how well put together the man was, she knew that date was as far as it would ever get. There was nothing, not even a fraction of the emotions she felt the first moment she laid eyes on Cole, the confusion and longing the cowboy elicited in her.

  Noelle entered her apartment and was greeted by the shrill ringing of her telephone. It was her mother checking up on her. Noelle knew the woman was trying to overcompensate for her father’s refusal to speak with her after Noelle told him she didn’t appreciate his interference in her private life.

  “How was the dinner?”

  Noelle clutched the phone to her ear and pulled off her stilettos. “It was all right, Momma. Nothing special. He talked a bit much, I suppose.”

  Her mother went silent for a minute then spoke, “You mean as opposed to not saying anything?”

  Noelle sank back into the couch and let out a small breath. “It was never like that. Cole had a lot to say. We understood each other despite the blocks in front of us. I just thought that after everything we meant to each other, Cole would have taken the time to listen and understand my side of things.”

  “Noelle, I know you don’t want to hear this, however, it needs to be said. Perhaps your father did you a favor. I’m very sorry, baby. You know I want the best for you and your sister —you especially because of everything you’ve been through, but if you try to look at it from another perspective you have to realize that you and Cole are just so different. I’ve spoken to Randy Somerset and from what he’s told me, Cole has his hands filled with responsibilities at his home.”

  Her heart stopped. Her mother had spoke to Cole’s former boss? “When did you speak to him and why would you do that? Why would you snoop into my affairs, going around trying to find out information about Cole like we’re a pair of naughty teenagers?”

  “I’ve never met him, Noni. I only wanted to know what type of person he was for you to feel this strongly about him.”

  Noelle gulped. “But what did Mr. Somerset say? I need to know if Cole is all right.”

  “He’s fine.”

  Her mother refused say more. Noelle bit her lips to keep from yelling and demanding to know more details about her beloved. She sighed. He was fine, her mother had said. There had to be some comfort in that statement, although it would do nothing to help her sleep better at nights without him.


  For the first time in months, things were looking up. Cole felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips. How he relished being able to acknowledge those words. The October sale of the two largest bulls had brought in enough money to take them out of the red. Once they made it through with the rest of the sales the Tumbling Y would be in the clear until the next fall.

  Most important, he had promised himself as soon as the ranch gained momentum, he would return to Copper Mesa and claim Noelle… after he cradled her to his chest, begged and pleaded for understanding and let her know in no uncertain terms how much he loved and adored her.

  Cole sighed and pressed his head against the pillow. Tonight was a first for him in months, hitting the sack before midnight. He relished the sleep to come, but in the meantime, his mind kept messing with him about Noelle.

  What if he had waited too long and Noelle no longer had space in her heart for him? The last time he had seen her was in August, she was so fucking beautiful and sweet. Noelle was bound to have found some else. Some bastard who could communicate with her, without her having to study each night to learn new words in sign language.

  Damn. Cole felt his chest tighten with worry. Had Noelle been with anyone since him? His stomach churned and violence surged inside him. He wouldn’t be able to bear knowing she had allowed another man to lie on top of her and plunge into her wanton cunt. He could still hear her needy cries, whi
mpering to him that her pussy belonged to him alone.

  His cock swelled painfully inside his briefs. Cole couldn’t help but touch his shaft. God help him, he was a goner for her. Truth was, even if Noelle had lain with someone else in the time they were separated he’d still want her. He would fuck her so good, and hard, wiping away the memory of anyone but him. He would become her entire world, the way she was his.

  Regret slashed inside him with a vicious stroke. He never should have kept her in the dark about his feelings. Never should have turned away from her. It ate at him, because Noelle was the only person in this world who made him feel whole. Around her he didn’t feel as if he was lacking. She accomplished what not even his parents had been able to do his entire life as hard as they tried. Noelle, all she had to do was look at him, touch him and everything felt right. As if they were made for each other.

  They were. She was made for him. That had to be the only explanation for how well they fit together. Noelle Williams had been created just for him. Every inch of her lovely frame was molded to please him, right down to the achingly sweet spot between her thighs. When he thought he wouldn’t bear it a second longer, the pressure in his groin, the fullness of his balls seething with cum, Cole slid his fingers over the tip of his cock.

