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Page 2

by Jan Stryvant

  “Umm, okay.” She said, but she was still acting a little antsy.

  “Now what?” Sean sighed and looked at her.

  “Well ummm.”

  Sean dragged her over to a table and sat down waiting as she did the same.

  “So, either tell me what you want to tell me, or go get me a drink and relax already.” He said leaning back in his chair. Whatever her issue was he’d either find out or not. Wasn’t like there weren’t a lot of other fish in this pond tonight.

  She nodded and ran off to get him a drink, coming back a few minutes later with a nice stiff one for him, and a joint in her hand as well as a drink for herself.

  Sean took a few sips, the drink tasted fine; his sense of taste was good enough that he could tell it was pretty decent booze actually. Looking around he noticed a few of the guys on the edges of things were watching him a bit too closely.

  “So, what’s with all those guys on the edges watching me?” He asked Jean.

  “Ummm, well...” she said looking at the floor again.

  Sean laughed. “Jean, I don’t kill women or children.”

  “They’re new guys in town, like you. They’re sizing you up; sooner or later one of them is going to challenge you or one of the other ones.”

  Sean 'hmm’ed' at that. “Interesting. What kind of a fight?”

  “The nasty kind.” she said softly with a slight smile.

  Sean watched as one of the guys hanging around the edges of things went and approached another one. “Well looks like we’re going to get a nice example,” he said and nodded towards the two men. Sure enough it didn’t take very long and the space around them cleared quickly and they started to fight.

  “Are there any rules?” He asked Jean.

  “Don’t kill any bystanders. Scorecard might kill you for that.”

  “He’s a super isn’t he?”

  Jean nodded and Sean saw she was riveted on the fight.

  “You want to see someone get killed, don’t you?” he asked her.

  She blushed but didn’t say anything.

  “Me or someone else?” Sean asked while watching the fight. It was now obvious both of the fighters had powers. One was obviously super strong, the other seemed to be able to make his hands burn and shoot flame from his fingers. Sean watched as the crowd moved even further back. He also heard Scorecard’s people taking bets on the fight as it progressed; which of course made sense given his name.

  Jean gasped then as the guy with the strength suddenly put his arm through the chest of the guy with the fire after they'd been fighting for several minutes. Sean was impressed. That took quite a bit of strength to do. Of course the other guy got off a last shot and burned the guy with the strength rather well, he’d have some good scars after this one. But of course that was better than the other guy who fell to the floor dead in a rather copious pool of blood.

  “Rather bloody that one,” Sean noted. He also noticed Jean was rather excited by it, though strangely silent as she squirmed in her chair. He was starting to get a bad feeling about things when he noticed her attention was on something. Turning slightly to see what she was looking at he saw a guy walking towards their table. He carefully moved his foot up the leg of the table so he could spring off quickly if he had to.

  “Hey, Babe, bought me another one I see.” The guy said to Jean and bent over to kiss her. Sean noticed she returned it rather lustily; apparently he had been set up.

  “Hey, Tony,” Jean said back to the new guy. “This is Shadow, he’s new in town.”

  “And not likely to get very old now, is he?” The guy laughed and turned to look at Sean.

  “Friend of yours?” Sean asked nonchalantly. He’d fought tough characters, even ones with powers, before. He saw no reason to panic now.

  “Yeah, I’m her fucking boyfriend,” the guy said laughing, “She brings me noobs to kill like you. Better stand up, dickwad.”

  Sean "Huh'ed" at that, keeping his foot braced, this was going to start quickly he suspected. “Boyfriend? Then why was she screaming my name and not yours all last night?”

  “My gal’s a bit kinky, she gets off on giving the condemned man one last night of pleasure before I kill them.”

  Sean "Huh'ed" again, “So, did she fuck you this morning?”

  “Not till after.”

  “Well I’d hate to ruin her tradition, so why don’t you run off and have a quickie; I’ll wait here until you’re done.”

