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Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5)

Page 4

by Lisa Helen Gray

  I growl, giving him a murderous glare as I stand up, my chair scraping back on the floor and hitting the shelves behind me with a thud. He’d have to have gone up her stairs to know the lights were on.

  “What the fuck are you doing, staring into her house?”

  “Whoa, hold up. Calm down, calm down,” he says slowly, patronising me. “I went to see if she was awake before I came down here. She is, so now you don’t have a choice but to go and give her that fucking invitation.”

  “Stop laughing, this isn’t fucking funny. She probably doesn’t even want to go,” I grumble, feeling like an idiot for even talking about this with Max. He’s the worst gossip I know, and that’s saying something with Mary and Joan in my life.

  “Then you’re the idiot of the family, because the sexual tension is fucking scorching between the two of you. Fuck, even I had trouble keeping my dick in my pants.” He chuckles then winks.

  I clench my hands into fists, ready to knock him the fuck out if he talks about Teagan that way again. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s my brother, he’d be sprawled out on the floor already.

  “Get out, Max.” I sigh, grabbing some files and locking them away. I’m ready to get home, start working on the new house and go to bed. I just need to get out of this club for a bit. I feel like I’ve been living here lately. I’m forgetting what daylight looks like; it’s always so dark and dim down here.

  “Like I said, Lake won’t let me leave until she sees you’re going to take that invitation to Teagan. You can’t get out of this.”

  His grin is so fucking annoying, and I know he isn’t going to leave until I give in. “Fuck’s sake, okay! Anything to get you out of my hair.”

  “That’s the spirit.” He grins, jumps up from his seat as I grab my jacket.

  Picking up the invite off my desk, I walk out, following Max as he meets up with Lake, who is outside the door waiting for him.

  “Good luck.” Lake smiles widely and I roll my eyes at the little woman, ruffling her hair.

  We walk out together, waving goodbye to each other when we reach the car park. Once they’re out of eyesight, I run up the stairs to Teagan’s two at a time. I want to get this done as quickly as possible.

  Taking a deep breath, I knock on her door and wait. When no one answers right away I turn around, facing the deserted car park, debating whether or not to post it and run or if I should wait and knock again. It’s late, so she most likely forgot to turn the light off and is in bed asleep. Plus, my nan always drilled it into us that it was rude to call or knock for someone past nine o’clock. I feel like I’m going to get my ass kicked.

  The decision is made for me when the door swings open a little bit. When I don’t see anyone, I squint in confusion, but then, sensing movement, I look down. Standing in the doorway is Faith, wearing Frozen pyjamas.

  “Faith? Where’s your mum?” I ask worriedly, wondering why Teagan is letting her five-year-old daughter open the door alone at this time of night. What the fuck is she thinking? Any fucker could be hanging around out here. I grit my teeth, trying to control the anger surfacing, especially when Faith still looks half asleep, not awake enough to observe any danger she might have been in had it not been me at the door.

  “Superman?” She rubs her eyes with her chubby hands.

  “Where’s your mummy?” I ask, stepping inside and taking the girl in my arms.

  “Sleeping.” She yawns, resting her head on my shoulder.

  I look around the immaculate room, finding Teagan curled up in a ball on the sofa, sound asleep. She looks peaceful, rested. Her mouth is hanging open slightly, her mass of her hair wild and tangled in knots around her face, yet I’ve never seen anyone look more beautiful.

  I know I should wake her or probably just leave, but there’s no way in hell I’m leaving with the possibility of Faith opening the door again.

  Looking down, I reach out to wake Teagan, but pause, not having the heart to disturb her.

  Light snoring turns my attention to Faith who has fallen asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. A small smile slips past my lips, my heart softening at the sight. She looks cute as hell, and completely blissful sleeping in my arms.

  Torn over what to do, I glance once more at Teagan, deciding to let her sleep. Sitting down on the end of the sofa, next to her feet, I pull the blanket from off the floor, keeping Faith secured to my chest before covering them both up.

