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Courting Constance (Fountain of Love)

Page 6

by Osbourne, Kirsten

  Kit frowned. “My nurse? Oh! Constance. Is she here now?” He started to stand to go and see if Lily was pleased.

  “Yes, I’m in love with Constance. Aren’t you shocked?”

  Kit looked at his brother-in-law and realized that right at that moment, he needed him more than Lily did. “No, I’m not shocked. I saw how you were looking at her at dinner the other night.”

  Charles sighed. “I didn’t realize I was so obvious.”

  Kit laughed softly. “No man has ever been more obvious. Well, except me with Lily maybe.”

  “I can’t marry her! She’s a servant.”

  “She was raised country gentry. It’s not a match that London matrons would approve of certainly, but you live in the country. Your whole life is here except for when you’re in town for parliament. You can leave her at home then or take her with you. No one will mind either way.” Kit shrugged. “That obstacle is only in your mind.”

  Charles leaned back in his chair. “And my father’s.”

  “Your father was a judgmental ass.” Kit shook his head. “If it had been up to him, Lily would never have married me. She’d have been forced to marry the man with the highest title who offered for her, and her feelings would have been ignored.”

  “It’s the way of Society.”

  “It may be, but I can tell you, marrying for love is so much better than pleasing others. I can’t imagine my life with anyone but your sister. She’s the only woman I’ve ever cared for this way.” Kit shrugged. “I guess you need to decide if love is more important to you than how Society will see things. I think it is.”

  Charles struggled with the thought for a moment. “You and Lily wouldn’t stop seeing us if I married her?”

  Kit laughed. “Why would we do that? We’ve been in your position. She was too far above me to marry, at least your father thought so.” He paused, staring at the wall behind Charles for a moment. “To me, being with the only woman in the world God meant for just me is so much more important than anything else. Don’t give up on your love for her.”

  Charles nodded briskly. “I’ll try not to. Lily invited me for tea tomorrow. I’m so glad that she’s willing to treat Constance as a member of the family and have tea with her.”

  Kit laughed. “She’ll be having dinner with us every night as well. Lily told me that her future sister-in-law will not be eating with the servants.”

  Charles stared at Kit. “Are you serious? She said that?”

  “I couldn’t make that up.”

  “No, you couldn’t. Lily invited me to dinner, but I said ‘no,’ because I assumed she’d be eating with the servants. Invite me?”

  Kit grinned. “We’d be happy to have you join us for dinner, Charles.”

  “I’d be delighted, Kit. With both of you asking me, it’s just forced me into accepting.” Charles smiled, happy to consider the idea of marrying Constance. If his sister and brother-in-law approved so heartily, did the rest of the world matter? He was an earl, for God’s sake. If he couldn’t break some rules, what was the point?


  Constance rushed into the parlor before dinner, expecting to see just Kit and Lily. She felt a little bit uncomfortable eating with them, but she was thrilled to be asked. She stopped short when she saw Charles standing before the fireplace, watching her. She gave a quick curtsey. “Lord Charles.”

  He shook his head, nodding to the sofa where Kit and Lily were sitting talking in low tones. “They both expect us to marry. Call me Charles.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t want to marry me.”

  “Oh, you’re wrong about that, Constance. There’s nothing I want as much as I want to marry you. I’ve just seen it as…impossible. I still need to do some thinking on it, but I believe I may have been incorrect.”

  She took a step closer to him, close enough that she could speak in soft tones that wouldn’t be heard from the sofa. “Are you serious? You’re reconsidering?” Her heart jumped. It wasn’t that she wanted to be married to an earl. That meant nothing to her. Being married to Charles, however, meant the world too her.

  He nodded once. “I’ve been assured that it doesn’t matter who I marry, because we live in the country and aren’t active in the London social scene.” He reached out and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “I don’t want to live my life without you.”

  Constance smiled brightly. “Let me know when you’ve made a decision.” She winked at him. “I’ll try to still be available then.” He laughed and caught her arm pulling her toward him. She pulled back nodding toward the sofa. “Not in front of my employers.”

  “Just think of them as future in-laws. That’s how they think of you.”

  She frowned. “Not until you think of me as your future wife.”

  The butler arrived then to let them know dinner was ready. Kit and Lily led the way, Lily holding her husband’s arm and speaking to him in low tones. Charles held his arm out for Constance, and she took it, worried that she was making a big mistake by allowing him to act as if he was courting her, before any real decision had been made.

  He held her chair and she sat beside him. Lily was across from her and Lord Kit was to her right at the head of the table. “Will you walk with me after dinner?” Charles asked, his lips against her ear.

  Constance looked to see if anyone had heard his question and finally nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.” She would be certain that nothing happened between them, but she would love to walk with him.

  Not another word of private conversation was exchanged between them until after the meal. When they were finished eating, he got to his feet. “I’m going to borrow your nurse for a walk, Lily.”

  Lily nodded with a smile. Constance held back. “Do you need me for anything before I go?”

  “The babies should sleep for another hour or two before they stay up all night.” Lily yawned. “I’m going to go catch a bit of sleep before the all night feeding and pacing ritual begins.”

