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Scarlett 3

Page 5

by Tiece

  “Right, because you didn’t want the bitch to think that she had something on you.”

  Nina’s lips tooted up quickly. “Damn, right. One thing that bitch needed to know was that Stephen and are not together because of me, not because of him.”

  Scarlett nodded in agreement. “I know that’s right.”

  “Anyway, so I meet Stephen out in the yard with the kids and send them in house. He and I share a lil small talk and since she’s with him; I ask to meet her. At first, he doesn’t feel comfortable with it. I could tell, but he didn’t have a choice. He opens up the truck door so that I can meet this bitch and when I see that it’s her, I lose my fucking mind.”

  “No you didn’t.” Scarlett shockingly said, although she could see Nina losing it at that point.

  “The bitch had the nerve to smirk like she was being funny when he introduced us and I took it straight to her ass.” She angrily said.

  Scarlett smiled as the adrenaline of knowing that Nina had beat Faye’s ass excited her to the hundredth power. “I already know that you beat her ass good, too.”

  “You know I did, Red. I beat her ass for fucking with you and for involving herself in my kid’s life as if I was going to be good with that shit.”

  Scarlett disappointedly shook her head. “Damn, I hate I missed that shit.”

  “Actually, I’m glad you did miss it.” Nina said with a frank expression on her face. “If you would’ve been there that bitch would be in the hospital. Ain’t no way Stephen could’ve stopped us from stomping that bitch out.”

  “You ain’t never lied,” Scarlett said, feeling like she could still choke the bitch out for stirring up such crazy shit in her life. “I just wish I could’ve gotten in at least one lick or kick or something.”

  Nina looked over at her and started laughing. “Your ass meant that shit,” she said. “But seriously, I wish you could’ve too, but no worries. I got that bitch good for you.”

  Scarlett pleasingly nodded, and then her thoughts reflected on how she’d met Troy in the grocery then unexpectedly had a heated sexcapade with Luke that led to a fucked up encounter with April.

  “Strangely, why you were beating Faye’s ass,” she said, taking in a deep breath as if she had to prepare herself to talk about this news. “I was introducing myself to someone that you probably will not guess in a million years.”

  “You were introducing yourself? So, that means that you don’t know them, right?” Nina questioned with pondering eyes.

  “Nope, but I do now.”

  “Who?” Nina anxiously asked.

  “Troy,” Scarlett quickly said as if that would lessen her nervous reaction to just mentioning his name.

  Nina’s head snappily shook from one side to the other. “Say what now?” It was like speaking about Faye’s ass cutting had nothing on hearing this.

  “You heard me,” Scarlett assured her.

  “Okay, so a chance meeting meaning that y’all just passed each other down an aisle or something?” She pondered.

  “No ma’am. Meaning we met, talked, he hit on me,” Scarlett said.

  “He what,” Nina cut in with a frown on her face.

  “I turned him down,” Scarlett stated, but before she could finish Nina was already commenting.

  “Good,” she quickly said.

  Scarlett’s eye’s rolled up in her head at Nina’s quick response. “But, then I decided to give him a chance.” She said, leaving Nina with her mouth open. The room was silent for a moment as Nina tried to figure out what Scarlett could’ve been thinking, considering the circumstances. “You can close your mouth now.”

  Nina snapped out of her thoughts as Scarlett gazed at her, waiting for that slick mouth of hers to say something. “Red, what were you thinking?” That was the only thing that actually came to mind.

  “I don’t know,” Scarlett admitted. “He was sweet, and fine as hell. I mean, I’d never personally saw the nigga up close, but he is as sexy as they say he is if not sexier.”

  “Are you even thinking right now, Red?” Nina asked, still trying to process it all. “The man’s cousin just died yesterday and your brother is an accomplice in the murder case. I mean damn, you’re harboring the nigga’s drugs in the attic along with his money.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Scarlett asked. “Hell, what were the chances of me meeting this nigga?”

  “I don’t know, Red, but I think you’re playing with fire.” Nina seriously informed her.

  “I could be, but I feel the need to stay as close to him as possible, just in case he is on to something.”

  “Listen Red, I know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but I ain’t never believed in that shit. I want my muthafuckin enemies as far away from me as possible.” Nina bluntly stated.

  “I can see where you’re coming from, but think about it. Maybe if I can get close enough to him to find out his thoughts or even see if he’ll talk about what happened with Slim then we can stay a few steps ahead.” Nina sat quietly as she tried hard to consider what Scarlett was saying. “Don’t be looking like that; all blanked face and shit.” Scarlett said.

  “How else do you want me to look, bitch?” Nina teased, but she felt that this situation was very serious and how ever Scarlett intended to approach it, needed to be carefully.

  “I just wanna be in on the know and I think that if he continues to take interest in me like he did at the grocery store then it’ll be a good thing.”

