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Cash: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 6)

Page 15

by Chelsea Handcock


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Do you think you could make me…”

  “Boxed macaroni and cheese?” Cash said with a smile on his lips. “Sure thing, babe.

  “I love you,” Jenna said, still not moving.

  “I love you too, babe, now and forever.”

  Not really the End!

  More to come from Cash and Jenna with Gemini.

  Turn the page for a look at Whiskey, RBMC – Book 1


  My Co-Write with Livell James!


  RBMC – Book 1

  Ruthless Bastards

  Author: Chelsea Handcock

  Copyright © 2017, Chelsea Handcock

  First electronic publication: July 2017

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  Note from the Author:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third party websites or their content.

  Re-edited version by Sandy Ebel, Personal Touch Editing, July 2017.

  Published in the United States of America.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted works is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  Note from the Author:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third party websites or their content.

  Published in the United States of America.

  She is his biggest regret and the only person he ever came close to breaking all the rules to have. He broke her, and it has taken ten years to forgive him the problem is will she ever be able to forget him?

  Aiden "Whiskey" Frost decided to leave Defiance Kentucky ten years ago with a screw you that would make a lasting impression. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing he left behind. The actions he put into motion cost him more than he knew. Regret, he has lived with it so long, now the question is can he change it into something else. Or will the only woman he has ever loved run the other way when he no longer has her under his control.

  Addison Sinclair has loved only one man her entire life, Aiden "Whiskey" Frost. She knew him as a boy and then the young man that broke her into a million little pieces before leaving town without looking back. Addy is in trouble and needs help. The RBMC can provide that to her, but Whiskey is a part of them, their family, she is nothing just a blip from his past. Even if it kills her there comes a time when surviving means more than your pride and Addy has hit that time. Addy will do what she has to protect and save the people she cares about even if she has to forgive and forget.

  Will he help or will he turn her away? The bigger question can she forgive him for the past and finally move forward or will he finally destroy what little of herself she has at last found.

  ***WARNING: contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up***

  Photo: RLS Images Photography

  Cover Model: Niko Nomas

  Editing – Sandy Ebel – Personal Touch Editing

  Chapter 1

  Aiden “Whiskey” Frost stood diner’s doorway watching one of his biggest regrets slink around yet another corner trying to avoid him, and he didn’t like it one bit. Addison Sinclair had always been his idea of the perfect girl and she had turned into a beautiful woman. A woman he wanted. Their issues were long and deep but his feelings for her had never changed. As kids, they had screwed each other over, but Whiskey had been determined to have the final fuck you. Obviously, he had delivered the message loud and clear or he wouldn’t be standing here watching her scurry away. She might rank high on his regrets list, but he ranked high on her list of people to avoid, and in the small town of Defiance, that was one hell of a feat. He was kind of impressed with her commitment.

  Addison was the girl who could have brought him to his knees, and the main reason he had run like a motherfucker to get out of town. Whiskey wasn’t running anymore, he was back, and he planned on staying. That meant he had work to do. Whiskey both loved and hated the time they spent together as kids. She gave him everything he asked for and didn’t know he wanted. She also made him feel, which for a Frost man wasn’t a good thing. Feelings led to nothing but disappointment and heartache, at least that was what he believed. He was older now, his priorities and beliefs had grown and changed.

  When he left Defiance, Whiskey had believed she had done him dirty, but he still had questions as to why. Addison hadn’t seemed like a person who would cheat or betray what he knew she felt for him. He might not have returned all of those feelings, but some were undeniable. What made her change so quickly? That was the question which played in his mind over and over again for the last ten years; maybe it was time to get some of those answers and knock some of the burden off his shoulders once and for all.

  Most times he tried not to think about it, but being back in Defiance and so close to her, his old feelings were coming back full force making him want again, only this time he knew better; he could have the things he denied himself of before. Watching his oldest brother Sebastian fall in love and find happiness with Peyton made him believe it was possible for the rest of them. They didn’t need to be like their parents only having toxic relationships until the day they died; the Frost brothers could have it all and he wanted it.

  If he could just get over the fact that she cheated on him, he could move on either with or without her. Whiskey knew he still wanted her, hell he wanted her even more now; she had turned into a gorgeous woman, better than he could have ever imagined. Her body was tight but curved in all the right places making him want to grab on and take her for a ride. Hell, her boobs alone had starred in all of his fantasies since he got his first glimpse of the grown-up version of Addison. Adjusting his cock in his now way too tight pants, he thought, damn, the one time they had sex had been far too short; he wanted hours to savor her body.