  Once I know they’re settled and not going to wake up, I relax back into the sofa, switching the channel on the TV to the news, promising myself I’ll wake her up in a bit. It’s clear she’s tired if she can sleep through the television playing some Disney song, knocking at her door and her daughter getting up to open said door.

  I can’t help but wince, remembering how judgemental I had been when I saw Faith. I should never have questioned Teagan’s parenting. From what I’ve seen she’s a great mum, and even she deserves a break. I was a prick to rush to conclusions.

  Jumping the gun is something I’ve grown accustomed to when it involves parents. But who could blame me with the parents I had? Hell, Denny’s and Kayla’s parents were just as bad.

  But with Teagan, I shouldn’t have thought the worst. She’s a single mum working two jobs to provide for her family. And looking around the room at all the toys and books lying around, Faith is certainly taken care of. We never even got a colouring book as a child, much less a box full of toys.

  With Teagan lightly snoring and Faith doing the same while cuddled to my chest, I rest my eyes, more comfortable than I’ve been in my entire life.

  As I start to fall into a deep slumber, I can’t help but notice the ache I usually carry around in my chest is gone.



  My neck is painfully stiff as I stir awake from what has to have been the best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages. I finally feel well-rested, something I’ve not felt since I moved out of my nan’s to give Faith and me the independence we needed.

  Opening my eyes, I frown. The TV is on, playing cartoons, and I realise I fell asleep last night watching Frozen with Faith.

  Crap, Faith!

  Sitting up, a scream bubbles up from the back of my throat, pure terror raging through me as I take in a man holding my daughter, his face turned away from me.

  He jumps, sitting up with a frantic, concerned expression, holding a very bored-looking Faith to his chest.

  “Maverick?” I whisper once I’m able to calm down enough to stop screaming. “What are you doing here?”

  I blink and rub my eyes, trying to figure out if he’s here or if I’m dreaming. When he’s still there, looking sexy as ever, I pinch myself and wince.

  Nope, still there.

  He looks dazed, still half asleep and, if I’m seeing correctly, a little embarrassed.

  “I―” he starts, but Faith jumps in.

  “He’s my friend. He came for a sleepover,” she mumbles over the thumb she’s sucking, her eyes glued to the TV that’s playing her favourite cartoon.

  A small smile curves at his lips as he shakes his head, glancing over at me. When he does, I pull the sheet up higher, wishing I could hide beneath it. I already know my hair is going to look like a bird’s nest. Nothing but a shower, blow-dry and my straightener will be able to sort that mess out.

  “I came by last night to give you the invite to the wedding. I’ve had a lot going on at the club, so I haven’t had the time to bring it round. When I saw your lights were on, I thought I’d pop it in. Then this little’n opened the door,” he tells me, looking down at Faith.

  I gasp, staring at her, horrified and panicked. “Baby, I’ve told you never to open the door, ever. Why would you do that?” I ask, pure underling fear creeping in. I feel sick. Anything could’ve happened to her. Anyone from the club could have drunkenly stumbled upon the door and knocked. What was I thinking moving here, above a place where there are drunken idiots coming in and out all times of the day?

sp; Oh yeah, it was the only place I could afford and was available at such short notice. It was also the nicest one we looked at.

  “I don’t remember.” She smiles, not seeming the least bit bothered by my scolding or the fact that I’m hyperventilating right in front of her. I don’t know whether I should yell at her and shake some sense into her or cry, thankful she’s safe and okay.

  “Faith, darling, you don’t open the door,” I tell her again, needing her to really hear me, my voice stronger.

  “I won’t do it again, I promise,” she tells me, her eyes glued to the cartoons. “Can we have breakfast now? I didn’t want to wake you. You were snoring like a grizzly bear.”

  “I was not snoring.” I snort, my cheeks flaming when Maverick begins to chuckle.

  Crap, I forgot he was here.

  “Yeah, you do,” he agrees, tickling Faith and making her squirm and laugh in his lap.

  Ahh, I wish I was my daughter right now.

