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Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)

Page 36

by Jade Allen

  “What doesn’t make sense about it?” Sasha reached his mind out to the other members of his clan; he knew he should have anticipated questions, but he had been so caught up in the moment that he hadn’t considered an excuse.

  “The bears. A normal guy doesn’t just roll up in the midst of a bunch of bears and walk out without a mark on him.”

  “They had started wandering away,” he said. “I saw them leaving you. Must have lost their curiosity.”

  “But—but don’t bears often eat carrion? Or…” Alexandra frowned. “It just—it doesn’t make sense. What happened?” Sasha sighed. There was no way around it; even drugged, she was too sharp. He thought of something—the only way out of the situation. He had sensed her response to him. In spite of her instinctive apprehension when she had seen him for the first time, Sasha knew that Alexandra was attracted to him; he had caught the shift in her pheromones, signaling the beginnings of arousal.

  “I think it’s probably too fresh right now to think about very much,” Sasha said, making his voice as soothing as possible. “You should rest up. I’ll give you the gory details later.” Alexandra frowned again, but as Sasha stepped towards her, he sniffed—and caught the elusive scent of her flicker of arousal. “You can stay here for as long as you need,” he told her, moving slowly—slowly—closer. “I called someone to tow your car to the shop in town, and I got your things for you.”

  “That was very thoughtful,” Alexandra said, licking her lips. “Thank you.” Sasha sat down at the edge of the bed, his gaze traveling over the lush curves of her body; he couldn’t help himself.

  “I hope I don’t scare you,” he said quietly. “I swear, Alexandra—I have no intention of hurting you in any way.”

  “I guess…” Alexandra glanced away from him and then met his gaze once more. “I guess if you did I’d be dead already, or at least not neatly stitched up.” She smiled slightly, and her scent washed over Sasha in waves.

  Are you doing this to distract her, or because you can’t stand not to have her? It didn’t matter. Sasha leaned slightly closer to Alexandra.

  “If you’re scared, tell me to stop, and I will,” Sasha told her. “Any time. You can even tell me to leave.”

  “It’s your house though,” Alexandra said. Sasha caught the bitter tinge of gunpowder fear—but his sensitive nose also picked up the rising current of arousal threaded through her warm, spicy scent. It was enough to drive any man wild; he could feel the ursine part of his mind pushing him forward.

  “Still,” Sasha said, pushing back the urge to rub himself all over her with an effort. “If you tell me to stop, or leave you alone, believe that I will do it.” He held her gaze for a long moment. “Even—even if you don’t say it, I’ll know if you don’t want me to continue.”

  “Continue what?” Alexandra’s voice was full of confusion, but he could sense her body warming up, more of the delicious smell of her arousal threading through her scent. Sasha leaned in towards her carefully and brushed his lips against hers.

  “You have to know you’re damn near irresistible,” Sasha told her, his voice deepening into a growl. He swallowed. Now is not the time to lose control. You have to get her on your side first. Then…then, maybe she can know about who you really are. Sasha deepened the kiss gradually, letting his hands carefully trail over Alexandra’s body. He kept his senses at their peak, searching for the slightest hint that she was hesitant, that she didn’t want him to continue. But as his tongue swept across her lips, Alexandra opened her mouth, and the scent of her arousal intensified.

  Sasha’s arousal felt like hot lead in the pit of his stomach; he had never felt as drawn to any woman he’d been with as he did with Alexandra. “Irresistible?” Alexandra murmured against his lips, not quite breaking away from the kiss. Sasha growled lowly, cupping her breasts through the fabric of the shirt he’d given her. Her nipples stirred, hardening into firm little nubs as he rubbed and gently kneaded her flesh.

  “Mmm,” Sasha moaned, shuddering lightly. He broke away from Alexandra’s lips, looking into her eyes. “Remember. Any time.” Alexandra nodded, her eyes darkening slightly with lust. Sasha leaned in once more, his hands falling down along her ribcage, seeking the hem of the shirt. He tugged the shirt upward, and Alexandra moaned against his lips, obediently raising her arms over her head.

