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Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5)

Page 28

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “It’s not that bad. It wasn’t until everyone started clapping that I realised we were in a room full of people. All I could see was Denny,” Mason tells him.

  “I’m grateful she only wanted family at the actual reception. Don’t think I’d be able to do it with a bunch of people I don’t give a shit about watching,” he mutters as Mason hands him a drink.

  We all take seats on the lawn chairs, looking over the overgrown grass none of us have had time to cut. We’re all at our place while all the girls are over at Harlow’s and Malik’s getting ready.

  When I glance in Malik’s direction again, he’s lost in thought, something he’s done a few times since he woke up this morning.

  “Something’s bothering you. What is it? You keep spacing out.”

  He hesitates before turning to us with a grim expression. “I know you said not to think about it until after the wedding, but I can’t. She’s out there somewhere, and we have no fucking clue if she’s been looked after. I feel guilty for being happy when she could be suffering,” he admits, running a hand through his dark, unruly hair.

  The five of us fall silent. I knew telling them to try and forget about everything going on would be pointless. Hell, I haven’t even been able to take my own advice. Lily has been on my mind since we first found out about her, and she’s going to be there until we find her.

  The police are no closer to finding her and the last word I got from Evan was that they were searching the family homes of the men who were arrested along with Lynn. If they’ve been keeping Lynn hidden and protected, then they could have something to do with why we can’t find the little girl.

  “I know it’s hard, bro, I really do, but we’ll find her. When we do, we’ll spoil her with love and give her a home. She’ll never have to suffer another day in her life, I promise you that.”

  He turns to me and nods. “It’s all a fucking mess.”

  “It is. I wish there was something more we could do, but there’s fuck all. We’re doing all that we can.”

  “I know. It just sucks.”

  “I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that we have a sister and that girls are now ruling this family. Have you noticed that it used to be us five and Granddad, but now we’re surrounded by women? We’re outvoted. We can’t even add Splinter in our favour because the thing ain’t normal.” Max shivers.

  “That’s actually true. And if Harlow has girls, we’ll be beat twelve-to-six,” Myles chuckles, holding his drink up.

  “Got to admit it though, boys, you’d be nothing without those girls,” Mason says.

  “Too right. I’d have to do my own washing.” Max grins.

  “I think she’ll have two boys.” Malik gulps, looking pale as we all clink our glasses with his. We laugh, patting him on the back before sitting back in the garden chairs.

  “I know life hasn’t been easy on us, but having Harlow, Denny, Kayla, Lake and now Teagan has made it breathable again. We’re family. And even with the current shit happening, I couldn’t be happier for you guys. I’ve watched you grow into men, seen you through some pretty tough shit, and I couldn’t be prouder,” I admit, looking at each of them.

  “Emotional shit, really? It’s me getting married,” Malik mutters, but I can see my words have affected him.

  “We wouldn’t have gotten this far without you,” Myles says.

  Looking up from my glass, I notice everyone agreeing and I shake my head, smiling.

  “He’s right,” Granddad says, coming out. “You boys have turned out to be the best men I know. You’ve all come so far and to see each of you settling down, one married and one getting married, it makes my heart full. I’ll be able to leave this world knowing my grandkids are loved, taken care of and happy.”

  I swallow thickly at the sincerity and pride in his eyes as he looks over each one of us.

  “Granddad, don’t talk about popping your clogs. You’ll outlive all of us fuckers.” Max chuckles, pouring him a drink.

  “You know what I mean. I never thought I’d see Malik settled down, let alone getting married and having babies. If your nan were alive, she’d be so proud of you. All of you. She’d love Harlow too.”

  “Wouldn’t like Joan much though,” Max mutters and we all chuckle, watching Granddad blush.

  After our mum’s mum left him, he met Nan and fell in love. She was so protective of him and hated all of the other women who tried ogling him. Its why she never had many friends, though everyone loved her.

  “Yes, well, things happen for a reason. Now, let’s toast to the groom. May he live a long and happy life blissfully married.”