  Whiskey had plans for Addison; he wanted to strip her ass naked and drape her over his bike so he could take her hard and fast from behind. He also wanted to spank that ass and demand the answers he had sought for so long. After she apologized by sucking his cock, and all his frustration and anger subsided, he would fuck her slow and sweet like he should have done the day he popped her cherry. But yeah, he was a guy, fucking her was the main objective; he just needed to come up with a plan to make it happen, and it would happen.

  Maybe that was the problem, he just needed to fuck her and finally leave the past in the past. He cared for her, always had, and when she betrayed him, it fucking hurt. Shit, still did. Was it even possible to let all that go? If her reaction to his return was any indication, Addison had pretty strong reservations about him, could he change her mind to get
what he wanted? Licking his lips, he decided yeah, he could.

  Someone pushed the door open, hitting Whiskey’s shoulder and knocking him out of the past and straight in to the present. Shit, how long had he been standing there, and who the fuck would push a member of the RBMC out of the way. Ah, hell, Whiskey thought looking down at his boots.

  “Saw your little mouse running away, Whisk. Might want to tap that ass again just to give her a reason to run the other way. If Tuck hadn’t put the no-touch notice out, I would have tried to sample a little of that myself.”

  Chance “Brass” Marks got his nickname from having the biggest brass balls, he wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone. Brass had worked as an explosives expert in the Army and everyone knew those fuckers were crazy. He was always looking for a fight. Calling Whiskey out and bringing Addison into it was like waving a red flag in front of a fucking bull. The bastard knew he was doing it, too, if the damn smile on his face was any indication.

  Shrugging his shoulders like it was no skin off his back, Whiskey said, “Yeah, too bad Tuck labeled the bitch. Looks like she’s off limits to us, but then again, at least I got a taste, you never will fucker. Whatever, it’s not that much of a loss, plenty of pussy to go around, right?”

  “But, quality pussy, that shit is hard to find. I wonder if little miss Addy has quality pussy? What do you think, Whisk? You tapped that shit in high school, was it quality or just regular old pussy?”

  Whiskey was seeing red, he didn’t like Brass talking about Addison’s pussy or any other part of her, but he knew if he acted as if he cared Brass would only keep on.

  “I wonder, you think I should put sweet Addy in my spank bank or keep on looking? I bet she’s tight as a vise once you get inside her. Watch out for those good girls, they always have a bit of a naughty side, don’t you agree?”

  Brass pushed, still looking to get a reaction that Whiskey wasn’t inclined to give him. Shit, if the bastard knew his one and only time with Addison only lasted all of two minutes, the fucker would never let him live it down.

  “Dude, no way in hell do I even want to venture into that territory. Your spank bank needs to stay just that, yours. What you put in that fucked-up mind of yours is all on you, leave me the hell out of it.” Laughing when he didn’t feel it, Whiskey punched Brass in the shoulder. Whiskey knew better than to show any signs of weakness because his Brothers would latch on and never let go. If one of them knew they could get a rise out of him, they would push that button until a person broke; it was just the way it was, living and working with family.

  “How about we think about filling one of your other needs and get us some breakfast?”

  Brass looked over at the table, and his smile turned feral. “It looks like our Brothers started without us, Whisk. I’m thinking filling something up right about now sound like a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”

  “You have at it, Brass. I’ll be over in a bit, I need to make a call.”

  “Your loss, Whiskey, you know what they say, early bird gets the…”

  Whiskey interrupted him, “The shit beat out of him because he annoys everyone?” he stated, punching Brass.

  “Whatever, Brother,” Brass said as he was walking away, but the fucker just couldn’t let it go, “No, asshole, the early bird gets all the quality pussy, slackers get snatch. Guess what I’m going to get?”

  Whiskey laughed, “Dude going over there,” Whiskey said pointing to the table, “except for Reagan, you’re going to get nothing but snatch.”

  He and Brass parted ways, and Whiskey made his way outside, lighting a cigarette. He didn’t smoke often, but today he needed something to calm his nerves. Walking down the sidewalk, Whiskey tried to get another glimpse of Addison, but she was nowhere to be found and that irritated him. The past was haunting him hard today.

  Regrets, everyone had them. Whiskey regretted blindly following orders while in the service; maybe if he had asked more questions or brought his concerns to light, his team wouldn’t have suffered so severely. He regretted that, for most of his life, he couldn’t stand his brothers, well at least two of them. That wasn't exactly true; he loved his brothers, he just didn't always appreciate being around them. Link because he was a controlling asshole, and Talon because he resented that Whiskey had left him behind without a second thought.