  Sean noticed a lot of folks were paying close attention to them at this point. He could hear a few snickers and comments, from what he was hearing this had happened with these two quite a few times before.

  “Think you’re a wiseass, don’t you?”

  Sean noticed he was starting to get upset, that was good, mad people never fought as well. He turned to Jean who was watching with a hungry look on her face.

  “So tell me,” he said to her, “is he really that bad of a fuck that you have to see someone die before you’ll let him do you?”

  People laughed out loud at that, Sean was getting the impression this guy wasn’t very well liked as the guy screeched in anger and attacked.

  Sean had been waiting for that of course and pushed off the table hard, tipping his chair over backwards and tucking and rolling away as the guy took a swing at where his head had been a moment before. The guy was fast and as Sean rolled back and sprung to his feet he was on him instantly. Sean was able to block and dodge his blows, but just barely, and only because he telegraphed everything he did. He wasn’t a very good fighter, but he had super speed and was fairly adept at using it.

  However, Sean was also faster than a normal human being, and he also had his training and years of experience to help him, so he traded blows and just sucked it up feeling the guy out. He pulled his punches at first, wanting the other guy to get over confident. The whole time the other guy was talking, taunting him and calling him names. Sean didn’t care, he just focused on the fight and waiting for the right moment as he figured out his next move.

  The guy paused a moment to draw a knife, and when he did that Sean struck, grabbing each of his arms and head-butting him hard. The guy was strong, but not nearly as strong as Sean was and the head-butt stunned him.

  Sean bit the guy’s shoulder then, driving his fangs in deep and feeling the bone underneath snap between his jaws. The guy screamed in pain and Sean released the hand on that side and grabbed his throat, letting his claws slide out as he dug them into the guy’s neck.

  “I wonder how many times she’ll come on my cock tonight?” Sean whispered in his ear, “She told me you were a lousy fuck and what she’d let me do to her, as long as I made sure you were dead.” Sean smiled at the guy as he finished telling the lie and ripped his throat out. He got a certain amount of pleasure out of look of betrayal on the guy’s face as he fell to the floor and died.

  “Tony!” Jean screamed and ran over and reached for her boyfriend.

  Sean grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, “Come on, let’s celebrate.” He growled.

  “You monster! You killed him! Let me go! I’d sooner die than fuck you!”

  Sean smiled evilly, still growling. “If that’s what you really want, I can do that, after I’ve had my way with you of course.” And he dragged her off to one of the dark corners of the warehouse to the cheers of the rest of the people at the party. Yes, she and her now dead boyfriend definitely were not very popular at all.

  Sean pushed her up against the wall, pressing his body into hers as she struggled against him. He had both of her hands pinned above her head with his left hand as he ran a finger down her side.

  "You want it, don't you?" he asked, growling down at her.

  "No! Get away from me!" she yelled, but he could smell her excitement and she wasn't struggling as hard as she had been a moment ago.

  "Looks like you bet on the wrong man, doesn't it?" he laughed and grabbing the neck of her new outfit, he ripped it from her body, leaving her standing there in h
er panties, stockings, and heels.

  She shuddered and looked up at him. He could see it in her eyes. She wanted him to take her, rape her.

  She was one seriously screwed up woman. He wondered if Tony had been her first boyfriend to do this, or if he was just another loser in a long string of losers?

  "Lucky for you I don't kill or rape women," Shadow growled. "So I'll just take the dress I bought you back, and go!"

  Letting go of her wrists he stepped back and quickly turned away, heading for the door.

  "You bastard!" She screamed, as everyone in the place started to laugh. "You rotten furry bastard!"

  Shadow just shook his head and using the remains of her dress he wiped the blood off of his own ruined shirt.

  “Hey Shadow,” Sean looked up at the guy by the door as he left, it was Vito. “Nice job, you really showed that cunt and her asshole boyfriend. Everyone was waiting for someone to put them in their places.”

  “I got the impression that those kinds of fights were condoned here?”