  “Hear hear,” we toast, clinking our glasses together.

  “Not to speak of the devil, but have they told you when her sentencing will be?” Mason asks.

  “No, they’re still gathering evidence. Why, I have no idea. They have enough shit on her to lock her away for two lifetimes,” I tell him.

  “Let’s not talk about her. Not today,” Myles growls.

  “You’re right. Let’s enjoy today. We’ll deal with everything else tomorrow,” Mason says, pouring himself another drink.

  My phone beeps in my suit pocket. As I pull it out, all of my brothers give me a pointed look. “What?”

  “That better not be the club. If something’s wrong, I don’t want to know,” Malik says, downing his drink.

  Looking down at my phone, I chuckle. “It’s Teagan.”

  TEAGAN: Need a huge favour!

  MAVERICK: What’s up?

  TEAGAN: Harlow’s hungry. She’s craving a double cheeseburger, six nuggets, a chicken wrap and a McFlurry. She’s going out of her mind. Please can you go get her food?

  MAVERICK: I’ll leave now.

  TEAGAN: Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.

  “I need to go,” I tell the others, getting up.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Malik asks, getting up to follow me.

  “Harlow’s hungry. She’s craving McDonald’s, so I’m going to get her some.” I chuckle.

  He takes his phone out, frowning. “She hasn’t texted me.”

  “That’s because it was Teagan who text me. I won’t be long.”

  “Harlow’s always hungry,” Max mutters. “Will you get me a chicken deli and six nuggets?”

  I shake my head, not knowing who’s worse for eating when it comes to those two.

  “I’ll come with you,” Malik says, but I shake my head, pushing him back down his seat.

  “No, you stay here. If you come with me, you’ll want to take the food in to her to make sure she has everything she needs,” I tell him, amused.

  “And? What’s wrong with that?”

  “You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding,” Max mutters dryly.

  “Bollox, I want to go,” he whines.

  “Son, sit down and have a drink. Let Maverick go sort out the food. The more you gripe about it, the hungrier Harlow is going to be,” Granddad tells him.

  Malik sinks back in his chair, the fight leaving him. He still doesn’t look happy, but he can’t exactly argue when he knows Granddad’s right.

  “I’ll be right back.” I pat Malik on the shoulder as I pass.

  “Don’t forget my food,” Max shouts as I walk through the back door to grab my car keys.

  Twenty minutes later I’m back at the house, grabbing all the bags. The second I left, I had another message off Teagan with a food order for everyone.

  I’m not even to the door when I hear Harlow shouting. “Food! I can smell food.”

  Grinning, I step up to the door. It swings open and I nearly drop my bags when I see Teagan in front of me, her silver, fitted dress falling down to her ankles with a long split up her leg, revealing a lot of thigh. Her hair is pinned to the side in curls, her make-up flawless and natural-looking.

  She looked beautiful in it the day she tried it on at the shop, but today she’s breathtaking. My eyes rake over her, taking in every inch. She’s truly stunning. />
  I can’t believe she’s mine. All mine.

  “Wow,” I manage to choke out when I reach her eyes. She blushes, ducking her head. “You look beautiful.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smiles.

  “Yeah, yeah, stop eye-fucking each other. I’m hungry,” Harlow whines out of nowhere before snatching a bag of food out of my hands. “Thanks, Mav.”

  I chuckle, handing Denny the other three bags before turning my attention back to Teagan, speechless. Pulling her into my arms, I smile down at her. “You look gorgeous. But I have a question,” I tell her, running my hands up her sides.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper, peppering kisses along her jaw. “Are you wearing any knickers?”

  She moans, arching her neck to give me better access. “No,” she whispers back and my hands tighten on her ass, squeezing her against me.

  “Fuck!” I growl, pinning her against the wall next to the front door. Lifting my head, I smash my lips against hers, kissing her with ferocity, stealing her breath. She clings to me tighter, one leg lifting and hooking around my thigh. “Are you wet?” I murmur, my voice husky as I rest my forehead against hers.