  Constance smiled. “We’re in for a long night, are we?”

  Lily nodded. “I have to be the one to feed them, of course, but I’ll need your help with the pacing. You’ll have some time to sleep tomorrow, and we’ll catch catnaps when we can.”

  “You should have contacted me sooner!” Constance protested.

  Lily smiled. “I wanted a bit of time alone with my new daughters. I had to tell them about the evilness of shoes and the pure joy involved in tree-climbing.”

  Constance smiled while the two men laughed. “I hope they listened well, because every nice day, those babies will be taking nice long walks in their pram.”

  “Yes, they will!” Lily smiled. “You can’t keep a child indoors. It ruins their spirit.”

  Constance left with Charles, and as soon as they were outside, he caught her hand in his, holding it as he walked away from the house. “I hope you understand that nothing can happen between us while we walk,” Constance began.

  Charles shook his head. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. We can just talk or find a place where I can kiss you senseless.”

  She laughed. “Why am I always the one who ends up senseless when we kiss? How about I kiss you senseless?”

  “That sounds like a very worthy goal.” He grinned down at her, walking toward the lake. “I love to walk around the lake at night. Do you mind?” He wondered about the fountain he’d seen just a week before down by the lake. Would it still be there? He’d only ever seen it the one time. Why would someone take a fountain there?

  Sure enough, they walked straight to it. Constance smiled when she saw it. “I love this fountain. It’s beautiful.”

  “You’ve seen it before?” he asked with surprise.

  “Yes, of course. It was here the day I walked into town to start my new position at the seamstress shop.”

  He looked down at it with surprise. “I saw it for the first time just a week ago. I was out here at night, just wandering around, missing you.” He grinned d
own at her. “Do you want to hear something funny?”

  She looked at him. “Of course. I love to laugh as much as the next girl.”

  “I made a wish on the fountain.”

  She smiled. She didn’t mention she’d done the same. “You did? What did you wish for?”

  “A way to marry you.”

  “I hope you’ve found it.” She could think of nothing she wanted more than marriage to him. If she found out that he decided he couldn’t marry her because of her lack of lineage, she’d be sorely disappointed at this point.

  He caught her waist and pulled her into his arms. “Now would be a good time to try to kiss me senseless.”

  She giggled softly. “I don’t know about that. Maybe I can kiss you senseless to seal our engagement.”

  “You could at least start practicing now,” he told her. He lowered his head and caught her lips with his, his tongue stroking inside her mouth to tangle with hers.

  Constance stood on her tiptoes to get closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight. How could she feel more for this man every time she touched him? If she felt much more, she knew she’d explode.

  He gathered her close and stroked her back through the dress she wore. She’d been cold before his touch and now felt as if she were going to be burned alive. His hands were better than any fire she’d ever stood before.

  She didn’t know how long they kissed before she finally, pulled away. “I need to get back to the house. I need to get a little sleep before the babies start waking.”

  He nodded, dipping his head to kiss her one last time. “I’ll be here for tea tomorrow,” he reminded her as they walked back toward the house.

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “I can’t wait.”

  Once they reached the house, he kissed her softly one last time before opening the front door for her. “Tomorrow.”

  She smiled, practically floating up the stairs. Tomorrow she would see her love. She only hoped he was able to make his decision quickly.

  Chapter Six

  The night was long as Lily had said it would be. She would pace with one baby while Lily fed or paced with the other. She got a grand total of four hours of sleep before the sun came up. They put both babies down at the same time again at six, and Lily let out a tired groan. “Let’s get some sleep. They’ll sleep for a few hours now.”

  Constance looked at Lily. “We have got to get them on a night time sleep schedule!”

  Lily nodded. “This would have been fine in London when the parties last until all hours, but we’re in the country. I barely see my husband right now.” She walked toward the door. “Sleep. I’ve got Bernice watching for them. She’ll let us know if one of us is needed.”

  Constance nodded, going to her own room. “I’ll see you soon then.” She was more tired than she ever remembered being. Of course, she’d worked all day and then worked all night as well, so it made sense she was tired. She climbed into her bed, and her last thought was of Charles smiling at her. She hoped he made the right choice for them both.

  Tea that afternoon was lovely. Charles and Kit were both there, but Charles made no move to see Constance alone. When he first arrived, his face was hidden behind a dozen roses which he handed to Constance. Her face showed her pleasure. He was the only man who had ever brought her flowers.

  “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

  “Just like you.” He sat beside her on the sofa, not touching her, but giving her looks that told her he wished they could be alone together. After tea, he asked, “What is your day off going to be?”

  Constance looked at him for a moment. “We haven’t discussed that yet. We’ve been too busy with babies.” She looked at Lily.

  “What day did you have off when you worked at the seamstress?” Lily asked.

  “Just Sundays. We had a six day work week.” She would be happy to work that again if that’s what Lily needed from her.

  Lily seemed to think about it. “How about we give you Wednesday afternoons as well. That will make it so you have time to rest up from the endless hours of sleeplessness.”

