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Page 28

by Jan Stryvant

  Her expression changed, “You think so?”

  “Yeah, not sure what, but that’s the real reason I’m watching her.”

  Shirley nodded. “I guess I’ll have to start keeping an eye on her myself then. You can put yours back in your head,” she teased.

  He just smiled back.

  Later he had taken her parents aside and told them that he was really human, he just had to keep it secret. They didn't understand really, but accepted him more after that. He didn't tell them that their daughter was sleeping with his cat-man form; he figured they didn't need to know.

  "So how soon can I expect grandchildren?" her mom had asked drawing a sharp rebuke from Shirley.

  "Mother! Really now!" she gasped.

  "Oh it's okay, Hon," Shadow had said to her and then turned to her parents, "As soon as I can talk her into it, I promise." He grinned ignoring her kick to his shins under the table. "I want at least four, hopefully more!" He chuckled and tried not to wince as she kicked him several more times.

  After that her parents thawed considerably more.

  "I can't believe you said that to them!" She said to him later as they headed home, sounding slightly outraged.

  "Hey, I'm a cat. I want cubs, what can I say?" He grinned and gave her ear a lick.

  "And don't I get a say?" she asked.

  "I said as soon as I could convince you dear, didn't I?"

  "Well yes you did. So you want kids huh?" She looked surprised.

  "Yup. I know you're probably not ready yet, and that's fine. But when you are, you don't have to worry about selling me on the idea." He purred.

  "I suspect you're going to be trying to sell me on it." She sighed.

  He nodded, "Eventually. But I promise to wait a while."

  "Uh-huh," she chuckled, "Remind me to keep my birth control devices away from you, wouldn't want to tempt you to tamper with them."

  "Awww," he smirked.

  "That reminds me. Are you fertile?" She looked across at him.

  He nodded, "Very."

  "Good, wouldn't want my kitty to be shooting blanks," she smirked and decided not to ask how he knew. She suddenly suspected that he had quite a few bastards floating around out there.

  "Just think, in another few days you'll be all mine," Shadow purred and smiled at her.

  "And you'll be mine too," Shirley laughed.

  "As if I wasn't already," Shadow admitted with a smirk.


  "Not at all, I just can't wait."

  "Usually it's the guys who have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the altar," Shirley giggled.

  "Yeah well, that's because they don't have you," Shadow purred.

  "Aww," Shirley said smiling and leaned against him as he drove them home.

  The Circe Situation

  Shirley moaned loudly as Sean took her, they'd been making love for hours now, and been getting more and more athletic over time. He had her bent back almost in half, her thighs pushing back hard against her chest as she shivered and moaned even louder beneath him as he continued his heavy assault against her body. She had her ankles locked behind his neck, her fingernails were digging into his furry butt, they’d been going at it rather hot and heavy, and he’d finally flipped her onto her back, bending her in half and just shagging her like an animal.

  Through her glazed eyes she could see his face, feral, fangs exposed as his lips pulled back, ears flat to his skull now. She could feel the nubs along his shaft inflating, pulling at her insides, driving her crazy, she’d lost track of how many times she’d orgasmed and this one looked liked it’d be the big one, the way he was driving into her now she knew he wouldn’t be much longer either.

  “Yes Sean, Yes! Take me honey, take meeeeee!” she screamed as she finally tripped over the edge one last time, clamping down tight on him, as with a loud yowling roar he drove in hard and pinned her to the bed.

  She screamed in delight as she felt him come into her, joining her as she peaked. He always shot a hotter and more copious load than a normal man and it turned her on even more, drove home the point that the growling snarling male above her was as much beast as man. She held him tight against her and he held her close as well, until both of their orgasms were spent and they lay there, panting, in tight embrace.

  “Somebody needed that,” she teased him, using her ankles to pull his face down to hers. She knew he was constantly amazed by how she could do that.

  “You seemed to enjoy it too,” he purred kissing her.

