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Immortal Prophecy

Page 28

by Samantha Adams

Sophie came back up the stairs to announce that dinner was ready. Mackenzie had come back down to help Sophie serve up the feast for everyone. They all moved to the dining room off to the side of the lounge and sat down to eat. It appeared everyone was lost in their own thoughts tonight, which was to be expected under the circumstances.

  James noticed Chase sneaking looks toward Mackenzie. She seemed oblivious as was everyone else but something was very wrong. Chase’s soul mate was out there somewhere at the mercy of Natalia, and he was slyly looking at the housekeeper's daughter.

  I knew he was trouble, but no one would listen to me of course, James thought to himself.

  Chase caught his gaze for a moment, and then looked away with a decidedly guilty expression. James would need to get to the bottom of this before anything happened. He had noticed that Mackenzie appeared to have a soft spot for Chase, but he had thought it was purely one sided. After tonight he wasn’t so sure.

  James decided that he needed to speak with Chase when the chance presented itself, in the meantime he would be keeping a close eye on them both.

  Ally looked up from her thoughts. James felt her gaze upon him and quickly held it before she worked out what he was looking at. She would work it out before long on her own if this kept up without him tipping her off. He had a feeling it would be difficult to keep anything from her once she caught a sniff of it.

  She had a gleam in her eye that he was beginning to recognize as trouble. “What’s caught your attention?” she asked innocently.

  “Just staring into space.” He turned away, knowing that he couldn’t look her in the eyes and lie to her.

  She studied him for a minute, and he started to squirm under her gaze, but she must have decided it wasn’t important enough to follow for she changed the subject. “Where can we go tonight to talk? I don’t want to be interrupted.”

  His mind was instantly filled with all manner of images that took place in many of the different secluded spots he knew of on the property, but she wasn’t referring to that. He inwardly groaned; she wanted to discuss the conversion, the vampires and the prophecy.

  Damn it Chase! Why did he have to stick his nose in, they could have been relaxed and getting to know each other without the drama that was unfolding before his eyes, which only seemed to worsen by the minute, he thought as he noticed yet another sly look in Mackenzie’s direction from Chase.

  To his credit, the man did look torn and like something was seriously disturbing him.

  Ally nudged him. “Do you think Chase is doing ok? He seems even worse since dinner started.”

  “He’ll be fine. The man is just scared and worried about his soul mate.” He put emphasis on the last word knowing that Chase could hear him. It seemed to do the trick for the guilt, and shame was written all over his face.

  Ally shrugged and went back into her own little world that involved any number of plots and schemes to get Kathryn back. She was trying to feel hopeful that they would get her back but despite trying as hard as she might, Ally just felt sad.

  “Dinner was delicious Sophie,” Adele said. “Thank you.”

  Sophie lit up at the compliment.

  “Our Sophie has quite a talent in the kitchen,” Henry said, his voice full of pride in his wife. She smiled widely at him; you could feel the love between them. They were the human version of soul mates, true love.

  Adele looked at the three immortals before her. “You’ve all got an early start, and we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so I think you should all get some rest.”

  Chase agreed and thanked Sophie for the meal. He needed some time alone to process things. Excusing himself, he got up from the table and headed for the third floor to his bedroom.

  Adele, Ally, and Mackenzie occupied the second floor, with James in the master on the first and Sophie and Henry in the servant’s room on the lower ground floor. Sophie and Henry’s room was a far cry from the traditional servant’s room, having every luxury known to man in there. James thought and treated them as family, so they were accommodated as such. Logan normally slept in the stable master’s cottage that was detached from the house, but given the situation they found themselves in, he was currently staying in the room opposite Chase on the top floor.

  As he was walking up the stairs, Chase heard Mackenzie call out his name. He stopped and turned around.

  She really is a vision, he thought.

  “Do you need anything else before you go up to bed?” she asked.

  Images flashed across his mind, conjured by her innocent question, of the two of them locked in a passionate embrace. He began to regain his focus as another more detailed image stole his breath away.

  Finally, he managed to choke out, “No, thank you.”

  She smiled at him with concern. “Good night Chase.”

