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Cash: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 6)

Page 7

by Chelsea Handcock

  “Good one, my turn,” she said, clearing her throat. “Okay, hmm, I can’t be within fifty feet of my sister without my head wanting to explode or wanting to slap her silly.”

  “Okay,” Kayden laughed, “I think that one is a draw, we both drink.”

  Jenna downed her glass quickly, the second shot going down much smoother than the first. They played the game until she didn't feel much, her whole body feeling numb and fuzzy. Kayden, the asshole, looked like he was bored, he probably was. Jenna laughed, her drunken state giving her the giggles. They had gone drink for drink, each of how shittier their life was ending in a draw. Then she blurted out.

  “I bonded with a man who is in love with my sister.” Holding up her arm, she ripped off the bandage she had been wearing, showing Kayden the fate mated mark.

  Kayden’s eyes bulged out a little, then started to glow. She knew he was pissed, but he was holding back.

  “Who is he?” he demanded, then shook his head, having heard the same stories she had, and asked, “Cash? Oh, damn, Jenna.”

  Yep, those words summed it up, Oh Damn. But Jenna wasn’t done, downing her shot, she got up, staggering a couple of times to catch her balance.

  “Oh, that isn’t it either, Kayden. Not only does he love my sister, but I did it to him, not the other way around. My curse,” she sneered. “Yeah, I tried to save him, and look,” Jenna said, throwing her arm out, “this is what I get for it, fate bonded for life. Now he’s demanding I come and talk to him.”

  “Jenna, Cash is missing. Did you, did he?”

  Jenna snorted. “Cash Warren hasn’t been missing since his plane went down. Jessie could find that man in the middle of the largest city or in any backwoods area. Hell, Declan had her practice enough. Didn’t you wonder why he hadn’t sent her out?”

  “I just assumed…”

  “Well, there you go, you know what assuming does, it makes an ass,” Jenna tripped and fell forward, barely catching herself on the coffee table before finishing, “you and me.”

  “Jenna, you can’t be fate bonded unless you, well, fuck,” Kayden said, still shocked at the words coming out of her mouth. None of this made sense. He was aware of Jenna’s powers, had to stay on constant alert, blocking her every moment he was with her. It took a lot of effort, but he had learned how to handle it when he was young. Cash had been shot, hurt, he already knew that, but they had been searching for him for months. The members of Alpha were going nuts with grief. He wasn’t joking when he said he had thought about Jessie’s skills and wondered why Declan hadn’t sent her out; he just assumed the man was dead. Declan would know, but then again, so would Jacks. Oh, fuck, this was getting worse and worse. Kayden poured two more drinks, Jenna didn’t need them but he sure as fuck did.

  Jenna snorted again and shook her head, leaning to the side, precariously.

  “Nope, no fucking involved, he was unconscious the whole time.” Jenna laughed harder, picking up the bottle, tipping it towards Kayden. “I got bonded and didn’t even get the orgasm to go with it! Lucky me.”

  Kayden watched as Jenna took a large swig from the bottle. This was worse than anything he could think of. Getting up from the couch, he grabbed the booze out of her hand, having to jump over the table when she lost her balance and nearly toppled to the floor.

  Damn it, Kayden had known this shit with Cash Warren and the Gunther’s was going to come back and bite someone in the ass one day, but he never thought, in a million years, it would be Jenna. Kayden had his own guilt about knowing, often avoiding the man and Alpha Team altogether. But he was a soldier and had followed orders, him and Milo both.

  When the shit came out about Pandora and Dr. Franklin, his sister, and niece, he hadn’t put two and two together until much later. Confronting both Declan and Mattias in private, Kayden had demanded the truth, all of it. He had always thought Jenna and Jessie were an anomaly born to one Shifter parent and one human, or that their mother had stepped out. They didn’t have animals but had some special abilities; he was so used to it, it didn’t faze him. Jenna didn’t talk about it, so neither did he.

