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Maverick (Carter Brothers Book 5)

Page 32

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Hey, guys. Meet my daughter, Madison Joan Carter,” he says softly, his voice filled with pride.

  “A girl?” Max gasps, pretending to be horrified.

  “Can I hold her?” Denny asks, then goes to take a step forward.

  “No,” he growls, narrowing his eyes, and we all laugh. My eyes fill with tears watching him. They’re five minutes old and already he’s a big old lion protecting his cubs. He’s going to be an amazing father; seeing him with her in his arms, the look on his face as he holds her, just proves it.

  “And what have you called this one?” Kayla asks softly. I glance over, noticing she looks awfully pale as Myles fusses over her.

  “This is Maddox Mark Carter, our son.” Harlow smiles and we all hoot, congratulating the both of them.

  We all take turns looking at the babies, as Malik wouldn’t let us hold either one of them.

  “Why do you keep fussing over her?” Max snaps at Myles, and I turn from looking down at my niece’s face to see what’s going on.

  “Because, dickface,” Myles snaps, glaring at Max.

  “She’s fine. She’s told you that,” Max says back, mystified.

  “Yeah, but she’s carrying my baby,” Myles blurts out, his eyes rounding when he realises what he said.

  “Myles, you said we wouldn’t tell them,” Kayla gasps, narrowing her eyes.

  “No way. You too?” Mason says and I swivel my head in his direction, feeling like I hit my head harder than I thought.

  “What do you mean, him too?” I ask.

  Mason looks at Denny sheepishly. She rolls her eyes. “I’m twelve weeks pregnant. We found out three weeks ago but with everything going on, we decided to wait to tell you.”

  “Congratulations, both of you,” I beam, and everyone joins in, hugging each other once again.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Max asks, hurt, when everyone settles down.

  “We just found out. They ran some tests because her blood pressure was low. It came back positive. She’s about four weeks, so we wanted to wait,” he tells his brother, his face softening.

  “Oh good. At least you didn’t wait long. Next time, tell me right away. The minute my sperm hits Lake’s eggs, I’ll be calling.”

  “Max!” Lake screeches, rolling her eyes.

  “What?” he says, looking at her quizzically. “It was your brother who gave me the idea. He said he’ll call me when it happens with Marybeth.”

  “Oh God,” she says, laughing.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but visiting hours are over,” a midwife says, coming into the room.

  “We’ll go and let you get some rest. I’m on the children’s ward if you need me,” I tell Malik. He nods, but doesn’t seem to be paying attention as he coos down at his daughter, smiling.

  Giving everyone else a hug goodbye, I make my way back to the children’s ward, stopping just inside the door when I spot Lily asleep on Teagan, her head resting on her chest. She looks so small, frail. They all do. I know right then that I’ll do anything in my power to protect them.

  Teagan rocks the recliner back and forth, running her fingers through Lily’s hair and holding Faith’s hand.

  I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

  Stepping into the room, Teagan jumps, turning towards me. “How is everyone? Are the babies okay?”

  “Harlow had a healthy baby boy and girl, Maddox and Madison.” I smile.

  “Oh my God, I can’t wait to meet them. I bet they’re so cute.”

  “Yeah they are, but I only got a glimpse. Malik wouldn’t let anyone near them.” I chuckle, rolling my eyes.

  “Aw, he’s protective already.”

  “Seems you’ve made a friend.” I grin, looking down at Lily in her arms. I still can’t believe she’s my sister. She’s so innocent, so tiny.

  She smiles softly. “Yeah, as soon as they introduced us, she came and sat on my lap, handed Faith her rabbit and laid her head on my chest. She fell asleep not long after, and the two women left. She has your eyes,” she says, kissing Lily’s head. I can tell she’s in love with her already, just like me.

  “How’s Faith?” I ask, moving to the chair between the recliner and the bed. I kiss Faith on the forehead, running my hand over her hair before sitting down.