  “Good night, Mackenzie.” She turned and walked out of sight. He caught his breath and started making his way up the stairs again.

  “Why he doesn’t have an elevator installed, I’ll never know,” he grumbled aloud.

  “You’re an Immortal. You shouldn’t need one,” a cheeky voice called from behind. James was now coming to take a piece of him. Great.

  “Even immortals get tired, James. You know that.”

  James laughed quietly. “There is something I think we need to discuss.”

  Chase decided to feign innocence. He didn’t feel like talking right now, all he wanted to do was sleep. “Which is?”


  Oh crap. “What about her?”

  “What’s going on Chase? You have a soul mate; these things don’t happen when you have one.”

  Chase snapped back, “You think I don’t know that? I have no bloody idea what’s going on James and its tearing me up inside! I have a soul mate in the hands of vampires, and I’m haunted by thoughts and feelings for another woman.”

  James was concerned. His initial feeling had been right. Something was definitely wrong he just didn’t know what it was. Deciding to leave it alone for tonight he said, “Get some sleep Chase, we can talk about it tomorrow, things might be clearer then.”

  Chase felt grateful. He knew James had never forgiven him for the prank, but he was a good man and despite his feelings towards Chase, he was being fair and reasonable, maybe even willing to help.

  “Thank you.” With that he turned again and decided he wouldn’t stop until he reached the bedroom, he was done talking for one night. He needed a strong drink and a warm soft bed.

  James watched him climb the stairs and turn the corner. He had never witnessed this before. He didn’t know what to think about it, maybe Kathryn wasn’t his soul mate and they had made a mistake.

  It was something that needed to be dealt with, but first he had business of his own to handle. Ally was waiting for him in the lounge room. He found that he was bursting with excitement at the thought of spending some time alone with her, even if it wasn’t exactly the alone time he had in mind.

  He walked into the room quietly and saw her sitting at the black grand piano; she was running her hands lightly, almost reverently over the ivory keys, as though they were precious and a thing of beauty.

  She gingerly touched one and hearing the soft ping she smiled softly to herself. Her posture straightened, and her hands hovered above the keys. Ally appeared lost to this world.

  James was surprised that he hadn’t known she could play. He had noticed a keyboard at her house once but assumed it was Adele’s. Standing perfectly still and not making a sound, he hovered in the doorway anticipating the performance she would unknowingly give him. James was rewarded a moment later when Ally positioned her fingers and began to play the haunting classic, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. He felt goose bumps run over his skin.

  Ally played with a beauty and skill that he hadn’t seen for a long time. She was a natural. He watched her with an intense gaze from just outside the room. She played the first movement and then smiled as she finished and ran her hands over the keys once mor

  Ally looked up to find that James was watching her. “How long have you been there?” she asked embarrassed.

  “Long enough,” he replied with a smile.

  She was very glad that she hadn’t faulted in her playing. It was still something that she was learning, but she loved it. Having always wanted to learn it, finally she stopped procrastinating and started learning. Moonlight Sonata was her favorite piece, and so far the only one she had accomplished playing the whole way through. James looked so pleased, and she couldn’t help but feel happy and excited that he had enjoyed it.

  “How long have you been playing?” he asked.

  “Not long, it’s more of a self-taught hobby. I have always wanted to play so I finally got up the courage to try, and now I can play a few tunes but Moonlight Sonata is my best piece,” she laughed self-consciously.

  “You played beautifully Ally. I’m glad I caught you doing it.”

  She blushed at the compliment. “Do you play?” she asked.

  “I do play. It’s something I love to do,” he said.

  She smirked. “So you play piano, speak Italian, ride a horse perfectly and look like you just stepped off Mount Olympus. Is there anything about you that isn’t perfect?” she asked jokingly.

  He smiled broadly. “I hate to spoil the image that you have going, but I’m far from perfect little one. I have a short temper, and I have a tendency to be controlling and dominating,” he smiled and then added, “But I am also fluent in French and Spanish if that helps.”

  She laughed at him. “Of course you are!”

  “I hope that you will come to love me in spite of my flaws,” he whispered provocatively.

  “I like flaws in people it’s what makes character.” She leaned closer.

