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Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1

Page 17

by Cole, Samantha

  She drifted on her back along the surface of the water while he stood on the sandy floor and held her ankles so she wouldn't float away. "So, my little Ninja-girl, how'd you go from Beta-reader to writer?"

  "One day I was reading a manuscript from a new client. It was so bad I was ready to rip my hair out by chapter two. It amazes me how some people graduate high school and have no concept of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. I was on the phone bitching about it to Will and said an off-hand remark of how I could write a story better than some half-assed author-impersonator and he said, 'Well, why don't you.' And the rest, as they say, is history. With help from one of my clients, I self-published my first two books before I was contacted by my current editor and things took off for me from there."

  Tugging her feet, he pulled her further into deeper water, away from prying eyes. He wanted to touch her but there was a group of children playing in the shallow waters and he didn't want to contribute to the delinquency of minors. "So what did the dick-whacker think of your writing?"

  She giggled. "The whacker thought it was a stupid hobby and there was no way I was going to be the author of the next great American novel. What he didn't understand was I wasn't doing it to be great. I was doing it because I enjoyed it and if what I wrote brought enjoyment to my readers then I was happy. After we got engaged, he told me he didn't want his wife to work because he made enough to support us. I refused to give up my proofreading because I had connected with several of my authors and I loved helping others develop their stories. He didn't think I could make any money as an author myself and it kept me busy so my little hobby was okay with him."

  "Prick-meister. He said that because he was jealous of you. Instead of being proud of you and showing you off to anyone who would listen, he belittled you out of jealousy."

  "I never thought of it that way. I just thought...Oh, God, Devon, what are you doing?" She moaned as her eyes rolled back in her head.

  He smiled. While they'd been talking he'd pulled her toward him and her knees were now straddling his hips and his back was to the shoreline blocking her body from everyone's view. One hand was supporting her lower back as she floated while the fingers of his other hand were under the crotch of her bathing suit teasing her hard little clit.

  "I'm playing with my toy, little subbie. This belongs to me, remember? I can play with it whenever and wherever I like and right now, I like. Now be a good girl and stay nice and quiet. I don't think the parents of those kids by the shore want them to get an impromptu sex education lesson."

  Her long hair drifted around her head while he played with her, bringing her to the edge several times and easing off right before she flew over. She'd begged him and moaned as quietly as she could until he relented and gave her what she needed. He'd watched in amusement as she managed to keep her head above water and covered her mouth with both hands to keep her screams to a minimum as she bucked against his fingers. After she recovered and he managed to get his straining erection back under control, they'd headed back to the beach and basked in the sun for a few hours.

  It had been a wonderful day, but on their way to get something to eat, Devon received a call from an old teammate who informed him of the death of another former SEAL they'd served with several years earlier. Eric Prichard had been struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver while on his evening run, leaving behind his devastated wife and four children.

  Devon apologized for needing to cut their day short and dropped Kristen off at her apartment, promising her he'd call her later. He then met Ian at the office to clear their schedules for the next several days and run through their current cases and details, including King Rajeemh's, ensuring everything could be covered by their contractors for a few days. Boomer had been thrilled he was being yanked from his princess babysitting duties until he heard the reason why.

  Early Monday morning, the six former SEALs and their niece boarded a plane bound for Iowa to bury one of their own and assist his family with anything they needed. Devon's heart broke when he saw Jennifer with Prichard's kids. He knew the sorrow surrounding her must've brought back the nightmare events she lived through months earlier with startling clarity. But somehow, Jenn managed to tamp down her own grief and focused on helping out with the four little ones, all of whom were under twelve. Her parents would have been proud of the adult their daughter had become.

