Fly Girls
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B-29 Superfortress bombers, 125–126, 127, 129
B-34 bombers, 97
barnstormers, 4–6, 56
bathroom issues, 63, 121–122, 131–132
Batten, Bernice, 80
Battle of Midway (1942), 49
Battle of the Coral Sea (1942), 49
Baumgartner, Ann
attitude after WASP’s demise, 157
background, 9–13, 22
end of WASP program, 135
as flight instructors after the war, 162
Orville Wright meeting, 132–133
target towing, 97–98
test-fly first jet airplane, 134–135
WASP training, 73–74, 76, 79
Wright Field, Ohio, 130–132
beep pilots, 101–102
Bell Helicopter, 168
Bendix Trophy Race (1938), 15
Blue Angels, 170
boasting, bragging and, 17
bomber planes
A-24, 109, 111
B-17 (See B-17 bombers)
B-26, 123–125
B-29, 125, 129
B-34, 97
P-51 fighter-bomber, 85, 87
bragging, boasting and, 17
Britain. See Great Britain
British Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), 26–27, 47, 49
British Royal Air Force (RAF), 21
Bronze Star, 44, 149
Brown, Willa, 68
Buckingham Army Air Field, Florida, 112
Burchfield, Phyllis, 54
burials, 91, 175–177
household goods production, 162
planning for war, 24, 38–39
switch to military equipment, 160
war-related businesses, 42
women in workforce, 41
C-60 cargo planes, 100
Camp Davis, North Carolina
abuse at, 152
deaths at, 108–111
maintenance problems at, 105–108
monthly physical exams, 107
morale at, 111–113
photo of, 96
Canada, pilots flying with RAF, 21
Carter, Jimmy, 170
Chamberlain, Neville, 11
check pilots, 57, 76–77
Allied alliance, 37
Japanese land takeover, 33
Chinese American pilots, 65
Chrysler, 40
Churchill, Winston, 21–23, 40
Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), 127
Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP), 48, 54, 56, 67
Coast Guard Women’s Reserve, 140
Cochran, Jacqueline
on African American recruits, 65–66
background, 15–19
blamed for WASP’s demise, 159–160
on Camp Davis conditions, 106–107
at class graduations, 79
on conditions at Camp Davis, 111–113
described in Life magazine, 146
end of WASP program, 135
flying to London, 25–26
gag order, 142–143, 148
Ninety-Nines member, 52
photo of, 156
plan for women pilots, 16, 18, 61, 99
recruiting women pilots for ATA, 26–27, 47, 49
support for, 160
talk with Hap Arnold, 24
target towing, 98
Cochran’s Convent, 75
cohesion, 66
Coleman, Bessie, 68
college-educated women, 41
Combat Action Medals, 149
combat flying training, 62, 67
combat pilots, 48
combat positions, 149
communist countries, 22
Committee on Appropriations, 150–151
conscription act (draft) passed, 24
declaration of war, 33, 35
investigation committee on WASP program, 149–150
men lobbying for WASP pilot jobs, 142, 148–149, 152–153
on militarizing WAFS, 54–55, 72, 137–138, 150, 152–153, 164, 171
military budget increase (1940s), 8, 24, 37
on military buildup (1920s and 1930s), 7
National Security Act (1947), 8
on veterans’ benefits, 164
WASP Military Committee, 167–170, 175
WASP’s burial at Arlington National Cemetery, 176–177
women in military academies, 166
women pilots for combat missions, 174
women’s enlistment in military (1942), 42–43
Congressional Medal of Honor, 44, 173, 175
conscription act (draft), 24, 42, 142
Coral Sea, Battle of the (1942), 49
Dahl, Roald, 78–79
Defense Department. See Department of War
dehydration, 131–132
democracy, protection of, 13, 24
democratic countries, 2, 22
Department of Veterans Affairs, 175–176
Department of War (later Defense), 138, 148, 150
depression, economic disaster. See Great Depression (1930s)
dictators, 2
discharge papers, 169–170
Disney, Walt, 79
Distinguished Flying Cross, 44
Distinguished Service Cross, 44
Donahue, Barbara, 54
Dougherty, Dora, 113, 126–128, 163, 167–168, 176
draft (conscription act), 24, 42, 142
drill instruction, 58–59, 69–70
drones, 101–102
Dunkirk, France, 21, 22
Earhart, Amelia
Atlantic Ocean, air flights across, 5
disappearance of, 6
as Ninety-Nines president, 19
possible cause of death, 104
solo flight from Hawaii to West Coast, 103
economic disaster (1930s). See Great Depression (1930s)
economic turn-around, 3
Ellington Field, Texas, combat pilots training, 62, 67
end of war issues, 140–141
Endeavor (space shuttle), 174
England. See Great Britain
Enola Gay (B-29), 129
Erickson, Barbara Jane “B.J.”