  “That’s an interesting way of looking at things,” he said, as he cocked his head to the side.

  “It’s true. If we were perfect, then we would never learn anything or experience situations that challenge us. I think it’s the situations in life where we have to strive and achieve things, in spite of our flaws, that builds character and then in turn shapes us into the people we are.”

  He was blown away by the woman sitting in front of him! She was wise beyond her years and looked at the world in a different way to most people.

  “That’s very wise Ally. I believe that too. I think most people wandering the earth could learn a lot from you.”

  She blushed again. Great quality in a leader Ally, she chided herself.

  He took her hand and helped her up. “So you wanted to talk.”

  She nodded.

  “Then come with me,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

  What are you up to? she wondered.

  He led her out of the lounge room and up the circular staircase that led to the first floor.

  This floor of the house was his alone. The master-bedroom suite and study were all that occupied it.

  He led Ally to the door of his room and opened it. She saw where he had taken her, and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

  “Why are we going into your bedroom?” she asked.

  He smirked and then put her mind at ease by saying, “This is the only room in the house that we won’t be disturbed.”

  “How convenient,” she quipped, as James nudged her through the door.

  She took in the room and turned in a small circle. It was huge. She turned to James. “This isn’t a room. This is half a house.”

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  Ally looked at James like he had two heads. “Do I like it? Of course, I do. It's beautiful,” she said in awe. “I thought I loved my room, but I’ve changed my mind. I want this one.”

  “You can have it anytime you want it.”

  A wicked grin spread across her face. “Oh that’s so sweet. You would move into my room and give me this one.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” he said as he drew her into his arms, “and you know it.”

  She smiled up at him, and he leaned down and kissed her softly.

  She felt bereft when he pulled away and fought the urge to pull him back.

  He kept her hand in his. “Come with me.”

  He led her over to the white couch that was in front of the fire. The room was in an L-shape, so she hadn’t noticed the balcony until she reached the couch.

  “You have a balcony too,” she said her eyes wide. “Now I definitely want to switch rooms.”

  He smirked and said, “You know how you can gain access to this room.”

  “That’s called coercion.”

  James smiled lazily. “Perhaps, but I’m not above it to get what I want.”

  She studied him. “I don’t think there is much that you wouldn’t resort to, in order to get what you want.”

  He wasn’t entirely sure if that was an insult or a compliment. “That sounds like an insult.”

  She looked surprised. “No, not at all. I admire you greatly for it.” She got up and wandered over to the french doors leading onto the private balcony. “You know what you want, and you won’t let anything stand in your way. You won’t accept defeat and show no fear. I envy that.” She sighed.

  He walked over and picked up two glasses and the decanter of whisky on the side-board. He gestured to Ally with an empty glass.

  “Whiskey?” she asked.

  “Scottish whiskey. Sixteen years old, pure malt and one of the best in the world,” he said, as he admired the glass before him.

  “Sounds like you know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’ve been around a long time, and you tend to learn a lot, but I am fond of whiskey and I’m currently trying to produce one that is better than this.” He walked over and handed Ally the glass.

  She liked that he had ambitions other than destroying the vampires. He was a man of substance and had seemingly used his many years on earth to better himself.

  She started to wonder just how old he was. Looking at him, she would guess that he wasn’t a day over twenty two, but she knew that was far from the truth. She tried to work it out from the facts she had. Damian was killed around fifty years ago, and he had commented tonight that he was older than Adele.

  How old is Gran? she wondered.

  It hadn’t occurred to her that she might be older than she looked, but she was an Immortal and who knows how long she had been around before she met Damian? Her mind was having another moment where it felt like it was going to collapse on itself. She caught James watching her with interest.

  “What are you trying to work out?” he asked curiously.

  “Your comment just now got me thinking about how old you really are, and that I have no idea how old Gran is either. You mentioned tonight that you were older than her. How much older are you?”

  He smiled. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Yes I do. You don’t look a day over twenty two, but I know that isn’t right,” She paused before asking again. “How much older than Gran are you?”

  He looked into his whiskey glass and then out into the night. “I'm about a hundred and twenty years older than her,” he looked down at Ally to gauge her reaction. She would have known that he was older than he looked, but she wouldn’t have the capacity yet to fully understand just how old he was.

