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Reverence: MC Romance (The Davis Chapter Book 3)

Page 7

by Lynn, Davida

  “Look who rose from the dead.” My voice sounded completely in control, too.

  “So you don’t even believe your own brother anymore. What’s happened to you, Julie?” He didn’t even sound like my father. He sounded more like a hostage negotiator. That was fine, because we were going to bargain.

  I made sure my smile came through in my voice, “Daddy, I could always tell when Gage was lying. I’ve known what I was getting for Christmas every year since I was ten.” It took every bit of focus to keep my heart beating slowly. “Why don’t we cut the shit, huh?”

  “Sounds good to me, JuJu.” That old nickname sounded menacing now.

  As I sat on the guest bed in the belly of the beast, I wished more than anything for a glass of water. My throat was parched, and I knew that clearing my throat would show a sign of weakness. I couldn’t do that. I had to remain strong as I squared off against my father.

  “You need Harris to get those guns, and you need me to get Harris. Since your connection with Blythe has dissolved, you’re shifting the club in a different direction. Am I missing anything?”

  My dad didn’t say anything for a few seconds. It was a nice bit of confidence boost for me. “Just a detail here and there. For the most part, though, I’d say you’ve got the nuts and bolts.”

  “Good.” It had been a roll the dice because I wasn’t sure if my father was going to take over the drug business or not. Maybe that had something to do with the details. Either way, I had an upper hand.

  My heart pounded harder, and I silently cursed it. “I’ll come back on the condition that you call off the search. I know you’re not just looking for me.”

  “Damn, girl. Must’ve been listening a little harder than I ever gave you credit for.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I must’ve been. I know how much you despise the Rising Sons. The one thing that I don’t know is why. You curse their name all the time, but rarely give a reason. You bitched and moaned about that informant or whatever, but what did they do to you? You may not be president of the company, but you are a president. Companies adapt when competitors come into town. What was your plan to adapt?”

  “My plan,” I hear him keeping his voice under control, “was to make sure we had a monopoly again. No offense, but you don’t know the first fucking thing about running a club. If I can eliminate the competition, there’s no need to change how things have always been.”

  I heard that speech before. It was in a slightly different form, but the content was the same. My father likes the way things were and hated change. He complained about too much electronics on cars, how music sounded like machines fucking, and how the Internet and smart phones were ruining my generation. He ran the Devil’s Branch the exact same way. He’d always be president, and things would always be done how he instructed.

  “So were you just playing nice until I turned eighteen and became legal? Was this all just one long game? You figured if you raised a pretty daughter who felt like she owed you something, someday it might come in handy.”

  He laughed. It sounded cocky and disturbing. “Honey, it’s just business. We have a deal?”

  “We’ve got a deal.” I checked my watch. “See you around dawn.” I hung up the phone.

  At that moment, my plan felt holier then Swiss cheese. There was so much being left up to chance. I knew my father well, but I didn’t know the president of the Devil’s Branch nearly as well. He sounded like a man willing to do anything to make a buck.

  I knew neither of them would get it. Maybe they would think I was double or triple crossing—I had lost track of who thought I was on which side. Faith and Raven were standing in the kitchen when I came out. The second I came into view, they turned to me.

  Both women had a huge stake in my plan. Faith wanted her man home. The two of them had been to hell and back, and I got the idea that all she wanted was to spend quiet evenings next to him.

  Raven wanted the father of her child. She wanted to bring that baby up with his or her father teaching it right from wrong. As much as any outlaw biker can, anyway.

  There’s a lot riding on me, and I wasn’t going to take anything away from those women, any of the other Rising Sons, or any more of the Devil’s Branchers, either. I could end it all before it began if I gave myself up.

  “He agreed. I told him I’ll be back up there by morning. Raven, I know you’ve been through a lot, but you mind driving me back up? If you don’t want to, I’m sure I can rent a car somewhere. You’ve already done so much.”

  “Are you kidding?” Raven slapped her hand down on the counter. “Of course. If you can get Gunner back here to sleep beside me tomorrow night, I will do whatever it takes. Whatever. It. Takes.”

  I like Raven, but I was the one doing whatever it took. There was no need to sour the relationship, though.

  “Wait a goddamn minute.” Faith’s voice sounded harder than I’d ever I heard it. I didn’t even think she was capable of getting angry. “You’ve already ridden four hours today. I’m not having you riding another eight in pitch black through the godforsaken desert. If anything were to happen to that future Rising Son, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

  Faith dug in her purse and pulled out keys. “I offered you my car, and I meant it. She,” Faith pointed at Raven, “isn’t going anywhere for a few days. You, on the other hand, better get your little butt up to Davis and get this thing resolved. Make sure all three of us get to see our men come home.”