  “Tolerated, not exactly condoned. Gotta do something to weed out the pretenders. The only rule is one challenge a night. He’d show up to take on who ever his gal was with before anyone else could take him on. She’d pick out what she thought were inexperienced noobs and then tire them out the night before with sex and drugs.”

  Sean was glad he had napped in his healing form and regenerated before coming out tonight. She had gotten him pretty wasted.

  “Anyways, catch.”

  Sean caught the wad Vito tossed him.

  “What’s this?”

  “Winner gets what the loser had; he had that in his pocket. The Boss likes you, and hell, I like what you did too. Hardcore, shows style. So I figured I’d see that you got it. Have a good night.”

  Sean nodded slowly. It was all fucked up as hell, but it made a certain amount of sense. He looked at the wad, there had to be at least fifty grand there easily.

  “Hey, Vito, where’s the best whorehouse in town?”

  “There are a hundred gals in there that would fuck you for free after that fight, whadda ya’ want a whorehouse for?”

  Sean smiled, and held up the wad, “As long as he’s paying, think I’d rather hire a couple of pro’s on his dime!”

  Vito laughed and told him an address, “Liz runs the best place in town, and her gals are into sex and are good at it. Have fun!”

  Sean nodded and going outside and flagging down a cab he planned to do just that.

  Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

  “What can I do for you?” The woman behind the counter said looking him slowly up and down.

  “Are you Liz?” Sean said slowly looking her up and down as well. She was probably the sexiest woman he’d ever seen in his life. Definitely one of the loveliest, but she had a certain style and manner and look that just screamed 'SEX'.

  “Yes, and this is my place, now what do you want?”

  Sean smiled and set the wad down in front of her. “Lessons. I want you to teach me how to be so good at sex that you’d do me for free.”

  Liz laughed and looked into his eyes. “What makes you think I'd do anyone for free?”

  “Doubting your teaching abilities?” Sean purred and leaned forward until his nose was inches from hers. She even smelled sexy.

  “Oh, a sweet talker, hmmm?” She picked up the wad and looked at it. “Do you want these lessons in installments or all at once?”

  “I’m a good student, let’s go for nonstop.”

  “Big words, sure you’ll hold up?”

  “Of course, I’m a leopard.”

  “I’d noticed. But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Read up on the sex life of big cats, we fuck for days without sleep.”

  “Yeah, but isn’t all of that fifteen minutes at a time or less?” she smirked.

  “Why do you think I want lessons?” He laughed.

  “Touché! Joyce, come here.”

  Another rather fetching beauty came over to them.

  “Take Mister....”


  “Mister Shadow here upstairs. Clean him up and teach him everything you know about sex. Take your time, he’s going to be here a while.”

  Sean looked at Liz, “What, aren’t you going to teach me?”

  Liz laughed, a truly delightful sound, “I’m the advanced instructor, first you need to get by the beginner’s and intermediate instructors. Now, go.” And she shooed him off.

  Sean let himself be led off by Joyce.

  Seven and a half days later Sean had to admit that Joyce was a rather good instructor. So was Jill, Melissa, Mary, Helen, and Yvette. About every four hours they’d switch, and he’d get to show them what he had learned. The girls really were into him and the sex, they actually thought it was pretty cool that he wanted to learn everything he could to please a woman in bed, and they made sure he pleased them, a lot. He got maybe two or three hours of sleep a day and spent that in his healing form to recoup as much as possible, and ate a lot of food. Some of the gals had some rather interesting powers, which made sense when you thought about what they did for a living. He let them use some of them on him, as it definitely made the learning a lot more interesting and fun for all of them.

  So he wasn’t surprised when he fell into another one of his coma like states, he’d been through this three times now, he had enough built up to make another form, and so he did, he built a form just for sex. He used the effects the girls had used on him, along with what he’d learned about the process at that point to make a few minor physical changes in his new form. When he was done he was tired, panting, and Joyce and Janet were looking at him concerned.

  “What just happened to you?”