  Sasha carefully pulled the shirt up, guiding it along her arms and trying to avoid the stitches and bandages. He broke away from Alexandra’s lips to take in the sight of her body once more; he had seen her before, when he had laid her down in the bed. The sheer fact of her nudity hadn’t moved him then—he and the clan, in their transformations, spent plenty of time naked. But now, with the scent of her arousal filling his nose, the knowledge of her desire threading fire through his brain, Sasha felt his nerves tingling with a reciprocal flame. She doesn’t know it, he thought, but she’s mine. I just have to convince her.

  He cupped her breasts, bringing them up to his mouth, and Sasha closed his eyes as he kissed every inch of each mound, claiming first one nipple and then the other with lips and tongue. Her skin tasted salty and faintly sweet to his tongue, both like and unlike that of any woman he’d ever been with before. Alexandra moaned out as Sasha’s tongue flickered against each nub, pitching and arching slightly in his arms. Sasha let his hands fall down along Alexandra’s sides, reaching for the waistband of the pajama pants he’d loaned her. Alexandra shifted, and the scent of her fluids rose up to meet Sasha’s nose. He groaned, a crackle of heat rushing through his veins. He wanted to bury his face against her slick folds, to devour her whole.

  Sasha steadied himself, pushing down the animal impulses as he caressed and teased Alexandra everywhere. He moaned against her skin, pushing her gently down onto the bed as he tugged the flannel pants down over her hips. Sasha shuddered from the need to hold himself back, to keep control of his animal nature. He breathed slowly, letting one hand stray down between Alexandra’s legs, to cup her soaking wet pussy. Alexandra moaned, pushing her hips down in an instinctive movement. Her fluids flowed against his palm, coating his fingers as he slithered them up and down along her slick folds. “I want to taste you,” Sasha murmured lowly, nuzzling into Alexandra’s neck.

  “G-go ahead,” Alexandra said, her voice breaking as she twisted and writhed underneath him. Sasha chuckled, stroking and rubbing her slowly, finding her clit by touch. Alexandra shivered, her legs tensing, her arms winding around his shoulders.

  Sasha kissed her hungrily, stroking her even as he trailed his lips down along the column of her throat, past her collarbones, and along the line of her not-quite-flat abdomen. Sasha nipped sharply at the curve of her hip, spreading her legs gently. The scent of her fluids, her arousal, was too much to bear; Sasha could feel the desire humming and buzzing in his veins. He took a deep breath to keep his human mind in strict control and buried his face against her soaking wet folds, nuzzling and licking.

  The sweet taste of Alexandra’s fluids coated his tongue and Sasha moaned against her drenched flesh, pressing his lips against her more firmly. He flicked his tongue up and down along her labia, barely missing her clit, slurping her fluids up eagerly. She tasted just as he thought she would—and Sasha’s determination to make Alexandra his intensified.

  He held himself back, carefully paying attention to every sound that left her lips, to every shift of her scent, every movement of her body; heedless of her injuries, Alexandra pitched and writhed underneath him, moaning out, seemingly unable to even feel the pain that her movements were likely causing. Sasha told himself that he would find another opportunity—soon—to tease her the way he wanted to, to draw out their lovemaking. Once she had agreed to be his mate, he would take all the time he possibly could with her. For now, however, he flickered his tongue against her pleasure center, sucking and licking as he felt the tension mounting in her body, as her fluids flowed more freely onto his tongue, coating his lips. Alexandra cried out, her back arching off of the bed as every muscle in
her body tensed and relaxed in spasms, and Sasha rode the wave of her orgasm, lapping up her fluids, sucking as much of her sex between his lips as he possibly could while his tongue worked her pleasure center.

  When she shivered, sagging against the mattress, he slowly pulled away, giving her clit a final, lingering swipe of his tongue before lifting his head back from the depths of her thighs. As Alexandra panted and gasped, sprawled bonelessly against his bed, Sasha stood unsteadily, quickly shucking his clothes; he had to feel her skin against his. He had to hold her in his arms. He had to make her come like that again—and he had to get relief of his own.