  Ally’s mouth fell open from the information he had given her. Her mind was racing trying to calculate the figure but came up empty. Without knowing how old Adele was, she had nothing to work with.

  He watched her trying to work it out. She was fascinating when her mind was working. He fought the temptation to peek inside her mind. It was a new novelty for him to wait until she spoke to find out what was going on, and he found himself enjoying it.

  “I give up,” she conceded with a smile.

  “She is a hundred and eighty years old.” He waited for her to work out his age.

  She stared at him incredulously. “That makes you three hundred years old.”

  “Give or take,” he said with a shrug.
  She took the whisky and moved to the couch in front of the warm fire. James followed behind her.

  She sat down in a bit of a daze and looked at him. “You’re really three hundred years old?”

  “Aye, I am lass.”

  “Wow,” she muttered aloud. “I thought maybe a hundred.”

  He laughed softly. “Afraid not.”

  She thought about the fact that he was three hundred and decided that he was an Immortal so it was natural for him to be a lot older than expected. It was quite a shock, but she came to the conclusion that it didn’t bother her as much as she first thought. It was just the surprise that had made her react that way. James looked very concerned, he obviously knew that it wasn’t something she had been expecting but going with the new theme of things, she just took it in her stride.

  “Old man,” she joked.

  The relief that ran through him was visible. “So you’re not fazed?”

  “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised, but no, it doesn’t bother me,” she said, honestly and raised the whiskey to her lips to taste it. The flavor was smooth, smoky and refined. She found that she enjoyed the taste immensely.

  “What do you think of the whisky?” James asked.

  “I actually love it,” she said taking another sip. “I didn’t think I would but its smooth, refined, bold taste is rather enjoyable.”

  His lips lifted on one side which she was beginning to understand meant that he was impressed and surprised.

  “It seems that we have more common ground.”

  “We have,” she agreed.

  He looked to the fire and paused to enjoy the moment. It was perfect. He had his love by his side and a glass of his preferred whisky in hand. This is what it could be like night after night, he thought full of hope. They just had to survive whatever might come tomorrow.

  Ally turned to James, and he could see the wild curiosity burning in her eyes, as she spoke. “So the prophecy…Can I see it now?”

  “You are curious aren’t you?” He said on a laugh. “I did promise you that you could, so stay here, and I will go get it.”

  Ally nodded and smiled as he walked out the door. She was curious to read it, after all it’s not every day that you find out there is a 500-year-old prophecy written about you! Who wouldn’t want to read that?

  Staring into the fire, Ally lost in herself in her thoughts for a moment. Barely a few minutes had gone by when his words brought her out of the daze that had claimed her. “Here it is,” he said, holding a yellowed piece of parchment that had been rolled into a scroll and tied with a red ribbon. It looked so old. She was nervous to touch it in case it disintegrated in her hands.

  James couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across his face, as she sat down and took in her expression. “It won’t fall apart, I promise. It’s not as fragile as it looks.”

  He held out the scroll for her to take. She looked at it, then looked up at James, before taking the scroll slowly, just in case. When she felt confident it was indeed sturdy enough to be handled, Ally pulled the ribbon to set the paper free and began to unroll it.

  She was surprised at first, by the way it was written. Ally had been expecting detailed paragraphs, but instead it was filled with versus’ written in the most intricate writing she had ever seen. She began to read the words that had sealed her fate.

  From the bloodshed she will rise,

  The granddaughter of a warrior lost,

  Born under the cover of darkness,

  Hidden from prying eyes,

  She will bear the mark of a lunar eclipse.

  Immortals will spread far and wide,

  She will bring them back,

  No more reason to hide,

  Destiny has chosen this one,

  But out of fear,

  She will try to run.

  The chosen one must have faith,

  Or all will be lost,

  The Dark One will rule the land.

  She can win this battle,

  But only by her hand.

  The Elder Council will rise once more,

  One by one,

  Six will heed the call.

  Nothing like you would expect,

  These are yours to revere and protect.

