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Jennifer the Hairstylist Fairy

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by Daisy Meadows

  I’m the king of designer fashion,

  Looking stylish is my passion.

  Ice Blue’s the name of my fashion line,

  The designs are fabulous and they’re all mine!

  Some people think my clothes are odd,

  But I will get the fashion world’s nod.

  Fashion Fairy magic will make my dream come true —

  Soon everyone will wear Ice Blue!


  Title Page




  Surprise in the Salon

  A Tangled Problem

  Everyone’s Got the Blues!

  Kirsty in Disguise

  Wig Worries

  Breaking the Spell


  Also Available


  Kirsty Tate and her best friend, Rachel Walker, gazed into the salon mirrors with excitement. They were sitting side by side, waiting to have their hair cut in the coolest salon in town — Snip & Clip.

  “What’s it going to be, girls?” asked Blair, the head hairstylist.

  “I just want a trim,” said Kirsty.

  “What about you, Rachel?” asked Claire, the other stylist. “Are you going to try something more daring?”

  Rachel’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Claire in the mirror.

  “I’d really love to have lots of tiny braids all over my head,” she said. “Could you do that?”

  “There’s nothing that Claire can’t do with hair!” said Blair with a laugh. “Let’s get started.”

  The girls looked down at the cart that stood between them. It was full of special hairdressing scissors, combs and brushes, pretty barrettes, headbands, and jewels. They looked up and smiled at each other.

  “I love getting my hair done,” said Rachel. “It’s even more fun when you’re here with me!”

  Kirsty was spending the fall break in Tippington with Rachel. As a special treat, Mrs. Walker had brought them to the new salon in the Tippington Fountains Shopping Center. Mrs. Walker was reading a magazine in the waiting area. She was planning to have her hair styled for a party that she and Mr. Walker were going to that night.

  “Tippington Fountains is the best mall ever,” said Kirsty. “We’re so lucky — we’ve visited every single day since it opened!”

  The gleaming new chrome and glass shopping mall had had its grand opening at the start of the week.

  “Are you girls involved in the design competition?” asked Blair.

  He snipped at Kirsty’s hair and then paused, frowning at his scissors.

  “They certainly are,” said Mrs. Walker, looking at them proudly. “They were both chosen to model their outfits in the fashion show at the end of the week!”

  “Wow!” said Claire as she tugged at the tangles in Rachel’s curly blond hair. “You must have done a great job. Isn’t the competition being judged by Ella McCauley, the famous designer?”

  “Yes, and also Jessica Jarvis, the supermodel,” said Rachel, nodding. “They were really nice at the design workshop.”

  “So, tell us about your outfits,” said Blair.

  “I made a dress out of colorful scarves, with a long, flowy skirt,” said Kirsty. “Rachel painted a glittery rainbow on her old jeans. They look so cool now!”

  “I love doing that,” said Claire with a smile. “It’s so much fun bringing an old outfit back to life.”

  “We could show you how to do some great hairstyles for the fashion show,” said Blair.

  “Absolutely,” Claire agreed. She did a few test braids in Rachel’s hair. “I have to find a way to get these tangles out of your hair, Rachel. I’m just going to the storeroom to get some detangling spray.”

  “I’ll come, too,” said Blair. “I need a new pair of scissors. Every pair I pick up seems to be dull!”

  Claire and Blair walked into the storeroom just as Mrs. Walker gasped in the waiting area. She jumped up and came over to the girls.

  “Look at this!” she said, showing them the magazine she had been reading.

  It was the latest issue of The Fountains Fashion News. The day before, Rachel and Kirsty had helped the magazine’s reporter, Nicki Anderson, interview Ella McCauley.

  “Ooh, is the article in there already?” asked Rachel.

  Mrs. Walker nodded.

  “It’s really interesting,” she said. “Good job, both of you! It’s a real shame they couldn’t find a better photo of Ella, though.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Kirsty.

  Mrs. Walker handed the magazine to Kirsty. Kirsty and Rachel gasped. Ella’s hair looked awful!

  “It looks like she just got out of bed,” said Rachel. “Ella usually looks so elegant. She didn’t look that messy yesterday.”

  Kirsty looked closely at the photo.

  “That’s funny,” she said. “It’s almost as if her hair has a blue shadow to it!”

  She turned the page and let out a cry of surprise. There was a photo of their supermodel friend, Jessica Jarvis, whose hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail.

  “Her hair is definitely blue,” said Mrs. Walker. “I don’t think it looks very nice, do you?”

  Rachel and Kirsty exchanged a worried glance. Could this be the work of Jack Frost and his goblins?

  “Blue hair must be the latest fad,” said Mrs. Walker. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea for the party we’re going to tonight!” Laughing, she walked back to the waiting area.

  “I bet this blue hair has something to do with Jack Frost,” said Rachel thoughtfully, tapping the picture of Jessica Jarvis with her finger.

  Earlier in the week, Kirsty and Rachel had visited Fairyland to see their fairy friends in a fashion show. Everyone was having a wonderful time until Jack Frost and his goblins barged in. They were modeling crazy, mismatched blue outfits that Jack Frost had designed. He had created his own designer label called Ice Blue.