  “Oh, sorry, got a little overheated.” Sean lied, smiling, “give me a couple of hours to rest and I’ll be as good as new.”

  “Well your money has pretty much run out, so I think that’s about all you’ll be doing here now,” Joyce chuckled.

  “I thought I got a final exam with Liz?”

  “Only if you’re willing to pay for it.”

  “Hmm, maybe I’ll make her a wager,” Sean said pondering.

  “Oh? What kind?”

  “Ask me after I’ve had a few hours to catch up on some sleep,” he said and yawned stretching out as he quickly fell asleep.

  “So, I’m ready for the advanced class,” Sean said to Liz smiling. He’d actually slept for ten hours. He’d been a lot more tired than he’d realized, but then after eight days of almost no sleep, he wasn’t surprised.

  “I’ve heard you’re a very apt student; however I don’t think you’re ready for me yet. Besides, your money ran out last night.”

  Sean purred, “How about a little wager?”

  “Oh? What kind of wager?”

  “Simple, I put up ten grand. If I satisfy you, I keep the money.”

  Liz smiled, “and who decides if I’m satisfied?”

  Sean grinned, “You do.”

  “Awfully trusting, aren’t you?” Liz said running a finger down Shadow’s chest. She did find the fur to be incredibly sexy. At first she wasn’t sure she’d let this guy bed her, but her girls had told her he was a pretty good lover to start with and was shaping up to be a much better one. He was obviously sex starved and extremely eager. He was also strong and nicely built. “I could just lie and keep your money.”

  “I’m willing to take that chance.” Sean purred again, Liz liked the way that felt against her hand, she had to wonder what it would feel like against other parts of her body.

  “You, Sir, have a bet.”

  Sean reached into his pocket and pulled out his own wad of cash. He had a decent amount left still of his own money, and as he couldn’t very well use a credit card he was forced to carry most of his stash on him. He peeled off ten grand and set it down on the table. “I want at least a few hours to try to not lose this,” he said smiling.

  “Only if you’re good enough, Shadow,” Sh
e laughed and led him to her bedroom.

  Liz laid back and sighed, he was pretty good, but not good enough, not yet. She was a demanding lover, very demanding, after almost a decade of having sex for money it took a lot to make it happen for her. Not orgasms, oh she had those easy enough, and he'd given her a lot of those. But not a really enjoyable big one.

  “It was nice,” she said reaching up and rubbing his ears, he had just cum for the fifth time, and was still mounted on top of her. He really did have a fantastic body, and was a lot better equipped than her girls had led her to believe.

  “But it wasn’t good enough,” Sean said nuzzling her. For him it had really been fantastic. She was a sexual goddess, and for all that he thought he knew everything at this point, she had still taught him a lot more.

  “Not yet.” She smiled at him, “but I think you have potential.”

  Sean laughed, “Oh, I see...” He purred causing his entire body to vibrate, including his semi-stiff cock, which was still inside her and Liz clamped down on him. She really liked when he did that. “How about double or nothing?”

  She laughed and ruffled his ears again. “Come back Tuesday, it’s almost Friday and it's going to be a busy night this week.”

  Sean pouted, “Awww.”

  She tweaked his nose, “I honestly don’t know why you’re trying to do this.”

  “Simple, I like to be good at whatever I do. I figure if I can please you, I’m good.” He grinned and kissed her before she could stop him, “besides, I like you; you’re actually taking my goal seriously.”

  Liz scowled at him for the kiss, then looked a little surprised, “You just paid me a hell of a lot of money, why wouldn’t I?”

  “I suspect all of your customers pay you a lot of money.”

  “Well, business was slow.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure.”

  She shrugged. “Okay, I’ve never fucked a cat before. You’re strangely attractive, and my girls say you’re kind of sweet.”

  Sean grinned. “See you Tuesday then I guess,” and he slowly untangled himself from her and reclaimed his clothing.

  “I’ll be looking forward to it,” Liz smiled.


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