  The next two days were long and emotional. After Taps had been played at the grave site and the former SEALs pounded their trident pins into the wood of their colleague's coffin, they all gathered to celebrate the man's life with friends and family. Later that night, they coordinated with former teammates to ensure Dana Prichard would have all the support she needed to get through the next few months as a new widow and then headed back to Tampa. Everyone, except Ian who continued on to Miami for an early meeting the next morning, headed straight home, completely exhausted. It'd been after ten p.m. when he pulled into the compound after dropping Jenn at her dorm and it was too late to call Kristen. He hadn't wanted to disturb her since she, herself, had been busy the entire day at a 'Meet and Greet' luncheon followed by a book signing event for her fans.

  He'd been looking forward to seeing her later today but now thoughts of her were making him hard. This morning, he was the only one in the office besides Paula, and Ian wasn't due back until tonight from Miami where he was meeting with a new client. Devon made plans for dinner with Kristen over the phone right after he woke up this morning but right now he wanted to see her in the worst way. He was about to pick up his cell to call her when the thing lit up, displaying Ian's name. "What's up Boss-man?"

  "Hey Dev, I'm on my way back early. Larry Keon called. He wants to meet with the team about something. I didn't get the details yet because he called as he was boarding a flight from D.C. but he sounded worried about something. Carter's coming too."

  Devon sat up straighter with those last three words. T. Carter was black ops. Even though the team knew him for the past ten years or so, having worked with him in numerous situations around the world, they still didn't know which alphabet agency he belonged to. Hell, they didn't even know his first name. The man had contacts in the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon to name a few–and those were only the domestic agencies. He also had plenty of other contacts around the globe. Devon wasn't sure but he wouldn't be surprised if POTUS had Carter on the White House speed dial. If he was coming to them for a meeting in their office there was something to worry about. It was bad enough the FBI's Deputy Director, the number two man in the agency who was one of Trident's highest government contacts, was flying in rather than calling, but if Carter would be there, something serious had or was about to happen. "Shit, that isn't good. What do you need me to do?"

  "Call the team and tell them to get their asses in for a two o'clock rendezvous. Keon's landing ten minutes after me so I'll wait for him. Oh, and give Paula the rest of the day off. I don't want her anywhere near the place while we chat with our friends."

  "Got it. Anything else?"

  "No, that's it. I'm walking into the airport now. See you at two."

  Ten minutes later, Devon had alerted the team and sent Paula on her way after assuring her several times they could run the office without her for a few hours; they didn't need her to take notes at the meeting and she would still be paid for a full work day. He then took a moment to call Kristen and say hello. She picked up on the second ring. "Hello, Master Devon." He smiled because the woman practically purred.

  "Master Devon, hmmm? My pet sounds horny."

  She laughed. "I'm definitely horny. You spoiled me for three days then I go for three days without. Yup, I'm horny. Can you meet me for lunch? I can't wait 'til dinner."

  Devon's phone beeped with an incoming call and he reluctantly removed it from his ear and looked at the screen. Carter. "Pet, hang on a second for me, please. I have another call I have to answer." When she acknowledged him, he hit the button to switch the call. "Hey, my friend, I hear you're coming for a visi

t. Want to tell me what's going on?"

  "Not over the phone, Devil Dog. I'm about an hour out. How about meeting me for a bite to eat beforehand? It's been a long morning."

  The wheels in Devon's head began to spin and a thought came to him. Glancing at the clock, he saw he had plenty of time. "I got a better idea, if you're up for it. How does a subbie sandwich sound to you?"

  There was a pause and then Carter's deep voice rumbled over the phone. "It sounds tasty, my friend. Where should I meet you, the club?"

  "No, we'll be in my office waiting for you. Can you make it thirteen hundred sharp?"

  "Absolutely. See you in a few."

  After Carter disconnected the call, Devon switched back to Kristen. "Pet?"

  "I'm here," she responded.

  "Do you remember my librarian fantasy I told you about?"

  She giggled. "You want me to do it now, Sir?"

  "Uh-huh. I want you to put on a professional but sexy skirt, a white button down shirt, those stilettos of yours I love, and your glasses and drive to my office. The guard will buzz you past the second gate. Park at the first building, ring the doorbell and I'll let you in."

  "Whatever you say, Master Devon. Are you going to let me spank you for not returning your library books on time?"