  She tossed me the keys, and I snatched them from the air. “You have my word, Faith.”

  The BMW drove smoother than any car I’ve ever even ridden in. It was almost midnight by the time I started heading north, but there wasn’t a bit of sleepiness behind my eyes. I had far too much to think about to start dozing.

  At first, I had my home address plugged into the GPS. Not long after I started, though, I changed my final destination. It would take me four hours to get to Davis, giving me just a few hours before my meeting with my father. Anything could happen, and there was no way I was going to chance never seeing Romero again.

  The miles ticked off as I got closer and closer to Davis. I didn't think of it as home, at least not my parents’ house. It was hard to imagine ever stepping foot in that place again. I might have to, if circumstances came down to it, but I wouldn't enjoy it one bit.

  As soon as I left Faith’s house, I called Romero and told him about the plan. He protested like I’d expected him to do. I ignored, like he should have expected. Things could be ended without bloodshed, and I had the power to stop that. I could bring order to the two warring biker gangs that might actually last.

  He tried to change my mind by telling me how dangerous it was. I already knew. I knew that my father could do anything. He tried, but finally Romero agreed to meet me before dawn.

  I thought about what I wanted to do with my life after the Devil’s Branch. I wasn’t studying anything in particular at U.C., and I was going to have to settle on something soon. The thought came to me that I might have to transfer or start from scratch. I knew that Romero would go with me wherever I wanted. He had mentioned the beach, and that was sounding better with every passing mile. I sighed and looked down at the nav screen. I still had over one hundred miles to go.

  I crept through the streets of Davis. The BMW would allow me to be completely inconspicuous, but I was still nervous as I headed toward the park. I had to see Romero, and it was the only place that I felt safe. I parked along a side street and locked Faith’s car. I walked toward the batting cages.

  Yellow tape surrounded the spot where Ty and Romero had fought. The memory grabbed at my heart, its claws digging in. I turned away, moving to the other side of the batting cages. I didn’t see him around anywhere, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t there. Romero was very good at blending in. I assumed it was part of his military training. He rarely talked about it, and I asked about it even less.

  My phone vibrated.

  Romero: in the dugout.

sp; I headed on until I saw a faint light ahead of me. I picked up speed, just in case there were strangers’ eyes on me. I knew they weren’t there. It was nothing but my suspicions and nerves getting the better of me. Romero would’ve known if anyone else was in the area.

  Inside the dugout, I threw my arms around him. Feeling his heart beat against my chest was such a relief. “Oh my god, it is so good to see you. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to again.”

  His arms felt so good around me. “Julie, Julie, Julie. When did you turn into Rambo?”

  I kissed his lips, his cheeks, and just above each eye. I felt like I was taking in his body for the first time. Each kiss felt so stolen and fresh. I pulled back briefly. “Romero, no offense, but I don’t want to talk. We’ll have time for that, but right now, what I want doesn’t involve words.”

  There was just a hint of light, but it was enough for me to see the grin on his face. “Oh, what does it involve?”

  I trailed a finger down his chest. The t-shirt clung to his muscles brilliantly. I let out a soft moan as my finger reached the top of his jeans. I undid his buckle, letting the heavy clasp fall to either side. As my finger continued down to his hardness, I smiled up at him. “Something we should have done a long, long time ago. Romero, I’m so ready for you to fuck me.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Jesus, yes.”

  Romero raised his arms as I pulled his shirt over his head. “Well, then I guess we should stop using our mouths.”

  He tried to pull me toward. his lips, but I pulled away. “Oh no, I’ll be using my mouth.”

  As I sunk downwards, I laid kisses on his warm skin. A moan came from some deep place inside of me. I felt so powerful as I unbuttoned Romero’s jeans. I knew it was going to happen, but I wanted us to have a little bit of fun, first. My mouth watered as Romero’s cock sprung free. I didn’t waste any time taking him into my waiting mouth.

  I smiled as he moaned. There was something so magical about pleasing him, and as much as I wanted his cock inside of me, I wanted to really take my time with Romero. I knew very well that it might be our only time together, and I wasn’t about to waste it.

  My biker leaned back as I wrapped my lips around his shaft. I moaned as I took him deep into my mouth. He always let out such caveman sounds when I did that. I could never understand why some women thought that giving head was submissive. I was in total control with my fingers around Romero’s cock, and my mouth delivering pleasure. He was putty in my hands. Rock hard, throbbing putty.

  The desire that had been building up inside of me for weeks grew beyond my control. It had taken over my mind and it needed to be satisfied. I gave his cock one last lick from his balls all the way up to the tip before I stood.