  When he confronted Senior and Mattias, only then, did he get the whole story. Jenna and Jessie were a product of in-vitro fertilization by Dr. Franklin's hand. After the babies were born, part of the deal was they got to keep one and the other was to be watched after by Franklin. Kayden didn’t try to pretend he understood that shit, how someone could be so desperate to have a child, they were willing to make that kind of sacrifice, but the Gunther’s had done it.

  Then there was Cash. That story he did know because once he met Jessie, it was all she ever talked about. Cash thought the two of them were fated mates. Jessie was still young and liked to brag about it, but growing up knowing the stories about fated mates, Kayden had always just blown her off. They didn’t live in the same area, and he didn’t know the man. When he joined the service, there were a couple of times when the units combined or helped each other out, but Kayden kept his distance, watching. One thing he did know was Cash Warren was a good man and deserved better than any of this shit going on or what had happened in the past.

  “Jenna, you have to talk to him,” Kayden said, holding her in his arms. When she started sobbing, he rubbed her back and tried to give her some kind of comfort, but he knew nothing would until she went to Cash. The question was would he hate her, or would he accept what fate had laid out for him, and how would Jenna handle any of this? How would she get through another person putting her in second place? Fucking hell.

  Chapter Ten

  Cash was sitting outside the facility on a bench, his elbows on his knees as he lightly brushed the mark he had found this morning on his wrist. He had cut Jenna off, blocked her from knowing his every thought and move. She didn’t deserve it like the others, she hadn’t betrayed him. He just needed enough time to figure out how and what to do about her.

  He wasn’t healed, but he was getting there. He needed to shift to make that happen, but it had been too long, and his bear was unruly. He wondered how the beast would react to being free. But that couldn’t happen here, too many people around to witness it or get hurt.

  Cash could feel Jessie watching him, but she wasn’t the only one. He could feel Senior, Mattias, and the man they said was his brother, all near, all watching, waiting to see what he would do next. It was causing havoc with his bear, and he wished they would all just walk away.

  Cash wondered about Chase. The man was supposed to be his brother. Why had he stayed away from him for so long? He had to know what was going on, he was a part of it. Pushing his senses, he tried to hone in on his brother, pushing Jessies, sadness, and guilt away, Declan’s regret and resolve, and Mattias’s anger and distance. He still couldn’t get a lock on the man. He could feel Kiera somewhere close by, upset and hurt.

  Closing his eyes, he looked into his mind, clearing it of everything else and looked for the threads that bound him. The one to his beast look different, stronger, fortified but still where he remembered. Another one shot off he recognized as his connection to Jacks, weaker less substantial. It bothered him, but he was still healing from whatever had happened, and they hadn’t been around each other for a long time. Moving on, he saw the bright green bond linking him to Jenna; it was beautiful and even stronger than the one linking him to his bear. He also saw the void, the block he had put up, preventing her from being in his head. He explored several other strands, never finding the right one. Shouldn’t blood brothers be connected in some way?

  Taking several deep breaths, Cash sought that connection, but it kept coming back blank. Sensing someone coming, he drifted back from his mind. Straightening, he rubbed his temple as the one he least wanted to talk to right now took a seat beside him. There were no pleasantries exchanged or politeness considered, Mattias just started talking.

  “Declan is informing Jacks of your miraculous resurrection. I assume he will be on the next flight out or Ryleigh will fly him herself. It is in your best interest to onl
y give him basic information. Jenna, Jessie, and everything else is off limits.”

  Cash laughed and leaned back looking up at the sky. What had he expected?

  “So, basically, more games. Let me ask you, do you and Senior get off on this moving each of us around as you see fit?” The fucker had the nerve to laugh. Cash stood, taking the man by the lapels of his stupid black coat, and snarled into his face, “I will NEVER lie to my Alpha. I am done being a pawn in the games you two have decided to play. Jacks will know everything.” Cash pushed Mattias back, but the asshole was a steady as a fucking tree.