  Eyes closed, he sank deeper into the pillow, his breathing shallow. All that was missing was his Noelle lowering her head and gliding her tongue over his flesh. She knew how much he enjoyed the warmth at the back of her throat

  His throat felt dry. He missed her so much. He brushed the back of his hand against his sac, stroking them exactly as he remembered Noelle would do it. Her soft hands cupping him and murmuring how good he felt. Then, she’d dart out her tongue, lift her long lashes and tease him until he squirmed beneath her mouth. His little vixen would grin and slide her tongue across him, gently hold his cock between her hands and lick it like he had offered her the tastiest treat.

  He jerked his hips and gripped his cock, pumping hard. After a hard day’s work what he wouldn’t give to unleash some of that tension on Noelle. To feel her hands smoothing the muscles on his back, soothing him as he emptied inside her.

  His cock went impossibly hard. Slickened wetness spilled onto his fingers. He stroked harder. Could almost see himself sliding into her hot pussy. Was Noelle petting her juicy clit at this very moment, on fire for a taste of him? He hoped so. He was burning for her too. Needed to feel her fingertips caressing the sweat-dampened skin on his back. Was desperate to her hear begging him to ease up because he was fucking her too hard and in the next breath pleading for more.

  God help him and her. The next time he saw Noelle, he’d waste no time in pushing her thighs apart and sinking balls deep inside her. Fucking and fucking her hot little cunt until every fiber of his being was embedded in Noelle and outside her womb. He would ride her until her knees gave out with pleasure and she realized they were meant solely for each other. Cole shut his eyes at the feel of his cock twitching, sending a thick spurt of cum flooding onto his stomach. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d masturbated and came so hard. It had to be because he was so close to finding Noelle again, Cole thought as his breathing leveled and sleep overtook him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Noelle was pissed…and worried. After months of not receiving a single message or email from Cole, out of the blue a week ago a SMS from him popped up. Stunned to the core, Noelle had assumed he’d deleted her number and moved on before summer ended.

  Noelle. I’d like to speak with you. See you.

  She’d texted him back of course, and although the cold keypads beneath her fingertips made it real, it felt like something out of the hundred or so dreams she had of him. To finally know that he remembered she existed…just when she was trying so hard to erase him from her mind.

  Because she hated herself for getting her hopes up, Noelle replied the only way she knew how. When? A single word. She didn’t trust herself to write more and reveal how much she still cared about him or to let him know how much he hurt her and still had the power to do so.

  Her ploy failed. Once again, Cole trampled on her hopes. The swift reply she had expected never came. It was killing her.

  And now, left without a choice, but to see and put to rest their relationship, she was on her way, miles away from Copper Mesa armed with nothing but an address Mr. Somerset had given her.

  Noelle glanced at the GPS, her brows knotting when it led her onto a dirt road, indicating she had arrived at her destination. It was a ranch. That much she could decipher. A dozen head of cattle grazed in an open field strewn with fresh sprinkling of snow on the golden orange grass. A black metallic sign that read ‘Tumbling Y Ranch’, hung gracefully from three wooden poles. Behind the welcoming sign, a small one story house, resembling a log cabin stood out with it’s zinc roofing. Noelle’s heart skipped a beat. This was the house she had seen in Cole’s photograph. She looked around the narrow driveway. No sign of Cole’s red pickup. Disappointment tinged with heart pounding anticipation caused Noelle to slow her car. She took another look at the house and contemplated turning around, going home. She was risking so much by putting her heart on the line to be assured Cole was all right.

  Killing the engine, Noelle went to the entrance door. Finger on the doorbell, she paused as an older, slightly plump woman turned the corner, a basket of eggs in her right hand. Her round face appeared worn, tired, as if she hadn’t slept in days.

  Noelle blinked. Oh sweet Jesus. The woman had the same piercing black eyes she had grown so used to staring into. Noelle shifted her feet. Had Cole mentioned her to the woman? If so, what had he revealed?