  Romero pulled me hard against his body, his lips all over my neck. I felt his hands working my bra off, then moving down to my jeans. My favorite thing about going down on Romero was how it turned him into a complete animal. It got to a certain point where he couldn’t even talk anymore. He just had to have me.

  “Oh god, yes.” My words were stuttered, hardly able to slip past my lips. He wrestled my jeans and underwear down together. Romero sunk to his knees, balling them up at my feet. His tongue danced over my skin. First he circled my belly button, then moved lower. I pulled my shirt and bra off, tossing them anywhere but in the way. I grabbed onto Romero’s shoulders as his tongue brushed over my mound. He could somehow be so rough and so elegantly soft at the same time.

  My knees quivered as he almost buried his face between my legs. His hands were at my ass, slowly pulling me toward that talented mouth of his. “Tell me what you want.”

  I wanted to die in that moment of perfection. “For starters, I need you to fuck me with that tongue.”

  He brought his hand against my ass so quickly that I didn’t even see it coming. I should’ve known better. I knew he would make me wait, and I’d be punished for it, too. I let out a yelp and grabbed onto his shoulders.

  “Please, Romero. I need you so badly. I can’t think straight. I can’t breathe without feeling empty. Romero, I’ll beg if that’s what it takes. I’ll do anything to get you to satisfy me.”

  Romero laughed, but it sounded more like a grunt. He spanked me again, and then dove between my legs.

  My mouth dropped open, and my head fell back. My grip on his shoulders tightened as my knees went weak. Romero’s tongue slipped between my wet lips. After all the pain and torture of the past few days, a bit of carnal pleasure was an incredible relief. I could feel the deep vibrations of his voice against me as he moaned, already working to push me over the edge of pleasure.

  It took so much effort to stay on my feet, and as my orgasm grew, it was harder and harder to stay upright. I shifted my body toward the chain-link fence separating the dugout from the field. Romero followed, never ceasing to work his tongue over my most sensitive area. Leaning against the fence, I concentrated on his amazing tongue. Pressure grew inside of me, threatening to take away any sense of control that I had left.

  “Oh my God. It feels like an eternity since you’ve made me come.” My words came out in sharp stabs, escaped gasps of pleasure.

  Romero’s only response was a beastly grunt from between my legs. I can almost hear the devilish smile on his lips. I knew my too well. He was up to something. His tongue disappeared from my wetness, causing me to groan and bite my bottom lip.

  Romero climbed back up my body ignoring or oblivious to my pitiful cries. He had me so close before giving up. He had me so, so close.

  I tasted myself on his lips when we kissed. He always loved making me do that. It made me feel naughty and sexy, even though it was something I had never done before Romero. There were so many things I hadn’t done before him, and there was one more thing he was about to check off my list.

  Romero’s left hand moved up from my waist my shoulder. He pushed my body back against the chain-link fence while his other hand grabbed a hold of my thigh. His eyes were locked on mine as he lifted it. My heart pounded like a freight train. I knew there was no stopping him. No stopping us.

  I felt the cool night air between my legs as Romero spread them open. I heard crickets in the distance, serenading us. I took in every feeling and sensation around us as my sexy biker stepped forward. I couldn’t speak. I could barely think as Romero’s manhood moved against my virgin entrance. I knew since the moment I met him that he would make me a woman. He had been so patient, so kind, so loving. He was everything I had ever wanted in a man.

  I cried out, but his lips muffled the sound in an instant. It didn’t hurt badly when he slid inside of me, but instinct must’ve made me scream anyway. Heat washed over every inch of my there was pain, but that pain vanished when the orgasm abruptly took over. He had gotten me so close with his tongue, and his amazing cock had done the rest in a single thrust. I dug my nails into his back. My eyes went wide, and I could almost see white flashes before me. His body pressed hard against mine, and the sheer ecstasy had infiltrated every atom inside of me.

  His tongue slipped inside my mouth, another source of pleasure that I couldn’t comprehend. My mind was absent, only pure physical sensation as Romero slowly filled me again and again. His cock was heavenly as he slid his thickness inside. I felt him stretching me, and I could barely imagine that it was my first time. It felt like something so familiar to me. Something that was deeply ingrained in my mind.

  When he broke the kiss, I let out a long breath, my eyebrows twisted in pleasure. “Fuck. How did we wait so long to do this?”

  Romero laughed, giving me this look that was pure man. “You had to be ready for this, and for you, Julie, I had all the time in the world.”

  I moaned and reached a hand down to Romero’s tight ass. My fingers dug in and pulled him closer. The slow sensation of being filled was incredible, but an animal instinct took over. I needed it harder, and I knew Romero would oblige my needs.


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