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Scarlett 3

Page 14

by Tiece

  “Well, sending you clear across the country damn sure is gonna keep you safe. What about me?”

  Anton didn’t have an answer to that, because it was a known fact that Tommy’s mom didn’t care what he did or didn’t do. She made sure that he had the money he needed to take care of himself, but she was mostly a man chaser. Anytime a new boyfriend came into her life, she’d disappear with him and come back when she was ready, too. From the outside looking in, people thought that he was spoiled rotten and in a sense he was, to keep him quiet, but that didn’t make up for the feeling of neglect that he walked around with.

  “Look, all you have to do is keep quiet and get yourself together. I’ll be back home before you know it and we should be able to touch that money and build our own empire.” Anton said, wishfully thinking.

  “Your sister ain’t gonna let us touch that shit. I hate she even knows about it now, because I could just take it and move to another country, for real. It ain’t like no one would care; especially with you being gone.”

  “You be talking crazy when you’re on that liquor, boy.” Anton said.

  “I be for real,” Tommy commented. “So, when are you leaving for this college?”

  “I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

  Tommy’s eyes widened. “You serious, man and I’m just finding out about this?”

  “Shit, how do you think I feel? I didn’t know anything about this shit. My sister just went behind my back and set this shit up.” He said, feeling bad. “And since my mama is clean, she’s taking Scarlett’s side and I have to go.”

  “Man, you grown. You ain’t gotta do shit that you don’t wanna do.”

  “Well, you tell that to my sister and my mama.”

  Tommy sat quiet for a moment. He knew that no man in their right mind would ever want to go up against Gwen and Scarlett; especially if they were working together.

  “Okay, I’ll slow down on the drinks and get myself together.” Tommy sadly said. “I hate to see you go, man.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be back and it’ll be just like I never left,” he said, reaching down in the cooler and grabbing him a cold one. “Until then let’s just enjoy the day. Let’s look at this as something positive.” Tommy smiled with all kinds of thoughts going through his mind, but he was definitely gonna live it up with his boy before he’d make his departure the next day.


  Rick sat at the foot of Nina’s bed looking at her as she lay there almost completely out of it. It was a part of him that hated what he’d done to his children’s mom, but then there was another part that loved it. It was like he’d gotten a high off of knowing that she was defenseless against his actions as he stood up and took his clothes. He grabbed the Camcorder that he’d run out to the car to get and began recording her.

  Nina was butt naked lying on the bed with her legs spread eagle. He smiled enjoying the satisfying view. Nina moved a bit, but for the most part she was delusional and didn’t realize what was going on around her. Rick put the camera in her face then followed it down her body. It was turning him on as he ran his fingers down her freshly shaved vagina then slipped two fingers in it.

  “Damn,” he said from feeling the warm juices inside her. He sat the camera on the dresser in a perfect position to record them, and then immediately put his head between her legs. He slid his tongue up and down her smooth pussy lips then went up to her breasts as he sucked them. Nina moaned a little, but was still out of it. He kissed her as if she wanted it then went back down between her legs and began eating her like this was the best tasting pussy he’d ever put his mouth on.

  He grabbed the condom off of the dresser and came up with his big dick in his hand then began stroking around the outside of her sweet goods. “Damn,” he said, feeling like this was something that he should’ve been doing to get some from her when she’d act stingy with it. He stuck the head inside her. “Aaaah,” he moaned, and then folded her limp legs behind her head and pounded her with three good long strokes. From the looks of things it was like Nina was in it, but she wasn’t it. Her memory was already faded while the date rape drug seduced her body.

  “So, you think you’re gonna be with that nigga?” He asked while still stroking her like he was the man. “That ain’t gonna happen.” He turned her on her side, but before he could start in on her that way his phone rang. “Damn,” he said then answered it.


  “What’s up?” Faye asked. Just having Faye on the phone was a turn on and he was going to use this to his advantage as well. He sat the phone beside him on speaker and licked Nina’s pussy as Faye talked.

  “Are you where you supposed to be?”

  “Yep,” he said coming up for air.

  “Did you do what you’re supposed to do?”

  “Yep,” he said then continued eating Nina out.

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s right here in the bed with me.” Rick confirmed.

  Faye smiled. “It’s almost lunch time now so Stephen should be leaving shortly. You know what you have to do, right?”

  “I’m on top of everything,” he said, licking Nina’s fat pie with his wide wet tongue.

  “I’ll need that video when you’re done so I can mute the sounds and alter it a bit. This will always be eye witness proof of what she did if I ever need it. He’ll never take her back.”

  “Once he comes here to see me leaving and catch her in the bed naked, he’ll never take her back, anyway. You’ll never need to use the video. Plus, I’m holding on to it for my own lil insurance.”

  “Stop playing like that,” Faye said. “I’ll hold up to my end of the deal.”

