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Scarlett 3

Page 17

by Tiece

  Sheila’s face was flustered. The conversation had turned up-side down and not in her favor. “She what?” She tried to act innocent.

  “Yes, I know about your lowdown, doggish ass going behind my back and being so fucking cold towards me.”

  “Uh,” Sheila said as she was totally caught off guard.

  “I don’t wanna fuck your daddy! Are you fucking crazy? I have plenty of young dick! Why would I want to mess with him?”

  “Because, it all adds up,” Sheila hesitantly responded. “My mom even knew that truck that day at Nina’s house. That was the same truck parked at the hotel. She wasn’t crazy after all.”

  “Girl, your mama is crazy and delusional, too. That man has had his truck for over a year. Do you think he’d just be getting a tag for it? You’re dumber than you look.” Scarlett started to walk off.

  Sheila stood there looking like a fool. “Wait a minute!” Scarlett stopped in her tracks to look at her with a smug roll of the eyes. “Let’s go out here in the shop and speak with my daddy. Don’t you say anything,” she demanded. “I’ll do the talking.” Scarlett hunched up her shoulders and followed her out in the shop where Greg stood.

  “What’s going on, girls? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that y’all were arguing in there.”

  “Daddy, Scarlett has told me everything,” Sheila lied then looked at Scarlett like I dare you to say something. “Tell the truth. Tell me what has been going on with you and her. I need to hear it from you.”

  Greg stood looking at his daughter with pure confusion on his face. “Sheila, is something wrong with you?”

  “Nope, but it’s something wrong with y’all.” Sheila stated.

  “Go ahead, Greg. Tell her the truth.” Scarlett urged him.

  Greg looked at Sheila with the meanest eyes he could muster up. “You’ve not been a great friend to Scarlett and I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you must know the truth then I’ll tell you. I had a private conversation that night in the park with her about you putting sugar in her tank.” Sheila’s eyes bulged. “How could you do your best friend like that?” He scolded her.

  “But, I didn’t.” She said.

  “Yes, you did, because my mama confirmed it. Le’me just call her on the phone and put it on speaker so we can all hear the truth.” Scarlett started dialing the number, but Sheila stopped her.

  “No,” she said. “Don’t call her.”

  Greg disappointedly shook his head. “I am so let down by you, Sheila. Here you go accusing your best friend of sleeping with me and I’m like a father to her. Do you want to upset your mother more, knowing that’s she’s been going through a lot lately? If anything you need to apologize to this woman. I talked her into staying here to work, because hopefully whatever your problem was with her you’d get over it.”

  Sheila looked at Scarlett then at her dad. She was embarrassed, because she didn’t expect the truth to come to light when she was already hell bent on ruining Scarlett’s life for good.

  “You owe her an apology and right now! I’m surprised that she’s just fronting you about this, because she could’ve been come to you.” Greg unhappily shook his head again. “This is one time that I can say that I’m truly ashamed of what you did. You cost me money and her money and you’ve made yourself an unreliable friend.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad.” Sheila said with tears in her eyes.

  “I’ve been nothing, but a good friend to you and that’s how you repay me,” Scarlett said with tears in her eyes. The tears were there, because she was trying to hold back from laughing at Sheila’s dumb ass.

  “I’m sorry, Scarlett. I’m so sorry. Here I am acting out on you when I’ve been the devious one and I’m sorry. I hope that you can someday forgive me.”

  “I’m working on it,” Scarlett said.

  “I don’t know what got into me. I’m just a mean girl and I have no excuses for it.”

  “Yes, you do.” Greg cut in. “Your mama is the reason why you’re the way you are.”

  Sheila got sad at just the thought of how nasty she’d been to Scarlett. The thought about her mom being sick was a secret that she already had to keep and it was killing her inside.

  “I’m sorry again, Scarlett. I have to leave. Daddy, I’m sorry.” She said then made her exit. She wasn’t trying to stick around any longer.

  Greg just shook his head at her. He was relieved that Scarlett had messaged him prior to them stepping out in the shop and told him that if Sheila tried something then to bring up her paying Gwen to put sugar in her gas tank. He was truly disappointed in Sheila, because that was the first that he’d heard about it. However, he was glad that they had some ammo or Sheila would’ve been on to them and their secret affair.

  Greg looked at Scarlett and shook his head. “I’m so sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay,” Scarlett said, but Greg truly didn’t like the way that Sheila had did her.

  “You can leave, too. It’s been a crazy morning. I’ll see you, later.” Greg said to Scarlett as she nodded her head and exited the shop to leave, as well.


  Thirty minutes later, Scarlett pulled up to Tommy’s house. She’d told him that she would stop by to talk with him in hopes of helping him cope with killing a man and moving past it. She knew that it was important for him to know that they loved him and that he wasn’t in this alone. He was like a brother to Anton and that made him like a little brother to her and she wanted nothing but the best for him, too.

