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Please Daddy

Page 7

by Maggie Ryan

  “I know, baby, but it was still a naughty thing to do. We’ll talk about it more on the plane.”

  Well aware that “talk” meant “spank” she felt her bottom clench which caused her to remember the plug she had once again forgotten she was holding. “But—”

  “Exactly, and unless you wish to drop your panties to bare your butt right here, I suggest you answer properly.”

  Her daddy had never before spanked her in public where those who weren’t in the lifestyle or would possibly judge them could see, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t start. Especially not when she’d broken such an important rule as one regarding her safety. Looking up, she said, “Yes, Daddy.”

  Lectures and promises of further discipline given, Uncle Joe swept her off her feet in a giant bear hug. “Hi, my dear Coco.”

  “Hi, Uncle Joe. I’ve missed you!”

  “I’ve missed you too, little one. I’m very happy that we were able to work out our schedules to share a vacation with you and the others.”

  “Others?” Colette asked, looking around to see that Dalton was sharing the same sort of welcome with Trish, the young woman held in his arms. “Who else is coming?”

  “You’ll see,” Dalton said, giving Trisha’s cheek a kiss before setting her on her feet as Joe returned Colette to hers. “Let’s get on the plane, shall we?”

  The women squealed and grabbed each other’s hands again, barely pulling up short before they ran for the stairs that had been rolled against the plane. “Oops,” Colette said, turning back to see her daddy shaking his head.

  “Oops indeed,” Dalton repeated, taking her free hand. The four walked to the stairs and were soon standing in the interior of the plane.

  Chapter Seven

  Colette stood with her mouth open at the sight of people milling about on the plane. Since that first play date, her daddy had gradually introduced her to a group of like-minded adults who found their greatest pleasure in sharing the dynamic of age-play. They’d attended many different events, both in the private homes of the individuals as well as had met to enjoy group outings to different venues. But as she glanced at the occupants, she understood this would be the first time all of them shared a vacation, and judging by the clothing she saw, was also the first time they’d be free to be exactly who they were without threat of sanction. She recognized Suzy, Jenny, Maddie and their daddies, giving them all a wave as her daddy removed her coat and passed it to a smiling flight attendant who hung it in a closet.

  “Go on,” Dalton said, giving her a grin. “Go say your hellos.”

  That was all the permission she needed. She and Trisha joined hands and moved down the aisle to the middle of the plane where there was a round table and several chairs. They were met by all their friends, and the plane was soon filled with the excited chatter of the little ones.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” Colette asked.

  “No, Daddy wouldn’t tell me,” Jenny said.

  “It’s supposed to be a surprise,” Maddie interjected. “I’ve guessed like a gazillion places but don’t know if any of them are right.”

  It appeared that none of the women knew their destination, but if it were anywhere as good as the surprise of learning they’d be sharing the vacation, Colette was sure it would be fabulous. Turning to give her daddy a smile, she saw another young woman step inside. “Who’s that?” she asked, a bit shocked to discover a stranger among them.

  “Oh, that’s Veronica,” Suzy whispered, “and don’t make the mistake of calling her anything else.”

  Knowing it was common practice to shorten their full names to help them drop into the roles of little ones, Colette was surprised at what Suzy said. She watched as a very large man stepped inside behind the beautiful blonde. “Is that her daddy?”

  “Yes, his name is Carlton Anderson,” Trisha offered. “They were at the party you missed when you had the flu.”

  Colette couldn’t help but notice that instead of the giggles, waves, hugs, and kisses she and Trisha had received upon their entry onto the plane, not a single one of her friends were extending the same welcome to Veronica. Turning to the group, she whispered, “What’s the matter?”

  “Um, nothing,” Maddie said.

  “What she means is that Veronica is a brat,” Jenny said bluntly.

  Remembering how scared she’d been before accepting she not only loved being her daddy’s special little girl, but had instantly felt a deep bond forming with those sharing the same dynamic, Colette looked towards the front again to see that Veronica was walking towards them. “Maybe she is just scared,” Colette said softly. “Maybe she just needs a friend.”

