Book Read Free

Dark Storm ('Dark' Carpathian Series)

Page 42

by Christine Feehan

  See Appendix 1 for Carpathian healing chants, including the Kepä Sarna Pus (The Lesser Healing Chant), the En Sarna Pus (The Great Healing Chant), the Odam-Sarna Kondak (Lullaby) and the Sarna Pusm O Maγ et (Song to Heal the Earth).


  This very much abridged Carpathian dictionary contains most of the Carpathian words used in these Dark books. Of course, a full Carpathian dictionary would be as large as the usual dictionary for an entire language (typically more than a hundred thousand words).

  Note: The Carpathian nouns and verbs below are word stems. They generally do not appear in their isolated, “stem” form, as below. Instead, they usually appear with suffixes (e.g., “andam”—“I give,” rather than just the root, “and”).

  a—verb negation (prefix); not (adverb).

  agba—to be seemly or proper.




  O ainaak jelä peje emnimet ama—Sun scorch that woman forever

  (Carpathian swear words).

  ainaakfél—old friend.

  ak—suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural.

  aka—to give heed; to hearken; to listen.

  akarat—mind; will.

  ál—to bless; to attach to.


  aldyn—under; underneath.

  al∂—to lift; to raise.

  alte—to bless; to curse.

  and—to give.

  and sielet, arwa-arvomet, és jelämet, kuulua huvémet ku feaj és ködet ainaak—to trade soul, honor and salvation, for momentary pleasure and endless damnation.

  andasz éntölem irgalomet!—have mercy!

  arvo—value; price (noun).

  arwa—praise (noun).

  arwa-arvo—honor (noun).

  arwa-arvod mäne me ködak—may your honor hold back the dark (greeting).

  arwa-arvo olen gæidnod, ekäm—honor guide you, my brother (greeting).

  arwa-arvo olen isäntä, ekäm—honor keep you, my brother (greeting).

  arwa-arvo pile sívadet—may honor light your heart (greeting).

  ašša—no (before a noun); not (with a verb that is not in the imperative); not (with an adjective).



  avaa—to open.


  avio päläfertiil—lifemate.

  avoi—uncover; show; reveal.

  bels—within; inside.

  bur—good; well.

  bur tule ekämet kuntamak—well met brother-kin (greeting).

  aδa—to flee; to run; to escape.

  oro—to flow; to run like rain.

  csecsemõ—baby (noun).

  csitri—little one (female).

  diutal—triumph; victory.

  ei—to fall.

  ek—suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural.


  ekäm—my brother.

  elä—to live.

  eläsz arwa-arvoval—may you live with honor (greeting).

  eläsz jeläbam ainaak—long may you live in the light (greeting).


  elävä ainak majaknak—land of the living.


  emä—mother (noun).

  Emä Maγe—Mother Nature.


  embε—if, when.

  embε karmasz—please.

  emni—wife; woman.

  emnim—my wife; my woman.

  emni hän ku köd alte—cursed woman.

  emni kuenak ku aššatotello—disobedient lunatic.


  en—great, many, big.

  én jutta félet és ekämet—I greet a friend and brother (greeting).

  én maγenak—I am of the earth.

  én oma maγeka—I am as old as time (literally: as old as the earth).

  En Puwe—The Great Tree. Related to the legends of Ygddrasil, the axis mundi, Mount Meru, heaven and hell, etc.

  engem—of me.


  ete—before; in front.


  fáz—to feel cold or chilly.

  fél—fellow, friend.

  fél ku kuuluaak sívam bels—beloved.

  fél ku vigyázak—dear one.


  fertiil—fertile one.


  fü—herbs; grass.

  gæidno—road, way.

  gond—care; worry; love (noun).

  hän—he; she; it.

  hän agba—it is so.

  hän ku—prefix: one who; that which.

  hän ku agba—truth.

  hän ku kawa o numamet—sky-owner.

  hän ku kuulua sívamet—keeper of my heart.

  hän ku lejkka wäke-sarnat—traitor.

  hän ku meke pirämet—defender.

  hän ku pesä—protector.

  hän ku piwtä—predator; hunter; tracker.

  hän ku vie elidet—vampire (literally: thief of life).

  hän ku vigyáz sielamet—keeper of my soul.

  hän ku vigyáz sívamet és sielamet—keeper of my heart and soul.

  hän ku saa ku3aket—star-reacher.

  hän ku tappa—killer; violent person (noun). deadly; violent (adj.).

  hän ku tuulmahl elidet—vampire (literally: life-stealer).

