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Eyes Like a Wolf

Page 20

by Evangeline Anderson

  But instead, something warm and wet stroked my vulnerable hand.

  I gasped and opened my eyes to see the beast licking my fingers with a long, pink tongue. Its green eyes were half closed in ecstasy, as though it was savoring the richest, most delicious thing it had ever tasted.

  “That's right,” I whispered, both relieved and terrified to finally have its undivided attention. “That's right, Richard, and there's more where that came from.” Slowly, I lowered my hand and dipped back into my pussy again. The beast followed my movements, and before I could get my fingers back up to its mouth, it crouched in front of me. I bit back a gasp as the long pink tongue lashed over my tight nipples. I was afraid again that the beast would bite, but it didn't. It lapped at my nipples and breasts a while longer, and then the long muzzle continued down the trembling flesh of my belly until it reached my sex.

  “Richard!” I gasped. The long, hot tongue swiped between the swollen lips of my cunt, and the beast's huge bulk surged against me, pressing me back against the iron bars of the cage. Conflicting sensations swamped me, the cold metal biting into my back and the heated tongue invading my pussy. I cried out and pressed my hands down on the huge, shaggy head, trying to push the beast away from me. But it was useless; it was single-minded in its purpose—to taste me thoroughly and completely.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes. There was nothing I could do. I was trapped against the bars of the cage with the beast between my thighs. I shuddered helplessly as it pressed even closer, making wet, lapping sounds as its tongue invaded my body. I couldn't help thinking of its long, curving teeth, but to my surprise, I didn't feel them at all. In fact, aside from its determination to taste me, it was surprisingly gentle. As gentle as Richard would have been.

  I curled my fingers in its coarse fur and let it take me. What else could I do? I was naked, vulnerable, and entirely helpless as it pressed me against the bars of the cell and feasted on my cunt. There was nothing I could do but spread my legs and give in to the sensation of the long pink tongue spiraling around my swollen clit and invading my pussy, piercing me as deeply as it could. A faint hope had begun to grow in my mind as the pleasure grew in my lower belly. A hope that maybe the beast would be content to taste me, content to eat my pussy. Maybe I could satisfy its hunger without letting it do what I was so afraid of. Without letting it breed me.

  The hope died as the creature raised its face from between my thighs and growled softly. Clearly the foreplay was over.

  “Richard?” I whispered in a trembling voice. “Richard, please…”

  It growled again and stood up from its crouching position. The huge, muscular form towered over me, and I saw that he was fully erect. Its cock looked almost as long as my forearm now, the broad, slit head dripping pre-cum to the cold metal floor below. But what frightened me the most was the swelling at the base of its shaft—the knot, as Richard had called it. I remembered how huge and thick it had seemed to me that last night we'd been together, when he made me touch it. Now, it looked twice as big and menacing. Oh, God. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. I was resigned to taking its thick length into my virgin pussy because I knew I had no choice. But the idea that it would try to force that huge swelling into my tight, unused sex was too horrible to contemplate.

  For a moment I closed my eyes, hating Richard with all my heart. Since he'd come into my life, he'd brought me nothing but trouble. First, he'd urged me to commit incest, or what felt like incest to me, anyway, and now, I was going to be reduced to an even lower and more despicable act—bestiality. The shame was almost more than I could stand. To know that I was going to have to accept the beast's cock into my body, to allow it to strip me of my carefully-guarded virginity and pump inside me until it filled me with its cum was almost too much to bear. I promised myself if I got out of this night alive, I would break the bond between Richard and myself, no matter what he said or how ill and weak I felt. I would leave him and go my own separate way, and to hell the Amon-kai and all their sick traditions.

  But my lofty aspirations for the future had to wait because the beast would not. It growled at me again and came at me, as if it would bowl me over on my back and take me by force.

  “No,” I whispered, knowing it would do no good. I knew this was going to happen whether I wanted it to or not. The beast was going to fuck me—breed me. I no longer had any say in the matter. I swallowed hard. Well, if it had to happen, at least I wanted it to happen on my terms. And I knew that I didn't want to look into those pale green eyes, Richard's eyes, while it took me.