  Dismissing the looks the women passed between them, when Veronica reached them, she said, “Hi, I’m Coco, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Coco? Seriously?” Veronica’s eyes raked up and down as she took in Coco’s outfit. “Well, you’re certainly not wearing Chanel so I suppose you just like to pretend you know anything about high fashion.”

  Colette couldn’t believe the woman had insulted her—she didn’t even know her. She loved the name Dalton had given her but before she could even respond, her daddy and Mr. Anderson joined them.

  Veronica gave the men a huge smile. “Hi! You must be Coco’s daddy. I’m Veronica, I’m so happy to meet you, sir.”

  “I’m happy to meet you, too, Veronica. Call me Uncle Dalton. We missed meeting you at the last gathering as Coco was ill, but I’m sure the two of you will become great friends.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we will. Thank you, Uncle Dalton,” Veronica agreed.

  Not in this lifetime, Coco thought but wasn’t stupid enough to actually speak the words. Instead she turned her attention to the man who was with her daddy. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson.”

  “The pleasure is mine, and I’m Uncle Carlton to you girls,” Carlton said. “We’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted but right now, Princess, we need to take our seats.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” the woman said, giving him a bright smile as she whirled around and actually skipped up the aisle.

  Turning to look at her friends, Coco saw Trisha rolling her eyes and Maddie’s lips pressed tightly together. Jenny whispered, “Still think she wants to make friends?”

  Coco didn’t know what to think, but knew she couldn’t wait to hear what had happened at that last party. Before she could say anything, Dalton took her hand and led her towards the rear of the plane. While every seat on the plane was both spacious and covered in what she was sure would be butter-soft leather, there were two seating areas in the back that were more like loveseats, facing each other with plenty of room in between.

  “May I sit by the window, Daddy?” With his nod, she plopped onto the leather and then gasped as the move drove the anal plug a little deeper. Her daddy just grinned and reached to secure her seat belt. Uncle Joe was doing the same for Trisha as she gave Coco a curious look. Coco blushed but didn’t explain as her Uncle Joe settled next to his little one on the couch across from them.

  “Did you discover our destination yet?” Dalton asked, fastening his own seat belt.

  “No,” Colette sighed. She could feel the plane beginning to move. “No one knows.”

  “You girls are clever in ferreting out information. I’m surprised no one has figured it out,” Uncle Joe said.

  “All the daddies must be keeping it a secret,” Coco said, slipping her hand into her daddy’s as the speed of the plane increased. He squeezed her fingers, offering her comfort. Just as she hated helicopter landings, she felt the same way on takeoffs in an airplane. Once in the air she would be all right, but it was that first moment when she remembered she had absolutely no control that her stomach leapt into her throat. It was quite like the brief second before she relinquished all control to her daddy—submitting to him and accepting the fact that though he would do whatever he chose, he would keep her safe…just as she was sure the men in the cockpit would do during the flight.

her eyes opened as the plane leveled out, she asked, “Daddy, what do you know about the Andersons? That Veronica is a…um, not very friendly.”

  Dalton’s eyebrow lifted. “She seemed quite nice to me, very polite and well-mannered, in fact. And, I know that I expect my girl to remember that she will treat everyone with respect and display good behavior. I know that if you forget, I’ll be sure to remind you of that fact.” He paused as if to make sure she understood before he gave her fingers another squeeze. “Just like I’ll be reminding you of our rules about safety as soon as the seat belt sign goes off.”

  Colette forgot all about Veronica as recognition flooded through her. “Please, Daddy. Not now…not here! Not in front of everyone!”

  “Were you a naughty girl in front of everyone?” he asked.

  “I-I didn’t mean to be. I was just excited—”

  “So you said but that doesn’t excuse the fact that you were naughty. And you know what happens every single time you break a rule.”