  Cole’s mother pushed a limp strand of gray hair from her pink cheeks. “Can I help you?”

  Noelle stepped back from the doorway. “I’m here to see Cole McKinney. Is he here?”

  Dark eyes stabbed into hers before the woman placed her basket of eggs on the ground. “You’re Noelle, aren’t you?”

  His mother’s tone conveyed no attitude or censor toward. Noelle felt relief rush into her face. Cole must not have mentioned everything about her.

  “I’m Noelle.”

  Two plump arms swung out and wrapped around her shoulders. Taken off guard, Noelle stiffened for a few seconds then relaxed somewhat into the hug. The woman pulled back and smiled, revealing the wrinkles around her puffy eyes. “Forgive me. I didn’t think we’d ever get the chance to meet.”

  Noelle’s eyes widened. Did she know all about their relationship? “Cole told you about me?” she finally asked.

  Mrs. McKinney blushed. “Not outright, but I’ve heard enough about you from what he’s told his father. I’m so happy to meet you, Noelle.”

  She was? Noelle swallowed hard. “It’s nice to meet you too, Ma’am.”

  “Now that we know each other, I have to tell you, my son isn’t here right not. No worries, however. He should be back anytime now.” Her face closed up. “My husband, Cole’s father is in the hospital. Fell ill with a bout of pneumonia last week. Cole went to visit him, does so every chance he gets.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Will he be all right?”

  Mrs. McKinney’s lips tilted upward. She lifted a round shoulder. “We certainly hope so. He’s a tough one. So is Cole. I don’t know what I would do without either of them, especially with my other son away at Colorado State.” The woman shook her head and smiled. “Mercy but look at us out here. Come inside and wait, Noelle. I just know Cole will be delighted to see you.”

  Noelle was beginning to doubt that. If Cole was fine, he had to have a reason for not contacting her after that first message. She should leave, return to Copper Mesa and wipe him from her heart and mind.

  Noelle followed Mrs. McKinney inside the house and into the cozy living room. She wasn’t ready to leave yet. Good or bad, she needed to see him. Every cell inside her body yearned to look upon his rugged face and gaze into those obsidian eyes.

  Seated on the sofa, Noelle felt uncomfortable
despite Mrs. McKinney warmth and easy-going nature. Underneath the chatter, Noelle sensed a worry and anxiety in her tone that transcended her husband’s illness. It was the same tension she had felt too many times, emanating from Cole. They both seemed to be carrying the weight of the world.

  In the middle of their conversation, both women paused at the sound of an engine pulling up in the driveway. Cole. The older woman glanced at the window. Noelle didn’t fail to see the way she wrung her hands together, avoiding her gaze. “Noelle, would you mind waiting here for a minute? I want to hear from Cole how things went at the hospital.”

  Noelle nodded. She wasn’t born yesterday. In her heart of hearts, Cole’s mother was unsure how her son would react at her presence and wanted to spare all of them the embarrassment.

  Without another word the woman sprang out of her seat. Noelle shook her head and pressed a hand to her face, watching as the front door opened and closed. Mrs. McKinney greeted her son.

  Her eyes darted to the cloth curtains surrounding the windows. Eavesdropping was wrong. She didn’t care. She had to see him, had to know if he felt any degree of pleasure by her visit.

  Noelle sneaked behind the curtains. Mrs. McKinney signed while she spoke to Cole whose forehead creased with each word the woman uttered. A scowl settled on his face, a face which much harsher and angular than she remembered. His entire frame looked thicker, more muscular if that was even possible. Noelle shivered with longing. Everything about him seemed harder, unyielding… and she wanted him more than ever.

  She continued to watch, her heartbeat quickening with each frantic and harried movement of his hands. He wasn’t happy. But not just that, Cole looked downright worried.

  Mrs. McKinney’s frantic voice ripped through her reverie. “But she came here to see you. That has to mean something.”

  Noelle struggled to keep up with his furious hand movements, from her spot behind the folds of curtains. She watched as Cole made an exaggerated gesture toward the ranch. “I don’t want her here.”


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