  Slowly, deliberately, I turned my back to the beast and grasped the cold iron bars of the cage. Then I spread my legs and waited for the worst. Waited to feel the beast enter me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I didn't have long to wait. I felt the brush of the beast's coarse fur against my naked back and then the heat of its breath against the vulnerable nape of my neck. I tightened my grip on the bars, feeling the rough iron cut into the tender flesh of my palms. Then the broad knob of heated flesh that was the head of its cock rubbed over my swollen folds, making me moan despite myself as the beast swiped over my clit, coating my inner cunt with its burning pre-cum.

  I cried out as the head of its cock found my entrance, and I could almost imagine Richard saying, That's right, baby, spread your legs and let me fuck you. God, how I wished I'd let him do this when he wanted to, instead of waiting until now. Now, when I was forced to submit to him in his animalistic form, when I was forced to take whatever he gave me because there was nothing I could do to stop him. Now, when there was nothing I could do but spread my legs, grit my teeth, and try to bear it.

  I felt the flaring crown of its cock breach the entrance to my pussy, pressing forward inevitably, stretching me, filling me to the limit and beyond. How can I take it? I thought wildly. But I have to—have to take it all. And the beast pressed ever inward, filling my tight cunt with a seemingly endless supply of long, thick cock.

  It stopped for a moment, and I realized it was pressing hard against my virgin barrier, the thick head of its cock lodged right against it. I wanted to cry when I remembered how careful Richard had been not to breach that barrier, how hard he'd worked to leave me intact even when he must have been aching to take me all the way, to fill me to the limit with his cock.

  “Please,” I whispered in a low, broken voice. “Please, don't do this.”

  But the beast my older brother had become knew no boundaries and knew nothing of compassion or shame. All it knew was that it was hungry, hungry to have me, hungry to breed me, and it wouldn't stop until it had accomplished its goal and sated its desires.

  It growled softly in my ear and pulled out of me, perhaps an inch. Then, just when I was beginning to hope it had heard and understood my pleas to stop, it rammed back into me in one savage thrust, ripping through the barrier and pounding its way to my very core.

  I screamed—I couldn't help it—and the beast was suddenly still within me. I could feel its massive bulk behind me, breathing heavily in my ear, but the huge body didn't move an inch, almost as though it waited for me to get used to its thickness inside me.

  I bit my lip and hung my head with shame as I tried to do exactly that. There was no way to express what I felt, being filled for the first time and by such a huge instrument. My tender pussy felt stretched tight around the thick shaft, and I could feel the broad head pressing hard against the mouth of my womb, leaking drops of burning pre-cum inside me. I didn't remember Richard's cum being this hot before, but then, his cock hadn't been all the way inside me at the time. Now it was, all except the knot. I could feel that pulsing with heat against my outer pussy lips, and I felt a rush of relief that the beast had been unable to get it in. At least I'll be spared that, I thought, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out again. At least it won't be able to get the knot in me.

  As if sensing that I was used to it at last, two large, muscular arms wound themselves around my waist and the beast b
egan to move. I squeezed the bars tightly and tried to keep my balance as the thick shaft began to thrust in and out of my pussy. I gasped sharply as I felt its heavy balls slap against my open cunt, stimulating my enflamed clit with the sharp motion. But more ominous than the heavy balls caressing my outer pussy was the thick bulge I could feel pressing at my entrance. The beast had gotten further into my wet sex than I could have believed possible, but the menacing knot still remained just outside my cunt.

  It won't be able to. It will never be able to…I thought, and then the beast began to fuck me in earnest.

  It drew almost all the way out of my trembling sex and then thrust back in, skewering me ruthlessly on its thick cock, filling me with its shaft. I could feel it panting above me, its horribly strong arms pinning me against its body as it pressed deeper and deeper inside me. The heavy balls slapped a maddening rhythm against my swollen clit as it pounded into me again and again and again.