  “Do you remember what Jack Frost said?” asked Kirsty. “He wants everyone in the human world and Fairyland to wear blue so they’ll all look like him.”

  Rachel nodded, looking serious. Jack Frost had stolen the Fashion Fairies’ magical objects with a bolt of icy magic. Then he had taken them to Tippington Fountains Shopping Center. But the fairies needed their objects in order to take care of fashion in both the human world and in Fairyland.

  “We’ve already helped the Fashion Fairies find four of their missing objects,” said Kirsty. “We just have to keep looking — we can’t let Jack Frost turn everything blue!”

  “Let’s search the mall as soon as our hair is finished,” said Rachel, glancing down at the cart. “Hey, look! The barrettes are glowing!”

  The tiny hair clips were glowing red, blue, green, and silver. Then they rose into the air in a little swirl of color, and Jennifer the Hairstylist Fairy popped out from underneath them! The barrettes dropped back to the cart, and Jennifer brushed a little fairy dust from her pretty red top and purple shorts.

  “Hi, Jennifer!” said Kirsty, who was very excited to see the little fairy.

  “Hi, girls!” said Jennifer, flicking a lock of her red hair back over her shoulder. “I have some news about my magic hairbrush. Jack Frost and the goblins are using it to turn everyone’s hair blue!”

  “That must be why the photographs in the magazine looked so strange!” Rachel exclaimed.

  The girls quickly explained what they had seen in the magazine, and Jennifer looked worried.

  “He wants everyone’s hair to match his Ice Blue d
esigner clothes,” she said. “I have to stop him — but I don’t know how.”

  “We’ll help you,” Kirsty promised. “I know we can find the magic hairbrush if we work together.”

  Just then, the storeroom door opened.

  “Claire and Blair are coming,” said Rachel. “Quick, Jennifer — hide!”

  Jennifer quickly darted into Kirsty’s pocket as the stylists walked over.

  “OK, let’s create some fabulous hairstyles!” said Blair with a grin.

  Claire sprayed some detangling spray in Rachel’s hair and continued braiding it, while Blair snipped at Kirsty’s locks.

  Blair kept smiling, but it was obvious to the girls that something was very wrong. Rachel’s curls kept springing out of the braids, and Blair couldn’t seem to cut Kirsty’s hair to the same length on both sides.

  At last, most of Rachel’s hair was braided and Kirsty’s trim was almost the same length all the way around. Claire checked her watch.

  “We have to start on our next appointments now, girls,” she said. “I’m sorry — we don’t have time to show you any styles for the fashion show, and I know we haven’t done a very good job on your hair.”

  She looked upset, and Rachel squeezed her hand. She knew it wasn’t Claire’s fault. Jack Frost and his goblins were causing all the trouble!

  “It’s all right,” she said. “Please don’t be upset about it. Maybe things will get better later.”

  “Yes, as soon as we find Jennifer’s magic hairbrush,” said Kirsty in a whisper. “Where could it be?”

  “Mrs. Walker, would you like to come over?” said Blair, pulling out another chair as the girls stood up.

  Mrs. Walker sat down eagerly, but when she saw the girls’ hair her smile faded.

  “Oh,” she said, sounding surprised. “That wasn’t quite what I had in mind.”

  “Please don’t worry, Mom,” said Rachel, kissing her mother’s cheek. “I’m sure your hairstyle will look amazing.”

  “Can we look around the mall while you’re getting your hair cut?” Kirsty asked. “We could meet you back here later.”

  Mrs. Walker agreed, and the girls hurried out of the salon as Blair started to work on her hair.

  “Mom wants her hair to look really elegant for the party tonight,” said Rachel as soon as they were out of earshot. “Kirsty, we have to get Jennifer’s magic hairbrush back — and soon!”

  Rachel and Kirsty walked slowly past the long row of stores at Tippington Fountains. The mall was very busy. Suddenly, Kirsty grabbed Rachel’s arm.

  “Look over there,” she said. “That woman in the café has blue hair.”

  “You’re right,” said Rachel. “And so does the waitress who’s serving her — look!”

  Three giggling girls walked past with their blue hair pulled back in pigtails. A man in skinny jeans and with a crazy blue crew cut hurried out of a flower shop.

  “They all seem to like their hair,” said Kirsty. “Oh, look at that sweet dog!”

  A little poodle was standing outside the Posh Puppies grooming salon, wagging her tail. Her fluffy fur was bright blue.

  “Yes, but did you see her owners?” asked Rachel.

  The man and the woman standing next to the poodle also had blue hair. It was piled up on top of their heads in fluffy balls.

  “They look just like their dog,” said Jennifer, peeking out of Kirsty’s pocket. “Oh, things are getting worse. We have to find Jack Frost — and fast!”

  The girls turned left and found themselves among the clothing and accessories stores. They looked at the window of Finishing Touch, the accessories store, and gasped. It was packed with blue-haired people who were eagerly buying blue barrettes, headbands, and ribbons to match their new hairstyles.

  “I don’t understand why they all look so happy,” said Rachel. “Do you think they wanted blue hair?”