  “Why don’t you find out?” she pants, her body arching into mine.

  My hard dick twitches as I press against her, rubbing my hardness into her core, making her moan. I look down at the split in her dress, my finger running up her bare thigh. “I like this dress,” I tell her, wanting to plunge my fingers inside her.

  “I can tell.” She grins, lifting her leg higher for me.

  “Please, no more. You’re going to give Joan and Mary ideas,” Kayla says.

  Teagan squeals, pulling her dress down, and I growl, wishing we were in my bedroom. I took her this morning, but it’s not enough. I can never have enough of her.

  “Please tell me they weren’t watching,” Teagan groans, pressing her head onto my shoulder. I turn to Kayla, finding her in the doorway wearing her own silver dress, with a lace top and silk bottom.

  Kayla smirks, looking over her shoulder before glancing at Teagan, shrugging sheepishly. “We didn’t realise what they were up to until it was too late.”

  “This is so embarrassing. Can I come hang out with you?” she asks me, optimistic.

  “Sure.” I grin, thinking of how I can sneak her up to our room so I can see if she really is wearing knickers or not.

  “Nope, you can’t. Sorry, Teagan, but we’re about to have our photos taken, so get your butt in here.”


  “Nope, come on,” Kayla says, dragging her away from me.

  “I’ll see you later.” I chuckle as she’s pulled through the door.

  “Yeah, bye,” she grumbles, just before the door is slammed.

  Making my way back to mine, I let myself in, finding them all still sitting in the garden, shooting the shit.

  “Did she get her food?” Malik asks.

  “Yeah.” I move to grab another chair.

  “Dude, cover that shit up,” Mason tells me, throwing a beer cap at me. Growling, I throw it back and adjust my semihard cock in my trousers.

  “Never mind his dick. Where’s my food?” Max asks, frowning.

  “The girls took it all.” I shrug, having forgotten his order anyway.

  “You fucking suck.”

  “Fuck off. Are you ready? We need to get to the hall soon,” I say, looking at Malik.

  He smiles. “I was born ready.”



  “They’re not going to let me live this down, are they?” I whisper to Kayla. She giggles, covering her mouth behind her hand as she shakes her head.

  “They love this. Sometimes I swear they’re a group of horny teenagers locked in old people’s bodies. I’ve never met anyone with more life inside of them than those three,” she says, looking in Mary, Joan and Nan’s direction. They’re all complaining at the moment about Harlow not being able to have a ‘real’ hen party. Apparently they weren’t allowed to Denny’s so they were hoping Harlow would have one, with strippers. Now they’re conspiring with my nan to make sure I’m given strippers for my hen party. When I explained that I wasn’t getting married, they just looked at me and grinned.

  “They’re nuts,” I say, shaking my head when I hear Nan tell them she has my dress already picked out.

  “The cars are ready,” Mark calls out, stepping inside.

  “Has Malik left?” Harlow asks, struggling to stand.

  She looks beautiful in her gold silk gown that flows elegantly over her huge bump. The top encases her chest, the lace trim giving it character and style. Her leaf-brown hair is curled up into a bun at the top of her head, a gold band completing the goddess look. Her skin is glowing, as are her brown soulful eyes, which are glistening with happiness. Her full, pouty, rose-coloured lips are tipped up into a smile. I’ve never seen her look so radiant. Getting married and being pregnant really do suit her. I wish I looked that good when I was carrying Faith; I just looked like a whale in distress.

  “They all left fifteen minutes ago.” he looks at her lovingly. “You, my darling girl, are absolutely breathtaking. Malik isn’t going to know what hit him when he sees you.”

  Her eyes water as he helps her to her feet. “Really?”

  “Really,” he says softly, running his finger down her cheek. “You’ve made an old man very happy knowing his grandson has someone as kind and loving as you in his life.”

  “You’re going to make me cry,” she croaks out.

  “Don’t make her cry,” Denny squeals, rushing in.

  “Sorry.” He chuckles before pulling Harlow in for a hug.