  Cash watched as Mattias fixed his coat, smoothing it out with his hands.

  “See that’s the problem, Cash, Jacks is no longer your Alpha. Feel that power running through your veins that power you have denied your whole life? You are stronger than Jacks, probably stronger than all the Alpha’s combined. Do you want to know why?”

  “More fucking games,” Cash sneered. But he could feel it, had ever since last night. There was a buzz around him constantly. He could feel himself getting stronger, his senses spreading wider, his beast, fuck his beast was…

  “Games?” Mattias asked. “No, this is no longer a game. Ryleigh will be hurt by this information along with all the Holly Group. Do you want to be responsible for that? Because if you tell her that will be on you. You will always be the one who ripped her from the only father she has ever loved. Plus, do you think letting anyone know what Jenna can do is smart? Then there is your precious Jessie. How would she feel having Jacks and the rest of Alpha sneering and berating her?”

  “Then change it,” he demanded. “Break whatever the fuck that woman did to me, and I will promise to keep your fucking secrets.” It was a desperate attempt and something Cash wasn’t so sure he wanted, but he had fought so long to have this side of him repressed, he wasn’t ready to just give in without a fight and give these fuckers what they wanted.

  Mattias sat back down on the bench, crossing one leg over the other.

  “Fate doesn’t care what you want, Mr. Warren. You can never go back; even I don’t have that power. Even if I did, I wouldn’t.”

  “You broke the bond between Jessie and I, why not this one?” Cash said through gritted teeth.

  “You had no bond with Jessie, it was teenage lust or whatever you want to call it. When she was taken out of the equation, you were supposed to move on with your life, but as always, you made it your mission to make it into more than it was. Fought the truth and let it lead your life.”


  “No, not bullshit. When Jessie was standing in the room with you last night, did you feel anything?” Mattias asked, cocking his head to the side, questioning. “Were you drawn to her, did you want to fuck her so bad, you thought your balls were going to explode?”

  “Fuck you, Mattias,” Cash said, starting to walk away, but the man always had to have the last word.

  “When she left the room after you demanded it, did you feel the need to chase after her, comfort her, care for her?”

  “NO,” he yelled, spinning around, pointing, “and that is because of you! If you hadn’t broken the bond, she would be with me now.”

  “Clueless, boy,” Mattias said, shaking his head, “even you know how absurd that statement is. There is only one fated mate for each of us. Childish bond or not, Jessie wouldn’t have the fate mated blessing symbol on her neck if what you are saying is true.”

  “Fuck you,” Cash said and started walking again. He needed to get away from Mattias and all this shit. Deep down, he knew everything the man was saying was the truth, but he needed to process it on his own. Deal with it the way he saw fit, not someone else. He hadn’t even gotten two steps before his entire body froze in place. This was Mattias’s power, and it was immense. Cash couldn’t break the hold he had on it.

  When Mattias came and stood in front of him, Cash wanted to step back, there was a darkness about Mattias. His eyes were glowing, that of a shifter, but the irises were now swirling with a multitude of colors. He wanted to look away but was compelled to keep staring.

  “No, Mr. Warren, fuck you!” Mattias said calmly. “I didn’t agree with Declan’s decisions regarding you or Jessie Gunther. However, I allowed it to happen. Neither of you is my concern. Each of you has a path you must follow and are linked because of the Militibus geminae.”

  Cash had never heard of the Militibus geminae, but he knew the words mean Warrior Twins in Latin. His father hadn’t been the best about passing on history or legends, Cash had gotten most of that information from Jacks’ father. He considered his own father a coward. The man hid from everything, insisted on acting more human than animal. Cash had rebelled at a young age, determined to accept his heritage. Funny how karma comes back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

  “Your destiny was written long ago, Mr. Warren.” The colors in Mattias' eyes changed to pure red, giving him an evil look. If black signified a dark soul, then red seemed to signify death. Cash was leery but far from scared. He could feel a warmth in his body and his beast pumping up. He was still paralyzed, but he could feel the energy around him lessening Mattias’s hold.