  She stepped up on the porch, looking at the empty beer cans and liquor bottles. She disappointedly shook her head. Tommy had certainly seemed to fall off of the deep end. It was amazing to Scarlett how one minute a person could be good, just all good, and then the next be so fucked up.

  She tapped on the front door. “Tommy,” she called out then pushed the door open. She frowned, thinking that was strange. As she walked in, her heart started to pound more and more like she could feel it coming out of her chest. Something didn’t feel right and before she could turn quickly to leave; she screamed out in fear as the front door flew all the way open and the light shined on a devastating view.

  “Police! Police! Put your hands up in the air!”

  Chapter 16

  Scarlett stood outside shivering like a frightened bird. The police had realized that she’d only gotten to the house prior to them and was releasing her to go. Sadly, the only reason why they were there was because Tommy had called and told them that he was about to take his life.

  Once inside her car, Scarlett picked up her phone to call Anton. “Hey big Head,” she spoke as he answered.

  “What’s up, Sis?” He asked. “I hope you’re telling me that I can come home. Ain’t nobody ‘round here my color.”

  Scarlett sadly shook her head. She knew that breaking the news was going to be horrible, but she had to do it.

  “Sis, you there?”

  “Uh,” she cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m here.”

  “What’s up? Are you sending for me?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Stop lying,” he grinned in the phone, but Scarlett didn’t respond. “You serious?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Tommy killed himself.” A long pause was on the line as they sat silently waiting for the other to respond. “Ant,” she called out.

  “He did what?” Anton called out. He burst out crying in the phone. “I knew he couldn’t handle this shit. I knew he couldn’t.”

  Scarlett’s eyes filled with water, wiping the tears as quickly as they fell. “Ant, please calm down.”

  “Noooo, Sis. Please tell me that you’re joking.” He begged while sobbing in the phone.

  “I wish I could, boo. I wish I could.”

  “Who found him?” Anton asked.

  “I did. I was gonna talk to him this morning and tell him that he wasn’t alone, but by the time I’d made it to his house it was too late.”

  “Damn,” Anton whispere
d with tears running down his face.

  “There was a note.” Scarlett informed him. “The police found a suicide note and he confessed to killing Slim and couldn’t live with the murder on his hands.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very serious,” Scarlett responded. “In a way this gets you off the hook. He has confessed and they’re not looking for any more culprits.” A side of Anton was relieved, but another side was distraught. “I know it’ll be tough, but you can come home and try to live a normal life.” Anton didn’t say a word. “I love you and I’m booking your flight home now.” Scarlett said as Anton ended their call. She knew that he’d be broken from the news, but the good thing was that Tommy hadn’t told on no one but himself. So, the case was closed as far as she was concerned.


  A couple of hours later, Troy woke up to his uncle standing over him. “Wake up,” Unc said as Troy yawned while rubbing his eyes.

  “What’s up, Unc?” He groggily spoke. “I had a long night.” He mentioned with a smile on his face from thoughts about him and Scarlett.

  “Yeah, I was up when your company left.” Unc said as he remembered standing to his window watching her leave early in the a.m. “Well, I got some good news, I think.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I got a call from the detective and they’ve found Slim’s killer.”

  Troy sat all the way up. “What?” He questioned. “When did this happen?”

  “Some time this morning,” Unc informed him. “It was some young fella name Tommy Robins. The suicide note said that he was scared and if he hadn’t killed Slim, Slim would’ve killed him.” He said with the nod of his head. “Apparently, he couldn’t live with what he’d done and he killed himself.”

  “Stupid fool,” Troy said angry at Tommy. “He took my cousin’s life for nothing and only to turn around and take his own life??? This has got to be the craziest shit I’ve ever heard. He wasn’t supposed to go out so easy. I had plans for him.”

  “God’s plans must’ve been bigger.”

  “Damn,” Troy said, not knowing how to feel. He wanted Tommy to suffer for his actions.

  “Well, it seems that he acted alone.” Unc added.

  “I guess so, if he’s the only one that took his life.” Troy stated.

  Unc handed over an envelope. “Aye, this was on the porch when I walked up. It seems like your girl stepped on it, not even noticing it.” He said, seeing part of Scarlett’s size 7 Nike Shoe print on the envelope.

  Troy frowned as he grabbed the envelope and immediately opened it. His uncle stood looking at him as Troy silently read what secrets the letter bared. He got up off of the sofa with a confused facial expression as he scratched his head then started walking. His uncle was baffled, but he followed Troy foot to foot like they were reading a map to a maze.