  Nina started to somewhat see it her way. “Maybe this could work and if necessary you can just sneak the shit back in his house.”

  “If only it was that easy,” Scarlett said, thinking that now they also had a dead body on their hands.

  “Well, either way you’re gonna have to stay alert and on top of things. You can’t be slipping, because you just never know if that was a by chance meeting or not.”

  “Yeah you’re right,” Scarlett said, but the by chance meeting seemed so genuine. A part of her was really hoping that it was. She looked down at her phone as an incoming text message came in. She frowned upon seeing that it was Luke.

  “Don’t tell me that’s him already?” Nina nosily pondered.

  “No ma’am.” Scarlett informed her, still with a unpleasant look on her face. “That’s Luke.”

  “Luke,” Nina mocked with a smile. “You know I love me some Luke, right?”

  Scarlett playfully rolled her eyes up in her head. “He has too much going on and I don’t have time for it.”

  “What has he done now?”

  “Besides possibility getting a bitch pregnant?” Scarlett sarcastically asked.

  Nina shook her head. “Red, I know it’s not easy to find that out, but technically y’all had this open relationship which meant that he could sleep with whomever he wanted too, just as yourself.”

  “Yeah, I hear you, but he was supposed to be using a condom and it shouldn’t have been with his ex-girlfriend of two years,” she said.

  Nina looked at her sideways. “Are you hearing yourself?”

  “Don’t start that shit, just because you’re team Luke.”

  “I’m just saying that you need to not be so judgmental toward Luke when you’re not on the up and up yourself.” She said, referring to Scarlett having sexual relations with Greg and Jay.

  “It’s deeper than that, so don’t go there. I hate when you take up for someone else as if I’m not the one you’re supposed to back. I’m your best friend here, not Luke.” She pouted with a mean stare. “He hurt me with the things he said.”

  “I know, but Red you gotta understand, if just a little, where that man was coming from. He was hurt and a lot of times people try to hurt your feelings just as bad as you’ve hurt theirs. Both of y’all were wrong. Him, in saying the low blow shit that came out of his mouth and you by not speaking up before the video made it to his hands. Don’t forget that you had several chances to come clean and you chose not to say anything.”

; Scarlett rolled her eyes again. “I can always count on you for the truth, can’t I?” she irritably questioned.

  “Well, I’m just saying,” Nina said. “I like Luke and I think that y’all are good for each other.”

  “I hear you.”

  “All I’m saying is give the brother a chance. If he can forgive you then I think that you should be able to forgive him.”

  “Yeah, well how do like knowing that I just came from over his house and I gave in to his needs and wants only to be caught having sex with him in his bedroom by April.”

  “You say what now?” Nina asked.

  “You heard me loud and clear. I went over to his house and he talked me right out of my panties. While we’re in this heated sex session we’re disturbed by April who just showed up to his house and let herself in.” She informed her with a disappointed shake of her head.

  “What the fuck was she doing there?”

  “She just wanted him to know that she was going to have the paternity test soon.”

  “She couldn’t call him for that?”

  Scarlett grinned. “That’s the same thing that he asked her. I just don’t want no parts of that if this baby is his, because that bitch is trouble with a capital T.”

  “I can only imagine,” Nina said, trying to imagine how a bitch can just stand there and watch two people fucking like she’s loony or something.

  “I wanted to slap her so bad that I could taste it. I’m telling you that I had to hurry up and leave. I mean, this bitch stood there and watched us fuck for no telling how long. What kinda sick shit is that?”

  “I don’t know, but that is some sick shit,” Nina answered. “Her and best friend are made for each other, because both of them bitches are psycho.

  Scarlett laughed. “You ain’t never lied.”

  “Who would’ve ever thought that Jay and Luke were fucking the same bitch? When I say it’s a small world, I mean it.” Nina commented.

  “Tell me about it,” Scarlett agreed. “It’s funny, the more I’m trying to detach myself from Sheila the more we seem to be in this shit together. I’m just hoping that Jay ends up being the baby’s daddy so he and Sheila can deal with that shit. I just want out of the whole thing and if Luke is going to be with me then that paternity test is the main thing riding on it.”

  “Damn,” Nina said as her text message alert informed her that she had gotten a message. She looked down at her phone.

  I am so disappointed in you. Never would I have thought you would’ve showed your ass like that. Stephen

  “This nigga is messaging me with that bullshit now. I know it ain’t nothing but he following Faye’s stankin’ ass up,” Nina angrily stated. Their conversations could go from one thing to another in less than two seconds flat.

  “Well, I think you need to go handle that. No telling what that bitch saying to him.”

  Nina stood up to leave. “You’re right. I’ll call you after I speak to him and let you know what the deal is.”