  Alexandra’s breath slowed gradually as she shivered in the aftermath of the incredible orgasm Sasha had given her, her nerves tingling and her heart racing in her chest even as the last spasms of pleasure started to abate. She opened her eyes and gasped as her gaze fell on him; he had already removed his shirt, revealing a broad, muscled chest, speckled with wheat-colored hair and lightly furred arms. A slightly darker pleasure trail shot down from his navel towards the waistband of his jeans—jeans that he was in the process of removing. Sasha stopped, looking at her with an intent gaze. “I can stop anytime,” he said, his voice ragged with desire. Alexandra could see the unmistakable bulge at the front of his pants, and in spite of the orgasm she’d already had, she felt her desire beginning to stir again.

  “No—no, you don’t have to stop,” she said quickly, her gaze trailing down over his lean, muscled body. “I just—wasn’t aware you were—I mean…” she shook her head, uncertain of how much of the fog had come from the pain pill and how much of it was from the satisfied pleasure that still hummed through her nerves. “Don’t stop,” she said finally, unable to think of anything else to say.

  Sasha chuckled, and Alexandra watched with growing interest as he slowly pushed the denim over his hips, guiding a pair of underwear down over his thick, muscled thighs along with the tougher fabric. His cock sprung to life—and Alexandra’s eyes widened at the sight of it. It had been months since she had been with anyone; and even if her experience had been more recent, Sasha’s endowment would have given her pause. He was large, thicker and longer than any other man she had been with, his erection flushed almost purple at the tip.

  Sasha climbed into the bed next to her and Alexandra felt the heat rolling off of him in waves; he was practically a radiator, almost too warm to the touch. “You’re not ready,” he said as she moved to wrap her legs around him. He chuckled again, nipping playfully at her throat. “Give yourself time to catch your breath; I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You said you’d leave if I told you to.”

  “I really don’t think you want me to,” Sasha murmured, his voice a low growl in her ear. “Do you?” Alexandra shook her head. She didn’t want him to leave. With his body pressed so close to her, the heat of him, the hardness of his erection pressed against her hip, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted less. There was a musk-laden scent in his hair that was oddly appealing, something sharp and deeply masculine that seemed to make it impossible for Alexandra to focus on anything other than the possibility of feeling him inside of her. I know you want me, but you have to wait.

  Alexandra startled, pulling back from Sasha as if the heat of his body had been enough to burn her. She had heard his voice saying the words—clear as a bell—but in spite of the fact that his lips brushed along her throat, she hadn’t felt the telltale breaths of him speaking against her skin. “What did you say?” Sasha pulled back, holding her gaze for a long moment. He licked his lips, the furtive flicker returning to his eyes.

  “What did you hear?” he asked. Alexandra pressed her lips together, narrowing her eyes.

  “You know good and goddamned well what I heard,” she said. She saw Sasha flinch for just a moment.

  “Don’t think about that right now,” he told her, claiming her lips for a hungry, deep kiss. He slipped down between her legs, pinning her carefully down onto the bed, and as he rocked his hips against hers, Alexandra felt the heat and hardness of his cock rubbing against her slick, already sensitive folds. For an instant, the well-trained instinct to remind him of protection flitted through her mind, only to dissolve in the heat of her rising arousal; Alexandra moaned as Sasha rubbed against her, the tip of his cock brushing her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body that made rational thought impossible.

  He shifted against her, claiming her lips with his own, and Alexandra groaned as he thrust into her slowly, pushing past the resistance of her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, heedless of her injuries and pushed her hips down to meet his, wanting to feel him deeper inside of her, craving him as eagerly as she had ever wanted anything in her life. Sasha rocked his hips, slowly pushing deeper and deeper inside of her, rubbing along her inner walls, and Alexandra fell into his rhythm, twisting and writhing underneath him as her hands trailed over his body, eager to explore the lines and planes and ridges of his back. “Fuck,” she said, gasping as she broke away from his lips. “Jesus—God, you feel so good.” Sasha growled lowly, picking up the pace of his thrusts, driving harder into her moment by moment.