  “She woke up a few times. The drugs they have her on are making her drowsy. The doctor came by earlier and is happy with her recovery. He said she’ll be able to go home in a few days if she continues improving.”

  “Thank God,” I breathe in relief. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost either of you.”

  “You haven’t. We’re here,” she says, grabbing my thigh.

  I take her hand in mine and face her fully. “You don’t understand. There was a minute back there where I thought I lost the both of you. I felt empty, broken. After having the smallest taste of what it would be like without you, I never want to feel like that again. I don’t want to look back on life and wish I did things sooner. I don’t want to be scared to take chances, not with you. You woke me from a deep slumber and gave me life. I want to marry you, Teagan. I can’t breathe without you. You and Faith are my life. I never want to be without you, so please, please marry me.”

  Tears falling, her mouth hangs open as she stares at me in shock.

  “Please say something,” I plead, kissing the palm of her hand. I know it wasn’t the best proposal―I don’t even have a ring―but I love her without a doubt. I know there’s no one on this earth that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. Fuck, I go to sleep thinking about her and wake up the same way, my head swimming with happiness for the first time in my life. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you,” she cries.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, relief coursing through me.

  Leaning forward, I kiss her deeply. My heart is full for the first time in my life, so full I feel like I’m about to explode.

  Life can’t get any better than this.

  “God, I love you so fucking much,” I growl, kissing her once more.

  “I love you too. Always,” she whispers, her eyes glistening with happiness.




  With the warm sand between my toes and the sun beating down on my chest, I relax on my beach towel, eyes closed as I think over the past few months.

  So much has happened in such a small amount of time. It’s been hectic, one thing after another so that none of us has had much time to breathe until now. Reflecting back on what happened, it’s hard to know where to begin.

  Everything has slowly been coming together for each of us. We’ve had to fight to get to where we are, but we did it―together. It’s one thing I’ve come to know about the brothers: they’re at their strongest when they’re together. It’s the same with all of us.

  We’ve had to overcome so much, but we’re definitely stronger for it.

  Lynn was charged and sentenced a month after the explosion after the police gathered as much evidence as they could get, her charges piling up. She’ll basically be doing life in prison which is good; it helped us in our case for custody of Lily.

  Lily is now officially Lily Carter, mine and Maverick’s adopted daughter. She’s been a fight none of us has been willing to back down on, no matter what social services said. We proved them wrong. They were unsure whether our household was a safe environment for Lily since so many of us lived under one roof, but we assured them that once the time comes, we’d be getting our own place. Then they argued that we didn’t have what it took to raise a troubled child―not that any of us think she’s troubled. But we proved them wrong on that. She’s the happiest we’ve ever seen her.

  Her development improves every day and she’s picked up a few words along the way. Her interaction with people is getting better; she’s still wary around strangers, but with her upbringing, who wouldn’t be? I’m proud of her.
She’s really come out of her shell, and I’m honoured to call her my daughter.

  I knew the moment I met her that I loved her and would do anything for her, so when Maverick asked me to marry him, he also asked me to adopt Faith. I said yes on one condition―we adopted Lily too. She deserved to have a real home where she was surrounded by love and family. She needed stability, to feel safe, and we give her that every single day.

  But since we had to fight to get custody, the adoption was only given the all-clear just under a month ago. And surprisingly, we’re adjusting fine. Even the brothers who thought they’d have a sister have gotten used to her being their niece now. They’re all attentive and overprotective towards her.

  She’s loved every minute of it and has each brother wrapped around her little finger. It melts my heart when I see them all together, knowing they’ve missed out on so much.

  Two months ago, Maverick and I got married. We didn’t do the whole wedding party business, not after the last one turned out so great. Instead, we jumped in our car with the girls and our family and drove to Scotland, where we got married off the street and finished with a meal at a pub close by. It was simple, no fuss, and the best day of my life. It was perfect.