  Shaking off unwanted thoughts, I look back at Maverick and cringe. “I’m so sorry. I don’t normally fall asleep like that. I’ve just been having trouble adjusting to the move and such. I swear, nothing like this has ever happened before.” My eyes water, feeling like the worst mother in history.

  God, what he must think of me now. Lord only knows what he thought when she opened the door and I was carelessly sleeping.

  He slides across the sofa so he’s closer to me, plopping Faith down where he was sitting before. Straightening, I curl my feet under me, wiping away my tears as I do. I’m so ashamed of myself right now. I’ve never done anything like this before.

  “Hey, don’t get upset. Things like this happen every day. She was half asleep, and had she been in her bed she wouldn’t have heard me knocking, so it’s not something you’ll need to worry about happening again. It was my own fault for turning up so late,” he tells me soothingly, his voice deep and raspy from sleep.

  “You could’ve been anyone though,” I admit, revealing my worst fear. And although I don’t know anything about him, I do trust him.

  His jaw hardens as he thinks about what I said, probably thinking the worst like me. He looks over to the door, his mind seeming to be working something over as he inspects every inch of it.

  “I’m going to put a chain on the door which will be out of Faith’s reach. I know it won’t stop her from opening the door, but at least it will stop people from entering.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I can go out today and get one myself,” I tell him quietly, wishing I thought of doing it. We have a camera outside of our door already. It was there before we moved in, so putting in added security didn’t even cross my mind, if I’m honest.

  “No, I’ll do it. It’s another reason why I came by. I wanted to check the place out and see if there’s anything I can do inside. The place was renovated last year, but I never thought to ask about childproofing. It was never intended for a child to move into,” he admits.

  I can understand that. If it weren’t for the fact that this was the only place I could find and afford, Faith and I would have found somewhere just out of the town centre, somewhere with a garden she could play in.

  Most bar owners raise their kids above pubs, so it’s not like it can’t be done. I guess I just want a safer environment for Faith to grow up in. Our last place was definitely not that, so this is a step up, at least.

  “That’s really kind of you.” I smile, trying to tuck my untamed hair behind my ear but it just springs free.

  One thing I’m glad about is the fact that I didn’t have time to get ready for bed last night. I literally fell asleep in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. If he had seen me again in my normal bedtime attire―which is usually a white tank top, braless and only wearing a pair of boxer shorts―I would’ve died.

  “Food,” Faith grumbles as she mindlessly strokes her nose using the same hand she’s sucking her thumb with. I’ve never been able to get her out of the dirty habit. And believe me I’ve tried. “Mavy is hungry too.” She looks at me with an adorable, hopeful expression.

  Maverick chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looks at Faith, his expression soft.

  “Would you like to stay for breakfast?” I wring my hands together nervously, trying to keep my gaze on him, but it’s so hard when he’s so incredibly hot this early in the morning.

  “Um…,” he starts, looking a little sheepish.

  I’m still in shock at waking up and finding him asleep on the sofa with us. I don’t think my heart has calmed down since, but I admit that it does feel good having him here, scare and all.

  “Yes, we want bacon,” Faith cheers, answering for him. I chuckle, biting my bottom lip.

  “I guess that’s a yes. Can I use your bathroom?” he asks politely.

  “Of course you can, it’s down―” I stop, grinning when I realise he already knows where the bathroom is.

  Out of nowhere he reaches out for me, his fingers brushing along my cheek before tucking a wayward strand of hair behind my ear. My breath catches in my throat. Getting lost in his eyes once again, I feel the world around me come to a stop. Why does he have to be so goddamn gorgeous? I feel like I’d have a chance with him if he weren’t. And knowing how incredibly sweet and gentle he can be isn’t helping lessen the attraction.

  “Bacon,” Faith whines, breaking whatever spell Maverick and I were just under. I hadn’t even realised either of us had moved, but somehow in our daze we ended up closer, our breaths mingling together as one.

  “I’ll, um, be back in a minute.” I watch him jump up like his ass is on fire.