  One who knows what she is not told,

  One to fight the battles foretold,

  One to feel what is not hers,

  One from the world which we protect,

  One from the enemies which we chase,

  And the Chosen One,

  Who they will embrace.

  When the council has risen,

  It is time to strike,

  Gather your army,

  And go to the fight.

  Courage will win the day,

  But only if she has chosen to stay.

  Ally finished reading and let her hands drop to her lap with the scroll in them. She sat there for a moment taking it all in. “It’s very cryptic,” she said with a smile. “How do we find these council members when we don’t even know who or what they are exactly?”

  “We don’t know for sure who or what they are but read it again and see if you can work out what they might be,” he gently instructed.

  Ally looked at him and pulled her eyebrows together, then picked up the scroll and read it aloud, one line at a time to work it. “Ok so the first one, ‘One who knows what she is not told.’ Well that could be a psychic right?”

  “Yes, that is what I believe,” James said, motioning for her to continue.

  “One to fight the battles foretold.’ Could that be a warrior like Damian was?”

  James nodded. “I think so, yes.”

  “Ok, so next we have, ‘One to feel what is not hers.’” Ally sat pondering that one for a second, then her face lit up as she remembered something Adele had told her. “An empath! That has to be an empath right?”

  James smiled at her again. He was so proud of how she was putting everything together. “Yes, an empath.”

  Ally was feeling pretty proud of herself too. She didn’t decipher old prophecies every day!

  “And ‘One from the world which we protect.’ Ok well that’s a human.”

  “Yes. The next one.”

  “You know all this already, don’t you?” she asked.

  “I have ideas, yes. But we don’t really know anything for sure.”

  “Hmm…I guess not. So next, ‘One from the enemies which we chase.’ vampire, right?”

  Again, James nodded.

  “But how could we have a vampire on our side? That doesn’t make much sense.”

  “You’re right, it doesn’t. However, it's in the prophecy, so somehow I am willing to bet we will have a vampire on our side.”

  Ally began to squirm a little at the thought of trusting a vampire. “I don’t think I’m loving that idea to be honest, but I guess what choice do we have.” She shrugged.

  “I don’t really like the idea any more than you, but it’s in the prophecy and so far everything has come to pass from it, so I have a feeling we will just have to get used to the idea.”

  Ally agreed, but still felt uneasy. She looked at the scroll again to read the last line. “Well this one is easy, ‘And the Chosen One.’ That is obviously me. So we have a psychic, a warrior, an empath, a human, a vampire and myself.”


  Ally took a depth breath and made a hmpf sound. “So once the council is formed, that is the time to strike right?”

  “I believe so, yes.”

  “So what do we do now? Are we supposed to be out looking for them or are they going to come to us?”

  “I don’t know little one. I have thought about it many times, but I still don’t know.”

  “There's more I want to know, and we have to think about tomorrow before we go trying to solve this problem,” she said motioning to the scroll in her hand.

  James leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “You’re right little one. Ask me anything you want.”r />
  “I need to know what kind of defenses I have against the vampires, should we find them tomorrow.”

  He looked at her sadly and brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She sighed inwardly at the loving intimate gesture. “To be honest my love, I don’t know that you have any. You are only half immortal, and we haven’t had time to put your abilities to the test to discover what you have or if the ones you may have would be of any use to you against the vampires.”

  He was concerned, she could feel it radiating out of him.

  “Then we have to adapt and work around it. Is there anything we could do tonight to test it out?”

  He looked thoughtfully at her for a moment before an idea struck. “Perhaps,” he said, testing the idea in his mind for the potential success of such an idea.

  “What is it? Don’t keep me in suspense,” she urged him on.

  He liked her enthusiasm for the potential plan, but he wasn’t sure if it was a good one or not. She was right though, they needed to know if she had any defenses.

  “I’m not sure that this will work, but it’s the best idea I have right now. We can try a few different things and see what you can do. We will start with something easy, so I can gauge where you are at.”

  “I’m ready,” she said eager to start.

  He looked at her for a moment. “You are going to have to trust me Ally.” He paused, “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life,” she said without hesitation.

  His smile radiated with joy. “Then let’s begin.”

  Chapter Twenty One


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