  Constance smiled. “Will you be able to cope?”

  Lily nodded. “Oh yes, I’m going to take an afternoon off as well. I’ll feed both girls and then go do whatever I want.” She considered for a moment. “I believe I’ll take Mondays. I’ll need it after you have a full day off on Sundays.”

  Constance smiled. “Yes, you probably will.”

  “We did really well working together last night, though. I’m glad you’ve joined me here.”

  “I am too.” She turned to Charles. “I have Sundays and Wednesday afternoons.”

  He thought for a moment. “Could I steal you after church on Sunday? Just for a few hours?”

  Lily frowned. “Where do you plan to take her, Charles?”

  “Just for a drive. I want to talk to her without screaming babies interrupting.”

  Constance stifled a laugh at Lily’s glare. “Those screaming babies happen to be your nieces.”

  “And they’re beautiful girls.” He stood up. “Today’s Friday, so I’ll be by for you on Sunday. I’ll bring a picnic, so don’t eat.”

  Constance nodded. “I’ll be ready for you.”

  After he was gone, Kit left to go to his study, and Constance was left alone with Lily. Constance was surprised by just how many hours the babies slept during the day when they were up all night every night. “Thank you for giving me time with him.”

  Lily nodded. “Just be careful. I love my brother, but I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Constance was surprised. “Why would I be hurt?”

  “He’s working through his feelings about marrying you. I can see it. Father pounded into his head that he couldn’t’ marry anyone who was not the daughter of a titled gentleman. Father was…interesting, and hard on all of us in different ways.”

  “I see. I think he’s softening.”

  Lily nodded. “I could see that. He’s starting to court you.”

  “I like it.”

  “Of course you do!” Lily stood and stretched. “I’m tired. I’m going to get another quick nap while the babies are sleeping. I know it’s silly, because it seems like I’ve slept all day, but I’m still so tired.”

  “You just had two babies! Of course, you’re tired. Frankly, I am too. I’ll open the door between my room and the nursery, and I’ll nap as well. I don’t think we’re going to get much but sleeping done until the girls are a little older.” Constance stood and the two women walked toward the stairs together.

  “I want to thank you again for dropping everything and coming to work for me. I needed you.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I always knew that I wanted to either be a nurse or a governess. I’ll get to do both here, and I love that idea.”

  “If you had your preference, which would you choose?”

  “Oh, governess most definitely. I love walking and exploring. I could combine my favorite thing with my work. It would be glorious.” Constance went into her bedroom and stood in the doorway. “I’ll listen for the babies and get you if I need to. Go to sleep.”

  Lily nodded, her eyes drooping. Constance was pleased to note that she did look better than she had the previous evening. Having help agreed with her.


  By Sunday afternoon, Constance was nervous about her drive with Charles. He’d sent small gifts to her every day that week. One day, it was chocolates. The next he’d sent flowers. She loved that he sent small things, but reminded her he was thinking about her every day.

  She dressed in the dress she’d just had made before leaving her job in the village and carefully fixed her hair. When she was ready, she waited in the downstairs parlor with her hands folded on her lap to keep her from twisting her skirt.

  Lily came in and found her there, sitting beside her. “You look nervous.”

  Constance nodded. “I am. I’m not sure what he wants to talk to me about. Is he going t
o tell me that he just can’t see marrying me, or is he going to say that he’s decided we should marry? I just have no idea, so I’m sitting here trying to calm my thoughts.”

  Lily smiled squeezing her hand. “He’ll do the right thing. He’s a good man, Constance. I don’t say that lightly.” She frowned thinking back. “When my father first died, I wanted to go to the Continent myself and find Kit and drag him back here to marry me. I knew my father had lied to both of us. Charles made me agree to try to find a husband in London, but I got to say no. I said no to them all.”

  “Really? He let you make the decision?”

  Lily nodded. “My father would have forced me to marry the first man with a title. Charles is a good man. I’m worried that with as hard as Father was on him, though, that he’ll have a hard time realizing it’s all right to marry someone Father wouldn’t have approved of.”

  Constance looked down at her hands. “I hate the idea that your father wouldn’t have approved of me. What about your mother?”

  Lily shrugged. “She died when I was born. I thought for years that I’d killed her. Everyone says that I’m just like her, so I know that she’d have chosen my life over her own. I’d certainly have chosen Mabel and Millicent over my own life.”

  “Do you think she’d have approved of me?”

  “I think she’d have approved of any woman who would make Charles happy. You will make Charles very happy.”

  Constance let out a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure she could have said ‘yes’ without knowing at least one of his parents would have approved of her. “Thank you for being so supportive of my relationship with your brother. Most women would frown on their children’s nurse marrying their brother.”

  “I’ve never been like most women.” Lily looked up at a cleared throat.

  “Lord Charles is here for Miss Constance.” The butler seemed to disapprove, but Constance didn’t need his opinion. She was happy with Lily’s.

  “Thank you.” Constance got to her feet and walked toward the front door, pleased that he’d arrived on time. She forced herself to walk slowly and remain calm. Her whole life was hanging in the balance, and it was hard for her.


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