  I moaned out loud, and tears of pain and pleasure coursed down my cheeks as I spread my thighs and gripped the cold iron bars, now slick with my sweat. I tried to concentrate on being open enough, on taking all of the thick cock inside me, on letting the beast ride me to completion. I knew if only I could get through this, I could get through anything. I have to stand it, I told myself over and over as its hot breath bathed the back of my neck and its throbbing shaft filled my pussy to the limit. I have to stand it. There's nothing else I can do.

  Completely against my will, the pleasure began to build within me as the beast fucked into my helpless, open cunt. Oh, no, I don't want to come like this, I thought wildly as the engorged shaft pounded into me and its balls slapped against my clit. But as it pressed even deeper into me, I felt a cold fear begin to build in my belly. Because with every thrust inside me, I could feel the menacing bulge get a little closer, pressing hard against the entrance to my cunt, stretching me even wider. And at the same time the pleasure built inside me, tightening like a wire that would soon have to snap.

  I gasped as the bulge at the base of its cock pressed even harder against me and I felt it begin to slide into my cunt, just for a moment before the beast pulled back. Oh, God, no! It almost went in that time!

  I felt myself begin to panic. I would have pulled away if I could have, but the beast had me pinned securely in place, my pussy spread wide and speared on its thick cock and all I could do was tremble and submit, praying I would be able to take it all. I felt like I was drowning in darkness and noise, but the only sounds were my own soft, helpless cries and the wet slap of flesh into flesh as the beast took me.

  Please, I thought. Please, no. Please, no. Please, no. But still I felt the beast press forward, its thick cock plunging a little deeper into my battered cunt, the knot breaching my entrance a fraction of an inch more with each thrust. Soon it would be all the way inside me—there could be no doubt. The beast was determined to breed me thoroughly, and part of that was forcing its knot all the way into my helpless pussy. At last, with a final ruthless thrust, I felt the bulge at the base of its cock enter me completely, and in a moment of complete despair, I began to come.

  In me. Oh, God, so deep in me! I thought helplessly as the thick knot slipped all the way into my entrance and lodged securely in my cunt. My own orgasm helped, for as the waves of painful pleasure washed over me, I could feel my muscles spasm, pulling at the bulge of flesh, contracting around it and dragging it deeper into my ravaged pussy. I had no idea how my virgin sex was able to accommodate such a huge invader—maybe it had something to do with my Amon-kai blood or the bond between Richard and me. But just because I was able to take it, didn't mean it didn't fill me with ecstasy and agony like nothing I had ever felt before.

  My nipples hardened in pleasure so intense it was painful, and I felt my sex gush with moisture as the beast sank the final fraction of an inch inside me and began coming as well. Its knot swelled within me, locking us together, and then pulse after pulse of burning essence filled me just as I felt its jaws close around the back of my neck and it held me in place for its assault.

  Oh, God. Oh, God. Ohgodohgodohgod…I was incapable of thought, my entire world focused on the way I was feeling, the way the beast filled me so completely. And to my horror, it wasn't just shame and pain and degradation I felt—it was a sense of total rightness. I felt as though Richard or the beast that he had become fit me perfectly, like a key fitting a lock, to use his own metaphor. It felt good to be so completely filled and fucked, it felt right to be held and taken this way. Right to bow my head, spread my legs and submit to being owned…to being bred.

  I pushed those feelings away from me as hard as I could. It was one thing to sacrifice myself to save my friend, to submit to the beast breeding me the way I would submit to a rape. But it was something else entirely to admit that I enjoyed it. Because I didn't enjoy it—did I? What kind of a sick person would I be to want to submit to something like this, to submit to having a beast sink its thick cock into my body and fuck me until it came deep inside me? It was unthinkable, horrible.