attitude after WASP’s demise, 162
competing in Powder Puff Derby, 163
funeral service for Fort, 91
love of flying, 162
marathon ferrying, 84–85
notifying families of deaths, 110
photo of, 80
Ernst, Joni, 177
German bombings, 23–24
German invasions, 11, 21
U.S. enters the war, 35
executive order, 39–40
experimental military test flights, 132
converting to military production, 24
household goods production, 162
mobilizing for war, 38–39
switch to military equipment, 160
women in workforce, 41
farmworkers, 41
Ferrying Command. See Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS)
ferrying planes
bases for, 84, 94
at Camp Davis, North Carolina, 96
delivery statistics, 88–89
marathon ferrying, 84–86
return trip transportation, 93–94
risks, 89–93
unscheduled landings, 86–88
variety of planes, 83–84
See also Fort, Cornelia
Fifinella, WASP mascot, 78–79, 127, 174
fighter planes
British planes, 23–24, 81–83
P-39 Airacobra, 86, 118
P-47 Thunderbolt, 85
P-51 Mustang, 85, 87
Fillmore, Carol, 87
film documentaries, 163
fireside chats, 36
588th Night Bomber Regime
nt (USSR), 26
Fleishman, Alfred, 70–72
flight instructors, 29, 30, 100–101, 119–122, 162
flight path, described, 20
Florsheim, Marion, 63–64
“flying coffin,” 118
Flying Fortress. See B-17 bombers
“flying jalopies,” 108
Ford Motor Company, 3, 40
Form One sheets, 106, 109, 110
formation flying, 90–91
Fort, Cornelia
background, 29–30
death of, 90–93
desire to fly for military, 47–49
as flight instructor, 29, 30
on flight training completion, 59
on New Castle training program, 56
at Pearl Harbor, 31–33, 45
photo of, 80
recruited for Flying Command, 47, 52
on the service of women pilots, 94–95
WAFS member, 53
four-engine planes, 122, 126
France, Allied alliance, 22
gag order, 142–143, 148, 163–164
Gardner Field, California, 103
General Electric, 3, 162
General Motors, 3, 40
Axis alliance, 2, 22
Britain bombings, 23–24
declares war on U.S., 37
European countries invaded, 11, 21
Great Britain at war with, 11
Luftwaffe, 48, 81
as totalitarian government, 2
U-boats, 12, 81, 98
U.S. entrance in WWII, 40
See also Hitler, Adolf
Gilbert Islands, 49
Gillies, Betty Huyler
attitude after WASP’s demise, 157, 162
B-17 training and flying, 46, 116–117
background, 52–53
at Camp Davis, 113
end of WASP program, 135
flying large planes, 57–58
flying tribute to Fort, 92–93
as military drill instructor, 59
New Castle training program, 55
work after the war, 163
“Girl Pilots” (magazine article), 144, 147
glass ceiling, 119
glider towing, 99–100
Gold Medal recipients (2010), 174
gold star families, 92
Goldwater, Barry, 166
government jobs for women, 41, 42
Great Britain
Allied alliance, 22
Dunkirk battle, 21
entrance into WWII, 11
fighter plane escorts, 23–24, 81–83
German bombings, 23–24
North Africa victory, 81
women pilot’s program, 25–26, 47
Great Depression (1930s)
economic slowdown, 2–3
financial costs, 7
managing bad news, 36
stifled dreams, 6
world-wide, 1–2
Great Migration, 39
Great War. See World War I (Great War)
Green, Frances, 119–122, 131
Greene, Betty, 130, 132
The Gremlins (Dahl), 78
The Gremlins (Disney book), 79
ground war focus, 141
Guadalcanal, victory in, 81
Allies’ defeat, 49
Japanese attack, 35
Hanrahan, Marion, 107–110, 111
Harmon, Elaine, 172, 175, 176–177
Harmon Trophy (1938, 1939), 17
heavy bombers, 122
helicopter pilots, 163
Helms, Susan, 174
Hiroshima, Japan, atomic bomb attack, 129
Hitler, Adolf
growing tensions, 9–11
military aggression threats, 1
Nazi Party, 10
Hollingsworth, Lois, 102, 163
Holocaust, 10, 158
Hong Kong, 49
House of Representatives
Committee on Appropriations, 150–151
on militarizing WASPs, 150, 152–153
household goods production, 162
Huston, Texas, WFTD training program. See Women’s Flying Training Detachment (WFTD)
imperialism, 2
converting to military production, 24
growth and migration changes, 39
household goods production, 162
mobilizing for war, 38–40
switch to military equipment, 160
women in workforce, 41
instrument flying skills, 99
Allies’ invasion, 81
Axis alliance, 2, 22, 35
declares war on U.S., 37
as totalitarian government, 2
U.S. entrance in WWII, 40
Jacqueline Cochran Cosmetics, 17
James, Teresa, 85–86, 88, 157–159, 162
