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Bear Shifters: Hunt Collection #2

Page 5

by Ava Hunt

  Elle studied his face, trying to decide if she believed him or not. “Why didn’t you just tell me?” she asked, digging for the truth.

  “I couldn’t just tell you that I can turn into a bear. You wouldn’t have believed me. And I didn’t want to freak you out by showing you. Besides, even if you did believe me and you didn’t freak out, I was afraid you wouldn’t love me anymore if you knew what I was. Please, Elle, tell me that’s not true. Tell me we can still be together.”

  She said, “I don’t know,” and he could feel her qualms. I don’t want to date a bear! I just want to be as rich and as powerful as he is. I could still blackmail him, but then I only get money once. I suppose I could blackmail him again down the road, but it’s such a hassle. But if I can deal with the whole bear freak thing, I could eventually marry him. Then everything he has will be mine.

  Justin shuddered at the thought. He wasn’t sure he could stand dating her for another day, let alone allowing it to progress towards marriage. But if he wanted her to drop the blackmail idea, he had to go along with it.

  “I know it’s not ideal. You probably think I’m a monster. But honestly, shapeshifting is the secret to my success. I have the instincts of a bear in the human world. It’s the only way I’ve been able to acquire so much money and power.”

  “But I would be dating a bear!” she exclaimed, unable to get past the idea.

  “We were fine before, Elle. Nothing has to change. In fact, I was disappearing during the night to shift into a bear to deal with all the pressure from keeping it a secret. Now that you know, I won’t need to do it nearly so often. I could even limit my shifting to when you’re out of town, and you can just forget that I’m anything beyond human.”

  “I don’t think that’s something I could ever forget,” she said, her nose wrinkled in disgust.

  Justin sighed, moving towards her, playing his part well. “Elle, I’m just a man who loves you who happens to turn into a bear on occasion. I don’t know what I’ll do if you won’t take me back. I need you.”

  Elle folded her arms, considering her options. Soon enough, she said, “Okay. Let’s give it a shot.” I can always blackmail him later on if it gets too weird.

  Although everything inside him resisted, he had to make it believable, so he held his arms out to her. As they embraced, sealing the deal with a kiss, all Justin could think about was Kimber. If this cost him his chance with Kimber, he would never forgive himself.

  “Good morning, Kimber.” Justin walked out of the elevator that was back in working order after the power had been restored in the dark hours of the morning. He didn’t pause as he walked past her desk, but he asked, “Can I see you in my office for a minute?”

  Kimber looked around self-consciously as she got up and followed Justin. A morning meeting in his office wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but she felt as if all the other employees must somehow know that something was going on between them. Trying her best to act normal, she stepped into his office. Justin was waiting by the door, and he pushed it closed behind her. Then, moving towards her, he took her face in his hands and kissed her. Kimber’s face kept wanting to break into a grin, but that didn’t help with the kissing, so she refrained.

  When they finally broke apart, Kimber breathlessly said, “Good morning to you too. Sir.”

  “This probably isn’t the best idea, huh?” Justin said quietly, although he didn’t take his hands off of her.

  “Which part? Making out with your assistant in your office? Or making out with your friend Kimber?” she asked, wondering if she should be ready for some serious disappointment.

  “Mostly the assistant thing. But I never said that was going to stop me.” With that, he leaned in and kissed her again, hungrily, almost as if it would erase every miserable, insincere moment he had spent with Elle last night. He had kept as busy as possible to minimize any physical contact, but he couldn’t eliminate it entirely or else she would get suspicious. Every touch had been torture, and he was anxious to find a way out of the sticky situation.

  “This doesn’t even feel like real life,” Kimber said. He could feel how completely happy she was, and it warmed his heart.

  “Get used to it. I’m not letting you go any time soon.”

  “Well, I have a ton of work to do, but you’re the boss,” she teased.

  “You know what I mean,” he said, giving her one last kiss before releasing her and moving towards his desk. “Would you mind calling Gretchen and Ken and setting up an appointment for me to go visit them in their lab?”

  “Sure. When do you want to go?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Kimber was torn between wanting to spend as much time with him and feeling obligated to get her work done, and Justin could feel it.

  “No, not this time. I know you have a lot to do.” In reality, he had decided to have a conversation with them that he wasn’t ready for Kimber to hear.

  “I would love to come with you next time though. I’m interested to see their setup. Besides, I wouldn’t mind spending a little extra time with you.” She said it timidly, as if she wasn’t sure whether he would take it well.

  “I feel exactly the same way,” Justin said, trying to reassure her.

  “How long do you think you’ll be gone?” Kimber asked. She told herself she needed the information as his assistant, but really, she just wanted to know how long she would have to go without him.

  “I expect to be back sometime soon after lunch. If I can go that long without seeing you,” he flirted.

  “Good luck with that.” Justin could tell by her restored sense of humor that she was feeling less insecure now. He wished he could go back in time and act differently so she wouldn’t feel so uneasy about his sudden interest in her. He didn’t blame her for acting a little guarded, but it would be his top priority from now on to convince her that it was unnecessary.


