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Page 11

by Evie Harper

  It’s then I notice Mack, Kel and Pace are also in the room with us. All three men are sitting on grey chairs, their heads resting in their hands. All four brothers are in one room but not here as a whole, each of them fighting their own fears of what may happen to their sister.

  The beep sounds around the room and Slater’s head whips up, showing his bloodshot eyes. He wipes roughly at his face and licks his dry lips.

  A doctor walks into the waiting room and I’m up and standing in seconds, letting Slater go straight to the man as his brothers follow. They all stand in a line, a united family desperate for only one answer.

  “How is Della?” Slater asks, his voice strained and thick.

  “She’s alive, luckily. We removed two bullets, one in the lower right side of her back and one in the right side of her stomach.” The doctor looks to me. “She’s very lucky she had you close by. Any longer and Della would have died.”

  Chills race through my body.

  He looks back to Slater and his brothers. “The bullets didn’t hit any major arteries or organs. From what the paramedics told me, they went through wood and glass before they hit Della, so they were slowed. For that reason, they didn’t make it through the first layers of skin and fat. They are only flesh wounds. However, the amount of blood Della lost was great. She is being stitched up at the moment, and then we will give her a blood transfusion. She will be taken from critical to recovery when the transfusion is complete, which will take up to six hours. I’m sorry you can’t see her any sooner than that, but I promise you, she is in good hands.”

  The doctor gives us all a small smile, turns and is gone, leaving silence in his wake. No one speaks and all the guys take a seat. I watch as relief crosses their features, but it doesn’t stay long; their eyes turn hard and they now wear grim frowns.

  “The police were here earlier,” I state, not sure why I felt someone needed to say something.

  Slater and each of his brothers’ heads dart up to me.

  “Piper, you didn’t talk to the police, did you?” Slater reprimands me.

  Confused, I answer, “I only told them what happened, nothing else. They asked me who I thought it might be and I gave an honest answer, which was I have no idea who was shooting at your house.”

  All of the men’s tense bodies visibly relax at my reply.

  “Slater, someone shot bullets through your house. You need to tell the police,” I advise, disbelieving he wouldn’t want the person who did this to be caught.

  “No fucking way,” Pacer interrupts and stands. “We will deal with Rex and his crew on our own terms. The same way we’ve handled everything else.” His voice promises vengeance.

  That’s the most Pacer has ever said to me. I try not to take his harsh tone to heart.

  “Kel, head downstairs and call Brett. Get a location on Rex. We need to know what he’s up to and make sure he’s not planning on running when he finds out he hit Della and not an unknown woman he thinks is disposable,” Pacer instructs.

  I flinch at his words. Okay, now that one hurt.

  Slater stands and growls, “Pace, watch your mouth.”

  I place my hand on Slater’s arm to calm him. This isn’t the time for them to argue, and definitely not over me. I understand this is the time in life when people should be forgiven for their rash actions, because they stem from fear and sadness, not true feelings.

  Pacer stares at the ground for a moment, inhales and then looks at me with pain in his eyes. “Sorry,” he mutters.

  “It’s fine,” I assure him.

  Kelso stands quickly to leave the room, but Pacer stops him first and whispers in his ear. I only hear part of Pacer’s words, but he is asking Kel if he’s doing okay. Kelso nods and then leaves the waiting room.

  Pacer turns to his eldest brother and asks, “Slate, what’s our first move?”

  Slater gently kisses my forehead and wraps me in his arms, then turns to his brothers. “First, we need to hide Piper, somewhere Rex or his crew won’t find her. And I want Kel here with Dell. He’s not to leave her side until we deal with Rex.”

  Hide me? What about my life, my job, what about Jimmy?

  They almost killed Della, so get a grip, Piper. You need to hide somewhere until it’s safe.

  I become lightheaded and my legs grow weak, so I move out of Slater’s arms to take a seat. He stares at me curiously for a moment, but when he sees me lower myself into a chair, he turns back to his conversation with his brothers.

  Mack shakes his head. “Kel is gonna hate to miss the action, Slate.”