  “Please do,” Scarlett said as Nina exited the house. She looked at the message on her phone again, contemplating what she would message Luke back. He was a man she truly wanted to be with, but maybe things had happened for a reason and because of that; maybe she needed to see what that reason was. As soon as she started sending him a message back the phone rang. She annoyingly rolled her eyes up in her head then answered.

  “What’s up, Sheila?”

  Chapter 5

  “What’s up bestie?” Sheila asked while sitting on her bed and polishing her toe nails.

  “Nothing much,” Scarlett dryly responded.

  “How are you enjoying this little vacation that we’re on?”

  “I’m enjoying the hell out of it.” Scarlett responded. She didn’t’ care to be at work anyway, due to Jay and Greg being there all day walking in and out the office looking in her face. “Your daddy couldn’t have picked a more perfect time to remodel the shop.”

  “That was the same thing that I was thinking. I needed this break with all the crazy shit going on with Jay and April.”

  “Tell me about it. If I never heard the name April again I wouldn’t be mad.” Scarlett said as she relaxed back on her bed, trying to take a breather after having dealt with her earlier encounter with the bitch.

  “Soooo, le’me tell you,” Sheila started. “Jay comes over with his begging ass and I’m not gonna lie. I gave him a lil bit.” Scarlett just shook her head, because it was a part of her that felt like Sheila was more like her than she realized.

  “So, what you’re saying is that y’all are back together?” Scarlett asked, trying to see what Jay had really been up too since she’d kicked him to curve.

  “Girl no,” Sheila responded. “I can’t take his ass back right now. That damn April is too damn much for me to deal with.”

  “Tell me about it,” Scarlett said again. “Did she do something to piss you off, again?” She asked knowing that Sheila had to get her number changed, because April was relentless in calling her to start trouble.

  “Hell, just knowing that her and Jay was fucking around behind my back was enough, but hearing about the secret love child that they could be having is even worse.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “I know you do,” Sheila said, knowing all too well about Luke being the possible other baby daddy. “Anyways, no sooner than Jay and I could finish handling our business this bitch-”

  “Showed up,” Scarlett blurted out, thinking about what had happened earlier.

  “She may as well had, because she damn sho’ called Jay’s phone. It’s like I can’t get rid of the bitch. That’s the only reason why I changed my phone number. I think the bitch is psycho if you ask me.”

  “Honestly, I think she has a few screws loose, too.” Scarlett stated finding some common ground with Sheila.

  “Do you wanna go out tonight?” Sheila asked. “I haven’t taken you for a ride yet in my new Audi A6.”

  “Your Audi A6, huh?” Scarlett asked. All she had to say was her new car, but Sheila loved brands so it wasn’t surprising. “Must be nice to have a Father like Greg?”

  “Well, it was my 26th birthday and even though he got it for me; I’ll still have to make the payments.”

  “Not for a year, though.”

  “I know,” Sheila said. “And I also know that I’m blessed. I miss us and the way we used to hang out.”

  “Do you really?” She asked. Even though Sheila seemed like she was on a path of redemption, Scarlett was still skeptical.

  “I honestly do,” she said.

  “Let’s go out to eat tonight. Nina can even ride with us.”

  Scarlett’s eyes widened. “You sure you want Nina to come? You know that y’all don’t really get along.”

  “I know,” Sheila said. “But, the truth is that I’m not perfect and maybe I wasn’t fully there for you like you’ve been for me and Nina picked up on it. I want y’all both to see that I’m not the same person. I know I’m devilish, my sister can testify to that, but I’m changing for the better.”

  “I’m glad that you brought up being devilish, because there is something that I need to ask you.” Scarlett said, ready to get some things off of her chest. It was past time she asked her why she’d paid Gwen to put sugar in her tank.

  “What’s that?” Sheila asked as her doorbell rang. She got up to go to the door as she waited for Scarlett’s question. “You can ask me anything you want and I promise to be honest.”

  Scarlett took in a deep breath, because no telling what Sheila’s response would be then she started. “Did you-”

  “OH MY GOD!” Sheila called out as she opened up her door to see her neighbor standing there with a frown on her face and pointing at Sheila’s car. Scarlett paused for a moment as she eagerly listened.

  Sheila removed the phone from her ear as she stood there feeling disgusted. “Who could’ve done this?”

  “I saw a young man running from over here. He was on foot an
d I couldn’t make out much more.” Mrs. Sanders said in a very light and shaky voice. Sheila still stood in silence as she looked at the spray paint all over her new white car that read Bitch in a lipstick red color. She walked outside to get a better look at it. It was also keyed and she could hear the tires leaking air as she stood there flabbergasted.

  “We’ve never had crime in this neighborhood; so I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe you have some enemies or something.” Mrs. Sanders informed her. “Well, I just thought I’d come over and tell you since your alarm didn’t go off on it.”

  “Wow,” was all Sheila could make out.


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