  Devon laughed out loud as his dick hardened at her playfulness. "You'll pay for your sass, little girl. Now, I also want you to put your hair up and no underwear, Pet. No one else is here. You have exactly forty five minutes to ring the bell and if you're a minute late, you'll end up over my knee. Do you understand?" It would give him fifteen minutes before Carter arrived

  He could hear the excitement and arousal in her voice. "Yes, Sir."

  "Good, I'll see you then and not a minute later."

  Disconnecting the call, Devon sat back and smiled for a moment before getting up and heading to his apartment for supplies.

  * * *

  A short time later, Devon's phone alerted him to the gate being opened outside his office and he brought the compound's security camera images up on his computer to watch Kristen pull in next to the building. He glanced at the clock and saw she was two minutes early but as he watched the video feed, he wondered what she was doing–she hadn't gotten out of her Nissan Altima yet.

  He watched as she removed a strapless bra she'd apparently worn to prevent anyone else from seeing her dark nipples through her thin white blouse before she tucked the lacy garment into her purse. She then checked her makeup and hair in the mirror under the car visor but still made no effort to open the door and get out. He zoomed the camera in toward her face and saw her glance several times at the middle of the dashboard where the clock radio would be. Well, well, well...his sassy little girl didn't want to be early or on time even. It seemed she wanted to ensure she was a tad late, guaranteeing herself a punishment. He barked out a laugh at her antics. He'd created a subbie monster.

  When she finally got out of the car and said hello to Beau, who'd been waiting to greet her, Devon's breath caught and his cock lengthened. She was sexy as sin, his fantasy come true, in a snug, grey pencil skirt which landed a inch below her knees, the white blouse with the top few buttons almost obscenely undone and those kick-ass heels of hers. She'd followed his orders and her hair was twisted up in a tidy little bun. He watched as she put her reading glasses atop her pert little nose and walked toward the main entrance. Standing, he didn't wait for the bell to sound before heading out to greet her.

  The doorbell rang seconds before he opened the door to let her in. "You're late, Ms. Anders."

  "No later than your library books, Sir," she sassed as she walked past him into the reception area, apparently not too worried he was in Dom-mode.

  His mouth and hands twitched and he couldn't wait to get both on her. "Come with me, Ms. Anders, and we'll discuss the penalties in my office." He turned and walked away, knowing she would be right on his heels.

  After they entered his office, he shut the door but didn't lock it. Carter would need to get in. Kristen stood in the middle of the room and he walked around her slowly, looking her up and down, building her anticipation. He would've liked to have drawn out the suspense a little longer but he was on the clock to get her where he wanted before his friend showed up. Circling his desk, he sat down in the comfortable leather chair. "Come here, Ms. Anders. It's time for you to pay for your tardiness."

  He watched her eyes and nostrils flare before she made her way over to him in silence and stopped at his side. "Pull your skirt up to your waist and place yourself across my lap." Without argument, she did as he ordered, presenting her bare cheeks for her punishment. He shifted her on his legs so she was off-balance. With her feet in mid-air, she touched the floor with her fingertips to steady herself. The woman had the type of ass most men loved to bounce off of as they fucked their lovers from behind, enjoying the soft cushion of flesh. He rubbed his hand over her enticing globes as he spoke. "It'll be ten, my little librarian, and you'll count out loud and thank me after each one. Understand?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  He loved the breathy, nervous hitch in her voice. After squeezing her butt cheeks several times to get the blood flowing, he lifted his hand and smacked it back down.

  "Ow! One, Sir. Thank you."


  "Two, Sir. Thank you."

  He continued to the count of ten, increasing the intensity with each smack and then looked at the work of art he'd created. Her ass and upper thighs were bright red and he could make out several of his overlapping hand prints. He caressed her abused flesh before dipping his fingers between her legs to check her level of arousal. She was dripping. Perfect.

  He helped her stand before swiveling the chair so he was facing her. "Kneel, my little librarian. Take my cock out and stroke me."