  It’s still hard to imagine that six months ago we were all scared for our lives, fighting to be free. Life is so unexpected―you never know what will happen next―but for us, that night changed us. It doesn’t define us, but it certainly made an impact on our lives and our hearts.

  Although, if I’m honest, my life changed the day I met Maverick. Yes, a lot of bad happened, but in between those moments we grew closer, connected, became one. We got to know each other in a way other couples dream of knowing their partner. I don’t mean knowing what his favourite colour is, or his favourite movie, but him. I got to know his darkest secrets, his inhibitions, his goals, and how he thinks. I got to know the man inside.

  And what a man he is.

  The biggest news was finding out I was pregnant.

  Yes, pregnant.

  I’m not the only one though. Kayla, Denny and Kennedy are too, and we’re all due a week after one another―apart from Denny who’s due any day now.

  My life couldn’t feel any more complete. After losing my mum and living with that monster, I never thought I’d reach this kind of happiness ever again. There was always an ache in my heart, a void that could never quite be filled, but over time, Nan, Tish and then Maverick and his family have filled it with so much joy and happiness.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?” Maverick whispers, kissing my bare belly. My belly dips seeing him topless, his ripped muscles flexing in a way that makes me drool. I don’t think they’ll be a time I don’t get butterflies when I see him.

  “Life, how good it is, how much has changed, how we’ve changed,” I tell him, smiling when he starts rubbing my bump affectionately.

  “Yeah? It doesn’t get much better than this, does it?” he asks, lying on his side next to me.

  “No, it doesn’t,” I agree, looking out on my family.

  Evan is playing with Imogen, Faith and Hope in the sand, building castles. Kennedy is close by shielded under an umbrella, the sun getting to her. Her pregnancy hasn’t been as straightforward. She’s had morning sickness non-stop and I really do feel for her. Those first two months for me were a nightmare.

  It’s still a shock to see Evan up and about. He’s recovered from his surgery fairly quickly, but he had to undergo some major therapy for his back and legs.

  It was hard seeing such a strong and confident man struggle for those first few months. It was hard on everyone, especially Kennedy. Maverick helped out whenever he could, not only because Evan is his friend but because he felt guilty over what happened to him. It’s taken a long time for me to convince him that he isn’t to blame, that it was all his mum’s doing.

  Turning my attention away from Evan, I glance over to Myles fussing over Kayla, making sure she’s out of the sun. I giggle, loving this side of him. He’s been like this ever since they found out she was pregnant and it’s driving her batshit crazy. I’m pretty sure I heard her threaten to leave him last week. Still, I know she wouldn’t have him any other way.

  I glance out to the sea where Max and Lake are swimming, hopefully not doing what Max suggested they do. As much as he’s grown up since the explosion, he still has the brain of a child at times, always up to no good, but with Max, we wouldn’t want him any other way. What he and Myles did for me that day can never be repaid. They saved our lives, as well as most of the lives of the guests’.

  Smiling, I turn away, looking over to where Malik and Harlow have settled under the gazebo. I try not to laugh when Malik fights with the twins, who are giggling and shoving sand in their mouths. He’s such a good dad, and each and every day I see a change in him. The hardness around his eyes is gone, replaced by a glow, and his features are softer. It’s such a drastic change from the Malik I first met.

  “Oh God, Malik is gonna demand we go inside, watch.” Maverick chuckles, hiding his face against my neck.

  “Nah, they’re having too much fun. The minute he tries to take away the sand, they’ll cry. You know Malik, he’ll give in and give it back.” I smile.

  “True,” he says, and I watch as he takes everyone in around him. His eyes soften, his lips tipping up into a smile. “Who would’ve thought we’d be here. There were so many times I thought I’d never get this.”

  “Well you do have it, and you deserve it honey.”