  Every movement of their bodies sent a cascade of hot and cold tingles through Alexandra’s body, the pleasure mounting every second. She moaned out again and again, grabbing at Sasha’s body, threading her fingers in his thick, soft hair, touching him everywhere she could reach. Sasha kissed and nipped at her sensitive skin, claiming her mouth over and over. “You’re mine,” he growled in her ear. “You know it, don’t you? You can feel it.” Give into me completely, give in and let me feel you come. Alexandra didn’t question the sensations, the sounds that echoed through her mind as she moved closer and closer to orgasm, unable to think.

  Her pleasure crested and Alexandra cried out, struggling to hold back as wave after wave of orgasm racked her—sensation so intensely pleasurable that it might as well have been pain. She was so lost in her own pleasure that she barely felt Sasha’s cock twitching inside of her, barely heard his growling roar. She felt the hot, slick gush of his orgasm rushing into her body, intensifying the climax that washed through her. Alexandra clung to what consciousness she could maintain, clinging to Sasha’s body as if for life itself, and reeling in the pleasure that crackled and buzzed through her body. “Yes—yes, I’m yours,” she mumbled weakly, pressing her body helplessly against Sasha’s. Darkness welled up around her and she gave into it, burying her face against Sasha’s neck as she drifted into a satisfied doze.


  “Okay,” Alexandra said, wincing as an ill-advised movement sent a twinge of pain through her body. “Let me get this straight.” She swallowed, trying to work what Sasha had just told her through her mind.

  “It’s a lot to take in, I know,” Sasha said, smiling slightly. Alexandra resisted the urge to pull away from him; he was no different from the person she had just finished having sex with only a half-hour before. But you didn’t know the person he was when you finished having sex with him, she thought. “No, you didn’t know; I probably should have told you.” Alexandra flinched.

  “Could you—could you please not do that right now?” she asked him. As soon as she had come out of her reverie, the first thought that had filled her mind was about the curious experience of hearing his voice—in her mind, instead of in her ears.

  As her breath had slowed, she had opened her eyes, looking at Sasha sharply in the yellow morning light that filtered through the window. “You read my mind. And I—I heard your thoughts, didn’t I?”

  The question had opened the floodgates, and as Alexandra lay in bed next to Sasha, she tried to understand the information he had given her. “There are a few things you need to know,” he had told her, holding her gently. “The first is—yes, I did read your mind, and you were able to hear my thoughts. I probably…I probably should have warned you that it could happen.”

  “How—how is it possible, and what is going on?” Sasha had kissed her light

  “You’re my mate.” Before she could ask just what he had meant by mate, Sasha brought his finger against her lips to forestall her. “The bears you saw in the forest—one of them was me.” He explained that he was—in his words—a werebear. A shape-shifter. That the fact that she could hear his thoughts, and that he could read her mind, meant that they had bonded. “So, you see,” he had told her finally, “You are—unless you decide against it—part of my life now, and if you decide to move forward with me, part of my clan.”

  Alexandra closed her eyes for a moment. “This is going to take a lot of thought,” she said finally.

  “I can appreciate that,” Sasha said gently. “Take all the time you need.”

  “You’re already in my head,” Alexandra said, smiling weakly.

  “If you decide not to join the clan, that will go away in time.” Alexandra nodded slowly. “You can meet the rest of the clan. Spend some time recuperating from your wounds. I’ll even sleep in the living room if you want.” Alexandra raised an eyebrow, looking at him.

  “No you will not,” she said tartly. “You are not going to go from getting me off twice in less than thirty minutes to sleeping on the couch.” She shook her head. “You’re staying right here, and as soon as I work my head around the fact that you can become a bear, you are going to get me off again.” Sasha chuckled.

  “As many times as you want,” he murmured. I will get you off as often as you can stand. Alexandra pressed closer to him; while she hadn’t decided, she thought that unless there was something even more off-putting than turning into a bear in Sasha’s life, she would be happy to at least see how this mating arrangement could play out. She had never had better sex in her life; she wasn’t about to just cast it aside when she could have as much of it as she could stand. “You are so impatient,” Sasha whispered. “At least let me make sure you haven’t pulled any stitches before you climb on top of me.” Alexandra blushed. At least, she thought, very privately, if he could read her mind—he would always know what she wanted.


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