  “Yeah, I know he’ll be pissed, but he’ll come to understand he needs to stay with Dell. She’s priority.”

  “Woodforest cabin,” Pacer says out of nowhere. “The abandoned cabin we pass every time we drive through there to swap cars. We’ve never seen anyone there. It would be perfect. Piper can take some things of hers up there and make it comfortable for a few days.”

  Slater looks to me with his eyebrows pinched closely together. “I’m not sure. It’s in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I’ll stay with her, Slate,” Mack volunteers. “You and Pace go looking for Rex. I don’t want to miss seeing him suffer, but I know you won’t be on your game if you’re worried about Piper.” Slater nods and they fist-bump.

  Slater turns to me and says, “We’ll wait to see what Kel finds out and then if all is good, we’ll head out and grab some things for the cabin. You okay with this?”

  I nod and my body begins to feel the weight of the day. All of a sudden, I’m exhausted. A few days in the middle of nowhere may be just what I need.

  Mackson and Pacer leave the waiting room saying they need something to eat, and Slater takes a seat next to me. I’m leaning back on my seat, my head resting against the wall. Slater is sitting forward, forearms to his knees, rubbing his hands over his face like a man who hasn’t slept in weeks.

  “I don’t know how to make this up to you,” he says, and I’m confused by his words.

  I sit forward and turn to him, “What are you talking about?”

  “Hurting you, pushing you away, and saying things about your stutter. I’m as bad as the guy I beat up on the night I met you.” Slater sighs while dragging his hands through his hair before he turns to me, his expression full of sadness and remorse. “When you stutter, it hurts,” he states as he places his hand over his heart. “It feels like a personal attack on my ability to be able to make you feel safe, secure and looked after.” Slater’s voice is thick with emotion, so much so that tears begin to prick my eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, and I swear to never attack you that way again when we argue. It’s a reflex for me to go for someone’s weakness.” Slater pauses, showing utter sincerity in his eyes. “I will work on dealing with your job and accepting it as a part of who you are. I promise from now on, Piper, I’m gonna pull myself in line and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.” He stares at me intently and then tracks a tear which escapes my glassy eyes.

  I nod, unable to speak through my surprise and absolute happiness.

  “Just remember, it will be street-gang style, so cut me a little slack,” Slater declares and ends on a grin. In a flash, our significant, heavy moment has turned light as I burst out laughing.

  Slater’s grin widens to a full smile and my laughter dies from the beauty of it. This harsh man in front of me is all mine, and he cares for me as much as I care for him. His concern strikes like an attack, but his unkind words do come from a special place. As crazy as it seems, it only makes me want to possess him even more, to soften his hard edges yet keep the no-nonsense man I first fell so hard for.

  “Are you saying you’re finally going to take me on a date, Mr. King?” I say through a massive smile.

  A laugh expels from Slater and he moves off his chair to his knees. He spreads my legs wide and moves between them.

  “No, Miss CPS officer, I’m not going to take you on a date.” Slater’s eyes darken and he licks his lips. “I’m going to c
laim you, Piper. I’m going to own you, body and soul. I’m going to bring you into my world and you’re going to be my queen.”

  My breathing quickens and my fingers itch to touch Slater, to run my hands though his hair. I lick my lips purposefully, torturously, slowly.

  “Fuck,” Slater mutters. He continues to stare at my lips for a moment longer and then in a flash, he’s on them, biting, sucking and tasting.

  Slater pulls me forward on the chair until my sex is pushed right against his abdomen. I begin to grind against him, and the pressure of his hard abs on my clit is heavenly. He palms my ass roughly and I moan at the delicious line of pleasure and pain.

  “Shit,” a voice sounds near us.

  I jump back from Slater and find Mackson, Pacer and Kelso all standing in the door, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Get the fuck out,” Slater growls at his brothers.

  “Fuck no. I was just about to blow my load watching that. Keep going,” Kel says while chuckling and soon enough, the room is filled with all three brothers’ laughter.