  Hän sívamak—Beloved.

  hany—clod; lump of earth.

  hisz—to believe; to trust.




  irgalom—compassion; pity; mercy.

  isä—father (noun).

  isäntä—master of the house.



  jama—to be sick, infected, wounded, or dying; to be near death.

  jelä—sunlight; day, sun; light.

  jelä keje terád—light sear you (Carpathian swear words).

  o jelä peje terád—sun scorch you (Carpathian swear words).

  o jelä peje emnimet—sun scorch the woman. (Carpathian swear words).

  o jelä peje terád, emni—sun scorch you, woman. (Carpathian swear words).

  o jelä peje kaik hänkanak—sun scorch them all. (Carpathian swear words).

  o jelä sielamak—light of my soul.

  joma—to be under way; to go.

  joe—to come; to return.

  joesz arwa-arvoval—return with honor (greeting).

  jrem—to forget; to lose one’s way; to make a mistake.

  juo—to drink.

  juosz és eläsz—drink and live (greeting).

  juosz és olen ainaak sielamet jutta—drink and become one with me (greeting).

  juta—to go; to wander.

  jüti—night; evening.

  jutta—connected; fixed (adj.). to connect; to fix; to bind (verb).

  k—suffix added after a noun ending in a vowel to make it plural.

  kaca—male lover.



  kaa—to call; to invite; to request; to beg.

  kak—windpipe; Adam’s apple; throat.


  kaδa—to abandon; to leave; to remain.

  kaδa wäkeva óv o köd—stand fast against the dark (greeting).

  kalma—corpse; death; grave.



  Karpatii ku köd—liar.

  käsi—hand (noun).

  kawa—to own.

  keje—to cook; to burn; to sear.

  kepä—lesser, small, easy, few.


  kessa ku toro—wildcat.

  kessake—little cat.

  kidü—to wake up; to arise (intransitive verb).

  kim—to cover an entire object with some sort of covering.

outdoors; outside; without.

  kinta—fog, mist, smoke.

  kislány—little girl.

  kislány kuenak—little lunatic.

  kislány kuenak minan—my little lunatic.

  köd—fog; mist; darkness; evil (noun); foggy, dark; evil (adj.).

  köd elävä és köd nime kutni nimet—evil lives and has a name.

  köd alte hän—darkness curse it (Carpathian swear words).

  o köd bels—darkness take it (Carpathian swear words).

  köd jutasz bels—shadow take you (Carpathian swear words).

  koje—man; husband; drone.

  kola—to die.

  kolasz arwa-arvoval—may you die with honor (greeting).

  koma—empty hand; bare hand; palm of the hand; hollow of the hand.

  kond—all of a family’s or clan’s children.


  kont o sívanak—strong heart (literally: heart of the warrior).

  ku—who; which; that.


  ku3ak!—stars! (exclamation).

  kuja—day, sun.

  kue—moon; month.

  kule—to hear.

  kuly—intestinal worm; tapeworm; demon who possesses and devours souls.

  kulke—to go or to travel (on land or water).

  kulkesz arwa-arvoval, ekäm—walk with honor, my brother (greeting).

  kulkesz arwaval—joesz arwa arvoval—go with glory—return with honor (greeting).

  kumpa—wave (noun).

  kua—to lie as if asleep; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek; to die.

  kunta—band, clan, tribe, family.


  kuras—sword; large knife.

  kure—bind; tie.

  kutni—to be able to bear, carry, endure, stand, or take.

  kutnisz ainaak—long may you endure (greeting).

  kuulua—to belong; to hold.


  lamti (or lamt3)—lowland; meadow; deep; depth.

  lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem—the netherworld (literally: the meadow of night, mists, and ghosts).


  lejkka—crack, fissure, split (noun). To cut; to hit; to strike forcefully (verb).

  lewl—spirit (noun).

  lewl ma—the other world (literally: spirit land). Lewl ma includes lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem: the netherworld, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe, the Great Tree.



  löyly—breath; steam (related to lewl: spirit).

  ma—land; forest.


  mana—to abuse; to curse; to ruin.

  mäne—to rescue; to save.

  maγe—land; earth; territory; place; nature.


  meke—deed; work (noun). To do; to make; to work (verb).


  mia emni kuenak minan—my beautiful lunatic.

  minan—mine; my own (endearment).

  minden—every, all (adj.).

  möért?—what for? (exclamation).

  molo—to crush; to break into bits.

  molanâ—to crumble; to fall apart.

  mozdul—to begin to move, to enter into movement.

  muonì—appoint; order; prescribe; command.

  muonìak te avoisz te—I command you to reveal yourself.




  nâbb—so, then.

  nautish—to enjoy.



  nó—like; in the same way as; as.

  numa—god; sky; top; upper part; highest (related to the English word: numinous).

  numatorkuld—thunder (literally: sky struggle).


  nyál—saliva; spit (related to nyelv: tongue).

  ama—this; this one here; that; that one there.

  i3—worm; maggot.

  odam—to dream; to sleep.

  odam-sarna kondak—lullaby (literally: sleep-song of children).

  olen—to be.

  oma—old; ancient; last; previous.


  omboe—other; second (adj.).

  o—the (used before a noun beginning with a consonant).

  ot—the (used before a noun beginning with a vowel).

  otti—to look; to see; to find.