  “Oh definitely,” she giggled, “I like my big sexy panther!” and she gave his ears a rub causing him to purr again, and twitch inside her, which of course made her twitch as well.

  “Ohhh, baby,” he shivered and kissed her again.

  “Oh, lover,” she moaned and nuzzled him back.

  Eventually she unwrapped her legs and he rolled onto his side pulling her with him, so they could snuggle up and fall asleep. They’d been married several months now, the wedding having been a small and very private affair, and still their ardor showed no signs of slowing. At times it seemed they were even more drawn to make love to each other. She wasn’t complaining, and neither was he. But it was unexpected by both of them. She snuggled in closer and fell asleep.

  Shadow woke up a few hours later, and carefully disengaged himself from his mate, being careful to do it without waking her up. His sleep schedule was different than hers, being more of a nocturnal bent. So he quietly stole out of the room, got a drink, and cleaned himself up, then returned to the room crawling up behind her and spooning against her. He smiled as she snuggled back against him in her sleep. He could have gone out and taken care of business. Sometimes he did, making sure to get back before she woke up. Sometimes he went into the study and took care of the more mundane aspects of his life, and his legitimate business dealings.

  But tonight he was just going to lie in bed and snuggle, maybe catch a few naps in the process. Sometimes he just preferred to be with his mate, even if she was asleep. Part of it was his animal side, she was his mate and that side of him wanted her close at times. Part of it was just his affection and love for her, he enjoyed this quiet time with her and often wondered what she would think if she knew he often spent hours just holding her and looking at her while she slept. He thought it funny that she sometimes worried about his animal side; his animal side knew what she was, and would never hurt her. Some cats were extremely attached to their mates and devoted. Such was his feline side; her spell had really little effect on him. The effects it had on her however he enjoyed quite often, so he was more than happy to allow it to persist.

  He wondered if she’d leave the spell on when she finally figured that one out. He’d miss the feedback from her the spell gave him at times, but he knew she loved him, so he didn’t have to worry about anything else changing.

  His life in the underground of course had changed quite a bit now. Everyone either knew or was starting to suspect that he was 'putting it to The Angel,' and there was a mixture of suspicion and envy. A few even thought it cool that he was putting one over on the ‘good guys’ believing it all to be a ploy. Nance hadn't cared in the slightest, while her business dealings were often shady, most of them were legit now, and she knew she could trust Shadow to keep his mouth shut.

  Liz had so much dirt on so many politicians, that even with the brothel being illegal she really didn't have all that much to worry about. It really wasn't the kind of things supers got involved with. As for the things she did which might get her in trouble, her dealing in information, well she knew that he really would warn her first, if she started to do things that were starting to draw too much heat.

  But Circe, she was a very different story. She was powerful, very powerful, and she was bad, sometimes evil, but her rules were clear-cut and known to all. Shadow had seen her do some pretty bad stuff; he’d even been a party to some of it, though not exactly willing. She had a lot of respect and a lot of fear, and their own relationship was just complet
ely dysfunctional. Their feelings for each other were very strong, given what they were, but they varied heavily. Sometimes they bordered on love, and sometimes they bordered on hate. But she had power over animals, and he was one. Or partially one.

  So she couldn’t hurt or resist him without damaging her own powers, on the other hand, he was in the same position. They could pull at each other, and they often did, but neither owned the other. So he often found himself drawn to her side when she was in trouble or in need. As the most intelligent animal in her life, he knew he fulfilled a need in her that the others couldn’t.

  So he helped her when she needed it, and when it didn’t violate his ethics. In return she restrained herself from her more violent impulses. As Faustian bargains went he thought he’d gotten a pretty good deal. Yeah, maybe if she was killed then he wouldn’t need to restrain her anymore, but she spoke strongly to the animal in him and for all that she drove him crazy at times, he really did care for her a great deal. So he couldn’t let her get killed unless she was doing something that clearly flew in the face of his being. He’d made sure she knew that too.

