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A Gathering of Knights (The Northern Knights)

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by Amber Dane




  Copyright © 2013 Amber Dane

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarity to actual events and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Copyright © 2013 by Amber Dane

  Cover Art: ParaGraphic Designs

  Renald Castle

  ‘The chase had been one of surprise and lasted longer than all had expected. But in the end the sweet maiden won.’

  Birthing their child had made the Lady of Renald even more stubborn.

  Or so thought Darc as he watched his exhausted wife cross the room to instruct the servants who worked diligently in arranging and decorating the trestle tables in the formation she wanted. The woman had given birth less than a month ago and refused to listen to him. Annoyance shot through him along with desire when his eyes dropped down to her full hips easily outlined in her simple green gown. He cleared his throat loudly. He knew she heard him and the fact that she outright ignored him angered him even more. Darn woman!

  Young Melbert appeared next to him with word about the arrival of more guests. Darc gave his wife’s slim back one last look before he exited the hall. He would put his energy elsewhere for now and to those who were willing to listen.

  Caroline turned and watched her husband walk out the great doors. A tired smile turned up the corner of her mouth. She shook her head slightly and handed the serving girl next to her more flowers wrapped in twine.

  Darc had argued with her the entire week to remain abed to get some rest before their guests arrived. She heeded his words at first, well, in part, tolerated it for as long as she could. In truth, she’d been reluctant to leave their chamber and their daughter’s side.

  Audri. They had named her so for noble strength. The precious time of nursing and bonding with her…Caroline enjoyed the moments so much, especially when Darc came in to watch.

  Each time ‘twas as if he were seeing them both for the first time. She wanted to cherish these moments for she knew the time would come when it would eventually come to an end.

  She had slacked not one bit in her role as lady of the manor since the birthing despite protests from her Norman husband, Mildred and Laur.

  Seeing their arguments were futile over the last few months all in the castle worked even harder to make things all that much easier for her. Caroline smiled as she thought of all the attention and care their actions spoke of to her. They did not think she noticed but she had.

  There was much to be done and she wanted to make an impression over the coming weeks.

  For the first time since their daughter’s birth, she was looking forward to some alone time with Darc. She hoped during the seven day celebration of Goran’s upcoming nuptials she would have some time to share deep intimate moments with her husband. She ached for the intimacy they shared and welcomed the coming moments.

  His constrained passion she read easily in his eyes. It matched what she was feeling. Just yestereve the midwife had said all was well and sound and she could return to her wifely duties. Caroline had not said a word to Darc for she wanted to surprise him.

  She was on pins and needles all day as she moved about the castle in preparation for the festivities.

  After all she’d heard of this Goran she eagerly looked forward to meeting this man that her husband thought so fondly of. She’d heard plenty when Rourke, Lord of Westlan had visited them.

  She had left Mildred to look over Kelbie and Cal whilst she saw to the last minute touches for the afternoon festivities and the approaching ceremony on the morrow. Caroline was looking forward to learning more about the wives of her husband’s comrades.

  Guests had been arriving all week with some coming late into the eve.

  Aric, Lord of Gravane, and his wife had arrived during the late hours of last night. Caroline had missed meeting the baron and his travelling companions for she had thought to shut her eyes for a brief moment after Audri’s feeding. But instead, she had fallen asleep only to be awakened by a soft spoken Mildred that the hour had grown late and the guests had been shown their quarters which had been arranged for them.

  Feeling guilty for shirking her duties and ignoring her fatigue, she had immediately set out to see things aright, but the family had remained in their quarters to rest. ‘Twas just a few minutes after dawn now and she looked forward to breaking her fast with them and the others who obviously had just arrived. She could hear voices now just outside the great doors.

  The overcast sky above had threatened rain for most of the morning and the air was filled with the scent of it, yet not one drop fell. Darc told her she fretted over naught, but still she could not stop herself from looking up each time she stepped outside.

  Caroline straightened out a crick in her back as her gaze swept over the room. Most of the decorations were complete. The hall looked resplendent, decorated with many flowers and green leafy vines to welcome the couple after the ceremony for the wedding feast.

  The castle folk had worked alongside her tiredly in seeing all was perfect. Now they returned to their normal duties as it should be to receive the guests and their families.

  Hearing a familiar laugh she exited the room and gave the signal to the men standing there to cover the archway and made her way up the case to the upper levels toward the sound.

  Caroline pushed open the door and peeked in on Mildred and the boys. Both boys now shared her old chamber and Mildred slept in the connecting room.

  Kelbie and Cal played near the window embrasure. Faste and Gamble lay near the low fire burning in the hearth and next to the chair where Mildred sat embroidering. Faste and Gamble had taken to the children like protective guardians. Caroline entered the room and closed the door quietly behind her.

  Faste rose from his comfortable spot and stretched his large body and loped over to her with his tongue lagging out for a petting. She smiled and bent down to ruffle his ears and give his large muscular flank and fawn-colored belly the quick petting he wanted.