  He’s probably just realised he was about to make a huge mistake. I mean, it’s not like he could be interested in someone like me.

  Blowing out a breath, I get up, making sure to give Faith her good morning kiss before heading over to the kitchen. The first thing I do is flick the kettle on, craving my morning coffee. I don’t know how anyone can function without having at least two cups once they get up. It’s like a passage of life. You’re just plain freaking weird in my book if you don’t drink it.

  Next, I pull out all the ingredients for mine and Faith’s traditional Sunday breakfast, getting extra for Maverick. Ever since Faith was able to chew solid food, we’ve had a full English breakfast every Sunday. My girl has a thing for bacon, so there are times in the week when I have to make her bacon on toast. Nan blames it on the cravings I had when I was pregnant. I literally lived off bacon, eating it morning, noon, and night.

  While everything’s cooking, I go over to the cupboard and pull out two mugs just as Maverick finishes up in the bathroom. He walks in looking fresher, more awake and alert than he did going in.


  “Please.” He grins, coming to stand close, watching me move around the kitchen. Once it’s done I hand him his drink before taking a sip of mine, making sure to blow enough to cool it down. A loud moan escapes my lips as the bitterness hits the back of my throat, causing my whole body to relax. There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh coffee first thing in the morning.

  A throat clearing snaps me out of my coffee orgasm. I open my eyes to find Maverick’s on me, a predatory gleam in them.

  Good God, I’m in trouble.

  “Sorry, I love coffee,” I mumble, taking another sip. This time I keep the pleasure to myself, moaning on the inside.

  “Anything I can help you with?” he asks, clearing his throat again as he turns to face the sink. That’s when the lower half of him catches my attention, a fierce blush flames my cheeks as I take in the huge bulge straining the front of his jeans.

  Dear Lord, he looks bigger than he did the other day when I caught a glimpse. How is that possible?

  Tripping over my own feet, I just catch myself in time, feeling my face burning hotter than before. “Um, can you… can you watch this for a second and make sure it doesn’t burn while I go freshen up?” I stammer, needing to put some distance between us.

  “No problem,�
� he says, keeping a close eye on me, causing a shiver to run through my body.

  Forcing a smile, I rush away, practically running out of the room and down the small hallway that leads to the bedroom and downstairs bathroom.

  My room is on the second floor, up a flight of stairs that reminds me of bookshelves, just tilted a little. Joining my room is an en suite with a small shower. The place isn’t big, but it’s enough for me and Faith. In fact, it’s perfect for the two of us.

  When I get into the bathroom I nearly die from embarrassment. Yesterday morning, Nan picked Faith up to give me time to clean up and get ready for the day. Since I had already cleaned up, I decided to spend the free time I had relaxing in the tub with a long hot bath. I left in a hurry when I realised how long I’d been soaking, leaving my dirty clothes in a heap on the bathroom floor.

  So not only has Maverick now seen me in my pyjamas, braless, and woken up next to me looking like the bride of Chucky, but he also saw yesterday’s washing. Meaning he saw the Hello Kitty boxers I wear for comfort.

  Today just keeps getting better and better.

  Throwing my hair up in a bun, I make quick work of washing my face and brushing my teeth before reluctantly leaving the sanctuary of the bathroom.

  The smell of food hits me as soon as the door opens and my stomach rumbles, although thankfully not in hearing range of Maverick. I think I’ve already reached my embarrassment quota for the day.

  “Hey, it’s nearly done.” He smiles, rolling the sausages over in the frying pan.

  “You cook?” I squeak, noticing he’s loaded the second frying pan with bacon and has the egg pan heating. He’s also broken some eggs into a jug to make Faith’s scrambled eggs.

  He has to have some kind of flaw. He has to. No one can be this perfect. It’s so frustrating.

  “Hey, fed up of cartoons?” I ask my daughter, who’s moved from the living area to the breakfast bar. Usually I have to drag her away from the television pouting and whining, but she seems happy enough to watch Maverick cook. Can’t say I blame her either; it’s a sight to behold.


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