  I scrunch my nose at Kel’s words and that’s when Slater sighs, stands and mutters, “Assholes.” He turns to his brothers. “What did you find out, Kel?” he asks, taking a seat next to me and holding my hand in his.

  “Brett said Rex knows a woman from our home was taken to the hospital with multiple gunshots and she’s critical. Brett said Rex is assuming it’s Piper and he’s not planning on running anywhere. He thinks you’ll be standing vigil by her bedside while she’s vulnerable. He also said Rex is so sure it’s Piper because he had a guy on Dell this morning making sure she wasn’t home at the time. I don’t know what the fuck happened there, but someone made a big fucking mistake.”

  All the guys have confused expressions, and I’m unsure if it’s because Rex was watching Della or because someone obviously gave Rex the wrong information.

  “Kel, did Mack tell you you’re on Dell duty?” Slater questions.

  Kelso crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes on Slater. “Yeah, he did. I get it, but it fucking sucks. Dell is lucky I love her. Any chance you can video taking out Rex?” Kelso asks with a serious face.

  “I’m not gonna take him out,” Slater states, and all his brothers’ joking behavior halts instantly.

  “We can’t let him get away with almost killing Dell!” Mack shouts into the room.

  “Calm down. We’re not, and when I get to him I’m gonna aim to break his arms and legs. But the cops are going to be circling after the drive-by. We’ll get our frustrations out now, but we plan the kill properly. None of us are going to prison for that bastard.”


  When it was time to leave the hospital, Slater had me wait in the undercover emergency bay parking lot. He told me to stay unseen and behind an ambulance until he drove up and I could quickly jump into Chevy. Slater wants Rex to keep thinking it’s me in the hospital bed where Della lies. He wants the element of surprise when he goes after him.

  We take back-roads to Slater’s and he parks around the back between the shed and the house.

  Slater instructs me to grab my suitcase, toiletries and the sheets and pillows from his bed.

  I walk quickly through the house to the stairs. I halt when a metallic stench hits my senses, and it’s then my eyes fall to the wooden floors still covered in Della’s blood. My lips tremble, remembering those moments when I thought she was gone, lost to this world forever.

  It’s okay. Della is going to be okay.

  I shake off my gloomy thoughts and race up the stairs to grab everything I need. Drive-by, Della being shot, Slater talking about murder. It’s all too much, but in their world this is how things are done and how they handle their problems. I can’t say I care what happens to Rex, as far as I’m concerned he deserves whatever is coming to him for hurting Della.

  After I have the items Slater said to bring with me, I pick up other things I want, such as my Kindle, Slater’s iPod and tablet. I’m pretty sure the cabin will have no power, which means no television, so I also choose two paperback novels off Della’s huge bookshelf for when those devices go flat.

  “Piper, we gotta jet!” Slater shouts from somewhere in the house.

  I pull my suitcase behind me, exit Della’s room and meet Slater at the back door.

  As we’re walking to Chevy, I ask, “What will happen if Jimmy comes by and no one is here for him?”

  Slater’s face softens. “We have a key hidden out back behind the shed. He knows to use it if we aren’t home, and he understands he’s free to eat and shower. He’s also aware there are a pile of clothes in a box Della washes for the kids who come by.”

  “You do realize you’ve pretty much taken him in, don’t you?”

  Slater grimaces. “No, I haven’t.”

  “You feed him, buy clothes for him, he sleeps over sometimes and you let him work with you in your business. And he has a spare key.” I raise an eyebrow, waiting for Slater’s response.

  “We do that for all the kids. Quint, Bridge and Connor, too,” he answers.

  “I know, Slater,” I say softly. “Those boys are lucky to have you all. Imagine how much better their lives would be if your house became their home full-time.”

  “This isn’t a home for children, Piper. What if one of those kids had been here today during the drive-by?” Slater raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for a comeback, but dammit, I have to admit he’s right.

  “A slight snag in my plans, but nothing which can’t be worked around,” I say unconvincingly, scrunching my nose and showing him I realize I’m reaching for the impossible.