  She couldn’t deny the fact he was right but that still didn’t make it any easier to accept. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d been spanked in front of her friends. There wasn’t one among them who hadn’t been bottoms up getting their butts tended to at least once during a party. Still, he didn’t seem to consider the fact that as far as she was concerned, there were two virtual strangers traveling with them.

  “Daddy, please spank me later—”

  “Coco, you don’t decide when or where you are punished. If you were worried about having your bottom bared and reddened, then you should have followed our rules.”

  When she opened her mouth, he shook his head. “Another word and you’ll receive another spanking before bed tonight, understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Glancing across the space, she saw Trisha was obviously having the same conversation with Uncle Joe. When her friend met her eyes, they both gave an exaggerated pout, effectively telling each other it was useless to continue to argue. Still, when she heard the flight attendant’s voice informing them they could move about the cabin, she couldn’t help but wish there was at least a teensy bit of turbulence to keep them all buckled in.

  “Let’s get this done,” Dalton said, unbuckling his seat belt and then releasing hers as well. Colette had to be satisfied with the fact they were flying on a private plane that offered far more room and privacy than any commercial airline. Sliding from her seat, she obediently moved to stand at her daddy’s right side, telling herself it wouldn’t be too bad as they were in the back of the plane. She also took a small measure of comfort in that she wouldn’t be the only one getting a spanking as Trisha was also standing beside Uncle Joe. Her attention was returned to her daddy when he gave his first instruction.

  “Lift up your jumper,” Dalton instructed, and when she had it at her waist, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her tights and tugged them down to her knees. Her eyes slammed shut when his fingers returned to her panties. Though they’d been playing in the scene for over a year, the first time she was bared in front of others always caused her heart to pound and her tummy to fill with butterflies. She held her breath as she felt her panties following the same path as her tights. A pat against her now bared butt had her eyes opening to see her daddy watching her. “Right over, now.”

  Colette draped herself over her daddy’s lap and saw that Trisha had done the same. The women looked at each other and despite their embarrassing positions, smiled. If they had to get their butts blistered, at least they were in it together. Coco cringed at the loud sound that cracked through the plane as her daddy’s palm connected with her butt. Burying her face in her hands, she could just imagine heads turning back…her friends giving her silent support while their daddies smiled, quite possibly using the incident as a reminder as to what happened to naughty little girls.

  The dual spankings continued until both girls were whining and wiggling. Witnessing her best friend’s bottom going from pale to pink and on towards red, Coco knew her own tushie had to be mirroring those same hues a naughty girl could expect when over a daddy’s knees. Coco bit her lip, attempting to keep as quiet as possible until her daddy tilted her forward and began concentrating her punishment on that so very tender area where thigh met butt.

  “Ow! Please, Daddy, ow!” she cried, her feet kicking up as he lit her on fire.

  “I love you, Coco, and the thought of you getting hurt breaks my heart.” Another two swats underscored his voiced distress, causing her to yelp and arch her back.

  “I’m sorry! I won’t do it again,” she promised, no longer concerned about an audience or even the fact she wasn’t the only one being spanked. All she was worried about was the fact her bottom burned, and her daddy didn’t appear to be slowing down.

  “Safety is one of our most important rules, young lady,” Dalton said, his palm dropping a few inches to smack the backs of her thighs, causing her to screech louder. “If I have to blister your bottom every day to keep you from getting hurt, that is exactly what I will do.” She had to fight against shouting she was already hurting as he continued to smack her, but she’d learned mouthing off during a spanking not only was a very stupid idea, but in her heart she knew the difference between hurt and harm. Yes, her ass hurt—a lot—but her daddy wasn’t harming her.

  “Keep those feet down. You earned a hot bottom and that is exactly what Daddy is going to give you.”

  She dropped her legs, her palms planted on the floor, her hair shielding her face as she finally accepted the discipline. Breaking into sobs, she went limp and stopped struggling. His palm returned to give her burning globes another round, the plug making its presence known every time his hand landed across it.