  “Jenna, however, is my concern. My first and only concern,” Mattias snarled, “and I will not allow you to destroy her with your iodic beliefs. You have a choice—be the great Alpha and mate fate has decided or be nothing. There is no in between for you. Because,” Mattias said, getting up close, “I will destroy you if you hurt that girl.”

  Mattias abruptly released Cash from his hold, and Cash fell to his knees. Mattias crouched down.

  “Mind my words. They are not a threat, Mr. Warren, but a promise.”

  Cash might be on his knees, but he wouldn’t allow this asshole to think he was that easy. Gritting his teeth, he let his own power out, drawing from the people around him, opening the door on Jenna, drawing her power too. Looking Mattias in the eye, Cash channeled that power and threw it at the man. When Mattias staggered back, Cash stood and made a statement of his own.

  “Neither you nor Senior will be involved in the decisions I make regarding my mate or the life I lead. Don’t push me, old man.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Cash noticed a man standing not too far away. He was just as big as he was in body stature, but that was the only similarity between the two of them. He was light where Cash was dark. It was also apparent by the way he dressed, khakis and a sweater, they were nothing alike. It was only when he felt the tendril of a bond snapping in place, he realized it was Chase, his brother.

  Chapter Eleven

  Twisting herself into another pretzel shape that was no way natural for the human body, Jenna wanted to yell at someone. Yoga was not calming and peaceful, and it sure as hell wasn’t for her. She wanted to rage at the people who said it helps your mind, body, and soul. All it was doing for her was making her angry, not a soul refining moment for her, nope not even close. Jenna’s mind was working overtime, trying to figure out what she was going to do next and fighting the hangover from hell.

  She didn’t have long before she had to make a decision. The truth was she had already made her decision. She was going to go to Cash as he had demanded, but she was trying her best to build up the courage. Jenna felt guilty, a little angry and there was a tremendous amount of regret mixed in there too. He deserved an explanation. Plus, the disconnect from him was driving her crazy.

  There was a brief moment, a few hours ago, he had let her in and the feelings he had staggered her. He was so mad. What had surprised her was how easy it had been for him to filter her power to him. That was a skill she had never been able to accomplish. She wasn’t weakened by it either which was another surprise. In the past, when the five of them—Jessie, Chase, Trace, Chance, and she—tried to do the same thing, they had been out for days, the energy was leaving swiftly and not coming back. Cash had somehow figured out how to, not only use the power of the Gemini but how to maintain the rest of them. The implications of him being able
to do so were huge, and Jenna was keeping her mouth shut, hoping the others did the same. This was what Declan had wanted all along.

  Just thinking about Declan “Senior” Quinn had always brought her more questions than answers, and at twenty-seven, she was sick of it. Declan had dismissed her as a child, deciding she was better off where she was, not paying her even the smallest amount of attention. There was a part of her that always knew he deemed her unworthy, just like her family had. If it hadn’t been for Uncle Matt, she would have been in foster care until her eighteenth birthday, then who knew?

  Uncle Matt was the one who took her in, trained her, cared for her, and opened up this whole new world. There was only one secret he had kept from her, her real origin. Jenna remembered the pain she felt when she found out. When she reached puberty and her gift started to show, that was when Declan took an interest in her, brought Jessie and the rest of the Gunther family to her, then eventually Chase and then Chance and Trace. Jenna knew even then, it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart. He had an ulterior motive, and Jenna had become his key, the girl he had deliberately thrown away.

  Jenna had complied and did everything she could to gain the Gunthers’ love and approval. They hadn’t been cruel or mean to her, but they also never let her in. Jessie was their prized and beloved daughter, and it became Jenna’s job to take care of her.


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