  “I know you will, because you won’t have a choice or he’ll know that you were the one that set this whole thing in motion.”

  “Just get yourself together and go sit in the car and wait till you see Stephen pulling up in the driveway then you back out and leave. I want him to know for a fact that it’s you.”

  “I got this,” Rick irritably stated. “Now, get off of my phone.”

  “Aye,” Faye called out. “I see Stephen leaving as we speak. Get your ass in gear.” She demanded.

  “A’ight,” Rick dragged then ended their call. He looked at Nina disappointedly shaking his head. “Damn, you’re lucky. I was about to beat this pussy to death.” He said, kissing Nina on the lips, and then putting his clothes on. He took the condom off and visibly left it on the floor by the bed. He pulled the cover over Nina as she lay there watching him. It was like she was conscious as to what was going on.

  “What are you doing?” She sluggishly asked.

  “Nothing that you’ll remember,” he said then exited the room, grabbing the camera on his way out. He then entered the kitchen making sure that he poured out most of the Tequila; also leaving their drinking glasses out so they could be visibly seen. “Good-bye Stephen. I’m getting my woman back.”


  Stephen pulled up across the front lawn of Nina’s house with an unpleasant look on his face as he watched Rick backing out of the driveway with a smirk on his face. He immediately got out. As he walked inside the house an uneasy feeling came over him. Upon making his entrance, he scanned over the living room then the kitchen not seeing Nina anywhere in sight. However, he did see an almost empty bottle of Tequila, two empty glasses that had been used, and a baked macaroni and cheese sitting on top of the stove.

  “Babe,” Stephen called out, and then made his way down the hallway. He opened Nina’s bedroom door as she snatched the covers up around her neck looking clueless as to what was going on. “What the fuck is going on here?!”

  “Huh?” Nina asked feeling out of it as she looked at Stephen as if he was someone else.

  Stephen grabbed his head. He was hurt as he snatched the covers off of Nina’s naked body. “How could you play me like this? You knew that I was coming here for lunch!” He said, punching a hole in the wall. He felt like a fool as she sat there look
ing crazy. “You’re drunk,” he said, grabbing her by the face.

  “I ain’t drunk,” she sluggishly stated.

  “I saw the empty Tequila bottle on the counter and I smell it on your breath.” He pushed her face back. “I’m done with this. It’s over for good.” He stated then immediately left the house. If he had stayed any longer there would’ve been some furniture moving and the last thing he wanted to do was put his hands on a woman.


  Scarlett was just walking out the door as she saw Stephen speeding down the road. She looked over at Gwen who was sitting out on the porch steps watching the whole thing.

  Gwen raised a concerned eyebrow. “I don’t know what just happened, but he left in a hurry. I believe it’s because Nina is back messing with Rick’s old no good ass.”

  “What you mean?” Scarlett asked. “She’s done with him.”

  “Well, while you’ve been sleep, Rick has been down there visiting then no sooner than he comes out to leave, Stephen shows up.”

  “That’s crazy.” She said, not knowing what was going on, but it apparently had to be something how Stephen was flying down the road. “Where is my car?” She asked, not seeing it parked in the driveway.

  “Your brother went to go tell Tommy that he’s leaving in the morning?”

  Scarlett’s eyes widened. “You told him with your big mouth?”

  “I did and you should be glad, because he put up an argument. I had to tell him to watch his mouth,” she told her.

  “I know he’s gonna be mad with me, but this is for the better. I hate sending him off, but at least I know if anything comes to light no one will be able to find him. Not just yet, anyway.”

  “I think the further away he is, the better, too. We’ll have this figured out soon and he’ll be back home for good.”

  “Yeah, and with his diploma,” Scarlett said. “I just see so much potential for Ant. I want better for him and his future doesn’t have to go to shit just because he and his homeboy made a reckless decision.”

  “I agree,” Gwen said.

  “Well, le’me go see what’s going on with Nina. I know good -n-well she ain’t back fooling with Rick.

  “That girl has always been crazy about that man. I can almost imagine that if she ain’t back with him, she fucked him this morning. He had liquor and all on him.”

  Scarlett frowned. “I’ll be back,” she said heading in the direction of Nina’s house. “If Ant comes home before I get back, make sure to tell him to leave my car parked and my keys need to be making it back in my room.”


  Scarlett stepped inside of Nina’s house and immediately looked around. “Well, she did cook.” She said, looking at the macaroni and cheese on the stop top. “Damn,” she said, noticing the Tequila bottle and the empty glasses beside it. She knew that Nina was sucker for a good party and she was hoping that Rick hadn’t sucked her in.

  “Nina,” she called out. “What the hell have you been up, too? Better yet, what did you do to piss Stephen off?” She walked down the hallway. Upon entering Nina’s bedroom, she was shocked as she saw Nina lying on the bed sleeping like a baby with no clothes on. “NINA!” She called out again. She rushed over to the bed to wake up her best friend. Something wasn’t right and she was going to find out what it was. “I just know you hadn’t slipped back in the arms of Rick.” She said, shaking a dazed Nina out of her sleep.