  That was probably what had led to the largest amount of his reputation. Everyone in the underground ‘knew’ he ran with Circe, and Circe was some serious shit. Circe didn’t tolerate second stringers in her employ either; if you didn’t deliver you didn’t last. But the Shadow had been with her for a good long time, and they’d even been seen to fight in public. Therefore the Shadow had to be some serious shit as well. And all of this brought him around to just what had happened yesterday.

  “Well, as I live and breath, if it isn’t the Shadow, where have you been kitty? Had enough of your new bitch?” Circe said as he padded into the room.

  Shadow growled, letting his fur rise. He’d put off this meeting as long as he could, he’d not avoided her this long ever before, because he knew there’d be fireworks. “Don’t push it Circe,” his voice in his full cat form was rough to start with, anger didn’t help it sound any better.

  “I’m not the one who ran off with miss goody two-shoes cutesy winged angel bitch,” she snarled. “Defecting to the other side on me! How dare you betray me like that! And then the nerve of you to even show your face around here again!”

  Shadow snarled back at her, “You called, I came. You don’t control me Circe, and I was never exactly on your side to start with!”

  “I’ve heard how you are living with her, hanging out with those feds! You can’t lie to me about this!”

  “She’s my mate now Circe, you better learn to accept that, ‘cause it isn’t going to change.” Shadow started pacing back and forth in front of her, his tail lashing behind him as he kept her fixed in his sight. The others had cleared out of the room as soon as this conversation had started, even the animals.

  “Hah! You with a mate? I hear you’re still fucking around town, but you haven’t graced my room I’ve seen.”

  “Oh so is this what it’s all about? Haven’t had enough panther cock lately?”

  Circe turned livid and screamed making fists at her side, “I don’t need you or your dick, you furry bastard! You’ve betrayed me!”

  “I haven’t betrayed anyone!” he hissed, claws ripping at the floor as he paced. She could always set him off, and he could feel his blood boil. “I come here for my own reasons; I leave for my own reasons. I help you because you often leave me little choice!”

  “Oh I’ll give you a choice you bastard, I’ll send you back to your feathered bitch in a box!” and she let go at him with a bolt of pure energy, scorching the walls and floor where he had been standing.

  Had been. He’d been with her long enough to know what she had planned and dodged as she pointed, springing towards a wall, angling up to hit the ceiling then down on the floor with a very heavy and loud *thump* in front of her. Jumping up inside her arms he grabbed her neck in his jaws with a loud growl and pushed her back down onto the floor. Using his claws he shredded her clothes until she lay naked beneath him. She’d pissed him off something fierce, she’d used him all these years, and now he was gonna use her. She grabbed at his face, his ears his neck, trying to pull him off as he held her in his jaws. He growled louder and squeezed a warning as she started to hit his face.

  She didn’t realize he had settled between her legs or what he was up to until suddenly he made his move making her scream in outrage. She was tight, and she was dry and he didn’t give a damn. He fucked her hard, and he fucked her fast, his bestial form taking her as he pounded her hard into the floor. He growled louder and louder until she finally submitted to him and grabbed him tight. He wasn’t much longer after that and with a roar of triumph he let go of her neck and finished inside her.

  “If you ever try and do that again, I’ll rip your throat out!” he snarled in her ear. “Now you’re my bitch for the rest of the night and I’m not leaving until you’re sore!”

  She whimpered in fear and lust beneath him. Her attack had left her temporarily powerless against him, and he planned to make her pay.

  “I’m, I’m sorry,” she sniffed, almost crying.

  “Bullshit. Don’t lie to me, Circe!” he snarled again.

  “Okay ... I’m not sorry,” She said, still a little shaky, “But why didn’t you kill me?”

  “Our agreement still holds. Though you’re in serious danger of breaking it right now” he said rotating his hips against her. “But you’re going to be my slave tonight and satisfy me, do what I want, follow my orders.”

  “So you’re, you’re not going away?” She brightened slightly, “but what about that bi...” She stopped as he growled, “err, your wife?”