  Slater chuckles. “I love that you want to help them, but my family is not a safe place for kids. Not full-time anyway, and I have my hands full with you,” he states with a smirk.

  Slater kisses me gently on the lips and takes my suitcase from me, and places it in the backseat.

  We both climb into Chevy and before Slater can start the car, I ask, “So, before I hide away while you go and be a badass thug, what are we now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  Slater buckles up and focuses his eyes on me. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He shrugs nonchalantly.

  My heart squeezes firmly. Did I misunderstand him?

  “I don’t care what label you use, Piper, just as long as you’re mine.” He reaches over, cups my cheek and runs his thumb over my lips. “I have a feeling you always have been.” Silence fills the car as Slater and I stare at one another, hunger circling us like an electric fence. If anyone dared penetrate the moment, they would surely be struck down. “And every man in this goddamn city is gonna know you are untouchable. A man dares look at you with desire in his eyes, I will bend you over right in front of him to show him who you belong to, who you will always belong to.”

  My panties are soaked right through!

  Aware he’s now sent heat racing through my body, Slater grins and says, “Is that enough of a label for you?”

  Breathless and squirming in my seat, I reply, “You would not bend me over and fuck me in public.”

  Slater laughs. “No, but Christ, I would want to. I’ll have to compromise with just kicking the guy’s ass.”

  As I slide down in the front seat so I can’t be seen, I laugh. “Pfff, Slater, you can’t kick every guy’s ass who checks me out.”

  Slater shakes his head playfully and then pierces me with an intense glare. “Oh, baby, you have so much to learn about me.”

  I scoff at his words but can’t stop the smile which brightens my face. The sensation of belonging is intoxicating. I finally have a safe place in this intimidating world.

  Chapter Twelve

  Vengeance, but whose?


  Coming up to the secret entrance to the forest, I peer into the rear-view mirror. Through the black night, I spot a red SUV coming up behind us. I pull over to the side of the road and wait for the car to pass us. When it does and it’s far enough away, I turn onto a dirt road into Jefferson F

  “Baby, you can sit up now.”

  Piper rises and begins stretching her neck and shoulders. She’s been asking me for the last twenty minutes how much longer the trip would take. She would have been fine to sit up after ten minutes, but I just couldn’t do it. As I looked to her to tell her¸ I noticed her dress had ridden up her thighs to just below her pussy and damn, I wasn’t going to give up the sight of her gorgeous, tanned legs until I absolutely had to. My cock was near exploding, and after the amount of times I looked down to her legs, I’m surprised we didn’t have an accident.

  “That was horrible! Half an hour of sitting like that and my neck is killing me,” she says as she massages her shoulders.

  “I promise when I get you in my bed after all this, I will pay special attention to your neck.” Neck, back, ass and so much more.

  She points her finger at me and says, “I will hold you to that. You could have told me the trip would be that long, Slater. I could have just lain down in the back seat.”

  “And miss staring at your long, beautiful, tanned legs? No fucking way,” I admit. Piper giggles and the sound causes my heart to lighten, something I don’t think it’s ever done before.

  I turn right at the fork in the road where I would usually go straight ahead to our hidden cars. I spot the cabin in the distance from the crossroad, and we drive for a moment longer before we arrive. I park next to Mack’s black Camaro in front of the cabin. Mack should be here somewhere checking the place out, making sure either no one else visits the cabin or no one will be back anytime soon.

  Piper and I step out of Chevy, a cool breeze and the smell of fresh air hitting me instantly.

  I open the back door and pull out Piper’s suitcase. Then I hear the front screen door to the brown wooden cabin squeak open and Mack walks out.

  “So, what’d you find?” I call to him.

  “It’s full of stuff, fully furnished and there’s not one speck of dust. This place is used but not lived in. There’s no food or working electricity. My guess is it’s used as an on-again, off-again place to vacation. Maybe a weekend getaway, but since it’s Saturday and no-one is here, and there’s no bags or food, I’d say it’s clear until next weekend.” Mack shrugs and continues, “It will do for now. If they come back I’ll drive Piper into the forest, call you and we’ll come up with a new plan.”


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