  Nina was slurring her words and definitely was out of it. “Did you drink that much?” Scarlett asked while helping Nina out of the bed. She walked her to the bathroom and helped her get in the shower then dialed Stephen’s number from her cell phone, but he didn’t answer. The only thoughts that came to her mind were those that Gwen informed her about earlier with Rick being there then Stephen showing up. She angrily shook her head. “What have you done to her this time, Rick?”


  The next morning Faye stood in the line at the airport waiting to aboard the plane that would be taking her out of town on a two month business trip. She hadn’t heard from Stephen, but Rick assured her that things had gone the way they were supposed to.

  She kept glancing around for Stephen, but he hadn’t showed. It was strange, because he never did return back to work after lunch the prior day, so she knew that something had to be up. She’d called his phone a couple of times through the evening, but he didn’t answer. She stood there confused, but had to leave since her plane was minutes away from taking flight.

  “Damn, maybe they made up or something.” She said just as Stephen entered the swing doors of the airport. Faye did a double take upon looking back to take a second look just to make sure that it was him. It was indeed her fine, handsome man and she was more than happy that her plan had worked. There was no way that Nina was getting him back this time, if she could help herself.

  Chapter 14

  Three weeks later, Jay and Sheila lay in her bed watching The Notebook. Jay looked over at her. She was stuck in the TV, being that this was one of her favorite movies. She glanced over at Jay who was still gazing at her.

  “The TV is that way, not this way.” She spoke with sarcasm.

  “You are just so beautiful,” he said, still staring at her.

  “Thanks, but what do you have up your sleeve with that cheesy smile on your face?” She asked, already knowing that he was up to something.

  “Well, you know any day now we’re gonna find out who the father of April’s baby is.”

  “I know,” Sheila nonchalantly stated like she wasn’t happy at all about it.

  “I don’t feel like the baby is mine.”

  “You don’t know that if you were sticking dick in her just as much as Luke, and from talking to Scarlett I know that they weren’t doing it like that.”

  “Well, we weren’t, either. I’ve not had any signs that the baby is mine. I’m not sleepy or sick or anything like that. Plus, my appetite is still the same.”

  Sheila rolled her eyes up in her head. “You’re not the one pregnant, either. She is.” Jay reached inside the drawer on the nightstand and pulled out a box from Jared’s Jewelry. Sheila’s eyes widened. “Jay, what are you doing?”

  Jay opened the box to show her a 2 carat round, brilliant with channel-set band. Sheila gasped for air. “Before you say anything, you already know that I want to marry you.”

  “That ring is beautiful,” she said, wishing that he was giving it to her under different circumstances. “But, you know that I’m not accepting your proposal until we find out about the baby.”

  “I know, but if the baby isn’t mine, would you marry me?”

  “If I would’ve never found out about April, would you have still wanted to marry me?” Sheila asked, knowing that Jay was acting funny with her right before the truth came to light about him and April.

  “I can’t lie and say that I would’ve proposed as fast, but April getting pregnant and all this other stuff coming out made me realize how much I really wanted to be with you. I don’t wanna sit back playing hard like I’m not in love with you and miss out on being with a good woman.”

  “So, what am I supposed to do with this ring?” She asked, still admiring the ring.

  “I want you to wear it. If the baby is mine you can give it back, but if it isn’t then you wearing this ring mean that you’ll marry me.”

  “I never imagined my proposal being nothing like this.” Sheila said as she got out of bed once looking at the clock. “Look, it’s a sweet gesture, but not one that I wanna take right now.”

  “Well, where are you going?”

  “I have to follow mom. She’s taking that rental car back.” Sheila stated.

  “Oh, yeah,” Jay said, about to start joking. “No wonder it’s been quiet around here. Oh yeah, the devil has been away cleansing her soul.”

  “Hush, boy.” Sheila said, reaching over and hitting him. “My mom has had a hard time, lately. Knowing that my father is cheating on her is
more than she can handle. I think that she needed this lil getaway to clear her mind.” She stepped inside her big walk in closet to put on some clothes. “Get on up so you can go,” she said.

  “Damn, I still can’t stay here if you’re not here?”

  “Sure can’t,” she responded while putting on a white Bebe t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jean daisy dukes.

  “Where are you going with that on?” Jay asked as he eyed Sheila’s tanned, smooth thighs in her short shorts.

  “To follow my mama to the rental car place,” she coolly answered. “Is there a problem?”

  Jay wanted to speak up, but he knew at this point in their relationship that he couldn’t. “Nah,” he said, getting up and putting his clothes on.

  Sheila looked over on the nightstand at her cell phone as it began to ring. “I bet that’s her.” She said, picking it up and answering it. “I knew that it was you.”


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