  “I think it’s the effect of my magic hairbrush,” said Jennifer. “If it touches your hair, you will feel happy and beautiful no matter what.”

  Kirsty and Rachel reached the fountain in the middle of the mall. They paused to look at the splashing waterfall and all the bright tropical flowers. Then Kirsty glanced around and felt a little shiver go down her back.

  “Rachel, did you notice?” she asked in a low voice. “Everyone has blue hair!”

  Rachel turned on the spot, looking at the crowd rushing around them. Men, women, children, and dogs were hurrying this way and that, and almost all of them had blue hair.

  “How is Jack Frost doing this?” she wondered aloud.

  Then she noticed a man standing outside the Sweet Scoop Ice Cream Parlor. From the back, he looked very familiar.

  “That’s odd,” she said with a little laugh. “From behind, that man looks almost exactly like my dad — except for his spiky blue hair!”

  Then the man turned around, and Rachel and Kirsty gasped. It was Mr. Walker — with a brand-new Jack Frost hairstyle! He waved at them and smiled.

  “Hello, girls!” he called, walking toward them. “I was hoping I’d bump into you. What do you think of my new look?”

  Neither of the girls could reply at first. Kirsty was trying very hard not to laugh. She pressed her lips together and blushed from the effort of holding in her giggles. Rachel was speechless with shock. What would her mom say about her dad going to the party looking like that?

  “The stylist said that the spikes make me look really cool,” Mr. Walker went on.

  “It’s . . . different,” said Rachel, finding her voice at last.

  Kirsty gave a spluttering laugh and had to turn her face away. Luckily, Mr. Walker didn’t notice. He was too busy looking up at the mall’s TV screens. One of them was showing a flashy advertisement in blue and white.



  “That’s where I went,” said Mr. Walker, pointing at the TV screen. “The stylist was amazingly quick. The place seemed very popular.”

  Kirsty stopped giggling at once, and the girls exchanged a secret glance. Ice Blue Hair must be the goblins’ salon!

  “Dad, we’d really like to go and see the new hair salon,” said Rachel.

  “I’m not surprised,” said Mr. Walker, looking at Rachel’s frizzy braids and Kirsty’s uneven haircut. “I’m sure they’ll solve all your hair problems. It’s just down there on the left.” He pointed down one of the walkways.

  “Thanks, Dad,” said Rachel. “See you later!”

  The girls hurried down the walkway and saw a blue booth with a sign saying ICE BLUE HAIR SALON outside. A long, long line snaked all the way around the corner.

  Two short people with clipboards were standing at the front of the line. They had long blue hair that swished across their faces, and they were busy writing down appointments. Kirsty and Rachel edged closer to hear what they were saying.

  “Hey, you!” one of them screeched at the girls. “Wait your turn! Get to the back of the line!”

  Kirsty’s mouth fell open. Beneath the swish of blue hair, she glimpsed a long nose and a green face.

  “It’s a goblin!” she told Rachel. “In fact, I think they’re both goblins!”

  “Jennifer’s magic hairbrush might be inside the booth,” said Rachel. “Kirsty, we have to get past this line.”

  “I have an idea,” whispered Jennifer from Kirsty’s pocket. “Can you find somewhere to hide that’s out of sight?”

  The girls looked around, and then Rachel spotted a nearby pillar. The store on the other side wasn’t open yet, so if they hid behind the pillar, no one would be able to see them.

  “Over here,” she said, pulling Kirsty by the hand.

  As soon as it was safe, Jennifer fluttered out of Kirsty’s pocket and hovered in front of the girls.

I turn you into fairies, we can try to get inside the booth without being seen,” she said.

  Rachel and Kirsty nodded eagerly. It was always exciting to turn into fairies! Jennifer waved her wand, and a puff of golden fairy dust cascaded over the girls. As it sprinkled down, they felt themselves growing smaller. Sheer, delicate wings appeared on their backs, and they flapped them with delight.

  “Follow me,” said Jennifer.

  The three friends darted up to the ceiling of the mall, and then flew above the booth. It had no roof, and they could see a goblin hairstylist working on a customer inside.

  “Let’s get closer,” said Kirsty.

  They fluttered down until they were just above the booth. The goblin inside was spraying the customer’s hair blue, but he kept gazing at himself in the mirror and stroking his own flowing blue locks.

  “That goblin’s hair looks pretty goofy,” Rachel whispered.

  “Can you see the magic hairbrush?” asked Kirsty.

  Jennifer shook her head. “I’m sure it’s here, though,” she said.

  One of the goblins with a clipboard suddenly poked his head into the booth.

  “Hurry up!” he yelled. “There’s a huge line out here, you know.”

  “I’m going as fast as I can,” wailed the goblin hairdresser.

  The other goblin disappeared, but a few seconds later he was back.

  “What’s taking you so long?” he asked. “Jack Frost wants everyone in the mall to have blue hair by the end of the day.”

  “I only have two hands!” snapped the stylist, sounding stressed.

  He raised his hands to shoo the other goblin out — and Rachel spotted a glowing hairbrush sticking out of his apron pocket!

  “Look!” she whispered. “Jennifer, is that your magic hairbrush?”


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