  óv—to protect against.


  päämoro—aim; target.

  pajna—to press.

  pälä—half; side.

  päläfertiil—mate or wife.


  peje—to burn.

  peje terád—get burned (Carpathian swear words).

  pél—to be afraid; to be scared of.

  pesä (n.)—nest (literal); protection (figurative).

  pesä (v.)—nest (literal); protect (figurative).

  pesäd te engemal—you are safe with me.

  pesäsz jeläbam ainaak—long may you stay in the light (greeting).


  pile—to ignite; to light up.

  pirä—circle; ring (noun). to surround; to enclose (verb).


  pitä—to keep; to hold; to have; to possess.

  pitäam mustaakad sielpesäambam—I hold your memories safe in my soul.

  pitäsz baszú, piwtäsz igazáget—no vengeance, only justice.

  piwtä—to follow; to follow the track of game; to hunt; to prey upon.

  poår—bit; piece.


  pukta—to drive away; to persecute; to put to flight.

  pusm—to be restored to health.

  pus—healthy; healing.

  puwe—tree; wood.



  reka—ecstasy; trance.


  sa—sinew; tendon; cord.

  sa4—to call; to name.

  saa—arrive, come; become; get, receive.

  saasz hän ku andam szabadon—take what I freely offer.

  salama—lightning; lightning bolt.

  sarna—words; speech; magic incantation (noun). To chant; to sing; to celebrate (verb).

  sarna kontakawk—warriors’ chant.

  aro—frozen snow.

  sas—shoosh (to a child or baby).

  saγe—to arrive; to come; to reach.


  sieljelä isäntä—purity of soul triumphs.



  sív pide köd—love transcends evil.

  sívad olen wäkeva, hän ku piwtä—may your heart stay strong, hunter (greeting).

  sívamet—my heart.

  sívam és sielam—my heart and soul.

  sívdobbanás—heartbeat (literal); rhythm (figurative).

  sokta—to mix; to stir around.

  soe—to enter; to penetrate; to compensate; to replace.

  susu—home; birthplace (noun). At home (adv.).



  taka—behind; beyond.

  tappa—to dance; to stamp with the feet; to kill.


  Te kalma, te jama i3kval, te apitäsz arwa-arvo—You are nothing but a walking maggot-infected corpse, without honor.

  Te magköszunam nä ama ka3 taka arvo—Thank you for this gift beyond price.


  terád keje—get scorched (Carpathian swear words).

  tõd—to know.

  Tõdak pitäsz wäke bekimet mekesz kaiket—I know you have the courage to face anything.


  tõdhän lõ kuraset agbapäämoroam—knowledge flies the sword true to its aim.

  toja—to bend; to bow; to break.

  toro—to fight; to quarrel.

  torosz wäkeval—figh
t fiercely (greeting).




  tuhanos löylyak türelamak saγe diutalet—a thousand patient breaths bring victory.

  tule—to meet; to come.

  tumte—to feel; to touch; to touch upon.

  türe—full, satiated, accomplished.


  türelam agba kontsalamaval—patience is the warrior’s true weapon.

  tyvi—stem; base; trunk.


  uskolfertiil—allegiance; loyalty.




  veri ekäakank—blood of our brothers.

  veri isäakank—blood of our fathers.

  veri olen piros, ekäm—literally: blood be red, my brother; figuratively: find your lifemate (greeting).

  veriak ot en Karpatiiak—by the blood of the Prince (literally: by the blood of the great Carpathian; Carpathian swear words).

  veridet peje—may your blood burn (Carpathian swear words).

  vigyáz—to love; to care for; to take care of.

  vii—last; at last; finally.

  wäke—power; strength.

  wäke beki—strength; courage.

  wäke kaδa—steadfastness.

  wäke kutni—endurance.

  wäke-sarna—vow; curse; blessing (literally: power words).


  wara—bird; crow.

  wea—complete; whole.

  wete—water (noun).




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