  I wanted to pull away, to get free of Richard's beast and the terrible feelings it raised inside me, but there was no hope of escape and I knew it. I remembered Richard's promise that we would be tied together, possibly even for hours the first time he bred me. With the knot buried deep inside my helpless cunt, I was trapped. The beast was free to ride me for as long as it wished, fucking me ceaselessly, making me come and coming inside me in turn, filling my pussy with its scalding heat until it was finally satisfied. And I knew it might take the beast Richard had become hours to be truly satisfied after he had been waiting so long to breed me.

  I made myself face the inevitable. It might be an hour, or many hours, but until the beast finished and the knot at the base of its cock deflated, I was helplessly stuck in this position, a prisoner to its insatiable lust. There was nothing I could do but submit and let Richard fuck me for as long as he desired. My body was no longer my own—I belonged to the beast he had become, the beast mounting me, claiming me, sealing the bond between us irrevocably and forever.

  I lowered my head in defeat as the thick shaft began to move inside me once more, pressing hard against the end of my channel. The beast pulled out, but not far enough to dislodge the knot, and I felt its cum, its essence, like a river of molten lava, burning down both of my inner thighs. But even as some of its essence was lost, the beast replaced it, pumping more cum into my swollen pussy. I felt a new wash of searing heat bathing the mouth of my womb, and I knew the beast was forcing its inhuman seed deep inside my helpless body, determined to breed me thoroughly and well. I was stuck, trapped, and I would never be free. Never be free.

  As another wave of pleasure and pain hit me, I felt my head grow light even as the push and pull within my body continued. And then, mercifully, everything went dark.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Rachel? Are you all right? Rachel, talk to me!”

  I came back to consciousness slowly, to the sound of an urgent, familiar voice in my ear and a gentle hand patting my cheek. I blinked slowly, trying to focus. It was Richard, holding me in his arms and looking at me with a worried expression. But where was I? And why was I naked?

  “Richard?” I murmured uncertainly. At the sound of my voice, his face filled with relief.

  “Oh, thank God! Are you all right?”

  “I…think so.” I moved my arms and legs experimentally. Everything seemed to work fine, except that I had a deep, almost pleasurable ache between my legs. I pressed my thighs together, wondering where that had come from, when suddenly, images began flooding my memory. Richard changing, becoming the beast. The beast coming toward me, sniffing at Genevieve. The way I had been forced to distract it…what I had let it do to me…and how much I had wanted it, even though it was disgusting and wrong.

  I let out an involuntary cry as my memory returned completely and tried to jerk out of Richard's arms. But he wasn't about to let me go.

  “Don't,” he said softly. “I�
�I can imagine what must have happened between us, even though I don't remember any of it. All I know is the bond is sealed—I can feel it. Did…did I hurt you?”

  “What do you think?” I avoided his eyes, avoided thinking about the pain and pleasure he had put me through in his beast form. Of the way my body had reacted against my will—the worst kind of betrayal.

  “I think I want you to tell me what happened and how you feel about it,” he said patiently.

  “I'm not exactly overjoyed,” I said stiffly. “But you must be happy. Now that the bond is sealed, as you put it.”

  He ran a hand through his hair, and a look of abject shame crossed his handsome features. “Of course I'm not happy. I hurt you. I never wanted that. I'm sorry. So Goddamn sorry, Rache.”

  “Sorry can't take back what happened,” I whispered. “It can't help you undo the past. Can't make me forget…” I trailed off, shaking my head. No way in hell was I going to tell him what I had felt when he bred me. I didn't even want to admit it to myself.

  “I don't know what to say to you. How to make this up to you.” Richard took one of my hands and looked into my eyes. “But I swear to you, I swear that nothing like that will ever happen to you again. Now that the bond between us is sealed, I'll never have to change again if I don't want to. And even if I do change, I won't lose my ability to think or have to kill anyone to come back to my human form. You cured me of all that, Rachel, and for that I'll be forever grateful.”

  “You're right,” I said, pulling my hand out of his. “It's never going to happen again because you and I are finished, Richard. Completely finished. As brother and sister and as…whatever else we were to each other. After tonight I don't want anything else to do with you.”


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