  Without lowering her skirt, she dropped to her knees and greedily reached for his zipper, licking her lips as she did so. The gate alarm sounded on his phone and he glanced at the time, then at his computer where the security feeds were still up for him to see. Carter was only a few minutes early but he knew the man wouldn't come in until his appointed time. Devon's hips jolted as Kristen's hands made contact with his stiff cock and his eyes zipped back to her face. Her stare remained on his as she dragged her clenched fist up and down his shaft and he grabbed the opaque scarf he'd placed on his desk. Leaning forward he rendered her temporarily blind and secured the ends of the material behind her head. "Suck me, Pet. Slowly, and don't stop until I tell you to."

  Using her hand as a guide she lowered her mouth to his groin and his eyes rolled back in his head when her wet lips and tongue surrounded his thick flesh. Fuck! The woman hadn't been lying when she said she was a fast learner. She licked and sucked him like an expert instead of a woman giving her second blowjob ever. Three minutes of sexual torture later, the door to his office opened and the black ops warrior walked in. Kristen was so into what she was doing she didn't hear him enter and shut the door but she definitely heard him when he spoke. From where his friend stood, he couldn't see her or Devon's lap behind the desk. "What's up, Devil Dog?"

  Kristen froze as he'd expected her to and he grabbed the bun in her hair and growled. "I didn't tell you to stop, Pet." He felt her hesitation before her head began to bob again.

  Across the room, Carter's eyes widened and an amused grin spread across on his face as he took several steps toward the desk and peered over the top of it. "New secretary?"

  His friend was joking because he knew Devon would never get involved with an employee, even if it was a quick one-time fuck, which this wasn't. "Nope. This is my naughty librarian, who better start sucking harder before she earns another punishment. Her ass is already sore from her first one of the day."

  They both almost laughed out loud when she immediately increased her efforts.

  Carter walked around the side of the desk and got a view of Kristen's red backside. "Very nice." He raised his eyebrow at Devon in a silent question–what was he allowed to do?

bsp; For Kristen's benefit, he responded. "One of my pet's soft limits is a ménage. She was able to see Brody and Marco in action the other night with Shelby, and my little subbie's pussy was sopping wet by the time they were through. Pet, the voice you hear belongs to my good friend Carter, and I do believe he's happy to see your red ass and dripping pussy."

  The other man looked down at the blindfolded woman and in a deep commanding voice asked, "Is this what you want, sub? Me, a perfect stranger to you, who you won't be able to see, fucking your sweet pussy from behind while your Master cums down your throat? If it isn't, stop sucking his cock and say your safe-word. If you don't want this, I'll turn around and leave. It will be the only consequence of your safe-word and your Master will continue as if I'd never been here. If you don't want me to leave, you have to verbalize what will happen if I stay."

  Carter was an experienced Dom and in high demand with the subs at The Covenant whenever he was in town and had time to stop by. He always made sure a sub knew what she was getting herself into and there were two options available to her–continue down the road they were going without any detours or stop altogether with no penalties. The submissive held all the control in the scene.

  Devon held his breath as Kristen's head slowed and then she let go of him. He knew she'd taken a moment to digest the unknown man's words and evaluate her thoughts and feelings. "I understand, Sir, and I do not want to use my safe-word. Please fuck my pussy while I suck my Master's cock until he cums."

  Carter grinned at his friend. "How can I refuse such a polite and pretty sub?"

  Instinctively knowing he would keep her safe from harm, Kristen took Devon back into her mouth as he watched his friend kneel down behind her. Carter began to gently rub his hands over her ass cheeks, hips and thighs, letting her get used to his touch before going any further. After a brief moment when she tensed at the feeling of unfamiliar hands on her body, she began to relax and renew her enthusiasm in giving Devon his blowjob. As she lapped and slurped his shaft, her hand reached up to cup his balls causing him to moan. "Just like that, Pet. Don't stop...nice and easy while Carter gets you ready."


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