Axis alliance, 2, 22, 33
China, land takeover,, 33
Pearl Harbor attack, 28, 31–34
Southeast Asia, land takeover,, 33
as totalitarian government, 2
U.S. entrance in WWII, 40
Java (Indonesia island), 49
jet propulsion engine planes, 132–135
Jews, in Germany, 10, 158
Jim Crow laws, 39
job variety for women pilots
air taxi service, 101, 111
assisting mechanics, 108
commitment to, 61, 99
flight instructors, 100–101
flying redlined planes, 105–106
glider towing, 99–100
maintenance testing, 103–105
military pilots training, 101
night flying, 99
safety pilots, 102
searchlight flying, 99
target towing, 97–98, 165
See also ferrying planes
jobs for WASP pilots after the war, 162–163
Johnson, Didi, 126–127
K rations, 38
Kellogg Company, 38
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 4
Ladies Courageous (movie), 145
Ladybird, B-29 Superfortress, 127
LGBTQ in military, 66
Life (magazine), 136, 144–148
lift, air, 20
Lindbergh, Charles, 5, 6
Lockbourne Army Air Base, Ohio, 119
Long Beach Army Air Field, California, 84, 85, 90, 112, 152
Love, Nancy
with 1930 circa plane, 14
advocate for recruiting women pilots, 19–20, 27
B-17 training, 116–117
B-17 trans-Atlantic flight, 118–119
background, 19
end of WASP program, 135
Ferrying Command approval, 51
Ferrying Command recruiting, 51–55
fighter planes, 87
at Fort’s funeral, 91
as military drill instructor, 58–59
on New Castle training program, 56
Ninety-Nines club member, 19
Queen Bee B-17 pilot, 46
rooftop navigation points, 19
Luftwaffe, 48, 81
Malachowski, Nicole, 174
mascot, 78–79, 127, 174
McSally, Martha, 176–177
Memphis Belle, 153, 154
Menges, Kay, 111
Meserve, Gertrude, 57
Midway, Battle of (1942), 49
Midway Island, Japanese attack (1941), 35
migration changes, 39, 42
Mikulski, Barbara, 177
militarism, 2
militarization of women’s service
Appropriations Committee, 150–151
congressional position on, 137–140
30 years after the war, 164–166
timing of request for, 140
for WAFS, 54
for WASP, 72, 137–138
African Americans in, 42
foreign aggression threats, 1
medals and honors, 44, 149, 173, 175
military budget increase, 8
U.S. expansion of, 7, 16
women’s jobs in, 18, 41–43, 48, 51
See also specific military units
military academies, admitting women, 166, 173
Military Affairs Committee, 153
military auxiliaries, 140
military discipline, 167–168
military flying for women pilots, 61–62
military pilots training, 101
minority population, opportunities for, 41–42, 66
Mitchell, Logue, 119–122
monthly physical exams, 107
Morgan, Robert “Bob,” 153, 154
mother ships, 101
Muccie, Marie, 70–71, 167
Mussolini, Benito, 35
Nagasaki, Japan, atomic bomb attack, 129
national cemeteries, 175–177
National Museum of the United States Air Force, 154
National Security Act (1947), 8
nationalism, 2
Native American pilots, 65, 68
navigation points, rooftops as, 19
Navy. See United States Navy
Navy Cross, 44
Nazi Holocaust, 10, 158
Nazi Party, 10
New Castle Army Air Base, Delaware. See Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS)
New World, called to help Britain, 23, 40
New York Times (newspaper), 1, 145
New York, World Trade Center terror attack, 34
New York World’s Fair (1939-1940)
jet engines, 132
passenger plane exhibit, 6–7
visitors to, 3, 21
women’s image, 3, 162
“World of Tomorrow,” x, 1, 3–4
night flying, 99
Night Witches, 26
Nineteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 161
Ninety-Nines (club for women flyers), 19, 52
noncombat military jobs, 18, 43, 51
Noonan, Fred, 5
North Africa, 35, 81, 174
Noyes, Blanche, 15
nuclear age, beginning of, 129
nurse corps, 43–44, 146
Obama, Barack, 175, 177
Odlum, Floyd, 17
Olds, Robert, 19–20
Order of the Fifinella, 164
P-39 Airacobra fighter, 86, 118
P-47 Thunderbolt fighter, 85
P-51 Mustang fighter and fighter-bomber, 85, 87
Pearl Harbor (1941), 28, 31–34
Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001 terror attack, 34
Pentagon, September 11, 2001 terror attack, 34
Allies’ defeat, 49
Japanese attack, 35, 49
physical exams, monthly, 107
physical training (PT), 68–69
barnstormers, 4–6, 56
early days, 6
ferrying pilots (See ferrying planes)
Ninety-Nines club, 19, 52
regular AAF pilots, 83
size and strength issues, 57–58, 69, 116–117, 120