  Whiskey also had deep regrets about how he left this town, and the destruction he had left in his wake. In his younger years, he had always felt he had something to prove. It had a lot to do with his parents and the judgmental asses who ran this town, but what it came down to was his own insecurities. Son of the town’s whore, and bastard child to a man who wanted nothing to do with him. Those two things fucked with his head for a long time until he realized neither meant shit. Whiskey was white trash, born and bred. He owned it; it had made him the person he was today. Back then he fought it with every fiber of his being.

  His plan back then had been jaded; get the town sweetheart and make her just as dirty as he was, then skip town with a big Fuck You. Too bad it hadn’t been as simple as that. Damn the way a person thinks when they're dumb and naïve. He never once thought Addison would be anything but a blip on his radar, let alone for her to become one of his biggest regrets. Back then, he only thought of himself; too bad she had broken down some the walls he had so carefully erected and wormed her way into his soul. In the last ten years, she had yet to leave the once cold, dark place.

  Little did she know that the thought of her and their time together got him through some of the roughest parts of his life. Dreams of her welcoming smile kept him going when at times he thought he was done for and couldn’t go any further when the nights became too bleak to concentrate on anything else. Addison was there welcoming him with open arms, as she had years ago, offering him peace when he didn’t deserve it.

  Whiskey had been with women since, lots of women, but Addison was the only one who ever provoked any deeper feelings. Had she not betrayed him, he would have given everything up for her in a heartbeat, but she had proved even the sweetest person has a devious side. Still, the thought lingered, and he wondered if it was possible to fuck her out of his system once and for all. They were adults now. Whiskey had to believe those strange and foreign feelings were those of a confused, affection-hungry kid. Whiskey wasn’t that person anymore; he tired of women quickly. Maybe if he fucked her a few of times, this shit he was feeling and thinking would finally leave his conscious. He could move on with his life instead of dreaming about what could have been.

  Whiskey had known Addison since they were little kids. She lived close to the trailer his mom rented for him and his Brothers. Addison’s grandfather owned the property and made weekly trips to “check” things out, which irritated his mother. Thinking about it now, Whiskey knew the old man was doing his best to look out for them and he should have been grateful. Shit, they needed all the help they could get. The problem was he hadn't been grateful, Pop attention only pissed his mom off and made their lives a more miserable which made Whiskey resent the old man for his interference. His mom did her best until he was about six or seven and Link was eight, then she stopped caring or trying at all. Leaving them with just enough money each week to get some meals on the table. It was up to Link to figure out the rest. Mother of the Year she wasn’t, never had been.

  The place wasn’t bad, but not that great either. Typical old mobile home, cold in the winter and scorching in the summer. Paneled, paper-thin walls and spongy floors. The only good thing about the old trailer was its location. They had over ten acres of untouched land to explore and be free. The place provided them a way to get away from their mother's rampages and just be kids. He and his Brothers spent hours out in the woods, playing war games and slaying dragons.

  As they got older, those acres turned into their own personal party place. Bonfires, drinking, drugs, and girls; what more could a bunch of teenagers want? No one bothered looking for them, which meant they could do whatever they wanted away from prying eyes. The
Frost Brothers were the bad boys of Defiance, Kentucky. Shit, the name of the town fit them to a tee. No rules, no boundaries left unstretched, and no one to tell them they couldn’t do anything they wanted. They were feared and loathed by many of the townspeople. Only tolerated because Pop had decided they were worth saving. With a few stupid decisions on Whiskey’s part, that was blown to hell.

  Walking past the feed store, Whiskey remembered the last conversation he had with Pop, standing almost in the same exact place. Whiskey had promised the old man he would never come back after everything had gone down with Addison, and until six months ago, he had kept that promise. Too bad he never got the chance to show Pop he had changed into a better man from the angry teen he once knew. Pop had died a couple years back; another thing Whiskey could add to his growing list of regrets. But, sometimes the draw of home was more potent than a man could resist. Now Whiskey was wondering if it was all worth it.

  Chapter 2

  Whiskey no longer cared what the people of Defiance thought of him. Shit, those people that placed themselves above everyone else weren’t that good anyway, they just hid their dirty secrets a little better than the rest of them. All Whiskey wanted now was to live his life on his terms and serve his Club. He had given up the irrational thoughts he had as a kid of being held back by the sins of his Mother and Father, but he was still looking for something, redemption maybe, for all he had seen and done. He sometimes wondered where those idealistic, fear nothing, rough and tumble little boys went.

  After he had served his time in the Air Force, Whiskey knew there was only one place he wanted to go, back to Defiance, and his Brothers with the Ruthless Bastards. He spent ten years living and breathing someone else rules and orders, now he wanted back how he lived as a kid. No rules, no boundaries, and no paper-pushing bureaucrat barking orders that made no sense and cost people their lives.


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