  “It’s an honor to have you here, Mr. Woods,” Ken said, shaking Justin’s hand in greeting. “Honestly, we haven’t made much progress since we last talked due to the power outage that happened right after we talked.”

  “That’s just fine. I mostly just wanted to see your lab in person. Did you have any problems with the power outage? Beyond not being able to work, of course.”

  “No. It would have been nice to observe our test subjects’ brains at the time of the power outage, when the effects from the solar activity must have been at a peak. We would have been interested to see if the brain activity spiked as well.”

  Justin almost mentioned that he hadn’t noticed a difference, but that would be premature at this point. Instead, he asked, “Have you started the scans on your human test subjects yet?”

  “Yes, actually. We got a few done this morning. We haven’t found anything unusual at all yet, supporting our theory that something in the human brain blocks the electromagnetic effects. Gretchen is actually with a subject right now if you’d like to come and observe.”

  When Justin agreed, Ken led him into another room filled with computer monitors and equipment that looked quite complicated. Gretchen was there, and through a large window, Justin could see a technician in the next room over. There was also a huge, round machine, in which another woman wearing scrubs was partially inserted, from her midsection to her head. Ken explained that they were in the middle of an MRI scan. They watched until Gretchen finished up and the woman was removed from the machine. The technician told the woman she was free to go change back into her street clothes and that she could expect a check in the mail.

  As she left, Gretchen came over and shook Justin’s hand. After exchanging pleasantries, Justin said, “I have an unusual question for the two of you.”

  The research team laughed. “We’re usually the ones asking unusual questions,” Gretchen commented. “Let’s hear it.”

  “I was wondering if you are in need of another human test subject, and if so, would it be possible
for me to volunteer?”

  Gretchen and Ken looked surprised, exchanging glances with each other. Ken answered, “That would be fine. You would just have to sign the waivers. I assume you wouldn’t require any compensation. Since all that money comes straight out of your grant,” he said ironically.

  With a chuckle, Justin declined compensation. They had him sign the paperwork, and then the technician took him into another room to change into some scrubs to ensure that he didn’t have any metal on him that might interfere with the MRI. Not long after, Justin was lying in the same position as the woman before him, holding as still as possible while the machine worked loudly around him.

  The scan took about half an hour. When it was over, the machine spat him out and he looked through the window at Ken and Gretchen. They looked like they had seen a ghost, and the only thoughts going through their minds were variations of How is this possible? and Unbelievable.

  Justin joined them in the observation room, still wearing the scrubs, anxious to hear what they had found. Gretchen and Ken were so involved in an intense conversation that they didn’t even notice when he walked in. He cleared his throat, and they stopped midsentence to gawk at him.

  “Is something wrong?” Justin asked, even though he knew they must have seen something related to his shifting or mind-reading that had thoroughly shocked them.

  “Your brain activity is … not what we would have expected,” Gretchen said, fumbling a bit for words. “There’s an area called the supramarginal gyrus, which is the part of the brain that is related to empathy. In your brain, the activity in that area is extremely high. Higher than anything we’ve ever seen.”

  Justin was baffled. If it was related to empathy, that was the part of the brain he would have least expected to have unusually high activity. Kimber had basically strong-armed him into considering charity. He didn’t exactly worry much about how other people felt.

  Ken interrupted his thoughts. “Have you experienced anything unusual in the past few days?”

  “Yes,” Justin said. “I’d love to tell you all about it so you can help me figure this out, but I need to know that you can keep it a secret. I promise, you’re going to want to tell everyone you know. This is likely the most exciting discovery you’ll ever make. But you will not be allowed to share it with anyone. In return for your discretion, I’m willing to provide generous funds for every research project you ever want to pursue for the rest of your lives.”

  Usually, he would require contracts and maybe issue threats in the event that they violated the terms, but he didn’t feel that was necessary when he could read their minds. He could feel their thirst for discovery, as well as their excitement at the idea of being funded as long as they lived. There wasn’t a malicious thought in their minds, and he sensed that he could trust them. It was merely a formality when they verbally gave their word.

  “Gretchen, think of your favorite childhood memory.” He felt her wondering why, but the power of suggestion was strong enough to conjure up the image. “You’re with your mom at the beach. The tide is low, and there are puddles all around. You’re splashing in them together and finding hermit crabs in the tidal pools.”

  Her jaw dropped. He didn’t give her a chance to respond before he said, “Ken, think of your first date.” His mind similarly began to play through the memory, and Justin narrated, “Wow, what a cute little red-headed girl. You’re drinking smoothies on the grass at a park. The sun is going down, and there’s no one around. The two of you are sliding down the slides and swinging and running through the sprinklers when they come on.”

  Now Ken was equally astonished, but he was able to speak his mind. “You’re experiencing telepathy.”

  Justin nodded. “I just have to focus on someone and I can hear their thoughts, see the images playing in their heads, and even feel their emotions.”

  “How is that possible? Your scan looks similar to our animals’, but you’re clearly human. I don’t understand –“

  Justin cut Gretchen off. “I’m not always human. I’m a shapeshifter. I can transform into a bear.”

  Somehow, through the shock, Ken found the humor in the situation. “You can change into a bear, and you thought we were crazy for believing in animal telepathy?” he asked, holding back laughter.