  The boys came over for their hugs and kiss for the night.

  Aye, all had settled in quite well. Cal and Kelbie thought their sister a thing of awe and the way they lorded over her, they were already knights of protection for their younger sibling. Caroline was happy.

  Laur met with her moments later in the chamber she now shared with Darc to help her with her bath and gown. Audri slept soundly now after her feeding and Caroline sat discussing the afternoon events with Laur.

  She nigh fell asleep when Laur smoothed her hair back from her brow and ignored the older woman’s frown of concern. She would rest after properly seeing to the meet and greet of their guests, not before. No matter how much her new family disagreed.


  ‘Oh, Aric I do feel awful. How could you have allowed me to sleep in so late?’

  Aric watched his wife fret and fuss from where he sat fully clothed on the side of the four poster raised bed as she stared out the window, the worry in her tone had him shaking his head.

  A smile came to his lips as she grumbled on about the approaching guests, the weather and everything else inside her head loudly. One of the many things he so adored about his Saxon wife. She turned from the window and rep
eated her question as she moved about the large chamber they’d been given. Her curves, enhanced by the fine gown of soft blue she wore had sent his thoughts elsewhere. The color enhanced her tawny skin and his eyes dropped to the pulse at her throat as she walked over and stopped near the bottom of the bed.

  Danielle, Baroness of Gravane, stood with her hands on her full hips and studied her husband with a dark look. Her dark Norman warrior was not listening to her and from the look he was giving her as his eyes roamed over her from head to foot told her why. Ignoring the heat that warmed her blood at what he was thinking she wagged her finger at him.

  ‘Aric. The sky looks as if ‘twill open up any second now and ruin the day. This means no show of arms with your friends.’ Danielle paused.

  He responded absently. ‘A bit of rain will not stop me from clubbing those brutes. Come here, wife.’

  ‘Nay, lord husband. We have been rude long enough by remaining much too long in this chamber. I will not have the Lady of Renald think less of me before I even meet her. Bad enough that her husband has a scowl almost as fierce as yours.’

  Aric chuckled. He shrugged. ‘I beg to differ. His is far worse.’

  She shot him a look of incredulity. Danielle knew he was teasing her, but she was not any less convinced. The man they called the beast had indeed been pleasant and smiled often during their brief meeting last night. The ill-healed and puckered gouge near his mouth and the dangerous air which hovered over him had made her nervous at first. And a bit guilty for she knew all too well what scars had done for her.

  A black-haired blue-eyed giant. Though her husband had told her a few things about him over the months leading up to this visit, she had still been taken aback. Still, she felt better with Aric near. She was sure she would be fine once she met the woman behind the supposedly changed man.

  Danielle let out a sigh when Aric came and wrapped his arms around her, his warm lips nuzzling her neck.

  ‘Worry not. She will like you, Danielle. My sister loves you, does she not?’

  She had let her thoughts escape her again. She rubbed his forearms, the dark hairs tickling her palms. ‘Aye and I adore Liza as well. You know I worry much about these things.’

  ‘Mmmm. I can help you afore we meet the others and the babe wakes. You have been a bit neglectful of your duties of late.’

  ‘Nay.’ She stepped out of his arms and walked over to the wooden deep bed where their son lay and slept soundly. His cherubic cheeks and red lips made him look even more like the angel he was. The black unruly waves on his head had grown in length, but Danielle was reluctant to cut his hair just yet.

  ‘Those not be the duties of which I mean or speak, wife.’ Aric’s voice, softer now, came next to her over her shoulder.

  ‘What-‘she began, turning to look at him.

  ‘Your wifely duties,’ he interrupted a devilish grin upon his handsome face. He planted a quick kiss near the beauty mole next to her mouth.

  ‘You are wicked.’ She whispered, flushing from his meaning. ‘Little Aric will be up soon and there is no time for that.’

  ‘This is why you have brought two maids with us, is it not? Poor Edie was not happy having to stay behind.’ Aric reminded her even though he stared at his son. One large hand touched the brow of his son. Danielle watched his expression morph into that heavenly expression it always did when he gazed upon Little Aric and she waited. The deep breath of awe escaped his parted lips as he smiled down at their ten month old son. She knew what he was feeling for she felt the same every time she looked, held and played with their babe.

  ‘Neither was Balwain. But the midwife’s orders for Edie must be followed. Come along before you wake him for I shall never forgive you for another delay.’

  The two maids came into the room as soon as Danielle opened the chamber door. Aric waited for his wife out in the hall.

  Later after Laur had left, Caroline took a few deep calming breaths near the window to settle the anxiety building in her stomach. Her head hurt from the tightly woven headdress Laur had woven around her crown and she slipped her fingers under the ribbons to loosen them. The headache that plagued her she knew was not just from the activity of this week alone, ‘twas from her lack of sleep.