  “Are you going to ignore the rules again?”

  “No, Dad…Daddy. I-I prom…promise,” she said, the words coming in stutters due to her sobs.

  “Let’s make sure you remember that promise.”

  A final rapid flurry rang out before he was done, his punishing palm pressed against hot skin. The fleeting question of did her daddy’s hand burn as much as her butt flew into her mind. He rubbed gentle circles across her punished flesh until she quieted and then lifted her and set her on his knee.

  “Ow!” she sobbed once more as her tender bottom took her weight. Her daddy turned her slightly so that she sat more on her hip, and she buried her face in his shirt.

  “Shh, it’s over now,” he soothed softly, rubbing her back and holding her close. It took several minutes for her to calm completely until both she and Trisha, also being cuddled by her own daddy, were only giving occasional sniffles.

  “Thank you.”

  Her Daddy’s words had Coco turning her head enough to see who he was talking to. She could feel herself flushing at the sight of the flight attendant who was holding a tray that held a box of tissues, bottles of water, and what appeared to be some sort of cloth in a silver bowl. It was humiliating to be seen in this condition, and yet the woman’s soft smile told of her sympathy. Accepting the tissue, her daddy sat her up straighter and helped her to blow her nose. After he’d dropped the tissue into a small plastic bag the woman held out, he opened one of the bottles of water and held it to her lips.

  “Drink, sweetie.”

  Surprised at how thirsty she was, Colette drank half the bottle before pulling away. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said softly.

  “You’re welcome,” he said before reaching towards the tray again and lifting out one of the cloths.

  “What’s that for?” Colette asked, seeing that the cloth was damp.

  Her daddy bent closer. “To clean up your other tears,” he said. It took her a moment to understand and when she did, she gasped.

  “Daddy!” Her eyes cut to the other couch to see if his words had been overheard. A hand patting against her thigh had her looking to her daddy.

  “Don’t you Daddy me, ladybug. We both know that a good hard spanking does more than burn your butt. It causes you to cry and your sweet little pussy weeps a
s well. Spread your legs for me.”

  Moaning in mortification, she obeyed, burying her face in his arm as he pressed the warm cloth against her sex. She shuddered at the contact, her tummy flipping as a cloth covered finger ran between the lips of her vulva, pushing the soft folds apart.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she moaned, no longer concerned with what Trisha or Uncle Joe were thinking, spreading her legs even wider to allow her daddy better access. He never ceased to amaze her at his ability to be so stern when punishing her and yet so loving and tender once it was over. As his finger continued to glide over her, running across her clit with every stroke, she felt her insides begin to coil. Her soft mewl of pleasure was met with his chuckle.

  “Hmmm, this doesn’t seem to be working. You are getting even wetter.” She felt her face heat at the truth of his statement and before she knew it, the cloth disappeared and he was standing, cradling her in his arms. He carried her towards the rear of the plane and opened a door, stepping inside.

  It was a bathroom but one unlike any other she’d seen when flying. The room was quite spacious and done in soft blues with ivory trim. There was a modern looking toilet that would fit into any décor, another leather loveseat, and a marble topped vanity with a round glass sink. Her daddy set her down and bent to yank her panties and tights to her ankles.

  “Bend over and push that red bottom up and out,” he said, turning her to face the loveseat. She instantly obeyed, spreading her legs as far as the clothing at her ankles allowed. She lowered her head and lifted her ass, her pussy pulsing as she heard the sound of a zipper. In the next instant, she felt his hands on her hips, his fingers gripping her tender ass and then moaned as he pushed inside her. Despite the fact she was sopping wet, the presence of the anal plug, combined with the fact that her daddy was very well endowed, made her feel more stretched and fuller than ever as he sank balls deep. The sensation was a wonderful combination of pleasure and pain. Each thrust had her lifting her ass, silently urging him to return at every withdrawal. She could feel her climax approaching.


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