  “I’ve been meaning to apologize for that,” Justin said sheepishly.

  “Don’t apologize! This is the most amazing discovery we’ve ever made!” Gretchen exclaimed excitedly.

  “This is the most amazing discovery anyone’s ever made,” Ken corrected. I wonder if it would be inappropriate to ask him to transform for us, he thought.

  “You want to see?” Justin asked.

  Ken looked slightly embarrassed. “I’m so sorry, I forgot that you could read my mind. Don’t feel obligated –”

  “Are you attached to these scrubs?” Justin interrupted. Gretchen and Ken both shook their heads, trying to prepare themselves for what they were about to see.

  Justin closed his eyes, focusing on his bear. When he opened his eyes again, the scrubs were in tatters at his feet. Ken and Gretchen looked like little kids at Christmas, but he could feel their jittery nerves too. He didn’t blame them. He would be a little nervous if there was a wild animal in his office too.

  “I suppose it would have been wise for us to ask if you maintain human consciousness as a bear. You’re not going to attack us, are you?” Ken asked, trying to make light of the situation. But Justin shook his head. “You can understand us?” And Justin nodded.

  “Incredible,” Gretchen whispered. “I wonder if we could do another scan with you in your bear form. Do you think the brain composition would be much different?” she asked Ken.

  “I have no idea. I’ve never seen anything like this. Would you be willing?” he asked Justin. The bear nodded. “It might be wise if we do it later tonight, when all the other technicians have gone home for the evening. They might be a little on edge if they knew there’s a bear in the lab.”

  The two scientists basically just stared for another couple of minutes until Gretchen considerately offered, “I’ll go grab your clothes for you. Then we’ll leave you to change back and dress in privacy.”

  As she hurried off, Justin thought about how thoroughly he was enjoying their excitement, especially because when he had looked into their minds, he could tell that they were holding back. This was the exact opposite of his experience with his disgusted ex-girlfriend last night. Pretty soon, he was alone, beginning his transformation back to his human form and realizing he was quite pleased with his decision to approach this pair for help.


  When Justin returned to the office just after lunchtime, he was greeted by a feeling of irritation. He quickly honed in on Kimber as the source and went to lean on her desk. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  “What do you think?” she replied, keeping her eyes on her computer screen.

  “Are you upset that I didn’t take you to the lab with me?”


  “Then what happened?” The image of Elle’s face flashed in his mind, and he knew he was in trouble.

  “Somebody stopped by to see you. She seemed to think she had a lunch date with you.”

  “Elle?” Kimber’s silence served as affirmation. “Kimber, I didn’t tell her to come here. If I was planning on going behind your back to have lunch with her, don’t you think I would have met her there while I was already out to avoid any trouble with you? She’s just having a hard time accepting that we’re done. She must have thought that by showing up here unannounced, she could guilt me into going to lunch with her and then talk me into getting back together.”

  “And?” she asked, finally looking at him, anger in her eyes. “If you had been here, what would have happened?”

  “I would have told her to get out.” As he told the lie, he was grateful he hadn’t been here. Otherwise, he probably would have had to go with Elle to keep her fooled, and he would be telling Kimbe
r a different story.

  “Justin,” Kimber said, lowering her voice so no one else in the office would hear, “I want to believe you. I really do. But you two have been together for years, and I just don’t understand why you’re suddenly interested in me. It doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “I have always cared about you, Kimber,” Justin whispered. “That part wasn’t sudden at all. I do feel like an idiot for never realizing quite how much you really mean to me. I swear, I never cared about Elle as much as I cared about you, even when we were just friends. I’ve had a change of heart.”

  Tears brimmed in Kimber’s eyes as she said, “I’m afraid it will change back.”

  Justin shook his head. “Never. I can promise you that.”

  “This is by far the strangest MRI scan I’ve ever done,” Gretchen commented. There was a black bear on the patient table, and it wasn’t sedated at all. It held perfectly still of its own volition.

  Ken was in the room with Justin, but he could hear Gretchen through the intercom. “No kidding,” he remarked.

  It was slightly harder for Justin to remain calm during his second MRI of the day, only because his bear mind wasn’t used to holding still for so long. He was glad that he’d had so much practice over the years, superimposing his human thoughts on the animal’s. Sometimes, he wondered what it would feel like to transform for the first time as an adult, with an adult bear’s instincts. He wasn’t entirely sure whether he could control his impulses in that type of situation.

  When the scan was over, Justin ambled into the changing room, which felt quite small for a bear, transformed, and got dressed before meeting Gretchen and Ken in the observation room. They were comparing Justin’s two scans, one as a human, one as a bear. To Justin’s untrained eye, they looked remarkably similar.

  “How strange,” Gretchen murmured. “Your brain as a bear is significantly smaller, which what I would have expected. Bear brains are just smaller than human brains. But the green color shows the activity in your supramarginal gyrus. As you can see, it doesn’t change much whether you’re a human or a bear. I’m not sure whether that’s just the same hyperactivity caused by the solar storm’s electromagnetic effects that we’re seeing in other animals, or if it’s more strongly connected to your shapeshifting.”


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