  “Mummy, can we go show Maverick my dress now?” Faith asks, walking in holding hands with Hope. The little girl looks adorable in her pink dress similar to Faith’s. She toddles in, still a little unsteady on her feet with a look of wonder on her face as she giggles up at Faith.

  “Me, me, me,” she chants, making Faith giggle.

  “We’re going now, sweetie. Why don’t you get your coat and find Nanny,” I tell Faith. She nods, taking Hope with her.

  “Are you ready?” I hear Denny ask Harlow as I get up.

  “More than ready. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day my whole life,” she whispers, her eyes shining.

  “I meant have you got everything, but I’m glad to know you’re ready to get married. That would’ve been awkward.”

  “Oh.” Harlow giggles, fanning the tears threatening to spill. “I don’t know if I’m going to last, guys.”

  “Bit of a good job that we used waterproof makeup.” I chuckle, handing her a tissue.

  “Sweetie, before we go, there’s something I’ve been meaning to give you,” Joan says, stepping into the room with a box in her hand, something I’ve been waiting for her to do.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, Grams.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I didn’t get it. I already had it,” Joan says quietly, stepping closer to Harlow.

  “Grams, is everything okay?”

  “Ignore me. I’m just being emotional.” Joan waves at her, wiping under her eyes. “I wanted to give you this. It’s something I wanted your mum to have when I found out she was getting married, but I never got the chance to give it to her. It was given to me on my wedding day, my mothers, her mother, and now it belongs to you,” she tells Harlow, choked up as she hands her the box.

  “Grams,” Harlow says, her voice filled with emotion as she lets the tears slip free. She opens the box and we all watch in anticipation, gasping when she pulls out a light rose-coloured pearl and crystal hair brooch. “Grams, this is beautiful.”

  “And so are you. Your mum and dad would be so proud of the woman you’ve become,” Joan whispers, taking the brooch from her and adding it to her hair, completing the look beautifully. “This is your something borrowed.”

  “This is your something blue,” Lake and I say, handing her our box. She opens it, l
aughing as tears fall free.

  “I don’t know if this is to torture me or Malik, ’cause I can assure you, there’s no way I’ll be able to get that on.” She laughs, holding up the gold garter with blue crystals for everyone to see.

  “Here.” I giggle, bending down on one knee. She passes it to me, her eyes twinkling with an overwhelming happiness that it brings tears to my own eyes. I roll it up her leg, fitting it in place before stepping back, letting Kayla and Denny step forward.

  “This is something new,” they say, handing her another gift box.

  “Guys,” Harlow whispers, choked up. She opens the box, revealing a pair of pearl earrings. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “There’s one more,” Denny says, tears running down her cheeks now too. “Malik wanted me to give you this.”

  Handing her a letter with another gift box, Harlow takes a seat. Upon opening the letter, her hand goes to her chest.

  “Read out loud, woman,” Joan says, sitting on the arm.

  “It says ‘Harlow, today I get to marry the woman of my dreams, my soulmate and my best friend. I’ve fucked up a lot in my life and I don’t want my vows to be one of them. I’m not good with spoken words, so I wanted you to know them so that when you’re looking at me as we exchange our vows, you know I mean forever.

  “ʻBefore you came into my life like a tornado, blowing me off my feet, life meant nothing to me. But you came, showing what love truly was, what it meant to love and be loved. And I promise until my dying day to show you how much I love you. Because I do. I’ve never loved anyone or anything as strongly as I love you.

  “ʻSo remember, when you’re walking down the aisle, that I love you unconditionally, and that there’s no other love out there as strong and as powerful as my love is for you. Yours always, Malik′.” She chokes up before continuing. “ʻP.S. You’re the strongest person I know and because of that, I know you won’t admit that you’re also hurting today. I know how much you wanted your parents at your wedding, and as much as I wish that I could bring them back, I can’t. But I wanted to try easing some of that pain for you. With this gift, I hope it brings you a little of them back, knowing they were a part of your wedding day even if they couldn’t be here. I love you.′”


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