  “I’ll never be worthy of it or you, but I’ll try my hardest every damn day to prove I am. You guys are my world, my life, and after everything we’ve been through, I’m fucking lucky to have each and every one of you. You bring out the best in me, the real me. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life, no longer haunted by my past. I’ve moved on, with you, with Faith and Lily, and my family, but it’s you and the girls who complete me,” he says, looking lovingly up at me.

  I melt, his words causing a lump in the back of my throat.

  “Kiss me, you stupid fool,” I rasp, hiding the effect his words have on me because, truth be told, he’s the one who completes me. I loved my life before, don’t get me wrong, but all I did was work and go home. Then he came into my life. He made me feel needed, wanted, loved. I had never before experienced the love he’s given me. He made me realise I wanted more from life. He taught me to trust again, to open my heart.

  Tugging at the hair on the back of his neck, I pull him closer. He kisses me, then deepens the kiss and I grow wet, arching into him when he leans across me to get a better angle.

  His hand glides down my side, over my bump and down to where my bikini bottoms are, his fingers smooth, leaving a trail of goosebumps. I pull back, a little breathless, and stare up into his mesmerising eyes, lost in the intensity.

  “You can’t. We’re at the beach,” I scold, but it holds no meaning, my voice low and scratchy.

  His eyes darken as he hovers over me. “I need you.”

  “You had me this morning,” I remind him, running my fingers through his silky hair.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he growls, looking deeply into my eyes.

  “Then take me home, husband.” I grin, squealing when he picks me up bridal-style. I duck my head when everyone wolf whistles, calling us out.

  “I’ll watch the kids,” Evan offers and I groan, embarrassed.

  “Cheers,” Maverick replies, then carries me over to the cottage we rented for two weeks.

  “Let me go,” I scold―well, try to since I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

  He looks down at me, his expression intense, smouldering. “Never.”




  The sun shines brightly, high in the sky. The smell of the barbeque and freshly mowed grass fills the air, and the sound of everyone’s laughter and banter is like music to my ears.

  Today is a good day.

g my grandsons as they all stand around the garden with their wives and children, I’ve never been more proud of them than I am now.

  They all had a rough start in life, including their wives, but they found each other along the way. They didn’t fix each other’s broken pieces; instead, they replaced those pieces, giving the other the love and life they deserved. It’s a rare commodity, to have what they have in life, but not a one of them takes it for granted.

  “Grams, can you talk some sense into Dad for me please? He won’t let me date,” Madison, Malik and Harlow’s eldest daughter, says, looking so much like her mother.

  “We’ve discussed this. You’re not dating until you’re thirty,” Malik tells her sternly, leaving no room for an argument.

  “No, Dad, you discussed it with yourself. Maddox and Trent date everything in sight. Sheesh, Maddox has slept with all my friends.”

  “He’s a male,” he replies, pulling Harlow into his lap and kissing her neck.

  “This is so unfair. I’m twenty, not two, Dad.”

  “She’s got you there.” Joan chuckles, but it soon turns into a coughing fit.

  “I’m with your dad on this one. Anyone gets near my girls and they’re dead,” Mason grunts, sitting down in the lawn chair opposite Malik.

  Hope huffs in agreement, not happy with her dad. I don’t really blame the poor girl; he’s threatened any boyfriend she’s brought home with bodily harm.

  “Dad, you took a baseball bat to my last date,” Ciara, Mason and Denny’s youngest daughter, pipes up, rolling her eyes.

  “Fuck deserved it too,” Ashton, their youngest son says.

  “Isn’t that the lad who was talking shit about her?” Landon grunts, looking at Ashton in agreement.

  “Yeah, but we didn’t need your help. I sorted him out myself,” Hayden says. Her brothers Landon and Liam, two of the triplets, laugh, clearly remembering what Hayden had done. Landon is actually the calm one of the three, but Liam, he gets all his attributes from his parents, Max and Lake. He’s always egging Hayden on with her mischievous ways, wanting to get her into trouble. Although, in Max’s eyes, Hayden walks on water. She’s really a daddy’s girl, even though she won’t admit it.


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