  “I’ll be around less, and there are more things I won’t help you with. My obligations to her outweigh any to you.” He nuzzled her slightly and then purred: “however, I won’t let them kill you”.

  She blinked, “What?”

  “You heard me, now, on your hands and knees, I’m nowhere near finished with you.”

  She gasped as he pulled out and stood over her, grabbing her side and flipping her onto her stomach. “On your knees bitch” he growled. He was definitely enjoying this.

  “Y..yes” she gasped again, his rough manner and brutish behavior turning her on. She liked animals; she liked it even more when they acted like it. Shadow had always been dangerous, and often rough, but he'd never been this violent with her before. She rose to her knees, wiggling her ass up against his belly.

  “Someone wants something,” Shadow growled, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep sniff. “Somebody’s in heat! Aren’t they, Circe?” Shadow laughed.

  She whimpered, “You’ll still protect me?” and rubbed her ass back towards him.

  “I won’t let them kill you, more than that, no promises, Circe. You keep going the way you are, and we both know you’re gonna draw a lot of heat. I won’t keep you out of jail, but I won’t let anyone kill you.”

  She moaned and nodded, he took her then, hard fast strokes and for her further conversation became impossible as she gasped and moaned.

  Shadow nuzzled her as he took her and lowering his voice he whispered in her ear, "And I do love you, you silly bitch. After my mate you mean the most to me of anyone else in the world. If I didn't, you'd be dead, and I'd be gone."

  Circe arched and bucked under him, screaming in sudden ecstasy, no one had ever told her they'd loved her before and actually meant it. He hadn't abandoned her! That he'd gotten his mate, that goody two shoes winged bitch to let him come here, said more than anyone had ever said to her with words before.

  He loved her, he really did love her.

  Shadow purred from his mount on her back, he was going to have his way with Circe for a very long time today, and when he was done with her, he was definitely going to leave a little something of himself in her womb.

  # # # # #

  Shirley yawned and stretched opening her eyes she looked up at Shadow who was smiling down at her. “What’s on your mind, Hon?”

, just thinking about what I did to Circe,” he laughed. “I never did that to her before, she always had some power over me. Not anymore though.”

  “She really doesn’t like me, does she?” Shirley said shaking her head.

  “Oh no, but she knows if she does anything to you, I’ll kill her. On the other hand I’ll stop you guys from killing her, or anyone else who tries to as well.”

  “She still has a hold on you, doesn’t she?”

  He nodded, “A little. But you redefined it, and last night she redefined it again by her behavior.” He left out the bit about his having most probably knocked Circe up last night. He’d bring that up later. Along with a few other things, like how much he really cared for her.

  “She’s got a lot of power, and a lot of issues. Being part animal always gave her an edge. I’m glad she doesn’t have it anymore, I keep hoping she’ll tone down and mend her ways, but I’m not gonna take any chances for her any more.”

  “Good” Shirley smiled, “cause I’d hate to have to get on your case about it. I don’t mind you fucking her, but I don’t want you supporting her reign of terror.”

  “Well, yeah. I’m putting some space there. But I do owe her, Hon. She did a lot for me that I need to pay back. I won’t stop you guys from jailing her if the time comes, I may even help. But I’m not gonna let anyone kill her.”

  “With her rep, that’s going to be a tough job.”

  “I know, I know.” He sighed, “We'll just have to see, Love.”

  She smiled and kissed him, “I know. I trust you, Hon. Now scoot over here and show me that you mean it!” she laughed.

  He grabbed her and pulled her close.

  “Oh no,” she chided, “do me like you did her last night.”

  “I did her pretty rough,” he warned shifting into his full cat form.

  “That’s okay,” Shirley said huskily as he pinned her to the bed with a heavy paw, “Fuck me Shadow, fuck me hard and show me what kind of animal you really are.”

  Sean growled and let himself go; he took her just as hard as he had Circe. He wasn’t about to give his mate anything less.


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