  “What does the letter say, neph?” He asked, but Troy kept walking toward the backdoor. He opened the door and went directly to the outside trash can. “Neph, what are you doing? What does the letter say?”

  Troy looked at his uncle and shook his head, still with a bewildered facial expression painted across his face. He opened the lid to the garbage can as his eyes widened from surprise. “What the hell?” Troy pondered as Unc leaned over and looked inside the garbage can, too.

  “You gotta be kidding me. This is some bullshit.” Unc stated out of disbelief.


  Scarlett stepped into the living room with a puzzled look on her face. She stood quietly thinking and trying to figure out what had happened. The only person that she could think of that would be behind this incident was Gwen. She immediately headed to her room door and started knocking since the doorknob was locked.

  “Gwen, open this door!” She yelled out.

  Gwen opened the door, looking half sleep. “What the hell is going on? I ain’t been using no drugs if that’s what you looking so crazy for.”

  “Did I say anything about any drugs?” Scarlett irritably asked.

  “No, but-”

  “But, nothing,” Scarlett cut in. “Where is the money and the drugs that was safely tucked away in the attic?”

  “I don’t know nothing about that. I ain’t got it if that’s what you think.” Gwen said, knowing that they’d never tell her where anything like that was.

  “Well, who else could have it? It’s only four of us that knew where it was at.”

  “And who is that four?” Gwen smugly asked. “Because, nan one of them is me.”

  Scarlett frowned a little. “Me, Ant, Nina aaaand,” she said with a pause. “TOMMY! Oh my God! Tommy what have you done?”

  Gwen knew that Tommy had to be the one that got his hands on the hidden stash when he had come over. She did leave him unattended while she used the bathroom and by the time she came out, he was gone. Before she could speak about it, Scarlett’s phone rang. Scarlett looked at the caller ID like she was almost frightened to answer to the phone.

  “Well, are you gonna answer it or let it ring?” Gwen questioned.

  “Just be quiet,” Scarlett told her as she got her thoughts together. “Hey babe,” Scarlett hesitantly answered.

  “Hey Love,” Troy spoke. “How are you today?”

  “I’m good.” She responded. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. I got some bitter sweet news,” he told her.

  “What’s that?”

  “The guy that killed my cousin was found today. He’d shot himself and left a suicide note.”

  “Oh wow,” Scarlett stated like she knew nothing of the incident. “That’s good, I guess. What did the suicide note say?”

  “That he killed my cousin, because he was afraid that my cousin was going to kill him. Maybe my cousin and this guy had some beef with each other or something on the streets. My cousin could’ve gotten into with him at one of the hot spots like the hole or something. I just don’t know what happened, but I do know that he took his life behind it.”

  “I’m happy that they found him, but I hate how they found him,” she added. “Now you have closure.” Scarlett said, trying to feel him out.

  “I do have closure, but some things still have me baffled.”

  “Like what things?” Scarlett pondered as her heart seemed to skip a beat.

  “Well, apparently before this dude took his life he’d brought a note over here and left it in the door. I guess when you left this morning it fell on the ground and Unc found it when he was getting ready to come back inside the house.”

  Scarlett frowned. “You mean that this guy left you a note at your house?”

  “Yeah, he apologized for what he had done. He said that only God could judge him and that he wanted to somehow make things right if he could.”

  “What did he mean by that?” She asked, now pacing the floor in her living room while Gwen stood back intently listening.

  “He had put my stolen items inside the garbage can out in the back yard.”

  “Your stolen items?” Scarlett questioned, not knowing what to think.

  “Yeah, the things I told you that had been taken from me,” Troy responded.

  “Wow,” Scarlett said. “All of it was in there?”

  “Every bit of it,” he stated. “It was like the nigga took the shit while practicing or something. It pisses me off, because my cousin is dead for nothing. I mean why rob me if you wasn’t gonna even spend a dime of the money or make a profit off of my dope? The shit makes no sense to me. It’s a lot that still makes no sense to me.”

  “That doesn’t make sense.” Scarlett uttered. She couldn’t possibly think what was going on in Tommy’s head.

  “I don’t know what was up with that, but I guess I feel somewhat better that I get a little closure.”

  “Yeah, I think that is good, too.”

  “So, um,” Troy stated. “When can I take you out? I think I need to get out and have a nice dinner with a couple of drinks.”

  “Corona’s,” Scarl
ett teased. “You can’t hold your liquor.”

  “I’ll show you,” he joked back. “Text me your address and I’ll be by there around eight to pick you up.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Scarlett said as she mustered up a smile.

  “Well, I need to take this call on the other end. I’ll hit you back when I’m on the way.” He said as he and Scarlett ended their call.


  Troy clicked over on the other line. “What’s up, partner?”

  “Aye, what’s happening?” Dmitri asked.


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