  Turning at the sound near the door, she watched Darc as he strode in and shut the door behind him. She flashed a ready smile at him. She grew weak in the knees and knew sleep had naught to do with that. This feeling belonged all to her husband.

  ‘Who has come now?’ she asked him when his eyes narrowed upon her suspiciously.

  He stepped away from the door, his eyes never leaving her. ‘Rourke and his lady wife. I passed Claydon and his wife on my way up.’

  Caroline smoothed her hands down the front of her gown and moved toward him. ‘Well, then. I am ready.’

  He caught her by her arm and turned her face up with his forefinger tucked under the soft spot of her chin to study her face. ‘No one will say a word if I were to say you will greet all on the morrow, Caroline.’

  She patted his hand. ‘Being sweet about it will not change my mind. They may have naught to say, but I will. I am fine.’

  Darc started to protest, but she was shaking her head at the same time her fingertips pressed against his lips to still further words on the matter.

  She leaned up to replace her fingers with her lips when infant cries rent the air.

  Caroline was but a few paces from the crib.

  But Darc was quicker.

  ‘Barely just past a month old and our daughter strongly agrees with her father.’ Darc spoke softly as he picked up his crying and squirming daughter. Her little legs undoing the carefully crafted swaddling blankets her mother had done earlier.

  ‘She is simply hungry. An appetite to rival yours.’

  Darc’s deep chuckle rumbled within his chest and the vibrations soothed the cries of the bundle in his arms as Caroline hastened her pace to free herself for another feeding. Darc wanted to stay and watch as he usually did but a loud commotion and raised voices drifted up from the lower levels.

  Caroline waved him away and took their daughter away from him. ‘You go. Go now ere they destroy all that has been done. I will box the ears of all if they ruin everyone’s hard work.’

  She missed Darc’s smile as he ran for the chamber door for she had already lowered her head to coo softly to their child.


  The noise inside the small room off the hall was boisterous and mostly male. Darc’s loyal friends were quite loud. Caroline entered and froze. Her eyes looked for her husband. Darc was the tallest in the room by a hair.

  Rourke stood next to him as did a tall dark- haired giant of a man whom was almost as large as them both. Caroline’s breath hitched in her throat when the trio of men turned in her direction.

  Her cheek s burned when the dark haired man's eyes fell upon her. His features were more than pleasant and probably would have been more so had he not the dark scowl on his face.

  Darc was next to her in a few strides and Caroline let out a breath the moment her fingers touched his forearm. Must these Norman men always look so at everyone? she thought as he drew her further into the room.

  As they neared the hearth, she noticed the two women and her step faltered. So these were the women her husband had filled her in on. The lovely Lady of Gravane and the hellion of Westlan who had conquered the Dark Axe.

  Lady Danielle, her hair pulled back from her fresh face and her blue-grey eyes full of warmth eased some of the anxiety in Caroline’s belly. Caroline noted the slight limp she favored when she walked. The woman stood next to the dark-haired giant and Caroline was amazed to see the immediate change in him.

  Introductions were quickly made.

  Aric Claydon looked fearsome. Raven hair and very dark eyes seemed to see right through her. And it was only when he smiled that Caroline saw why the woman loved him so. His eyes rarely left his wife’s form. He looked upon her like a star struck lover and the Lady Danielle return
ed the same stolen glances in his direction.

  Lady Alexa was nigh as tall as her husband, her emerald gown accentuating her slender figure, her sharp-boned features giving her a look to frighten anyone at first glance just as her husband had done when Caroline first had met him. Then Rourke smiled and Alexa’s twinkling amber eyes showed a woman deeply in love. Rourke pulled another man forward and Caroline could not stop herself from smiling.

  Goran looked like a big brute like the others, but his kind dark eyes gave him away. Caroline felt Darc pull her back to his side when she moved to hug the man. She flushed even more. Her husband was jealous and his friends teased him for it.

  ‘Twas Lady Alexa who laughed lightly and pulled her away to meet the man’s future bride. Emily was a few years younger than herself and a pretty maiden dressed in a blue gown.

  Soon enough Caroline’s nerves fled as the woman laughed and shared tales of their travel here and other stories. ‘Twas as if they had known each other for ages and before she knew it, many hours passed and late eve was upon them. The men had not left their spot much before the hearth where they sat drinking, being merry and telling stories of their history together. They steered clear of the Norman invasion and Caroline found she had come to terms on that.

  Finally accepted it. It had happened along with many other things that could not be changed and would be part of history. But never forgotten.

  King William had done much to change the history of Saxony in England. Norman power had been wielded all across the countryside. His successful castle-building campaign helped as did the many shires that were formed. Without words it was the king’s reminder of change and feudal order. He was now the crowned King and though many still wished different, ‘twas no changing it. Though the past few months of 1073 had been a little quiet, the king still had constant disturbances to strike down here and along the Welsh marches as well deal with political matters, the church and other royal duties.


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